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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2023 in Posts

  1. I went to a party at an aquaintance's house and had a bunch of beer while socializing. When the time came to 'recycle' the beer I found the mini toiletroom. It was a 'powder' room or lavatory or '1/2 bath' as called in the USA and a very small one that. I decided to be a good guest and sit on the toilet to pee (and the awkward placement of the sink and towel rack also forced it.) So, I sat and it was one of those compact toilets with a round seat. I had to tuck my cock in the front of the toilet seat before I started to pee. I started peeing out a big strong stream and suddenly someone k
    5 points
  2. Oh this is hot… reminded me of a time when I was playing football at some high school field. The high school was closed/semi-abandoned, but their pitch was still open for use. All the guys (and some of their girlfriends/wives) who needed a piss will head to the adjacent school for that. Needless to say, most people just went outdoors within the school compounds as the toilets were extremely rundown. We’re talking spiderwebs and dust/debris and basically mould everywhere. For me, I was enjoying peeing right in the middle of the classroom , in the canteen and just about every other nau
    4 points
  3. This is probably the most public piss i’ve ever done. I went out tonight by myself to go see the Barbie movie (it is amazing btw). As much as I desperately want to piss in the movie theatre, there was no way I could get away with it on opening weekend with a packed house. I drank a pretty good amount of water before I left not intentionally for a piss but just trying to stay hydrated. When I got to the theatre I bought popcorn and a big fruit punch. I finished the drink about halfway into the movie and I could feel how full my bladder was. I didn’t even think about going to the
    3 points
  4. Trying to do some gardening but it keeps raining so I’ve sat in the van and drunk tea. Picking fruit while holding until it got a bit awkward. Tasting good today. https://www.erome.com/a/Kp9uebfM
    3 points
  5. While you [at least try] to run your fingers through my hair 🥹🎀
    3 points
  6. https://watchmdh.to/blow-shop-schnellspritzer-beim-shoppen-abgeblasen-mit-steffiblond/?play=true spit cum in fitting room, again no clothes
    3 points
  7. Not really knickers - but bikini bottoms!
    3 points
  8. @Alfresco's comment about sheds in the 'garden center' thread got me thinking about the topic. I used to have a wooden garden shed at my last house and would occasionally pee in it if the need struck me, or if I was feeling frisky. Often when I would do yardwork I would drink a lot of fluids (water, gatorade, etc.), so would often need a pee. It was much more convenient to pee in the shed than to go inside. I'd usually pee in the corner, and try to aim for the small gap between the wall and the floor so it didn't make much of a puddle. Whatever pee went on the wooden floor would just abs
    2 points
  9. Well lads (and lasses)... I’ve done it! I’ve found the impossible. A place in Singapore where it’s possible to witness desperate women lowering their jeans or bunching up their skirts and letting it loose in a public area. So, a little bit of context: Singapore is a place where very few sightings occur, because a) the laws are so stringent, b) the girls have been brought up to be embarrassed about peeing in public and c) there are public toilets every few feet. How did I do this? Well, it was quite by accident. A few friends invited me out to a place called Fort Canning Park today (F
    2 points
  10. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT88jThh3/ I feel like we all know what's in those bottles.... (I'm sorry if yall don't like tiktok, but it doesn't allow me to post the video so I have to do the link)
    2 points
  11. This has been Sophie Fm. Thank you for listening. *click*
    2 points
  12. Not very often. Maybe once or twice ever. I was a bit shy about it. But I did pee on trees across the parking lot from time to time
    2 points
  13. There are some more things I did miss out, which happened at the gay sauna I go to sometimes. The dress code is in a towel or completely naked, and it’s so freeing being able to walk around without clothes on, it makes peeing freely very easy. They have a steam room that I have had a bit of an accident in when I got too relaxed, and the pee ended up pooling going down on of the drains. You can’t see anything in there as it’s dark and steamy with some coloured dim lights so I got away with it, I’ve also let out some pee while showering, and one of the hotter experiences I’ve while there i
    2 points
  14. The Lost Temple Rose's trowel scraped across the sandy infill of the temple. They had found the entrance two weeks ago and after careful recording of the doorway, began excavating a test-pit down from above on what the ground-penetrating radar suggested should be near the centre of the structure. So far remarkably few artefacts had been recovered from the upper layers, it was as if the site had been totally abandoned. "Ow!" She excalimed as her wrist jolted. Her trowel had caught against something solid. "Roof tiles," Rose mumbled aloud. "We're nearly there!" She finally excalim
    2 points
  15. I was watching the TV series Alone season 10, and at 14:20 into episode 2 the contestant Melanie, a 50 something brunette former model, crawls out of her tent first thing in the morning looking half sleepy and after she stands up you see her rustling around under her insulated bibs to what appears to be pulling her panties down, then she walks towards the camera pulling at her bibs to pull them off her shoulders and then her head drops out of frame as she goes to squat, but you get to hear her pee. Then mid stream she starts to laugh as she realizes she was on camera. Nothing too crazy since i
    2 points
  16. I think this is my best so far but positioning the camera is tricky and it doesn't feel as dynamic as I want. I really want to know what people like and want to see more of. Having others watch these is almost as fun as the pissing. https://www.redgifs.com/watch/trustingmotionlessichthyostega
    2 points
  17. Hi and big welcome to a great site
    1 point
  18. Thank you so much for the well thought out and helpful response. I do indeed hope that someday I get to try it with my wife. The closest I've gotten is that once in a blue moon, she'll let me lick her after she has peed. For example, if I am about to go down on her during foreplay, she might say "let me pee first." I'll say "Don't wipe, so I can lick you." She'll roll her eyes, and sort of "waddle" back from the toilet to the bed, afraid she's going to drip on the floor. She'll lay down, and I'll do my thing. It's usually just a few drops around her lips, so it's definitely not the s
    1 point
  19. Hi, thanks for being a part of it!
    1 point
  20. A location such as an alley where you can’t post up like you can in a parking lot, if it’s a known piss spot I would do mini action cameras. A Polaroid Cube which is small and has a magnet on the bottom where you can stick it to the bottom of a metal dumpster on the alley. Multiple mini cams would be ideal. The Polaroid Cube is inexpensive and the battery last a maximum of an hour and a half so you’ll have to place it during peak pee times. Make sure you have a sufficient memory card too. I have seen videos where someone placed a camera under something in piss hot spots. Wor
    1 point
  21. That's so hot. I feel being pee brained I'm always thinking of the clean up and often have "safe" pees easy to clean. The thought of a partner doing it without care for the convenience is so arousing. As for me I think the kinkiest was during COVID when I was working from home. Had a few camera on zoom meetings where I'd wet myself.
    1 point
  22. The way K and I have done it is during a 'high-level' golden shower. This is generally me lying on my back in the bath, and her standing with one leg on either side of the tub, peeing down from a reasonable height. She and I can alter our positions so that the stream goes in different places, including over my face and into my open mouth. She's not a huge fan of the idea of me drinking from her, but is happy to do it 🙂
    1 point
  23. Love the story about the girl peeing in the shed on the way home from work multiple times. I have peed in various sheds. We have a hot tub which is in a wooden building and both my wife and I have peed on the floor of this “shed” multiple times. I also have a proper shed that I have peed in a few times. I also once was bursting when driving somewhere and I stopped by some allotments. I was going to just pee outside but I noticed a run down shed with the door hanging open, so I went in there and peed. It looked like nobody had used it for a while so I peed on the assortment of flowe
    1 point
  24. This song always reminds me of that one Summer with my friends. The best Summer ever. Here's to the good times.
    1 point
  25. I know it is a matter of seconds, but never measured it. Now i have to do it, for scientific purposes of course
    1 point
  26. Hi and welcome, Levi. I hope you have a great time here.
    1 point
  27. That's my favorite too. I love the angle and am hoping to find someone to hold a camera so I make some similar content. To many people focus only on the stream and forget you need the include the cock to get a full perspective of the scene.
    1 point
  28. Somehow i knew you would be one of the first to jump on this thread @puddyls! Lovely photos, ty for sharing! Edit: looks like i was late to see this, did not check the date, but im glad it got updated!
    1 point
  29. Hi guys, this is my first post so let me know what you think. After a long day at the office today, I decided to go on an evening jogging round with a little extra fun. I had drunk plenty of water during the day, so my bladder kept filling up nicely. I put on my dark running pants because it doesn't show too much when they get wet. I wasn't sure whether I would be able to pee while running but wanted to give it a try. So off I went, heading for the edge of town where I wouldn't encounter too many people. Light was fading, so I was feeeling encouraged. And some unaware bystanders do a
    1 point
  30. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=64be15f8a756e in fitting room and smear cum on mirorr. but no cum on clothes
    1 point
  31. Feeling horny this morning, so here is another contribution to the thread, altough, you all must be getting tired of seeing him lol
    1 point
  32. Nice trime, perfectly balanced
    1 point
  33. I had become a pro at wetting myself after a few college summers at Amanda's family pool. They did only have the one bathroom and I never wanted to go into the house wet so I usually just peed in the pool. Amanda sure did. I even got to the point where I would just pee in my suit even I was on the deck. Waiting for Kelsey to speak so I could concentrate I signaled my bladder to let go and let a little spurt into my shorts. I wanted so badly to glance down and see the wetness but I was wearing light colored shorts and knew it wouldn't show too vibrantly. I decided to let it go in spurts so
    1 point
  34. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, I am here to confess. I've done something both evil and vindictive, but I feel just in my actions. I was out shopping the other day at one of the stores I really enjoy, but as I was walking in, behind me saunters a "Karen" with her silly "purse dog" under her arm. The store only allows service animals and I know this well because I had one for a few years. It unfortunately got too old and had to be put down. After that I thought I was going to get another, but my physician said my condition no longer required one as long as I was diligent. Now, I KNOW this dog wa
    1 point
  35. About 10am Monday morning I just glanced out of my living room window to see a male and female sitting on the bottom step of the steps up to the house opposite, I did not think anything about that. A little later I looked again just as a car parked on my side of the road and the mother and daughter who live there got out and went to go up the steps, they spoke to the pair and the mother went up and in but the daughter stayed and then female stood up and move to the edge of the pavement and laid down, after a few moments the daughter went up and in. The female laid there for a minute
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. When my ex used to pee inside me, it wasn't the sensation that excited me. It was more like, "He's peeing inside me! He couldn't wait. He had to go so bad and didn't want to pull out." It was the knowledge of what he was doing that turned me on. And knowing that I could also start peeing then.
    1 point
  38. I live a short walk from this park, and have been walking through on Friday and Saturday nights the last few weekends. The best time is just before sunset; girls have been drinking all day and are much less careful about hiding, but it's still bright enough to see clearly. I see probably 5-10 girls a night and many more that are either about to pee or just finished coming out of the trees. Last night I had a great sighting -- as I was in a stand of trees peeing myself, a girl came and squatted almost directly behind me and immediately started peeing like a racehorse. Her stream (r
    1 point
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