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  1. After I headed back down to the churchyard the street was pretty quiet so I sat on the bench and waited for the bars to start kicking out. Eventually the street started to get busy again as people made their way from the bars to get taxis or head to the top side of town. As time passed however it soon got quiet again and I then started to have the internal debate with myself of heading home as it was quiet or staying on the off chance something might happen. The amount of people kept fluctuating making the decision harder but the more time passed the more I was convinced there would be no
    3 points
  2. warning this chapter contains 1 scat part. chapter 2 As Max knelt by the tainted carpet, his young mind overwhelmed with a storm of emotions. The pungent smell of Lily's misdeed lingered in the air, assaulting his senses with its putrid persistence. It was as if the room itself recoiled in disgust, its vibrant posters of superheroes now dimmed by a layer of melancholy. Max's fragile voice trembled as he finally found the strength to confront his mischievous sister. "Lily, how could you?" he whispered, his words barely audible above the weight of his emotions. The room see
    3 points
  3. I wanted to open this discussion up to have a friendly debate in the comments. The main reason I wanted to start this was because of a event that happened last week I was at a fast food place with a couple of friends we where talking overall having a great time until I heard a employee telling a visible pregnant woman that she had to buy something before using the restroom. That seems extremely crazy to me why a pregnant woman it’s so stupid like let her in you don’t see she has a baby squishing her bladder. So I as the protector of all peeing rights walked up to cashier and bought s
    2 points
  4. i know i have not posted in a wile but i made a new store with a little help and I think you'll like it i have 3 chapters done im posting 1 now f you like it ill post the rest. this story has naughty peeing with just like down below the brother does't like it. chapter 1 Max sat cross-legged on his bedroom floor, his tiny fingers deftly maneuvering his action figures through an imaginary battle. The room was adorned with vibrant posters of superheroes, their vibrant costumes leaping off the walls with a burst of color. A cozy bed, adorned with a blue comforter, sat agains
    2 points
  5. Yesterday afternoon one of those lovely spontaneous moments happened. K came into the dining room wearing a little strappy vest, spotty white knickers and a pair of Birkenstock sandals and said "Come outside. I need a wee and I just thought I would go outside for you. No talking when we open the door though in case the neighbours hear." This doesn't happen very often! We walked round the corner to the part of the garden that isn't overlooked, and she pulled down her knickers, kicked them behind her, and stood with her legs a little more than shoulder-width apart, then pulled on her pussy
    2 points
  6. There really is nothing more sexy than a girl next door look. In my humble opinion anyway.
    2 points
  7. I did a lovely 30 mile bike ride after work today. Weather was relatively nice and it was just fun to get out on two wheels again for a couple of hours and unwind.
    2 points
  8. Nooooo! You'll uncover my secret identity and expose me of being an A.I. robot man masquerading as a woman on a fetish site to get attention 😭
    2 points
  9. Randomly this evening when I went to the bathroom to take care of my period. Happened to check an app and saw @pguy2981 sent me a hot video of him showing off his beautiful body and butt and pissing on a chair 😭😭😭😭😭 this man is a gift from the pee gods I am tellingggggggg you.
    2 points
  10. Kinky, I'm not sure, but naughty, definitely. When I was in a Walmart men's room, and the 2 urinals and stall were in use, I peed in this, (a very quick piss)... And I also peed behind a bus shelter, on a trash container, and right after two teenage girls showed up, just as I was zipping up. I'm not sure, but I think they may have witnessed something.
    2 points
  11. I’ve met a few through Snapchat. You just have to be clever with the approach. For example, I used to ask “if toilets didn’t exist and you could pee wherever, where would you go?” You’d be surprised how often that actually worked. Obviously it doesn’t work every time tho. It’s also how I found out that a lot of girls don’t wear underwear. Ppl will admit to a lot of things if you just ask them 🤷‍♂️ I should note however, that I’ve lost contact with the majority of them. I’m still in contact with 2 of them tho and the one who I’m closest to, I still talk to her regularly and we share our peeing
    2 points
  12. Well in that case I'm going to say "Welcome to Peefans @newpiss99!" As more than a few people here know I get a buzz from the thought of a guy peeing in a swimming pool. Keep up the good work of adding urine to the water for others to swim in! 😉
    2 points
  13. Thanks to all who responded. This isn't an easy topic for me to admit to. I can't turn on my guy, and everywhere we are, other women are hitting on him. And he keeps telling me about it because he thinks it's amusing. And I'm thinking, "Little do they know... "
    2 points
  14. my friend and I would always go to shower together. There were dividers between the showers. But when we had to pee we would tell each other and we’d peek around and watch. We did that for the rest of the week after the first time.
    2 points
  15. My step dad who I never mentioned or even acknowledge his existence on this website since I didn’t have his permission now I do he thinks its a cool concept. He’s always been my “dad” since my biological sperm donor was never their when he was he was a drunktard so her one mine and my dad interactions potty training: My dad at first to me just told me to move my hips. We would practice very day outside before I tried in an actually toilet. We did the hip thing until I got that down it took about 2 to 3 months of practice. Then my father explained that I should try to
    2 points
  16. I was 14 in a soccer match I was playing in the u17 squad it was a rainy day that day luckily the field had good drainage and it artificial turf which made the field faster. It was a tie semifinal I remember this clearly since it was one of my best games. It was around minutes 80 in the game I was in left side of the at this time I had to pee but haven’t had the chance as the opponent was running she tried to the ball at me to it would go out in favor of their team. Unlucky for the ball hit my bladder and stomach area as I get down on my knees and hug my stomach the pee I’ve been holding in
    2 points
  17. A few years ago, I was working on a big refurbishment project in east London. I had got to know the client, Tiffany, very well. She’s very easy on the eye and was pleased with her choice of dress for the meeting on site this particular day, casual kaki dress, cut very short and by what I was treated to, braless as well, topped with black cowboy type boots. She’s very well proportioned, copper coloured hair with a nice big bum. The property had been gutted back to a shell. On this particular day, we had also gutted the last bathroom. Tiffany made a comment Oh Steve, where’s the toilet gon
    2 points
  18. One of my jobs today was to meet the new tenants as they had reported some problems. I pulled up outside the block, our vans are branded so people who are expecting us usually come to greet us. I pulled up near the bin store and sat and waited as I was early. after a while, a lady got out of her car opposite me and came alongside my drivers door and asked if was coming to number 30. I confirmed I was and she replied that she hadn’t got the keys from her housing association. I made some calls and waited for a call back. The lady was in her early 20s, ebony, with a cute smile, tight white top
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Hello again, sorry for the long wait, but I finally finalized the third chapter. I hope you enjoy it! 3. The naughty brunette Contains female peeing and pee vandalism/naughty peeing Harry and Monique arrived at the back of the hotel and entered the hotel stairwell. Here they met a horny couple, and the girl was not shy to relieve herself in front of them at the expense of the hotel. ________________________ We walked from where we were dropped off to the hotel and approached it from the back. We were about to walk around the building when I noticed the fire exit wa
    2 points
  21. i think the worst thing i’ve done was pee into an open convertible. all over the front seat and steering wheel. you just get a rush of adrenaline knowing that you’re doing something you shouldn’t. it’s so much fun.
    2 points
  22. Would be good if there was a website for people to live stream themselves pissing. Let’s say a user of that website wants to pee. They log in, livestream their act of pissing and log off. Those who want to watch, just log in and watch others pissing. A very simple streaming site, nothing but pissing allowed.
    1 point
  23. Yesterday I was at Ikea with my family and extended family. We were in the warehouse where I found myself fantasizing about peeing on the concrete. I've literally always wanted to just pop into one of the empty fixtures, squat, pee real fast, and then leave. I had even seen a porn video of a girl doing the same thing and I've gotten off to it so many times before it got scrubbed from the internet. I actually took the time to check around for cameras and I didn't see any (but that doesn't mean there weren't any 😅). Had I been with one of my best peefans friends that I often talk about this with
    1 point
  24. Sometimes in nature things that come in pairs are awesome.... breasts, legs, bum cheeks, testicles. Lesbian (or gay) porn, double yolk fried eggs, a threesome with twins and the proverbial dog-with-two-dicks. But there are times when being able to find content in a single thread is better - twice the fun, half the time browsing to find it. A double win ?
    1 point
  25. There’s a few, but they’re fairly minor. 1. Once peed on my own car bc of a dare 2. Peed in a trash can at a trampoline park. Guy walked in right after I put my dick away, so that was close. 3. Peed in the sink at Walmart once. I was feeling extra bold that day. If I think of more, I’ll add them
    1 point
  26. Appreciate it 🙏 and good luck 👍
    1 point
  27. I was doing some press ups and thought it would be fun to try peeing while I did them, how hard could it be? The answer, for me anyway, was impossible 😁 So I did a kneeling towel pee instead https://www.erome.com/a/rLW4V1VR
    1 point
  28. Sniffing panties is something I like to do. I achieve more intense orgasms whilst doing this. Watching others have sex is another of my favourites.
    1 point
  29. That reminds me of a time where I left a puddle on my college grounds 😈
    1 point
  30. I wouldn't leave him or cheat on him. This is my third marriage and I want it to work. The other two were to extremely abusive men. I have survived CSA and rape as an adult. But I worked through that. I was trafficked into prostitution in my early 20s. But I escaped and healed. I told him the other day that I wouldn't leave him because of this, but if he had planned all along to remain a virgin throughout our marriage, he should have been honest with me about it. He had a TURP procedure that whittled away part of his prostate and his erections are much weaker than before. We courted for 14 yea
    1 point
  31. I will continue peeing outside in hope then. Coal is costing over £500 a tonne at the moment, which is a serious expense for the railway where I volunteer. We used to say to children on our Christmas specials that they would get coal if they were naughty, but these days - I am not so sure!
    1 point
  32. A woman wanted to surprise her husband, so she bought a pair of crotchless panties. When her husband got home from work, he found his wife spread-eagled on the floor with the panties on. "You want some of this?"' she asked. The husband replied, "Hell no! Look what it did to your underwear!"'
    1 point
  33. I was on a pedestrian bridge with my gf of the time and her friend. I had a semi erection and I pissed with my cock well out in both of them. I was talking to both of them while taking a good minute plus long piss. I could see them clearly looking at my cock while I sprayed down the side of the walk way and my piss ran down the ramp. I don't want to get in legal trouble but having people see my dick shamelessly spraying piss is hot af.
    1 point
  34. Your post reminds me of the time I was in Budapest. I was in a Burger King and needed a pee. I went downstairs and as I was passing the womans toilets I saw a sign on the door. It said the ladies toilets were closed for renovation please use the mens. I went in to the men's toilets and there were four stalls, no urinals. Three stalls had the little red locked symbol showing so I went to the one that was unlocked. I opened the the door to be greeted by a young Hungarian lady about 18/19 years old, peeing with her legs slightly open. She was looking at her phone so didn't realise I'd
    1 point
  35. Bin sheds. An excellent example of a good pee spot
    1 point
  36. Currently obsessed with this video of a bunch of guys all running over to a large bush area and peeing in the middle of a marathon. Some of them clearly take little caution not to be seen. This is how every public event should be, but with more ladies using the facili-trees as well https://thisvid.com/videos/marathon-public-group-piss/
    1 point
  37. while my secret petting during the movie was pretty benign and nonchalant, it kinda initiated some deeper desires. so later that night when i got back to my car, i let myself succumb to the urges i'd created. teehee, i'm sure i could have waited until i was home, but something about sitting in the parking lot as i fingered myself to completion just felt so sensual and naughty. 😇
    1 point
  38. this wasn't exactly spur of the moment. i kinda knew i was going need to jill ever since i'd gotten out of the shower this morning. i just felt so sexy caressing my freshly shaven legs with lotion afterwards. and so while i had one more cup of coffee on my porch, kept my muffin in anticipation with an occasional finger flick against my clit- and maybe getting a poke or two in when sliding one along it's lips. 🤭 then before putting clothes on, finally fully addressed my arousal.
    1 point
  39. When I was in college and lived in the dorms, the on-campus apartments were about a 1/4 mile walk from the dorm where I lived. Almost every weekend we'd go to parties at the apartments. I was in a band, and we often played at the parties. The 1/4 mile walk was along a campus road, but the road was lined with lots of pine trees. So after leaving a party and heading back to the dorm, it was very common for people (guys and girls) to duck into the trees for a quick pee. Since the apartments all only had one bathroom each, if we knew we were leaving a party soon, rather than waiting in
    1 point
  40. My name is Jonathan and I like to see girls pee. Of course this isn't the most defining aspect of my personality, but it's the most important one for you to know, before I start telling you my stories. While I wouldn't consider myself a shy man, and I'm quite extroverted in my usual all day life, those extrovertedness ends when it comes to any kind of romantic or outright sexual interactions. I have no problem talking to girls, not even talking to those I like, but I always end up becoming friends with said girls. But fate has been kind to me and I got in quite a number of pee related incident
    1 point
  41. This was the way it was all over Europe a few decades ago, while it's not near as common these days in Western Europe, with the exception of large festivals or games, in Eastern Europe it's still like this. While it appears to be crude to some people, most of these guys were actually peeing into the canals, which are the storm sewers anyway, making it rather irrelevant. In Amsterdam they do have some green metal public urinal huts along the canals, but they again drain into the canal anyway. Public nudity isn't an issue there, as the red light district has nude ladies in the shop windows, so t
    1 point
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