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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2019 in all areas

  1. A few people seemed to be interested somewhat when I mentioned a time when I peed on the floor of my walk in wardrobe when I was at university so I figured I would share it! This would have been when I was 20, living in shared student accommodation in my third year of university. I was living in a flat with a whole pile of people I didn’t know and had no intention of making friends with, as they were loud, obnoxious and partied too hard too often. My room was small, but cosy and during that year, any time I wasn’t in a lecture or seminar I was in that room. Of course, I couldn’t aff
    3 points
  2. love how you call the pool "an okay toilet", something about that is just so hot. and i really love pool peeing out of laziness and/or waiting too long! nothing like letting go in the water in public
    3 points
  3. Recently i was training a few new starters at my work,there were 3 girls,all Latvian.Very nice,about 20-25 years old.Their English was better than my Latvian,but not fluent. So after an hour i let them go do on their own,and was around if they needed help.Then i saw one coming up to me,she approached smiling,"Hello,i dont know where i pee" "Sorry" i said,"say again",not believing my ears..."I dont know where to pee"she said.Trying to save her embarrassment,i asked "You want me to show you where the toilets are?"Maybe i should have said,"How about over my balls missy?",but i didnt say
    2 points
  4. Nancy, I am not quite sure what you expect us to do. Or what you think this forum is. Or what you think we are, or how we live our lifes. Or why you choose to be so invested in this forum in particular, and not in an other forum (what ever forum this might have been). Apart from the pee-thing, there appears to be very little common ground for people here to stand on (which in my experience is often the case, regardless of what the topic of the forum is). I know of cause from personal experience how frustrating it is to write a text, and being really invested in it, putting all your hea
    2 points
  5. At Disney's Blizzard Beach I once saw a woman who was sitting on a lounge chair at the beach pool reading a book consuming drinks which she kept sending her husband to go and get. She got up from her chair, walked down the beach to the water's edge, sat on the sand, literally just in the water, put her legs apart, sat there for less than a minute, got back up and went back to her lounge chair and book. It was so totally obvious what she was doing but she wasn't worried at all - so casual about it. I saw exactly the same happen in France at a beach in Nice. I know that wasn't a pool,
    2 points
  6. Unfortunately I live and work in a very built up area so the most I can get away with is a cheeky pee under my skirt when I go out to the bins in the evening! There are a few places I have in mind that could work so I might try it 🙂 thanks for all the advice!
    2 points
  7. Yesterday I peed outside several times. I had drunk two mugs of tea and a glass of fruit juice before I left home for a 2 hours drive towing a large trailer and had another tea in my travel mug. The section nearest home is motorway, then it goes down to single carriageway road that runs through various small towns. About 1 hour in, which was about 2.5 hours after my first mug of tea, I was bursting. With the trailer, it was a bit more difficult than usual to find a safe and easy place to stop. It was a busy road, but no laybys etc. Evenually I pulled off the road, turned into a residen
    2 points
  8. I love conversations like this - - (to someone waiting in line for a public toilet by the sea) "you could just swim a little bit away from us and pee in the sea" (she did) - (from a lady friend swimming in a large lake) 'Do you think it's, uh, ethical to pee in a lake? Because I need to go" (I did; she did). Patricia (not her real name) is not a close friend, but we've travelled together a couple of times. One time on the beach I'd been watching the bags while she went to get some cold drinks. When she came back I really had to pee, so I just said "sorry, I really have to pee"
    2 points
  9. Well I braved the -30c weather and peed outside on the snow.
    2 points
  10. Favourite Place? Depends on the moment, but recently on my morning run, I pop into scrubland by the River, and take a hot leak there. Favourite Place? Anywhere along the River Avon Naughtiest Place? On someone's drive, after a long night out, simply desperate to go. Ultimate Piss Fantasy? An outdoor 'Piss Bukkake' featuring as many men as possible! But also too many to mention!
    2 points
  11. Hi again everyone, It's Vanessa from quite a while back. I wrote in about how a work trip to another city had led to a rather desperate (and eventually relieving!) situation for me the last night as we arrived back at our hotel. Anyway, I haven't written in again since then as I really haven't had any interesting things to tell you, but that changed a few weeks ago when I was out with a new friend whose name will be Julia (and just in case anyone's wondering, no, my real name is not Vanessa). I am still working at the same office and no, I never told anyone what I did until this night. M
    2 points
  12. Just 5 mins ago,another MFC girl poking herself with a glass dildo,she did start to ooze a little...I asked her to try show her peehole which she did.(i think,its down there somewhere)
    2 points
  13. Peeing in the pool was one for me🤷😂 One time I had drank a ton before I got into the pool and so within a few minutes I already had to pee. I went to the bathroom and got another sip of water feeling thirsty again. This process repeated a few times until I was swimming and really needing to pee again. I really didn't want to go and pee but I really had to go so I was either getting out and using the toilet or peeing in the pool. I had a mental debate over whether it was acceptable meanwhile feeling my bladder rapidly filling tunil I finally decided that it was an ok toilet and opened the
    2 points
  14. Part two of the story. I was busy all week so I didn't have a lot of time to work on it. As always there is extreme vandalism in this. I hope you enjoy. Claire wanted to fill up before we went to the next location. She said it would be best if we were in and out of the place, but she still wouldn't tell me where we were going. We stopped at an old pub called the Red House to have breakfast. Pancakes are nice, but we were mostly there to drink lots of water and juice. We sat at a table to order. I was gazing around the pub with a wistful look on my face. Claire must have noticed.
    2 points
  15. This contains extreme vandalism. If that's not your thing, don't read it. This is the first in another multi-part series. It is a continuation of my previous story In My Room. If you want to read that here is a link. In My Room I finished this part yesterday, but didn't feel like editing it until now. I was standing in the kitchen, nervously drinking from a bottle of water. I would normally never be up this early, but Claire was insistent we had to leave before five if we wanted to make the most of the day. She had several locations in mind. The first one was time sensitive. I should
    1 point
  16. Ill start off by saying the few people on this site who know me such as @spywareonya and @nickie420wilson know a little bit about my fetish and trauma but for those who dont ill recap. my favorite aspect of pee is women peeing on things then explaining the process of how their brain determined it an acceptable toilet substitute and if they felt guilty after. ive also recently recovered some childhood trauma that directly caused me to be into pee. i grew up a late bloomer and also grew up disabled which caused my parents to make me have a baby sitter far longer than i needed. anyway i
    1 point
  17. Just couldn’t hold it today and was feeling a little adverse to the toilet
    1 point
  18. Dont worry she will be wet and ready after she reads this! I'll be there to slip in and take care of her! Lol
    1 point
  19. Hope she read what I wrote… I'll taste the moment...
    1 point
  20. Well, you're right about that last part! Unless it's some really concentrated deep dark yellow coming out, no one can tell. But obviously adults do pee in the pool. A lot. And not just the ones who go to talk about it afterward on pee fetish websites. 😉
    1 point
  21. SHE DOES But this pijama gets stained like nothing, it's the same kind of an old one that got a bit, ehm, ruined some years ago while playing with both Alex and another girl… that made him cum on me while we were all cuddling in the bed…
    1 point
  22. @Grizzly Man Some of these, I remember them from last year… they were the ones that hooked me up with your wife. Fuck, she's hot. My favourite is this by any means But I also sincerely got caught guard down and had a deep, sincere shiver to this one which is delightful PLUS I am absolutely sure I already saw this one because I actually abused my poor clit looking at it, some months ago. I simply can't be wrong ehehehehe!!!
    1 point
  23. @WantonLee The man you are talking to is quite famous for some strong adfirmations (which are not Always appreciated) but I have had chance to talk to him and he is not a bad boy. If something he says is felt as exceedingly aggressive by you, simply ignore it, he isn't the way he appears. @Raven726 That fella was too hard on you. I have no problems at all believing you, since my childhood had been a bit of a mess too, and I know memories can be buried under a sensation of psychological blur. It's hard to explain by words… it's like Time expanding and then all
    1 point
  24. Chapter 10 If Maddie knew, or was perturbed by, the recent bout of peeing while she was asleep, she certainly didn’t show it. Nonetheless I watched her carefully, waiting for her to do it again. And although she was wet sometimes when I changed her first thing in the morning, I could never be sure if it was just an early morning pee or something more insidious. I had bigger problems to worry about. Maddie and I had never spoken about the recent intimacy we had experienced together. Nor had we done anything else. But she was becoming irresistible, a bewildering goddess in nappi
    1 point
  25. Greedy, you know you only have to say the word and I will fix it all for you, just as you say.... I'm so lucky to be nearby!
    1 point
  26. Happy birthday, @Kylenut2! 🍻
    1 point
  27. They were the core. But I like how you write, there and then
    1 point
  28. @chubbybirb999, thank you for that account. I do feel sorry for you that you felt trapped in your room though - but I can totally understand why you wouldn't want to go out whilst there was a party going on if you weren't going to be involved in it. I loved your descriptions and it is totally hot that you made use of the same spot in the wardrobe repeatedly.
    1 point
  29. I know I'm not active at all but I do enjoy when you post things of any kind, not just pictures and such. I'm sure it dont make any difference but I am glad your still here.
    1 point
  30. Your "you know better than everyone else and the rest of us are idiots" tone just for expressing an opinion is rather unhelpful. None of this in any case is my call, it is down to Admin. You see I can remember the days on Peesearch when all fans of naughty peeing were regularly shut down by moralistic abuse, wanting to turn the whole thing into a moral debate about how bad we all are. And these were a minority of actual fetishists. The success of this site is largely due to many of us running from there because of this in the early days. So the possibility of that happening here in c
    1 point
  31. There is an inherent risk with this. Non-fetishists are unlikely to sign up as members, so if only members can chat then at least we will all be on the same page in terms of being into pee. If we open it up to just anybody, we run the risk of being trolled by non-fetishists out to tell us how "bad" and "dirty" we all are, or to come at us all moralising.
    1 point
  32. The mod team has been looking at some of the issues in the chat room, you may have noticed some changes. I liked the idea of the daily chat theme, everyone met up at a particular time.
    1 point
  33. Darling… you are sublime. Really, sometimes Nature is drunk and simply gets bored of creating standard humans… and comes up an inhuman masterpiece like you. Greedy, you are out of this world. Beautiful, not of this Earth. Really love this pic
    1 point
  34. Guess why I nominated you as best sights - reporter
    1 point
  35. Morning pee in a cup
    1 point
  36. Why I am writing all of this? Because something happened since the PeeFansCup in September. I did not wrote much during the following months, but I logged in from time to time… and I noticed a Dangerous trend taking strenght. During January, it detonated with such force, that I witnessed with my own eyes the chat un-used for 30 HOURS IN A ROW and this happened thrice in a ten days. THRICE. Not to say that the forum seems to have completely forgot about me recently. I am here to spice things up. I am here, just like I am present in each of the portions of my life that I st
    1 point
  37. What is the IHS for me? An acronym doubtlessly, but doesn't stand for In Hoc Signo. It stands for INVISIBLE HUB OF SILENCE. It's what Marx (that has to do with Stalin's so-called "Marxism" just as much Christianity has in common with the actual teachings of Christ, i.e ZERO) called "Alienation". It's the empty space between people. The invisible wall that prevents people from feeling the raging desire to interact with each other. It's a deafening silence, a blinding nothingness, like being mesmerized into lack of five senses, unable to perceive our fellows humans even if
    1 point
  38. Could be. Some people's attitude is "I won't piss in my own pool, but in a public one, other people are so why shouldn't I"? With indoor pools it does seem to me like it has to be a bit on purpose - to go through the changing rooms, usually with toilets close to hand, and also showers that you're asked to use, and to think to yourself: no. I want to feel the warmth of pissing myself in the water. Then there's the popular "I'll pee before I get in, but if I need to go again, I'll do it in the pool" opinion. But outdoor pools in summer? Swim in the cold water; lie in the sun to warm up
    1 point
  39. Brilliant thread ... I hope you don't mind if a guy joins the fun. Time to make my list ... and find a xylophone 😉
    1 point
  40. I mostly give golden showers to my husband. Me and my friend once peed not to far from 3 hot looking guys on a beach which they looked and one waved his hand in a friendly way. That was a happy and funny moment 😂
    1 point
  41. Love these games!! Where I shouldn't. The wronger, the better (with the exception of bothering something that deserves to be respected, which I will never do) I have a deep grudge for the un-healthy-ness of modern world mindset. Peeing where I shouldn't is both an act of war against this fallen world, and an act of freedom to reconnect with the theorical perfect world I see in my mind, where Nature is listened to, instead of completely ignored and ruined Impossible to tell. I piss literally everywhere. I peed into friends' sinks in the bathro
    1 point
  42. Mine was yesterday afternoon... I'd just picked up a hire van for some moving stuff about today and was on my way back home. As I was sitting in the rental office, the thought crossed my mind that the coffee and then a pint glass of Diet Coke I'd had earlier were making their presence felt. Driving back home is normally about 20 minutes from city centre, through suburbs and some more country areas. The traffic was starting to build for rush hour, so I knew the most direct route wouldn't be quickest. Instead I was making fairly good progress - but the need to pee had grown rapidly.
    1 point
  43. Two outdoor pees today. One was driving on a 4 hour trip. Stopped for some food but didn’t use the toilet. A bit later I pulled into a lay-by. It was about 9pm so very dark and an unlit road. At one end of the lay-by there was a driveway to a farm. I peed against the wall there. Went out this evening and I had a pee on a stone staircase that goes from a high level road down to a low level road. Four girls walked past the top of the stairs so they got a good look. Yesterday I peed outside 4 times in the evening. I had driven two hours to Cambridge and when I got there I parke
    1 point
  44. 1 point
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