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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2023 in Posts

  1. If you got married and intended it to include sexual relations with your spouse -- there were no indications during the relationship that would have warned you otherwise -- and suddenly learned that your spouse had no intention of ever having a sexual relationship with you, would that be a deal breaker for you? I know that the chromosomal abnormality he was born with places limits on his ability to become aroused, but I was hoping we would work through it, that he would keep taking the prescribed testosterone shots, and that we would function somewhat normally eventually. But that hasn't been
    8 points
  2. I think it's harder because I have always enjoyed consensual sex and experienced a great amount of pleasure quite easily, whether or not there was intercourse. I'm talking about when someone pushes your hand away from them when you're trying to be affectionate, saying it feels weird because they've never experienced it before. I never had any problems arousing a man before, including him, before we were married. But now, he perceives all sex, even married sex, as sinful. So I can't help thinking the problem is more psychological than sexual. I told him there are ways he can touch me that would
    6 points
  3. I am the asexual person in my relationship, and while I cant speak for your partner, I can add details of my experience. My last pregnancy was rough. It was a c section with a labor that lasted well over 24 hours. This is what I partially blame my asexuality on, plus other outside factors such as my depression, the fact that I have kids that tend to suck the energy out of me every single day, and the fact that often my husband works late. I am also a CSA survivor. Yes we do have sex, but I find I don't enjoy it. Any of it. Oral/penetrative/anything involving my nether regions that isn't
    5 points
  4. I guess this will make me seem weird, but I would be okay with open urinals and open toilets (in the same room) as it would make bringing my wheelchair into the bathroom much easier.
    4 points
  5. I will continue peeing outside in hope then. Coal is costing over £500 a tonne at the moment, which is a serious expense for the railway where I volunteer. We used to say to children on our Christmas specials that they would get coal if they were naughty, but these days - I am not so sure!
    4 points
  6. i know i have not posted in a wile but i made a new store with a little help and I think you'll like it i have 3 chapters done im posting 1 now f you like it ill post the rest. this story has naughty peeing with just like down below the brother does't like it. chapter 1 Max sat cross-legged on his bedroom floor, his tiny fingers deftly maneuvering his action figures through an imaginary battle. The room was adorned with vibrant posters of superheroes, their vibrant costumes leaping off the walls with a burst of color. A cozy bed, adorned with a blue comforter, sat agains
    3 points
  7. I wouldn't leave him or cheat on him. This is my third marriage and I want it to work. The other two were to extremely abusive men. I have survived CSA and rape as an adult. But I worked through that. I was trafficked into prostitution in my early 20s. But I escaped and healed. I told him the other day that I wouldn't leave him because of this, but if he had planned all along to remain a virgin throughout our marriage, he should have been honest with me about it. He had a TURP procedure that whittled away part of his prostate and his erections are much weaker than before. We courted for 14 yea
    3 points
  8. The last 7 years of my previous marriage were asexual, because of my wife's health issues. That was okay by me, when she and I got married, there was the vow 'in sickness and in health" - if you love someone only when everything is going great, what does that say about you? Now, I find that I'm the one in my current marriage that tends not to want sex all that much - put it down to an enlarge prostate, treatment for prostate cancer, and I have difficulty getting and maintaining an erection. Getting old sucks... big time. Does my experiences match yours, or anyone else's here? Probably
    3 points
  9. He tells me I don't look so bad without hair. It was supposed to be reassuring, but it was another occasion for me to tear up inside. I don't feel desirable anymore. I could turn him on before the cancer. It's him but I take on the unnecessary burden of assuming it's me.
    3 points
  10. I peed in the front seat of a car I was told was left for scrap. Then I saw it being driven in a demolition derby. Somebody was sitting where I and then-hubby had pissed all over. The bench seat upholstery was torn and the foam filler had soaked up my full bladder. I had sat in the driver's seat when I used it for my toilet. I didn't think of it as vandalism, because I was told it would never be driven again.
    3 points
  11. https://www.imagefap.com/pictures/10218783/Sex bizarre 41 I'm surprised at how much the first section, Golden Trio, excites me. I don't find either of the women especially attractive; in fact they look to me like slightly over the hill whores who would do anything for money. (But I mean no disrespect for prostitutes, who fulfil such an essential social function.) I find this entire picture set sleazy. But ... the sleaze definitely turns me on. That includes the emphasis on anal. "The Theanders released a number of specialist titles, one of them ‘Anal Sex’, but often the sex acts dep
    3 points
  12. Adding some love for the menstrual cup! Have seen tampons and pads here but no cups lol. Picture okayed by the mod team. Wasn't a whole lot since this is just day two of my period and I had dumped it before a shower this afternoon.
    3 points
  13. I was on a pedestrian bridge with my gf of the time and her friend. I had a semi erection and I pissed with my cock well out in both of them. I was talking to both of them while taking a good minute plus long piss. I could see them clearly looking at my cock while I sprayed down the side of the walk way and my piss ran down the ramp. I don't want to get in legal trouble but having people see my dick shamelessly spraying piss is hot af.
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Featuring two-pronged stream and bulging bladder 😊
    3 points
  16. At the airline I fly for, I semi-regularly have an overnight in the same city and the crew hotel is almost always the same one every time. I've probably peed in that pool 20 or more times by now.
    2 points
  17. Watersports Team-1 Paula and Noleta will be taking care of your initiation to the University Watersports Team. Arrive at the address in the map link below at 5pm and make sure you stay hydrated through the day. The Whatsapp message was brief and to the point, but Lena did wonder what was meant by the 'stay hydrated' part. Maybe it was something to do with health and safety around drinking? The uni didn't like initiations, so it was surprising to see a text from the coach endorsing them and clearly helping to arrange them. Even so, she followed the instructions and drank plenty
    2 points
  18. Why piss in the toilet, when it’s much more fun to just do it up the walls and then walk out after leaving the floor flooded instead? 😈 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/responsibleunfinishedtegus
    2 points
  19. Yet again "Good Boy" James! A great place to piss as it's inside the building. Your urine won't be washed away by rainfall, giving time for the smell of it to build up.
    2 points
  20. I really feel for you @Simpfan4. Any level of sexual mismatch in a loving and committed relationship is hard to deal with, and yours is a tough one. You must be extraordinarily strong to have come through all that you have experienced. I don't have any advice I'm afraid, but I have experienced the pushing away thing and the lack of physical intimacy that I craved. In my case we addressed it with the help of an external counsellor, but I can understand that your position is very different from mine, so I will just say that I am hugely sympathetic to your situation and I hope you manage to find
    2 points
  21. Felt like pissing in the sink 😁 https://www.erome.com/a/5l319Ut8
    2 points
  22. “We offset the carbon emissions of our locomotives by the use of terran urea injection”
    2 points
  23. Having read what you said in more detail, I'm very sorry to hear that you've had the health problems that you've described. What I would say is that there are different ways of letting people know that you love them. Full intercourse might not be possible, but hugs and kisses are perfectly possible and valid as a way of expressing love.
    2 points
  24. Kinky Drinks https://www.imagefap.com/photo/1544837819/?pgid=&gid=10218783 I also find the third set in this issue sleazy, though for me it's a bit less exciting than the first. That may be because one of the three women is wearing a mask. I understand the need for masks in other, more extreme kinds of taboo porn, but the face mask seems unnecessary here. - Though it's clearly the model's right to adopt a disguise if she wants to. For me, though, facial expressions are very important in porn pictures. I want to feel I 'know' the model through the camera, however misguided that is
    2 points
  25. Wet Duet https://www.imagefap.com/photo/1544837819/?pgid=&gid=10218783 I do find the woman in the second picture set attractive. She has a great relationship with the camera, looking directly at we voyeurs through the lens. She appears to be enjoying herself. She's filthy in a very good way. I like her sexy red underwear, of course, and her confident smile. I also like the glimpse of pubic hair that peeps out beside her knickers, as well as the unshaved bush she displays a little later on. I'm not sure what she's licking off her lips in the last but one picture I've posted,
    2 points
  26. haha. it was a pleasant night, so i was out relaxing on my porch with a vodka tonic. and i maybe might have only been wearing half my clothes too. 🤭 teehee
    2 points
  27. Walking home one night and needing to piss, I happened upon this publicly accessible stairwell for a block of flats.. I ventured in to explore, and swiftly established this would be a great place to get my cock out and relieve myself all over the stairs 🤤 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/puzzledkeyamericancrocodile
    2 points
  28. It has been a while since i posted some action from the little guy, so here we go!
    2 points
  29. A week ago I was stopped the cops for “speeding” I was literally only going five over the speed limit. I had a blanket over my legs since I was peeing when he stopped me as he came closer I stopped my stream he asked the usual questions blah blah blah… then he asked what the smell (My pee smelled really strong due to me drinking coffee all day) was I explained to him I was urinating while I was driving and I stopped that’s why I had this blanket over my legs he said “Don’t let me stop you from reliving yourself your cover by your car and blanket so I really can’t do nothing about that since yo
    2 points
  30. Yep. You water the plants and save water because you don't need to flush a toilet.
    2 points
  31. Pissing in a bottle in my office. Some piss went on the desk too:)
    2 points
  32. Do you have any funny stuff to share? Let me start with a toast an uncle of mine once said. I try to translate it from German to English as best as I can. Original: English: A boy stands at the barn door and pees through the gap, Inside, a scythe falls over and cuts off his tip. Cheers! English text: in order not to stain the toilet, men are also allowed to sit with us [Please pee sitting down] (I am sure there has been a thread like this bevore but it does not seem active so I think it´s ok to start a new one?)
    2 points
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