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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2023 in Posts

  1. This story contains extreme piss vandalism, cum and piss sharing and taboo piss activities on a airplane by a flight attendant , all fictional and this story might not be for everyone butterflies entered Yulia's stomach as her morning alarm woke her from her slumber, she caressed her hard nipples knowing today she was going to be a naughty day at work. Yulia worked as a flight attentent for United, and she had a scheduled flight from JFK to London Heathrow in which she planned to do naughty piss activities the whole flight. she started rubbing her swollen clit and her pussy let out a dri
    6 points
  2. This next encounter ended in a non visual sighting which was a shame but was worth sacrificing. I had made my way back to the stretch of main road with the numerous bars and was checking out the crowds there waiting for any potential signs of an encounter. For a while it was pretty quiet on that front but I was happy enjoying the atmosphere. I ended up at the furthest bar on the stretch checking out the queue of people and people arriving when a taxi pulled up and three girls got out, all late 20’s. They got out and it became apparent one of them was a little worse for wear. She walked over to
    5 points
  3. I know this is pushing the envelope, but I just realised that I might considered reasonably proficient in the language of business bullshit.
    4 points
  4. My first Pee share! always enjoy the feeling of peeing right after cunning while I’m still slightly erect ! Thought I would video some of it and share but I see there is a size limit on this so a pic is attached instead ! new to this to any tips would be appreciated!
    3 points
  5. Also Australian English, lol. Trying to learn Gaelic, it’s fairly impossible, I know. A bit of Russian, not much though. I did try Spanish for a while, but the people I tried to learn it from weren’t interested. I think they wanted to keep us in the dark about what they were thinking. Is Python a language? Or does that fall under the @Sophie gobbledygook umbrella?
    3 points
  6. The second sighting from the pedestrian street came not long after. This time from a much more vocal younger girl. I was standing towards the end of the street watching people coming and going when someone shouted “come on!....tell her to hurry up…I need a piss”. I looked round and located the source of the shouting. Three girls had just come off the main road and the one shouting was a tall leggy brunette in a white top and a teeny tiny black skirt. She stood talking to her friends before once again shouting down the road, clearly waiting on others. Eventually a couple more girls appear
    3 points
  7. This is the first time I've tried writing for this thread. Hope yall enjoy it. A few years ago when i was 19, I had my 2 close friends of the same age Seth and John over to chill, hang, and drink at my place at around 7 o'clock at night. We had the house to ourselves since my parents were out of town and were gonna be gone at least a week. We started the night off in the living room, my parents built what looked and felt pretty much like a legitimate bar with 4 seats (plus 1 seat behind the bar) and a decent selection of booze. We friends were sitting around the bar chatting,
    2 points
  8. My favourite! Just perfection 😍
    2 points
  9. I'm very impressed by the range of languages that some of you have! Apart from my native English, I learned French to O level in school and a little German. I helped my daughter with her German GCSE, so that refreshed it a bit, but I've never really used either in a useful sense. However just recently I spent two weeks in France and I was pleased to be able to order things sort out bills etc in French as well as I had a short conversation with someone who wanted me to take their photo. It kind of rekindled my thoughts on languages and so I would like to develop my French. I woul
    2 points
  10. Id very much agree on both the primal thing as well as pee being less of it than the pose. Let he who has not been at a party ,saw girls heading to the treeline and thought "hehe butts out" cast the first stone. Don't worry I'll wait. Frog-pose is a very feminine and vulnerable pose, plus the ass is phat about 125% of the time in said pose. Whether Ole girl is pulling a wagon prior or not. And yes, the desperation vids can trigger "oh-ho. Bitch in distress, Ill save you" response I think it doesn't quite hit the nail on the head. As you said, we all stumbled into it. But gen
    2 points
  11. I can speak Australian English, American English, and UkK English.
    2 points
  12. Living in Belgium has one advantage. We learn a lot of different languages at school. My native language is Dutch, but I’m very good at English and French too. German I can understand, but I definitely can’t write or speak it.
    2 points
  13. Unexpected Error: Question not found. WantonLee stopped working. Do you want to ask again? [Y]es [N]o [C]ancel 😉
    2 points
  14. Did you hear about the chameleon that couldn’t change colors? It had reptile dysfunction.
    2 points
  15. We are on holiday now. We are doing a big round trip through Mexico and Guatemala. We are sleeping in a different hotel almost every night. One of those hotels was in the middle of the jungle in Guatemala. It wasn't a hotel with rooms, but they were all seperate wooden lodges amidst the jungle. It was all very basic. We only had a sink in the room and the toilets and showers were outside. As my gf is currently pregnant, she needs to pee more often than usual. She went to one of those toilets first but said they were very dirty and that she would try to avoid them if possible. It was also
    2 points
  16. @Someguyfromthenet You thought this out well and cover a lot of ground. Personally some of my earliest sexual experiences where from my fathers friends daughter accidentally on purpose flashing her pussy at me while we were camping etc. Seeing a shaved pussy pissing strait ahead pushed my younger self to almost cum in my shorts. It was the desired effect on her part. Fast forward I did bang here when she was 25 but I do regret not getting to do some nice raw cums in her while I was young. As for pissing I am curious how you include the naughty/exhibitionist angle into your theory. I
    2 points
  17. Continuing the story of Lisa the Wedding Belle and her wedding photographer. Some three weeks had passed since the test shoot with Lisa. I’d been through my normal workflow - filtering hundreds of images down to about a quarter, making some very minor tweaks. Colour temperature, highlights, a bit of contrast pop. Then I’d uploaded and sent Mark & Lisa a link to access the images. Our next planned meeting was to be the wedding rehearsal itself which would be in the week leading to the big day, but then I had a slightly cryptic text from Lisa asking if I could help her with some
    2 points
  18. @Dr.P I see that. Yeah woman have interesting behaviors. I once used to regularly listen to a certain girl pee who happened to be one of my male friend's sister. Anyway this girl had a reputation for being pretty promiscuous in high school and college too. So once in sophomore year I was at my friend's home hanging out and the parents had gone somewhere I think. So me, my friend, and the sister were home alone the sister is two years older than my friend. Me and my friend both were sophomores in high school then. And his sister was a senior in highschool then. Anyway it was in the afternoon a
    1 point
  19. Me when my chiropractor walks into the room to adjust my back.
    1 point
  20. Ahh I see , cheers for the info 🙂
    1 point
  21. This story amazing! It's been a long time since I've seen a new naughty piss/piss vandalism story, I'm glad people are still writing them!
    1 point
  22. English, and enough greek, spanish and french to say please, thank you, could I have the bill, and more beer 🙂
    1 point
  23. I only have two languages to offer: - German because native tongue, and - English because computer games. My first English teacher was very old school; that learning should be fun was not on his agenda. I write/type English better then I speak it, and even that only because I can always spell check. Thank you, internet! 😄 My French is practically non-existent at this point. Apart from a few "merci", "de rien" and "merde" here and there. ^^
    1 point
  24. Actually ecclesiastical Latin, the type used by the RC church prior to the silliness unleashed following Vatican II, but never mandated by that council, is what I'm mainly familiar with. Classical Latin is a little different. Both play a part in underpinning modern European languages though.
    1 point
  25. I forgot to put on a bra but I bet nobody noticed ...
    1 point
  26. My husband is one of them 😉
    1 point
  27. Yes I got to do this not too long ago for the first time.. leading up to it, I sat there with my face right up to her vagina the whole time she was peeing in the toilet.. I also put my fingers and tongue under her stream. When I wiped her vagina she told me it “tickled”.. It was pretty cool moment to say the least..
    1 point
  28. During my wanderings I ended up back at the pedestrianised street with a handful of bars and it was quite busy so I spent some time wandering up and down and from that got two simple sightings courtesy of the long queues for the bars. The first one came from a gorgeous curvy blonde milf type in a figure hugging orange dress. She came with a group of friends down the street and they stopped outside one of the bars. They were looking up and down the street at the different bars and debating whether they wanted to go somewhere else or call it a night. As they were debating the blonde starte
    1 point
  29. Walking home this evening I was bursting for a piss, so I walked off the sidewalk a bit and went to the back door of the local movie theater, by the dumpsters. I was surprised to find the door open a crack - some of my piss may have splashed inside as I thoroughly hosed down the doorway. I just wish a cute theater employee would have walked out to put some trash away while I was standing there...
    1 point
  30. I may have ‘accidentally-on-purpose’ pissed anywhere but in the toilet in the public toilets today.. I’ve done similarly in these ones before, so it felt extra pleasing to go back and add to it 🌚
    1 point
  31. while multiple user public bathrooms are still gender specific, where i live, by law, all single user public bathrooms are gender neutral. some are signed as much, or might be called a family bathroom; but many are still labeled for boys' or girls'. unfortunately, regardless of the sign on the door, they increasingly seem to only have one normal toilet inside. however, the guys', and family ones, do sometimes have both a sit down potty and a urinal. so yeah, if i'm fortunate enough to find myself in one of those with both, there is like a 90% chance that i will use the urinal instead because l
    1 point
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