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  1. Found in my Google maps group. Way to invite people to pee in your pool lol. The comments had me so dead.
    4 points
  2. I’m vacationing in London, and my cousins and I went to Carnival for Monday (Note: if you were there and somehow remember seeing a guy in a pink shirt and salmon pants, congrats on passing me in the wild lol) Anyway, we were walking the street from about noon to just before 5 (leaving just at the cusp of when it actually gets rowdy, apparently), and the police presence wasn’t enough deterrent for men who couldn’t be bother to pay £3 to use someone’s toilet or a porta-potty. Pardon me for being Stereotypically American and not knowing any street names, but the first sighting was whil
    3 points
  3. I think it is far less taboo these days than it used to be. Certainly in the UK I have seen ladies peeing by their cars in lay-bys a good few times. Yes, men do it more, but I don’t think it is because anyone would think less of a lady peeing in a lay-by, it is more that the ladies themselves are often reserved and don’t wish to be seen - even by strangers passing at 60mph. The other factor is that ladies are more discreet, so it probably happens more than people realise. Men tend to stand facing the verge and it is pretty obvious. Ladies tend to either walk into the bushes a little o
    3 points
  4. Afternoon friends! Today I was having a fun conversation with my favorite wet friend @WateryMoose. Idk exactly how the topic of my bathroom mat not being clean came up (I had actually cleaned all of the mats in the house but had forgotten about this one). I have become way too confident in my peeing adventures as of recent so when the topic of peeing on this mat came up I didn't even hesitate. There isn't even that much to say about it tbh. I peed on the mat and had a lot of fun. At least until i learned that that mat is DEFINTIELY not absorbat 😭😭 just see for yourself. As you
    3 points
  5. While I believe it is more common for men to pee in public than for women around here, of course those kinds of events would be the most likely place to witness women doing thier business outside and nobody diving a damn. However I tend to avoid huge crowds of people if alcohol is involved so I guess that explains why I've only ever seen men peeing in public and never women. And maybe it's also my own bias. When I pass trough an alley or a stair case that smells of piss I might tend to assume that only guys left thier mark there while in reality women contributed to it as well.
    3 points
  6. Hi all, I will be on vacation the next 10 days and I want to never use a toilet to pee. This will be hard as I am traveling with a friend, who does not share the fetish and also staying at friends houses along the way. The easy part will on the road as we are travelling by bike. The first day I was on my own. So far I have only peed once, on a bench on a quiet forrest service road(Picture). I will keep ypu all updated in this thread on how it goes. I can't garantee pictures but I will always try.😉 Wish me luck!😌
    2 points
  7. Damn I forgot about her. Adding her to the list. Oh and lets not forget peachyypoppy and LizRaw.
    2 points
  8. Was out for drinks with a friend and we stopped in to my place to use the restroom. We both had to piss badly and he joked that he could just use the window. I wish he had!
    2 points
  9. Travelled down yesterday by train, arrived early morning however sadly had to leave and get the train home just as things were beginning to get interesting. In summary it was a disappointing day sightings wise. Despite my best effort (nearly 40,000 steps walked) it was difficult to find one particular spot that would serve best for sightings. There was tons of desperation on show, most of the makeshift portaloo blocks were 4-5 people deep and there were hundreds of girls holding themselves, moving foot to foot and begging for the queue to hurry up. I was unlucky on 3 occasions to be preci
    2 points
  10. I guess, living in the north of England, I have a distinct advantage when it comes to wet weather weeing, frankly I have lost count of the amount of times I have peed in the rain. Most recently was during one of the usual spells of wetness last week. I had gone out for a walk to a nearby park, stupidly didn't check the forecast and got caught in a thundery downpour halfway round the path I follow (got to keep the steps up!) Usually I stop for a drink and a wee at a cafe before I head home but I was drenched and took a short cut through the park to hurry home, nervously avoiding the t
    2 points
  11. I only recently got introduced to this kink, and this morning I just randomly decided to give it a go, despite being super nervous. I guess it doesn't help that I woke up pretty horny. Here is 1 before and 3 after pictures of what I did this morning in a pretty busy public bathroom 😱 It's my first time doing anything like it. I have to say though it felt really good. I wanted to piss much more to the right of the toilet (on the floor and wall), but there was a guy sitting in the next stall to my right the entire time as I pissed all over the toilet seat and floor - I didn't want to make i
    2 points
  12. In recent years, openly peeing in the presence of others when out walking or camping has developed within one particular group of friends, where we will casually pee in full view, treating it as nothing different from anything else we do, and no-one reacts specifically to the peeing. Although the group is mixed, no-one is worried about the others seeing; it’s simply not bothering to do it in private. When walking we’ll mostly pee as a group, either at the side of the track if no-one else is around, or partly hidden in the bushes. When someone needs to a poo we will move slightly further o
    2 points
  13. I was pissing in the bike shelter
    2 points
  14. Have you had one of those days where all the water that you drink goes straight to your bladder in a matter of minutes? Yes? Well thats what happened to me last Friday. -> Woke up early for my morning run. Peed before leaving the house. Took occasional sips of water during my run and after 45 mins, felt like I'll pee myself if I dont find a spot soon. So I found myself a curb to sit on, pushed my shorts aside and let out a torrent of pee with a loud hiss, idk how. Fortunately there werent anyone around since it was quite early in the morning. -> Came back home. Got r
    1 point
  15. I have a feeling it'll happen on its own. We live close by and are planning on doing a few more bar crawls. >:) maybe we'll stop in a park for some relief too.
    1 point
  16. I second that... she would be my ideal 'naughty pee' date.
    1 point
  17. Fantastic @Bacardi I am pleased you had some fun with it even if the end result was a bit messier than expected.
    1 point
  18. Thank you! I just posted a video over in the men’s peeing forum if you wanted to check that out
    1 point
  19. I was out drinking with a few guy friends, revisiting my hometown. We had walked back to a bar and all had a nice piss off a bridge into a river together and we get back to my friends place and go for a swim in his pool. None of us brought bathing suits and we were all swimming in our boxers, eventually we realized it was 3am and we turned the lights off and dropped the boxers. We were having a great time and eventually were chatting about sex stuff and I brought up my piss kink. A couple minutes later one of the guys gets up to pee on the lawn and I was sitting at the edge of the pool, r
    1 point
  20. First a disclaimer .This happened Thursday evening at camp. I was naked, as it is a nudist campground. To be clear we cannot, do not just pee anywhere in front of people, or in a public area, just because everything is exposed. Doing so is so obvious it would be considered worse than wetting my pants in public. I only mention this up to because of comments on some pee boards, people thinking we just let go wherever whenever. We don’t that would be offensive and cause an unhealthy mess. That boring stuff out of the way, on to my fun, though unplanned evening hold. I had to pee a littl
    1 point
  21. I love my pee so much! My only thing is finding another girl that can match my admiration for it so we can be friends and enjoy each others pee play or naughty adventures
    1 point
  22. Very nice! The fact you squatted makes it that much better lol and I don’t blame you, bet it smells great!
    1 point
  23. Don't know why it's so taboo for girls to do so, the men do so all the time and no one thinks anything of it.
    1 point
  24. I bet that still made your day! Nice sighting thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  25. That's a tough one to choose. At this moment, I can't think of others than Sapphira A and Lexi Dona. Sadly nowadays, most of the good pissing stuff from these two fountains of gold is behind a paywall. So feel free to search free stuff for yourself. Sapphira A https://noodlemagazine.com/watch/-161911578_456244690 Lexi Dona https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59f7c51b990b7
    1 point
  26. Wow DevonUK another great video from you😀 imagine the water you would save on pre rinsing. Many thanks .😃
    1 point
  27. @beachmomI've never seen people peeing in the changing rooms. I think I was in 8th grade when we had school swimming lessons - even then there was no changing room peeing either. I simply pee in the pool. I've tried to pee on the slide but wasn't able to - the slide is fast and I want to enjoy the ride (besides, I am getting too old for the slide). There's no point in peeing on the slide - you don't feel it, it gets flushed away... After swimming, I often visit the jacuzzi if it isn't too crowded. That's also a good place to pee. In the jacuzzi, I just make sure it is not my first pe
    1 point
  28. For me it is definetly candy cane, I just love how she does it, she is so exited to pee always jumping and smiling, loving to make a mess. Often she shows of the puddle and is so proud, never any regret. It is just this such a happy and naughty contagious smile. I bet she would be endless fun to be and pee arround.
    1 point
  29. I've camped all my life and love the outdoors (parents were big campers so was introduced to it when I was a baby). When I was a kid I was allowed to pee in bushes so have always been relaxed about the "pee anywhere" thing in the countryside. Now having a pee fetish, outdoor peeing is an enjoyment! Getting out of a comfortable sleeping bag at night is, well, uncomfortable! If it's warm weather I just pee in bed (as many times as needed!) and hang the bag out to dry during the day. Daytime if no-one is around I pull my shorts aside and just pee wherever I am, otherwise just do it
    1 point
  30. Yeah have done this 2 times before 💦
    1 point
  31. There seem to be some strong opinions on this topic. I always prefer to lean more toward enlightenment than conflict. I'm about the same age as Beachmom and attitudes were definitely different back in the 1970s and 1980s. I think that I have a unique perspective because when I was growing up I was the opposite of what Beachmom has always consistently stated as her masculine ideal. I was extremely private about toilet issues, avoiding public toilets and peeing in the presence of other guys, eventually discovering that I was pee shy when I tried to "come out of my shell" and pee at the urina
    1 point
  32. Once it dries, it shouldn't be all that visible. I've pissed on hotel carpets many times, leaving big dark wet spots and wet lines throughout the room. Once it dried, I couldn't tell a thing. Unless the carpet is a very light color, I don't think stains would show either. You'll get more confidence. I don't think the staff really cares. All the children staying in hotels, spilling things. Could be anything.
    1 point
  33. Hey everyone! I have never thought there’s a website for this! So happy that I signed up! New to the group! I’m from Saskatchewan Canada. Welcome to newbies as well.
    1 point
  34. Just completely flooded this hotel staircase. Perfect urinal for all the male hotel guests.
    1 point
  35. I always do it that way
    1 point
  36. Yeah, there is plenty of story about me helping friends i getting helped. Here is the one i was thinking of when i saw the topic. Was at a party at a friend house. We was maybe 20 people at the party. Late in the night i was sitting at the bar with a girl that is with my friend. I was sitting and chatting. We where both very drunk. Then i tell her i will go for a pee. Then she ask me if she could hold it for me? If her boyfriend didnt know? I was like yeah sure. We went outside, go to a bush in the garden. I reaching for my zipper and the girl says no, i want to pull it out. She unzi
    1 point
  37. In a new car at a Dealership, slid to edge of seat and peed on the floor.
    1 point
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