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About Someguyfromthenet

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    Male, straight
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  1. Holy fuck balls horse-man that's the trifecta. That girl should be given a medal. (Why YES. It should be a golden one for no particular reason at all.) As a freelance and unlicensed internet sexual theorist , I can only offer conjecture but id say you're kind of in a gray area for sure. Well not really. You're like an F type that is more willing to sport a pair of handcuffs than a wet spot on your jeans. Probably has a lot to do with your dad's buddy's daughter going full slut mode like she did. Sure it's the gold (heh) standard of tribal initiations but I bet her pops was close by too. W
  2. Id very much agree on both the primal thing as well as pee being less of it than the pose. Let he who has not been at a party ,saw girls heading to the treeline and thought "hehe butts out" cast the first stone. Don't worry I'll wait. Frog-pose is a very feminine and vulnerable pose, plus the ass is phat about 125% of the time in said pose. Whether Ole girl is pulling a wagon prior or not. And yes, the desperation vids can trigger "oh-ho. Bitch in distress, Ill save you" response I think it doesn't quite hit the nail on the head. As you said, we all stumbled into it. But gen
  3. No, a few close calls but just a one and done unfortunately lol
  4. Glad you liked it bud, its definitely a struggle at times, nice to know im not the only one sifting in the same way. I notice that S type content always hits the top tens on more vanilla type websites. I can't say for sure but I think that there may be a market or demand for a strictly S-type content location. As for the water story not much more do it but here goes. We were all at the pond as we usually were on summer break. This place was unique in that there was an old dragline crane parked next to it that we hung a rope from the boom and used as a swing. In our group was a couple
  5. So I had a thought while popping from one post to another that I'm gunna write down here because I think it's something to be said. This kink has two types. Situational and Fetishistic. Let's start with Fetishistic. The trail blazers, pioneers and single largest consumers of construction grade tarps, Costco sized plastic sheeting rolls, kiddie pools and dry cleaning on earth. Sexual Juggalos with all of the wild personality and none of the make up for obvious reasons. The kind of folk who will give you the shirt off your back but you probably shouldn't take it. Normal folk during bu
  6. Hey, 34m from Midwest. Still working out this new kink and am admittedly gunshy about it. Hope this can be a good step to finding others like myself (ladies specifically lol) Thanks for having me all the same
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