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About sumrexus

  • Rank
    Loyal Member
  • Birthday 04/06/1963

Personal Information

  • Gender
  • Occupation
    director engineering company
  • Age
  • Location
    East Midlands, United Kingdom
  • About Me
    Still single at 60, love this weird fetish

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Voyeur sightings!
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Seeing my sister pee!

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  1. I hope the surgery goes well for you. My dad had it, his surgery was a urostomy where the bladder is removed and he had a Stoma in place of it and a bag.
  2. I think age needs to be taken into consideration, for boys and girls.. At 30 I could hold about 700mls, at 60 + I'm pretty desperate at 400!
  3. I reckon your assumption is spot on and you almost caught her 'in the act'! That concentrated yellow brown wee you sometimes get can often be the most difficult to hold, it irritates the lining of the bladder. Was it hot weather? Maybe she is a fit girl and had been running or exercising?
  4. It is quite common to see UK police in McDonalds, KFC etc. They can get food while on duty, also probably take a wee etc. I went to The Royal International Air Tattoo some years ago, it was being held at RAF Cottesmore instead of the more usual RAF Fairford. Big traffic cues on country roads to the show. There were a few porta loos set up along the route in. I discovered these were for the police marshalling in the public! There were quite a few cars stopping with passengers getting out to wee behind hedges and in woods etc. There were some (mainly ladies) trying to get in the loos, the police
  5. Pretty well getting the same here in England. A friend of mine works for my local council / authority. Cost cutting is one reason he gave, also the council has no official obligation to provide them.... Also..... cottaging as I believe its called, mainly gay men that rendezvous there as a meeting place etc. I once had to go in a stall with an upset tummy in one, a man was stood at the urinals jerking off when I came out, he was aware I was in there and did make sure I could see his penis! I quite like the look of a mans erect penis but on my own terms.
  6. I am pretty keen on running & cycling to keep fit. Pretty quick too for a vet 60 year old man. I am getting some coaching as of last week from a young lady that is quite well known in the east midlands UK, she is 30+ years old. I have to do slow paced runs plus some tempo and interval training. Diet and hydration come very much into it. On Monday evening she asked me about my hydration and pee before training! Colour, is it clear or straw coloured, how frequently I go before a session. I suppose I should have been ready for this but having this strange curiosity shared here I managed to ke
  7. Greets from Nottingham in the United Kingdom 😉
  8. Plenty of pissing goes on around that club when its turning out time, seen it a few times!
  9. Nice one, love your erect penis at the end, very erotic! I can't pee through an erect penis! I am pretty well a straight man but I find other men's penis's a real turn on!
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