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  1. I love to watch videos of girls pissing in very public places, but, being a guy, I wouldn't dare to do likewise. My public pees are always discreet, especially when there are people around. I want to leave a puddle not earn a criminal record. And I'm with @Paulypeepson public wetting ... fun to watch but I can't see myself walking around in pissy jeans. 👀 I guess I'm just a coward at heart 😛😈😂
  2. The things parents do to their children for aesthetic, religious and/or social reasons are numerous and horrifying. I am happy to be completely as I was born ... I even have my appendix and tonsils! Inflicting pain and suffering on a child should be illegal. The laughter described by the OP is nauseating. Human history is replete with examples of needless cruelty to infants. I sometimes think there's something seriously wrong with our species.
  3. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the moment ... the first time is always special (wish I could remember mine 😂). Do you have any targets for future adventures?
  4. I started peeing on the floor and other naughty places when I was quite young, but that wasn't a "turn-on", just risky behaviour. Like @chubbyjack, I think the sexual aspect started in my late teens. There was a girl down the road during high school who liked to leave her bedroom curtains open when she was partially or completely nude. The local boys knew, and she knew they knew, so it was something of an open invitation. We always limited it to one boy ... if you went by and another boy was already there, you just walked on (a crowd would have drawn unwanted attention). Anyway, o
  5. I do this a lot when I'm at a hotel. So much easier in the morning to just stagger naked into the bathroom and release the nights piss directly onto the shower floor. And after I've showered there's nothing left to clean up. Simples!
  6. Yes ... but indirectly. I think I first peed on the floor as a kind of "fuck you all" gesture. That naturally evolved into "I wonder if I could get away with it here". And progressed to a life of sneaky puddles and damp carpets. If I hadn't wanted revenge way back then, I may not have become the naughty pisser I am today.
  7. The local pool has only one changing room for everyone and ages range from mums & toddlers to octogenarians. Lots of possibilities for a negative reaction to some dude peeing on the floor. I still like to have a quiet pee, but I am suitably circumspect.
  8. Almost certainly, the people working at the pool wouldn't care ... they hose down the whole changing room regularly, probably for exactly that reason. The concern, naturally, comes from that random person who throws a major freakout when s/he sees the little stream and figures out what it is. There's always one of those people around and I'd rather not have to deal with them. 🤣
  9. I've never had the pleasure of piss play during sex ... but I've had pleasurable sex countless times. If forced to choose, I'll go with the one I know and love. Intercourse for me.
  10. I've clearly been going to the wrong parties all my life 😂 That said, I have been to lots of big indoor/outdoor type parties where the outdoor area became a communal toilet. Usually separate areas for boys & girls, and usually not directly visible from the main party area, but everyone knew where to go. The guys were warned not to invade the girls area (physical damage was clearly implied) so no sneaky peeking.
  11. This is something of a no-brainer ... a woman is welcome to hold my penis for whatever reason she desires, peeing at a urinal included
  12. I second @88mphArtist's comment ... shopping with you would be something to remember. I've always wanted to go on a shopping trip like that. What I love most is that you take clothes into the changing room just so you can have a piss. It's literally your toilet. Amazing.
  13. When I finished my morning swim the other day, I decided to do something a little different ... I got out and sat on the side of the pool and, whilst pretending to check my workout on my watch, just let go and enjoyed a 30 second full-flow pee. It was fun to do it in full view of everyone knowing that no one could see what was happening. Well, it made me smile, anyway 😎😂
  14. You know, those curtains can be quite absorbent ... just saying 😉
  15. I've tried various dating sites over the years and eventually stopped because: They match @gldenwetgoose's comment about gender mix: ten-to-one is probably pretty optimistic. Great for a real girl looking for a guy, but next to impossible for a guy looking for much of anything (even a reply) They eventually demand money to keep playing They're mostly bots these days ... so the "gender mix" is actually way worse That said, good luck to one and all ... I sincerely hope you have a better experience.
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