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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2024 in all areas

  1. This website turns me on so much. can’t wait to post more for you horny freaks. Would love to make friends 🙂
    12 points
  2. This story contains pee vandalism, golden shower, and naughty pee. (Ruby pov/ Ruby mind) As I woke up today in my dorm bedroom I’m Ruby the star captain of the female soccer team here at Boston College. I'm 5’6” 136lbs I have Auburn hair that curls and a body that would put any goddess to shame. As I stand the covers fall off me exposing my nude body to my dark room. A raze of sunlight hits one of my walls bringing a bit of light to an otherwise dim room. My room is a mess dirty thongs everywhere my soccer bag full of dried sweaty clothes. A pervert-wet dream you get to smell
    4 points
  3. In case anyone is on here thinking "wow, Bacardi seems like a nice, mature, responsible grown adult woman. I'd love to get to know her more." I saw this at 6 am this morning and it's after 12 now and I'm still laughing so hard I cry. Better rethink that message 😭
    4 points
  4. I am not sure if that makes them last shorter or longer. 😜
    4 points
  5. My car used as Toilet again My mother asked me to drive her friend home in the evening after the barbecue party. I said yes to my mom, but I didn't know that her friend was pregnant. The barbecue party ended around midnight. We got in my car and I Start driving. Her friend, Daniela, lived about half an hour away. Daniela was 8 months pregnant and had a big belly, very big belly. When she got in she thanked me for driving her home. Very polite woman I thought. After 20 minutes Daniela said: "I have to pee" Mother: "Because you didn't go to the toilet at home, but don't worry,
    4 points
  6. A couple of nights ago in the hotel I woke up in the middle of the night needing a piss so just swung one leg out bed and started pissing onto the floor. Finished up rolled straight back into bed. Quicker and more comfortable than using the bathroom and I got to leave a nice piss puddle on the carpet of the room. No evidence of it by the morning.
    4 points
  7. Hey all, I’m spending a few days with a friend in Canada and they just got buried with snow. Before I tell you what I did tonight I have to back track a little. Alright so remember how I always said I was a toilet girl or indoor girl either or well that changed last Halloween. Myself and Katie were at a frat party and I was completely wasted. I really had to pee but once we found the washroom the line up was half way down the stairs, there was no way I could wait that long. Katie looked at me holding my crotch and doing the pee dance so she said here I have an idea. No
    3 points
  8. I am a bit lighter than these beautiful renders are, but I think bottom middle, center, and top right look a lot more like me than what I previously posted!
    3 points
  9. This story contains women peeing outside on a hike. I've gone for a fairly short and simple story idea here but I hope you enjoy! Jo, a 30 year old tall and slim brunette, was leading her first ever walk as a member of her hiking group on a somewhat strenuous 25km route through a remote part of the Lake District. There were about twenty people on the walk and it was a fairly warm day in spring, something that encouraged people to drink plenty of water. The people on the walk were mostly either in their late twenties or early thirties and it was fairly evenly split between men and w
    3 points
  10. Coding is a language. AI is extremely good with language ... and there are plenty of code examples on the internet. Put those together and I'd expect ChatGPT or similar to produce reasonable code without difficulty @gldenwetgoose makes a really good point about code maintenance, though. If a human needs to maintain the code, it needs comments, etc. which I doubt an AI would bother to include. Simple code wouldn't be a problem but I shudder at the idea of debugging 10k lines of AI generated code. Good code is like poetry. I used to pride myself on the efficiency of my code (I
    3 points
  11. Languages learning models in regards to coding will eventually easily provide solutions to problems that are essentially already solved (as that's part of its nature by default). It likely won't solve unknown programming problems or patterns and will probably have some trouble architecting larger solutions for a long while. However, it is good as a code snippet tool when you are able to provide adequate guidance to what you want and have the ability to know when the generated code needs to be edited to work correctly in a certain context. At this point in time it's more like an automated
    3 points
  12. UPDATE: while we were out to supper his sister texted him asked him what he was doing. So he told her and she wrote back we’re having a few people over bring her and meet me first before she meets mom and dad. So we went back to his place to get ready I was still on the fence but I said what the hell, so I looked at him and said hey remember what you asked me last night. He said yes so I said well I have to pee you want me to use the toilet or try going on you. He said up to yourself so we went into the bathroom he sat on the toilet with his pants down to his ankles I got on top of him
    3 points
  13. I started peeing around my childhood home at around 6/7/8. Somewhere in there. I'd pee on the concrete in the basement and on our dogs pee pads.
    3 points
  14. And @MidoriLemonade85 as a mermaid! 💚
    2 points
  15. And @Bacardi as a mermaid.💜
    2 points
  16. I remember at primary school, so I must’ve been about 6 or 7, standing at the urinals in the boys toilets with my friends and competing to see how high up the wall we could squirt. The technique was to roll your foreskin back, take a tight grip of your penis with thumb and forefinger and apply as much force to your bladder as possible by straining before quickly releasing your grip. If you were lucky, and synchronised your actions perfectly, you could hit the cistern on the wall above the urinals 😂 … The cleaners must have hated us 🫣
    2 points
  17. I dont think it'll let us make one with a giant cock lol. https://www.bing.com/images/create Here try it yourself. It's free.
    2 points
  18. @MidoriLemonade85 here i used Bing image creator to make my dream man. Couldn't for the life of me get it to render me as a black mermaid with light skin like how I actually look, but these are my favorites and then this pisstake when I accidentally typed "bears" instead of "beard" I was SO confused. But just about died laughing 💀 look at how horrific the fingers loom. AI sucks at making hands.
    2 points
  19. Meanwhile, Kupar has come down to collect me from somewhere off the coast of Australia…😉💚
    2 points
  20. Sounds like me at that age. Sometimes on dry summer nights, when my parents were asleep, I’d climb out of my bedroom window and lay on my front in the grass of the lawn with my pyjama bottoms round my ankles and just let go, enjoying the feel of my hot pee spreading under my hips and stomach as I ground my stiffening cock against the turf. I don’t think my parents (or the neighbours) ever noticed, or if they did they never mentioned it. Thinking back, I used to partake in the same activity in broad daylight too, but I used to lay in the long grass of a nearby hay field so I was more out o
    2 points
  21. Come to think of it kupar, it can't be a coincidence that these two characters look exactly like us. DID you get it commissioned 😏 And of course bestie. You are the mermaid expert. You have to teach me the ropes!
    2 points
  22. haha, I have had a few pees at the gas station. Have to stop anyway so might as well take the change to empty my bladder. While pumping gas I’ve wet my pants, especially if it’s more busy. When it’s not been I’ve done a couple techniques: the pull shorts and panties to the side and pee standing up and make a nice puddle on the ground. Another one i’ve down a couple times is squat down like i’m checking the tire pressure but then i move my pants and piss like that. But one of my most memorable was when I was driving long distance with a friend. I had to pee so bad I was ready to burst. Fr
    2 points
  23. This was me unleashing a nice stream to pissmark this wall in public this evening.. 😈
    2 points
  24. Myself and gf Kate are having a weekend away at a local caravan place in Wales. We arrived early today before the roads came a mess with protesting farmers. We had planned for a fully wet weekend with Kate wanting to wear nappies /diapers. Anyway we decided to go for a walk in the woods, with pack lunch and hope to find a quite spot for Kate to try out her shewee device which she been dieing to try out in public. We found a quiet spot for lunch and Kate drank a lot of water as she wanted to make sure a good lot came out of her. We started back and after an hour Kate was desperate to pee, we we
    2 points
  25. Probably when I was a small child haha. But after I moved to a different country, the first place I peed in public was outside of a club, near the steps of a private house. I had to pee so damn much that the puddle overflowed onto the road lol
    2 points
  26. Headed down to what I thought was the “beach blocco” on day two but of course when you’re expecting something it’s always a letdown. Ended up being a more formal party like a concert and it had adequate portaloo facilities. All I got from it was two small sightings of girls in a group taking turns peeing but they would always hold a towel type thing up for the others to block the view. Disappointing. Wasnt ready to give up there though so we headed in to another one later in the day. By a happy coincidence while waiting for friends we spotted another walking street one (for anyone wh
    2 points
  27. My first story, hope you enjoy. Contains female peeing, desperation, leaks and slight wetting. L had woken up early in her camper van after arriving at the site late the night before. She hadn't been able to check in and was parked in the late arrivals spot rather than the main camping area, but more pressing on her mind, she was also bursting for a pee. Outside the birds were singing and the sky was clear as the sun was rising over the trees surrounding the site. L was wearing a satin vest top and very skimpy matching satin shorts. L quickly put on her dressing gown and headed ou
    2 points
  28. I love emptying a load of piss on hotel carpet so much! I'm about to do it again right now!
    2 points
  29. It was probably when I was 16. Me and my friends would go to a convenience store after school and since the bathrooms were dirty I would piss in the stairwell of this old parking garage nearby.
    2 points
  30. The grabbing of their cock through their trousers is so hot even better when they put the hand in and squeeze their cock i love it so much not often you see in real life or in videos
    2 points
  31. Floor and wall marking in the grocery store bathroom
    2 points
  32. Got sent up the road for work, which means a few nights in a hotel. Seems wrong not to take advantage of it and fuck it up a bit. Had a few beers and released the inevitable piss on the wall.
    2 points
  33. Morning dentist appointments mean a lot of held morning coffee. Which I released on the back of the building on the way out. I never stand too close to the wall anyway but it was crucial here as the stream was so strong. Got the last two spurts pretty high up there.
    2 points
  34. Was passing through a big office complex that’s always a bit of a maze and couldn’t be bothered to find a bathroom. Out of convenience I ducked into the first unlocked meeting room I found and left a puddle cooling on the carpet in the corner. I then continued on to my destination feeling much more comfortable.
    2 points
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