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  1. This is the next chapter in the Tales of a Furniture Wetter series. It contains female desperation, peeing, wetting, furniture wetting, and masturbation. As the work day ended, I stepped out of my office and debated stopping by the bathroom before making the long trek to my car. I would have considered another trip to the 6th floor, but so many of my coworkers were on the elevator, and I couldn't think of a proper response if they asked why I was getting off on the 5th floor. Instead, I rushed out of the building to the elevator and walked carefully to my car. I was feeling some pre
    7 points
  2. 5 points
  3. As I mentioned in the post above I had two sightings in that Tesco spot. This one happened later in the night after a couple of other sightings but I will post about it first. I was wandering around a stretch of main road towards the centre of the city which had 5 big bars/clubs along it so there were concentrated crowds of people all along the road. I was wandering up and down the road checking out the bar queues and people milling around when I came across my next fun encounter of the evening. As I was wandering around there was a constant stream of taxis and Uber picking people up and
    5 points
  4. You read it here first folks... Let's start that crowd-funding for the bail money now.
    4 points
  5. This is the first time I've tried writing for this thread. Hope yall enjoy it. A few years ago when i was 19, I had my 2 close friends of the same age Seth and John over to chill, hang, and drink at my place at around 7 o'clock at night. We had the house to ourselves since my parents were out of town and were gonna be gone at least a week. We started the night off in the living room, my parents built what looked and felt pretty much like a legitimate bar with 4 seats (plus 1 seat behind the bar) and a decent selection of booze. We friends were sitting around the bar chatting,
    2 points
  6. Good day everyone! Today I was driving home from work and found myself dying for a piss. I pulled over at a service station, knowing full well I was NOT going to go inside and use the toilet. I parked my car at the far end of the car park, and opened the back door. I propped my phone up on the rear seat (I felt like filming myself today!) And started pissing into the grass verge behind my car. I gave the wheel of my car a bit of a hose-down, before finishing up and continuing the long drive home. Nothing particularly special today, but I thought I'd share with you lovely
    2 points
  7. I see you’re at it again! Gorgeous trimmed muffin! Pretty sure it’s not just me but I can never get enough of your posts.
    2 points
  8. What other reasons could there be to buy a bikini than to get it wet? 😼 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/classicexaltedseamonkey https://www.redgifs.com/watch/knobbyagreeableacouchi
    2 points
  9. The longest piss I ever taken was 3 minutes it was when I was 17 I was hiking with my parents I drank and drank water as I announce I have to pee I lowered my shorts down and a strong clear stream shot from my pussy arcing forward in the middle of the trail no shame. As I pee and pee my dad asked are almost done I nodded no he was like “Abby you been peeing for 2 whole minutes what do mean your not done like what kinda bladder do you have?” I shrugged as I peed still for another minute
    2 points
  10. @737DK737 This story is absolutely perfect I wonder what his mom reaction would be if she saw him pissing in his room.
    2 points
  11. This is the dream. Every person should be so bold. I would die to find a guy who whipped it out to take a leak literally wherever needed.
    2 points
  12. I've mentioned this before but when I need to pee, I pee where I'm at. No matter where I am or who's around. I've posted a dozen times before about the places I've peed. With that being said, I'm actually rather polite about it. If I'm somewhere like a store with other people around, I step to the side far enough the spray/splatter won't affect them. If I'm at like a concert or something where it's to crowded to step to the side, I'll aim at the ground at best as I can. If I'm in an elevator I'll stand in the back corner giving them a heads up saying "Taking a piss" or even just "pissing
    2 points
  13. Imagine you're out with her and she gets so desperate that she's going to have to pee in public. She'll have to undress, or wet herself. Which will it be?
    2 points
  14. Finally i got some time to Write another Part My Room used as Toilet 7 2 weeks later My mother's birthday I had helped her a lot with the preparations. Two friends and a couple came to the Birthday. The couple were black and both of their friends were white womens. I was only there for dinner and then went to my room. The woman's husband walked in and said hello. He then went to the corner where my laundry basket was, pulled out his cock and just let him hang out. The cock was huge, a true BBC. I guess his BBC was about 8 inches long and really thick. He st
    2 points
  15. So I had a thought while popping from one post to another that I'm gunna write down here because I think it's something to be said. This kink has two types. Situational and Fetishistic. Let's start with Fetishistic. The trail blazers, pioneers and single largest consumers of construction grade tarps, Costco sized plastic sheeting rolls, kiddie pools and dry cleaning on earth. Sexual Juggalos with all of the wild personality and none of the make up for obvious reasons. The kind of folk who will give you the shirt off your back but you probably shouldn't take it. Normal folk during bu
    1 point
  16. Update 4: New girlfriend is not so new now as been together for five months and enjoying her and her sister. Over Labor Day weekend I had both of them over with both spending the night with me though only one in my bed. I was entertaining my g/f with plenty of beer while feeding her 19 yo half sister pop and water. Both of them gave me incredible satisfaction in the pee department. My g/f had a short black skirt with white lace panties on and a white halter top with her nips sticking straight out from her lacy skimpy bra. Though she is only a 'B' cup she is very firm since she i
    1 point
  17. She's cute. Do you think she needs to pee?
    1 point
  18. Haha I hate portapotties too! If I had to choose between this, a portapotty, and peeing literally anywhere else, I'd go anywhere else. Behind a building, a grassy field, in a parking lot. I would strip naked and pee in the middle of a busy intersection if it was the only alternative lol.
    1 point
  19. Damn. Wanna take me craft shopping? 🥵 Most public place I've ever peed in was either a corn maze or in a fitting room. The fitting room was just a short pee, like a small trickle so idk if it counts. I actually tried to recreate it the other day when I went back but alas: the changing rooms were closed. Probably because someone peed in them lol.
    1 point
  20. My most public piss would probably the times I pissed in a craft store. I was getting some supplies for an art project, walking through the aisles as I felt an ache in my bladder. There was a decent amount of people around so I walked to an area were no one would get sprayed, I didn't care who saw me in the act (I never do) but I still didn't want to splatter/splash/spray anyone with my piss. So once I was a reasonable distance from everyone I whipped my dick out and pissed on the floor, leaving a good sized puddle behind as I walked away and continued shopping.
    1 point
  21. So I was hanging out with a friend she very shy in nature she’s a red head with the brightest blue eyes almost silver. She also very pale, busty and has a very beautiful bubble butt we met in Highschool together we became friends when I started talking to her since she more she shy back then. Lets call her Megan for the experience so we where out walking in city at night since there’s a thing here in Phoenix call First Friday so the first Friday of every month Street vendors closed down the major street and sell tacos, burgers, hot dogs, and etc. Theirs also small bands showing off
    1 point
  22. Damn lol the most public place I peed was a target parking lot. I drove to the back and legit peed from the car to the parking lot
    1 point
  23. Yes you have to behave as others would regard as normal in situations that secretly turn you on. Clearest example in my life I can think of is an incident I have described before, when I was in the back of a taxi travelling along a street which back then was the main late night drinking area. And all of a sudden, I spotted a young lady squatting and pissing in full view quite openly on the pavement with people walking right past. Taxi driver spotted it as well and insisted on emoting to me about how disgusting this was. So as not to break my cover and clearly because he was expecting some
    1 point
  24. I managed to have a cheeky wee on a night out some time ago while remaining in a conversation with a bystander. I had been stood near a wall by a pub which was part of the beer garden on his side and an alley way on mine, although there was no exit from the pub to the alley. I was on my way home and had nipped into the alley to pee and he was collecting glasses from the now closed pub. We knew each other from nights out in that pub and he sidled over and we chatted for a bit over the wall, which was just high enough to cover my chest. There was a flower bed on his side so he couldnt come
    1 point
  25. This next handful of sightings will differ from my others as they come from a different location. For context, the club where I work is part of a chain, we have venues up and down the country. Occasionally club's will require extra staff on certain days for example if they have an event on, they are running a promotion or they are simply just short staffed. On these occasions they will reach out to other local clubs to find staff to cover. This happened last weekend. One of our local clubs got in touch with our manager asking if there were any staff that fancied covering on Saturday evening a
    1 point
  26. I love peeing outside (or other places you’re not supposed to ) but being caught is my worst fear. Whilst we all dream of being caught in the act by someone who’ll enjoy it the unfortunate reality is most won’t and I don’t want to offend anyone ( or be arrested ! )
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. I agree. Train seats sometimes are really nice toilets 😝 I also took advantage and really enjoyed the opportunity for a little mischief earlier this year...
    1 point
  29. Dressing rooms are basically just urinals already!
    1 point
  30. I never have, but one of my favorite stories from Experience Project was of a girl who is at a garden store and goes to the bathroom (she makes note that she wanted to pee in the plants on display but couldn't) but instead if peeing in the toilet she stands and pees into a potted plant that was in the corner. My favorite detail was when she overshot the plant and peed on the wall and said "no biggie" lol. No idea if it was true or not but it's given me plenty of orgasms.
    1 point
  31. Lonely tree by fontain in the Valley of Warm Rains... Surprise that made me melancholic...Thank you ...
    1 point
  32. She left the door open, so you know she didn’t mind you listening, which is super hot.
    1 point
  33. One place I would like to try is behind the TV furniture thing. So far I only got to do a little in a hotel closet.
    1 point
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