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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2019 in all areas

  1. Very sad news. Again it brings it home what a community we have here - when one hurts, many hurt and when one grieves many feel the grief too. RIP Wetman
    3 points
  2. Extremely sad news. Whilst we don't have 'official' confirmation at this point, it is almost certainly the case. A genuinely kind person who will be greatly missed by many, myself included.
    3 points
  3. @Brutus I understand your advice, but the thing is not that way, allow me to explain To me sluttiness has nothing to do with sexual activity and is not a need I cannot accept to see the Human Being in fetters It is the core of my Path, I have endured things that could make a Marine crap his pants because I believe in this, I am possessed by this, to the point of phisical martyrdom You (NOT you Brutus obviously, you pronoun) try to put me in fetters, you even subtly reek of desiring it, I will chew your throat away even with tied hands, just
    3 points
  4. I often get home too tired to undress and shower before going to bed. Especially after clubbing when I get in at five and have to be up by seven. Going to bed tired is always a bad thing for me because I find it hard to resist the temptation to just do at least a little wee in the bed before I go to sleep. One memorable night which wasn't a clubbing night I had been out for a friday evening soirée at a wine bar wearing my ball gown for a change. It is nice to wear something that is not black when I go out, and my turquoise ball gown which I inherited from my auntie was quite a contra
    2 points
  5. Ok this will be offensive I know, and for once I don’t care I am angry as fuck Last Saturday I went to a club, and I paid big money to be there Ok, making long things short, no chances of table dancing, no girls to mate out with, they were all with a boyfriend or simply desponding, during a WHOLE fucking night I couldn’t hook up with anybody nor even piss somewhere are there were bouncers and cctvs EVERYWHERE I had some kind of breaking point, fueled by a personal and terribly complicated crisis I had on Friday (that anywa
    2 points
  6. Wazzzup everyone! This is a true story, last saturday, i had a stag party to go to which we were downtown bar hopping right. And late at night, we were about 3 guys that went between buildings to pee next to a dumpster. Really not long after, 5 drunky women showed up and asked us if we can share spots, what am I suppose to say, no? Anyways, i tried being discrete but one said, no peaking and as a joke as i went to say sonething like, i didn't want them aiming at my head, one shouted out, wtf your pissing on my shoe, so my joke got disregarded. I took a second glance and there was nice la
    2 points
  7. Being a newbie here I didn't know Wetman, but anyone who has touched so many of the good people here must have been a fine man indeed. RIP
    2 points
  8. Just once I got to exactly the PNR. Instead of getting the contractions and pumping out the ejaculate, my ejaculate just oozed out the end of my penis. What a strange feeling. I was never able to duplicate the feat. DARN!
    2 points
  9. First of all, THANK YOU In second place, I agree with you, is a matter of But indeed So, just like I did, Others could have, am I wrong? I know I should never push people for the goals they missed to conquer, but here is not a matter of goals, is a matter of freedom And I do not likes all these girls acting like nuns Normality suffocates me Sometimes it seems people just don't understand this
    2 points
  10. Rarely see you pussy photos, very sexy, really want to see you pee
    2 points
  11. There is somekind of "downtown" near where I live… and sometimes I saw girls pissing down the streets there…
    2 points
  12. Thanks for the words you spent, it means a lot to me... I will soon post a new chapter… For the darker turn, it's complicated I do not wanna make it gloomy, it's still a porn story But I want to communicate to everybody what I know and feel and perceive, that shadows hide gates to other worlds, and that the night is a living being older than Time, and that the wild Nature of some places of the world (Scotland is one) has definitely "something", and obscurity and rain and mist and rocks, are not simple unanimated things, not on a general stance, and not there
    2 points
  13. The rain washed streets held little remorse from the rancour of the pounding heavens, the boom of thunder echoing heavily away before being swallowed by the foothills of the mighty Kilendarth Mountains. The city of Trenasruine was the Farth Kingdom’s second largest after the capital and commanded a critical conjunction of trading routes on the way to neighbouring domains. Beyond the Kilendarths there had issued rumours of a strange fortress that had appeared out of nowhere, crossing the realms between magic and the mundane. Such stories were accompanied by tales of amazon women who exposed the
    2 points
  14. @spywareonya you never cease to amaze me. These chapters are so skillfully written, I love it.
    2 points
  15. I have a VPN already. It gives useful protection for many other things, for example accessing your bank account via hotel internet, or reading your mail in an internet cafe. It costs less than one pound per week.
    2 points
  16. @Brutus Allow me to excuse and better express myself I meant that a girl whoring it out is what they want to PARTY My deepest nature is the one I deployed when PMing with you, my deep and loving respect for people's fights, for people's soul That is the love I share with Alex and is also tender and caring and romantic So yes I absolutely agree with you, it was my fault to miss proper explaination And for the turmoil over a world I cannot control, I don't believe in control, I believe in STIRRING I want a free world, and the funny t
    2 points
  17. @spywareonya Okay I understand your view of sluttiness better now. It is freedom, pure and simple. Believe it or not, men do want more than women just whoring it out. Of course your ass will be photographed if you're shaking it atop a table, the environment calls for it, same as photos of the trees and landscape will be called for on a hike through mountains and dense forest. Affection is what men desire from women. Affection and affirmation. Most men define their worth according to female validation. Incels are miserable, not because they want a whore to cum in and throw away, but b
    2 points
  18. Well I've read that in some Nordic countries with growing Muslim populations, the governments are terrified and women are responding by reigning in their sexual behavior. If you happen to live in such a country, that may explain why the sluttiness is disappearing. It could indeed be a form of political correctness manifesting. In the states, I can tell you that political correctness is reaching destructive heights, but here it is shaming male sexuality and encouraging female sexuality. We even have slut walks here, and men are almost at the point of being called rapists at birth. So that's wha
    2 points
  19. There were so many things that happened with that girl. I couldn't remember all of them at any one time. I wrote many into different accounts but am left with some odds and ends that aren't part of any account already posted. I will convey some here as I recall them. Carol Anne's standard dress code was a short skirt or dress and almost always, no panties. She liked to pee easily as it was part of her frequent sex game agenda and no panties made it very simple. Not to say she never peed in panties. She did but she rarely did when she was not home so she could change them before they becam
    2 points
  20. So super long story short, my absence form the website is because I traveled somewhere on an airplane and came back yesterday😂😂 Yesterday I had a 6 hour layover in the airport and because of my headache I had been drinking some fluids but not a crazy amount because I wanted to have some holding capacity in my bladder. Soon however an ice thunderstorm happened (I didn't even know those could happen) and soon my flight was delayed an hour and a half. I waited and waited while sipping on my water and when they finally started to board, I went to the bathroom so I would have as long as possib
    2 points
  21. i did my 7th day i work the till again and i carried the boxes and stuff to the storage room 😀
    2 points
  22. Wetman and I for a time exchanged private communications and he was indeed a sensitive soul with a deep well of caring and compassion. I shall never forget how - when Kevin died - he put tremendous effort into ensuring that he wasn't just forgotten, and trawled the internet trying to find out as much as possible because he cared so deeply for his memory. He communicated with me often at that time about this. Wetman was genuinely troubled that there was no mention of Kevin's passing on any other sites he frequented, and he made sure that Kevin got a mention and was remembered here. I
    2 points
  23. I wrote these a long time ago. Stored on floppy disk for quite a while!
    2 points
  24. I don't really now if this counts, but a while ago I was in a bus coming home from work and really had to pee. I tried to hold it until I reached my house but unfortunately the bus ride was quite long and the pressure on my bladder grew unexpectedly fast. Eventually I had to take a decision because I had no intention on wetting myself. So I pulled out my penis and peed on the seat next to me. The relief was amazing but I had to try and keep everything secret. Luckily the bus was more empty than full so it was a bit easier, even though there were quite a few splashing sounds to hear. However, I
    2 points
  25. This is the THIRD chapter, Page 1 got the first two!!! The two were walking home from the pub. The road went along the shore for a while, and they couldn’t miss to look toward the Loch. The Blackness of waters and that of the moonless sky merged as one. All of a sudden, a freezing wind blowed in the summer night, just for a while, but they shivered, and couldn’t fail to realize humans just like to think they know the world, but around them stretches endlessly the cold embrace of an infinite whose every shadow was the rabbit hole for a Wonderland of horrors and marvels.
    2 points
  26. Chapter 1 – Nice way to fly Calista ran from the taxi through the concourse straight to the check in desk waving her first class ticket. She had already missed the last call announcement. With no baggage to check in she was fortunately through in no time and told to hurry up and follow the lady with the yellow Samsonite vanity box that she would be sitting with to the first class lounge, as the plane was about to leave. Calista caught up with her fellow first class passenger and looked from side to side as she went through the first class lounge in the hope of finding a toilet. “
    1 point
  27. Does anyone practice Edging regularly? Solo or with partner. If with partner who calls the pause before PNR (point of no return)
    1 point
  28. Chapter 1 – New year’s day January 1st 2001 03:30 GMT and now there could be no doubt that this was the 3rd millennium. As Tanya stood on her doorstep in her long black skirt and white jumper locking the door she had to decide. Could she go through with her New Year resolution? In some ways it seemed now a bit silly but no, it had been thought out thoroughly and as she looked back at the event that had started the process off she carefully prepared herself.... It was in August when she had emerged from the ladies loo on the other side of her building from her office t
    1 point
  29. That totally counts. Great story.
    1 point
  30. RIP Wetman, Maigh and I will miss you, your input, your time as a mod, your solid presence. Take care wherever you are, and thank you for being who you were. Scot_Lover and Maigh.
    1 point
  31. Well, I have been busy and suffering from a cold I am recovering from so not on my best. So apart from that story for her I have not reached out to her. I will attempt to do so for the first time tonight though without anticipating a response. As for the ritual, it sounds a bit scary if I must be honest. I have in the past conjured dark influences into my life through fucking about with Ouija boards, and the idea of summoning something that feels sinister in any way is a little bit daunting. It involves putting a lot of trust in things I don't understand. Will think about that some m
    1 point
  32. I normally pee straight into the water. If it's a desperate powerful one, it normally power washes the front of the bowl haha
    1 point
  33. https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/ME-peeing-in-the-toilet-12
    1 point
  34. Right on, iam proud of you. Your gonna be able to run the store by yourself soon hahah. Keep up the great work
    1 point
  35. Wow I've said it before, you two had a wild and crazy time together
    1 point
  36. Wow thats hot as fuck, i love it haha
    1 point
  37. I've never been in that situation where I had to explain such a thing. But, I would say, "It's in their genes. You were born with blue eyes, right? Well, those blokes were born liking men. That's it." That's the scientific consensus at this point.
    1 point
  38. I sometimes tallk to my animals like they were people haha
    1 point
  39. This morning I woke up and my bladder was about to explode. There was already a wet spot. In my crotch and I had my hand jammed in there as I slowly leaked more and more. I tried to get up to run to the bathroom but felt a big leak spurt out of me and had to retreat to the standing on my knees position. I then tried to find something I could pee in and my eyes fell on a Ziploc bag. I tightly crossed my legs and grabbed the Ziploc bag leaking in the process, I then opened it and as quickly as I could pulled down my pajamas and pushed the bag under my already peeing vulva. Then I raised the bag
    1 point
  40. Yes, it is not looking good. Sad news indeed, as such news always is. A sad fact of life is that as we travel along it's path we have to say goodbye to so many good people along the way, until finally it is our turn to go and we are the ones wished a hopefully fond farewell.
    1 point
  41. Well I do look forward to the many chapters that hopefully you write. If the storyline takes a dark turn iam ok with that
    1 point
  42. @nopjans @mickymoist @polecat @Paulypeeps I am mentioning you here, sorry for this bother, because I just decided to post new chapters in this very thread instead of opening a new one, and since you were the ones who read it until now, I thought to advice you, since when you read it, I hadn't decided yet to make it multi-chapter, so I feared you could have missed new chapters, believing new posts would have just been comments by people, and instead they are also new chapters indeed #2 is just up this post, from now on I won't bother you mentioning, check it from
    1 point
  43. Nancy burped loud and happily, making Gwen to blush a bit. From her side, the local girl was amazed at the beauty and the boldness of her friend, temporarily sleeping at her house… “Tomorrow we may try again” she suggested, while the red haired lady was calling the waitress for another pint of beer. “Uh?” Nancy got her face out of the big tankard, and replied, with that lovely, bothering high pitch the voice reaches when the speaker is completely drunk: “But this time I want the Scath na deithe once again, the Gazer is ridiculous… ouch…!!!” and she burped again. This time it was real
    1 point
  44. I've peed in some measuring jugs just out of curiosity. The most I have managed is about 700ml at absolutely bursting (nearly wee'd myself). No I'm not into drinking pee, I'm mainly just into watching people go or having people watch me.
    1 point
  45. Nope, never peed on someone and never been peed on! Although I like the idea of standing over someone and letting go..
    1 point
  46. What places have I done a wee: Many! I love love love weeing outside, especially in nature where I can watch my stream splash against the dirt or grass 🙂 An old boyfriend watched me pee while I laid on some grass after we had sex in a park. It was kind of a special freeing moment knowing that I could just spread my legs and pee for him without judgement. Other places I've wee'd: sinks (bathroom ones), measuring containers, buckets, a bedpan, a tree, in a creek, on a towel, in a bath. Many!! 🙂
    1 point
  47. Other fetishes: I like being lightly choked in bed and I like being more submissive.. :) other than that I'm a pretty simple lady! I also like watching men pee
    1 point
  48. I believe it sounds more respectful and honorable when described as performing a ritual liquid sacrifice.
    1 point
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