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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2018 in Posts

  1. I have been away for all november and the first week of december I am so sorry and want to ask forgiveness to all my friends and fans I have been a very difficult moment that really prevented me from any kind of pleasure and free moment I am confident it won't happen again any soon thank you all, for everything I'm back!!!!
    8 points
  2. Last night, when we arrived home from our epic coastal walk, our neighbour, who I'll call L, dropped in for a chat. She knows Mary is no longer around, and also knows that we were just more than friends, don't know how, call it a woman's thing, or the changes in Maigh, who knows? Anyway, after a half hour of so, she announced that she need to pee, Maigh looked at me, winked evilly, and called her bluff, saying that "it's a mess in there, you'll have to do it here" I expected L to go on the grass and pop a squat (she has done it before) but no, not this time. Maigh and I both heard th
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. For me it would have to be my wedding dress. Even with my bridesmaids holding it up for me it was still a hassle. I couldn't see my lower half either so it was a little tricky pulling down my underwear and back up again, and making sure I was sat far enough back on the toilet.
    2 points
  5. I started my evening by drinking lots of water and waiting for my need to pee to set in. Once I reached around a 7/10 I started doing this pee quiz: https://www.nerdtests.com/mq/uttake.php?id=238558 and it ended with me uncontrollably peeing myself and in the sink😂😂 here are some pictures of my panties after the event. I did the hold in the live action thread if you want to read how the test went😂😂 Thank you for reading!
    2 points
  6. Just taking advantage of our 12"+ snow storm 😬
    2 points
  7. So i was really lucky today i was heading for the bathroom and all the other ones where locked we have for both genders btw so when i was about to open this really hot brunette ran to me and said " please can i go before you im about to burst" i said sure and you hear pretty good trough those walls i could her how she quickly pulled down her pants and let go off a powerfull stream it lasted for about 30sec mabye i think i heard a sigh of relief to she looked really relieved when she came out and thanked me
    2 points
  8. Hi, Recently I found a couple of pissing videos related to female urinalysis. All of them were Japanese and very interesting. There is something strange and these videos are extremely pleasurable. Is there any one who can find more videos like this? If anyone can find please share the links. ( There are long video clips ) Some of images
    2 points
  9. @spywareonya don't worry about it! I disappeared for a week or so too. This website is just for fun and I feel I speak for everyone when I say that were just glad your back and your ok 🙂 also if you do ever need to talk, my inbox is open
    2 points
  10. I drove into the city last week to pick up a friend after work. While I was sitting in the car waiting for her, a young woman walked past on the footpath. She was wearing a short skirt, and her hand was between her legs, holding herself through her skirt. There's a public toilet about 100 metres further along the street, but it's not well signposted. For her sake, hopefully that's where she was headed. Not much of a sighting, but I thought I'd post anyway, in case anyone is interested.
    2 points
  11. Part two of the story. I was busy all week so I didn't have a lot of time to work on it. As always there is extreme vandalism in this. I hope you enjoy. Claire wanted to fill up before we went to the next location. She said it would be best if we were in and out of the place, but she still wouldn't tell me where we were going. We stopped at an old pub called the Red House to have breakfast. Pancakes are nice, but we were mostly there to drink lots of water and juice. We sat at a table to order. I was gazing around the pub with a wistful look on my face. Claire must have noticed.
    2 points
  12. I'll put it up eventually.
    2 points
  13. i don't feel comfortable posting all of me. this was after i played. (please don't ask me to show more)
    2 points
  14. Welcome back, Nancy There is no need to apologise, everyone has a bad time every now and then, we missed you and we are so glad to see you back here.
    1 point
  15. fascinating can I answer? people that smoke in public I ask pardon, but I am a 101% pro-tobacco person. I don't smoke that much, but I adore to do it and I would even like Law to lift last decades prohibition of smoking in public closed places like pubs and theaters loud guys Yes, they can be bothering. I just discovered I was bothered because of a subtle envy: during my best periods of life, they mysteriously bothered me much less, so I investigated my own unconscious and boom!!! spineless parents with animal-like children ok, they're th
    1 point
  16. No need to apologize. Life gets complicated sometimes. I'll confess I was concerned for you, but I figured you would return when you were ready and able to do so. Welcome back!
    1 point
  17. I don't have a tree. But, I have this photo as my desktop background every year. I really like it.
    1 point
  18. I'm being a little sentimental, to be honest. The casual way Tumblr let you stumble through people's specific porn tastes is how I became introduced to the content. And like @AutumnPeach said, the ease of finding other users through their reblogs or likes made it effortless to find more and varied content. And of course, having all the gifs and videos laid out in a neverending scroll is always more convenient than having to click into particular videos or chats (a con of sites like Pornhub, but something I can imagine is very time-expensive to code up.) Maybe you could engineer something that
    1 point
  19. Do you have what we will call "Pee radar"? This is where basically 24/7 you are evaluating subconciously whether or not you would like to watch a certain girl have a wee? I do,and this happened today.I was in a cafe,reading a paper,a nice girl went past,into the toilets. Now,i didnt get excited or aroused etc,but in my minds eye,i was envisioning her having a wee wee.2 mins later she came out,went to her seat. I just had a warm feeling that i could somehow imagine in my minds eye what she was probably doing.Also,in supermarkets,bars,wherever..A cashier in a supermarket,it i
    1 point
  20. Its one of my favourite pastimes when i call into a pub for a drink, alone, and look around a little to notice all the girls drinking pints or long drinks, and if they showing any signs of leg or foot movements that give their little secret away. Its a lot of fun to observe!
    1 point
  21. Sophia I agree. My wedding dress was the most difficult. It was so heavy.
    1 point
  22. Chapter 8 Maddie weed in her nappy three more times before she let me change it. I was beginning to get quite good at noticing her tells. No matter what we were doing, she’d go fully silent and stop moving, even if it was only for a few seconds while she started weeing. Once it got started and she felt comfortable, she would begin chatting or moving again. Three wees also seemed to be the magic number for how many the nappy would hold. She was quite surprised when I automatically started to get her stuff ready for changing when she had finished her third wee, even before she told m
    1 point
  23. Did a brake job for a close female friend of mine. We also like each other a lot. After the brake job we talked for a long time as usual. She mentioned she had to pee, knowing how much I like that. She also likes using me for her ladies room. To the point, I go upstairs with her, I was supposed to be just listening to her urinate. She took half of the piss in the toilet. After me laying on her red, furry, bathroom rug she stops her torrent of piss, gets up from the toilet, removes her black tights and panties, straddles my face, squats down with her nice, warm, juicy, vagina at point bla
    1 point
  24. I regularly pee outside. Hence the name Alfresco (Outdoors or in the open air). I have been seen by many people; male and female, sometimes intentionally on my part, sometimes I have been caught. I mostly pee on my own, but when I've been walking or kayaking, I have peed with other males that I'm with. I've also peed outside in front of my wife on numerous occasions.
    1 point
  25. Brexit. In or out, I am sick to death of hearing about it.
    1 point
  26. Yeah, she hated it, went against all her family values ........ Alison was the hardest looking female I've ever met, she is married to a nondescript little man who is so beaten down by her, that he can do nothing but shuffle through the remainder of his life. I gave up going on the yearly visits to Scotland because of her, she hates me, hates Maigh and was forever berating Mary for leaving Scotland. Maigh and I were talking about it, there must have been something brewing for a while, mostly on Facebook which we all kept private from each other. Now we know why Mary instigated the last tr
    1 point
  27. Just now saw this. I'm so sorry to hear about your break up. My condolences to the both of you. Break ups can be like someone dying...sometimes even worse if there's lingering animosity and anger. I only went through it once but the scars remain. Just know that this too will pass. It will get better in ways you probably do not even now realize. Love you both! Larry
    1 point
  28. A marathon of sex had taken place in the bed Ashlynn and her one night stand were currently hold up in, fast asleep and tangled up together in each other's limbs. They met at a bar the previous night and she shamelessly went home with him after he had flashed his jewels and money at her. He was a rich man, and if there was one thing Ash liked it was rich men. They had the biggest bedrooms, the comfiest beds, the best bath tubs and usually the best food in the morning. This wasn't her first time getting it on with a one night stand, however, she did have something new on her bucket list of sex.
    1 point
  29. Does peeing in urinals, tilted forward count as standing up? If so, for a while I have seen a few.
    1 point
  30. Perfume adverts. Why are none of them remotely related to selling the fragrance? I know smellivision hasn't been invented yet but it's always some random bollocks. A blonde woman walking down the street in a skimpy outfit, she has a tiger on a leash. It's foggy, dark and there's litter blowing everywhere like a horror movie. She stops and looks at the camera. "Pussy. Eau de toilette" Fade to black
    1 point
  31. Puddyls, sounds so hot with the dressing room. Can you tell a little bit more about what you did with the used tampon evt? 😉
    1 point
  32. We think something had been brewing for a while, there was a feeling that she was no longer happy with her place in life. She never said anything about it, just kept it to herself, saying she was fine. We are so sad that we didn't do anything about it, Maigh has been racked with 'what ifs' and going over and over things we might have done. As for having a child, don't know where that came from, she has never shown an interest in one, could barely tolerate screaming kids in a supermarket. She wanted something more, and we didn't know what to give probably sums it up the best, I just don't
    1 point
  33. I am so sorry to hear of the break-up of your family unit. It was a item that was ever present on PeeFans. I will miss the three of you. However, I still expect to hear from you and Maigh. I just hope that it settles without great stress.
    1 point
  34. You're certainly not alone, many of my friends as well as myself walk over to the pool and relieve ourselves while sitting on the edge. I myself rarely swim when I take the boys to the pool, yet I always relieve myself there. Ironically, my boys spend the whole day in the water, but get out and run into the dressing area as they won't pass up an opportunity to relieve themselves indiscriminately.
    1 point
  35. Sorry to hear that scot_lover. Break up's are hard to deal with, especially a long one like you three had. I hope in time that the wounds heal and you three start to talk again
    1 point
  36. This past Wednesday morning. My wife and I got up a little early so I started kissing her, licking her nipples and playing with her honeypot. Next thing I knew she jumped on my cock and went for a ride. Great way to start the day
    1 point
  37. This is an idea I've had brewing for a little while - an imaginary letter from @Sophie to Wet Carpet magazine, incorporating factual elements into one of my stories featuring an imaginary scenario in which she pees at my place. I hope you are ok with this, Sophie. If not, I will delete it immediately if you request that and apologise for my presumptuousness, but I think - and hope - you will like it..... ………………………………………………………….. Dear Wet Carpet My name is Sophie and I am in my 20s and work in a respectable job teaching in a school. But in my private life I am into pee, and am
    1 point
  38. a bit crude but sadly true🤣 the funny thing is that woman like that DO exist, if I was single I would have been one, I mean, like Rammstein said, I got a pussy and you a dick, so what's the problem, let's do it quick! But anyway, people need to first know each other, and more than anything, and this is an advice I really want to give you @PeeMan69, women, even the most slutty and sex-craving ones (I can tell you, I'm one), are sensitive, and the things they appreciate more than anything else in a man (or in a woman, since any true slut is bisexual🤣) is the capability to APPRECIATE THINGS.
    1 point
  39. Dear Wet Carpet I am a 36 year old married mother of three - thoroughly respectable of course, lol. I work as a manager in a supermarket whilst hubby is a highly skilled heart surgeon. Between us we earn pretty good money and do ok. But what none of my daughters or my husband know, is that when I was young I went through a phase where I got a kick out of peeing in weird places instead of doing it in the toilet, like on my bedroom carpet or all over the bathroom floor. Never made a habit out of it, though, so never got caught by my mother. And I grew out of it after a year or two. Since the
    1 point
  40. My one piece motorbike leathers. You can only pull them so far down because of the boots, and they have a hump on the back, and are stiff due to them having to be. Becomes quite a pain when you sit on a vibrating seat of a sports bike for a period of time and are proper desperate.. I've had quite a few close calls, and have obviously been caught quite a few times, given the easiest way to conduct this operation, is to half squat and hold on to the bike... which means you 'pee moon' everyone who drives past... :)
    1 point
  41. Yeah, the full body suit, very sexy to look at, but you have to almost get naked to go potty.
    1 point
  42. Skinny jeans, which we're hard to pull down one day and I nearly pissed on my self one day
    1 point
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