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  1. Past hour
  2. I was young, me and a friend would walk to/from school together so if either or both of us needed to pee, we'd find somewhere to go. The first time I saw a woman peeing, I was like 13 and waiting for a bus when a lady crouched between two cars and pissed a full stream, I think she noticed me even if I tried not to look too much.
  3. Today
  4. Nah. I am always alone when I do it. Lol maybe one day.
  5. Similar games in a sandbox with a girl playmate. Rather than to go into the house and be kept there by the two mothers, she squatted in a corner of the sandbox, panties on her ankles and let her pee fly while I looked on. I discovered that my pecker would become hard but as a kid didn't know why but mutual peeing (she'd always start it ) became a regular thing between us until she moved away.
  6. Few more naughty little spurts over the last hour. 😄 I felt really naughty while I was cleaning my room with a little wet patch on the front of my boxers hidden under my jogging bottoms.
  7. will64


    welcome to the site 😊
  8. It's pure freedom. I also shoot deer and turkey seasonally from the deck. Big fan of boondock life.
  9. I was very young and the neighbor girl and I were the same age and we would play together. She would never want to take time out to go to the bathroom when we were playing. I think the very first time we were in her yard and she started to hold herself and dance around and at the time her mother was outside cleaning up and she said Janie must you go potty and she said no I am ok. About 15 minutes later we went inside and we were playing a game while sitting on the floor and Janie kept holding herself and then she started peeing in her pants right on the hardwood floors. She just continued play
  10. Emergency break during a picnic and my sister takes photos of me 😄
  11. Hmmm... I wonder which guest I would be? Don't care, as long as I'm there!
  12. This topic also reminds me of something I witnessed at the beach several years ago. I was on the beach sitting on my beach chair and the beach was really crowded because it was a hot summer day. There was this mother with her son just a little in front of me over to the right. She was probably in her early thirties a very pretty face and maybe a little on the heavier side. The son was having a good time playing in the sand and she was sitting in her beach chair watching him and drinking water. After about a half hour or so the mother got up and said to the son are you almost ready to go back t
  13. Dude that's awesome. Interesting way to handle solicitors. Has anyone ever joined you when you have done this before? And actually its funny because I have seen these salesmen before in my apartment building and seen them pissing outside by the side of the building. Guarantee he will do it eventually
  14. I was on a beach, abroad, building a sand castle. A young girl came over to see what I was doing. We didn't speak the same language. She was completely naked, but too young to be shy about it. She needed the toilet, and just went, standing in front of me, spraying my sand castle. At that age I was used to seeing girls undressed at school, and they used to leave the cubicle door open when they used the toilet. I was intrigued for two reasons. Firstly, I thought that girls had to sit down to wee. I hadn't known they could do it standing up. Secondly, it was the best view I'd ever had ho
  15. Allowed myself about 2/3 little spurs over the last hour and a half. 😋
  16. From one of my questionable friends on Facebook lol.
  17. Don't know why this was in my feed, I think Facebook knows too much about me know.
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