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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2019 in Posts

  1. UNIVERSITY LIFE (part 2) โ€“ My First Night It would be a lie to say that I had not been turned-on by events of the day, after seeing my roommate Sandra have a wee in the open college grounds. Having been caught having a leak of my own by one of the teachers had initially been a shock but it had been the same teacher who had suggested that the fun had yet to begin. The hours of my first day had flown by with a brief guide around the local buildings before attending a welcome meeting that had dragged on for way too long, my attention drifting elsewhere. Fo
    5 points
  2. "Melissa" Part 2. Reunion: The Second Time Around by Dr. P Three years after our breakup, her second marriage hadn't worked out, and "Melissa" contacted me. Actually, she had her daughter call me, to find out how I felt about her. I told her daughter that I missed her terribly and would love to see her again. Her daughter gave me her phone number and I called her immediately. We got back together after several pleasant dinner dates, and resumed our sexual relationship. This time, our "wet" relationship would be very different from what it had been previously. I was much more relaxe
    3 points
  3. Mitzdkat, Not a bad title. It captures the issue, in a nutshell. You are not alone in your experiences. which are very similar to some of mine, among many, many others, on this board. See my story of "Ellie" in Real Pee Encounters & Experiences, July of 2017. Here is an excerpt from my first pee encounter, of many, with her. There were others, with other women, but my experiences with her were the most dramatic, because she always left the bathroom door partially open, when she peed, so I was often in that state of confusion, as to what I should do, or not do. "We were about to l
    2 points
  4. I never wake up to pee! Maybe that's why my morning pees are usually the longest haha
    2 points
  5. Strange one this,but has anyone else seen a place such as a covered area,outbuilding,anywhere that may provide cover basically and thought to themselves,'I wonder if any one has ever peed there?' I know that many times I've spotted somewhere and my imagination kicks in and I picture someone having a sneaky pee.There always seems to be somewhere.
    1 point
  6. @steve25805 This is for you! I finished work until September today! Usually around the last day I have a little cleaning session around the house, and get rid of any left over stuff from the school year I donโ€™t need, this includes my work clothes. On Tuesday, I was absolutely bursting for a wee when I got home so I went straight upstairs to the bathroom. As I was walking past my bedroom I remembered Steve asking me to pee in one of my clothes drawers. I stopped right outside the bedroom door. My husband was at work and my daughter was still at school for a couple of hours so it was the pe
    1 point
  7. Hello. I am a straight male in my early 20s. I always had a thing for peeing from an early age. I experimented with peeing on the floor as a teen and that was fun. The pissing was awesome but the cleanups are annoying. I'm sure you can relate. It's been an inactive fetish lately. Anyway, I guess I will fit right in.
    1 point
  8. How many of you tend to wake up during the night to have to pee?
    1 point
  9. Sorry for the title but it was the best I could come up with... there were three times in my life, prior to meeting my wife, where I think I could have had a pee related encounter but, usually due to my naรฏvetรฉ and shyness, I blew it. Two of the incidents were with the same girl. Susan, worked with me on my very first internship/coop job during my sophomore year at university. Her family was actually friends with the owner of the company that hired me. She was a pretty, vivacious young woman of 26 (I was 19) if memory serves me right, with a tight body, long brown hair and brown eyes.
    1 point
  10. Every night! At least once, sometimes twice if I've drunk a lot of water before settling down. One time I shared a bed with my flatmate. He and I had been up watching films late into the night and he couldn't be arsed to go to his own bed so he just crawled into bed with me. He woke up in the middle of the night peeing himself, just slightly, as he'd had a pee dream! It wasn't enough to soak anything, he had a wee wet patch on his underwear but none of it went on the bed or anything. It was really strange as he has NEVER had a problem with his bladder and will get up in the middle of the
    1 point
  11. For next time offer to dry them. With your mouth. I have had missed opportunities myself and I learned a closed mouth doesnโ€™t get fed, and the answer is always no until you ask.
    1 point
  12. How about going out for the day such as shopping or out for lunch; wearing a skirt (or shorts/trousers if you're really brave) and one of your thongs then going for a wee but without taking your underwear off. Afterwards, carry on for the rest of the day like nothing has happened. Alternatively, maybe just a simple wetting in the garden, fully clothed just not being bothered to go inside. Do you have any plans already where you could incorporate a naughty pee?
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. this is how I orgasmed the 1st time ever
    1 point
  15. It's a pity it seems like this thread is ๐ŸŒต Lol!
    1 point
  16. Well it seems that he is either a racist or and idiot. (I think he is both) Either way, it is not good that he is President.
    1 point
  17. Recently Donald Trump has told four ethnic congresswomen to "go home". Three of them are American borne and bred, and the fourth has been an American citizen for longer than his wife. Telling people of colour to "go home" even when they were born and have lived all their lives in your country and are full citizens of it, is a standard racist trope. When someone comes out with shit like this they are a bona fide racist in my book. Case closed. Dunno what others think.
    1 point
  18. Every night. Same time too.
    1 point
  19. @steve25805 Not gonna insist, but bah, something in my mind says that I know him too little to be sure of my positions, by now I think more that But I'm not that sure of anything
    1 point
  20. I am afraid this time I must disagree with you. Whilst he may well be superficial he is definitely a racist. I have so often heard people say of people of certain colours or ethnicities that they should "go home" even when born here. And without fail everyone playing this line has been a racist of some sort. Non-racists simply don't make the connection between different skin colour and not belonging. Trump is sadly a total racist. That he is also undoubtedly a total idiot does not detract from that.
    1 point
  21. Hahah, I did that with cup plastique at cinรฉma in thรฉatre. I not miss movie because the toilet not around the cinรฉma.. too far.
    1 point
  22. I have peed on hard wood and tile. The tile is easier to clean.
    1 point
  23. I for one have always had pussy envy since the day I saw one first time. It was or the beautiful nineteen year old adult female, earlier I had seen younger ones of my age but had no fascination till I saw one that one. She was squatted legs spread wide and pissing away with her beautiful beaver that had never seen a razor all wet and dripping. Its then I realized how much intricate the female organ is compared to the male unimaginative flaccid stick. Nature gave them all the variety thats needed to lure us males. From different hair pattern to the way the lips spread open when they squat and t
    1 point
  24. I am the dishwasher ๐Ÿ˜› but I will strongly consider both of those. Thank you!
    1 point
  25. I don't agree. Motive matters. Racists are scum and tend to think and act like scum, which matters in a leader. And he has hardly put Iran in it's place. Quite the opposite he has gone looking for a fight just to snub his predecessor. A small minded man with a big ego, and small minded policies motivated by dubious promptings. His admiration for Kim Jong ill is also highly dubious and suspect. But in the final analysis, racism matters in a leader, as does any other form of bigotry. If you would vote for him you are in a definite small minority in this country.
    1 point
  26. The weather has been good here recently so I decided to finally fulfil the request posted at the very start of my thread. To pee standing up under my skirt somewhere outdoors. I had been looking forward to doing it for a while but just didnโ€™t have the opportunity... until now. This happened after work on Friday so I was wearing my usual work clothes. A black pencil skirt, white blouse and black heels, no tights. Underneath I had a white bra and a white thong. The skirt was long enough I could have spent the day without any underwear but I didnโ€™t like the risk, at least not when working at
    1 point
  27. Here is my first real contribution to this forum: I am Naughts, a 24 year old girl from southern Germany. So last week it has been really hot here in Germany. Since it was our day off my two sisters and I decided to drive to the lake and spend the day swimming and reading in the shadows. There is a really big grass field to lay on so we put down our towels under a big tree and startedreading our books. After some time we went swimming but it was really cold since the water is coming straight from the mountains and still consists of melting snow. As I was slowly
    1 point
  28. I ADORE to make my friends aroused!!! Ahahahahah that would be such a great story!!!
    1 point
  29. I know haha:) i got the best idea what about a peefans rave in the middle of the woods?๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ
    1 point
  30. You're talking to a Witch...
    1 point
  31. LOOOL I felt the need for a pic that made my darker half to surface It was night when I shot it...
    1 point
  32. I haven't done this in awhile. Thanks for the idea!
    1 point
  33. I actually prefer a hardwood floor. I think pee puddles are very sexy!
    1 point
  34. I do every once and a while. It really pisses me off because it's always so hard for me to go back to sleep after I get up to pee. To walk around the bed without waking up the hubs, go into the bathroom, turn on the light, sit, pee, wash hands, then walk back to bed? The entire process wakes me up completely and I usually have to take another melatonin to go back to sleep. Too bad I can't just pee on the carpet next to my bed.
    1 point
  35. No i do ok.Usually i wake up with "morning glory".I find my morning glory is actually very hard indeed(๐Ÿ˜Š)do any other guys find that?Usually nowhere to put it,and subsides quickly.I often dont need to pee until ive been up a while.But normally i sleep well enough.
    1 point
  36. i usually get up once for this. although itโ€™s always tough because it seems to happen when i am at my deepest sleep and like only an hour or so before i know i need to wake up.
    1 point
  37. Polished concrete floors might be another option rather than paint. Quite fashionable now. Put the drain in the bedroom under the bed! A nice custom built bed that will drain nicely - you don't want crinkly sheets. Perhaps a custom sofa too similar to the bed but upholstered in black Spandex strategically located over the drain. And in the dining room the drain should of course be under the centre of the table.
    1 point
  38. I would say hi, give you a hug and say "see I knew you were cute"๐Ÿ˜‹ I think alot of ppl from here would want to meet you if that had a chance.
    1 point
  39. I do this as well. Unfortunately, most of my jackets are too short, but I do have one coat that works. So, when it is cold, I sometimes leave my fly undone with my penis hanging out. I might stop on the pavement, spread my legs a little and leave a small puddle, then move on and leave a bit more somewhere else. It means that I can pee in quite public locations because if I see anyone approaching, I can quickly cut the flow and walk away without having to adjust clothing etc. Even if I were to be caught, I couldn't be done for indecent exposure or anything because I'm not exposing anyth
    1 point
  40. I wet myself today! I came home from work bursting for a pee, kicked off my shoes and headed upstairs to the bathroom. Just as I reached the top of the stairs my husband was leaving and saw I was desperate. He deliberately blocked the door! "Aww, does my sweetheart need to pee?" I said yes. "What if I don't move? If I don't let you go are you going to wet yourself?" I was jiggling about on the spot and really wanted to sit on the toilet I could see just a few feet in front of me. I asked him nicely and he just smiled "Hmm... how about... how about I'll let you go if you give me a kiss?"
    1 point
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