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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2023 in Posts

  1. kinda got in trouble with this one. but it was kinda worth it. 🤭 i did have pants on when i went in and ordered, but when i went to sit to eat, decided to take them off. haha. only got a few bites in before a manager came over and said totally deadpan, "ma'am. you need to put your clothes on." haha. omg sooo embarrassing. 😳 especially when she stayed to make sure i actually did so. of course, they did come off again, if only for a short while before i finally had to go back to work. 😇
    7 points
  2. So a couple weekends ago I was talking with a friend who encouraged me why not enjoy the drive home. I was with hubby and mother inlaw. I hadnt been to the restroom about 30 min before this but I also had drank 3 glasses of iced tea at lunch. It really was so hot outside. Plus I drank an entire bottle of water on the way back into town. They wanted to stop at the dairy so I figured why not. I waited in the car and the need to pee was starting to set in strongly. I had decided to wait until I got home. It was so thrilling as it built up worse. About 30 min later they decided to come out and we
    5 points
  3. when I was younger I had to have an ultrasound for my pelvic (not pregnancy) and I had to drink a ton of water beforehand. I remember having to wait and the pressure on my bladder was a lot. At that time I was already into desperation so it wasn't the first time I had held my pee for long time, but not in the context that if I leaked it would be in a doctor office lol. I had undone my jeans button to relieve some of the pressure. By the time I changed into the gown they give, I had to carefully get on the table or a spurt would have escaped. I was determined to not pee on that table (both beca
    5 points
  4. K and I peed on the patio round the not-overlooked part of the garden yesterday afternoon! I’d asked earlier in the day whether she would do that for me and she was quite happy to indulge me 😊 We had been out for the day and had about an hour and a half drive home and she was drinking water on the journey. When we got back we had a cup of tea sitting at the table outside. I was certainly ready to go, and K said she would be able to make a decent puddle, so we went round the corner. Without saying much (because the neighbours might have been sitting in their gardens and able to hear us) sh
    4 points
  5. Hi! Long-time lurker, first-time poster. I lived a dream as an AFAB person last night at a very packed stadium show. I went with my mother, aunt, and a family friend (all women, and I use the women's room as well). We obviously had several drinks over the course of the three-hour set and needed the facilities several times. As much as I tried to hold it--I have a stronger bladder than most--I finally needed to find a song that I didn't mind missing. My aunt needed to pee as well, so we went together. I'd heard from the others in our group that they'd been using the men's room, as it had v
    4 points
  6. Hi I am a new member to PF. I have not uploaded a profile pic yet and this pic was too big to use as an avatar pic so enjoy it here instead. My name is Amy and I am a huge fan of peesports in diapers.
    4 points
  7. teehee. so while i'm pretty sure i don't have daddy issues, for father's day i ended up feeling kinda cute and girlish by wearing pigtails and a pair of kid's panties instead of a grown up's pair. haha. my parents totally wondered where i wandered off to after breakfast. just went for a walk, but also kinda felt like having a little fun. 👧🏻 and in sticking to my daddy's little princess theme, will you keep an eye on my while i play at the park?
    4 points
  8. I’ve also added a couple of new videos of peeing near the riverbank. One of them is the first time I’ve ever peed into a body of water. Not much made it directly in, but some did and it was fun. https://www.erome.com/a/wNDqKLSV
    4 points
  9. I’ve had a hard time sneaking away long enough to write up details of my recent pees, but I’ll try to briefly catch up. At this link, the first video was after I drove around long enough to find a path that looked empty. I wandered up it for a bit before sneaking off to pee. The second one is at a fairly open and busy park, but mostly it’s busy in the parking lot where people seem to take breaks in their cars and over on the tennis courts. it’s a huge lot, so I initially started peeing into a cup in my car on the empty side of the lot, but an SUV pulled in not too far from me. They ha
    4 points
  10. Same. It's my main kink and I would love to pee literally anywhere but I feel like in practicum it would be such a hassle. The damage pee would do to the floors and walls over time wouldn't be worth it for me. The permanent smell of pee wouldn't be pleasant for me either, and neither would cleaning up after every member of my house after they pee lol. It's a great fantasy no doubt but I wouldn't want it in real life.
    4 points
  11. Rest assured @puddyls - when dining or just drinking at the Peefans bar, your clothing choices are entirely your own. There'll be no miserable management telling you to cover up, no disrespect or unpleasant hassle. Can't do much to stop you being at the centre of a very, very appreciative crowd though. At least it'll be appreciative respect.
    3 points
  12. And for the final instalment of that particular hotel room evening of naughty pissing, I sat on the desk chair and took aim at the front of the desk and of course giving an equally nice soaking to the carpet below. If there was any visual representation of how horny pissing somewhere naughty makes me, it’s fairly well reflected here given that you’ll see I immediately have to start masturbating after finishing pissing, before then rather swiftly also adding a nice load to the carpet, too 🥵 CW warning: Cum shot https://www.redgifs.com/watch/distincticybarb
    3 points
  13. I was a bit of a naughty girl today. I had just finished teaching for the day and went upstairs to have a much needed wee. Because of how warm it is here i have been drinking plenty of water and what goes in must come out! Luckily working from home meant I was able to wear a nice loose white dress with light blue knickers underneath. I walked across the landing and my husband was in the bathroom, with a mischevious look on his face. I immediately knew this wouldn't be any ordinary pee. "Sorry babe, toilets out of order. You'll have to find somewhere else." "Out of order? and why's
    3 points
  14. This was another piss from that same hotel room; this time opting to start by the door and then unleash a nice torrent whilst walking across, finishing up by giving the ironing board a nice hosing down 😈💦 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/cyanmalemammal
    3 points
  15. teehee. thanks! well i technically wet them after. or that it happened somewhere between the 4th and 5th pix, rather. but yeah. 😇
    2 points
  16. The level of “issue” depends on the day. I’m not sure why my stream does that now (it didn’t used to), but I plan to enjoy practicing as often as possible.
    2 points
  17. This is such a happy story! I can really sense the desperation and the relief! I hope the fun afterwards was good 💖
    2 points
  18. so i’ve been seeing this guy for about two months now but we’ve been casual friends for years. recently he invited me on a holiday with his mates from his footy team (rugby league) and of course i said yes, and yesterday morning we left the trip is to a small beach town and it was about a 5 hour drive or so from where we live so we left in the morning aiming to get there for our 2pm check in with time to stop for lunch along the way. most of the drive is along open highways with not many places to stop, and my bf had drunk a large coffee, a 600ml coke and a bottle of water before we’d ev
    2 points
  19. I went out this night the buy some energy drinks and maybe more sugar gummies as always and, as always, I was looking for girls peeing because I know that's easy to see at night in my neighborhood and, well, I like to say; "He who seeks finds, if he searches well." When I was coming back to my trench (this is how I call my house), I passed through an empty street where there was a garbage container near one corner, and next to it and in the side from where I was coming there was a girl with blond hair and dressed in a black jacket urinating. When I approached her, she had already finished
    2 points
  20. Be careful! We don't want you getting in trouble!
    2 points
  21. Continued from above https://www.imagefap.com/photo/1448477937/#52 A Pissy Trick greedyneedygirl: "In the final story we see a re-visit to a previous issue, ‘Pissing About’ from No.21 published in 1978. You can read my review of it in this thread, save to say that there’s some nice standing with skirt up shots, and some stunning pee to mouth shots of a very pretty Danish blonde." It's fairly unusual for me to enjoy all three picture sets in an issue, but I do with this one so I don't resent the repeat. The FFMM combination - one blonde woman, one dark-haired, reminds me of
    2 points
  22. it’s for sure encouraged and done by the non-pee fetished folk. not long ago i was at a kid’s house who i babysit and him, his sisters, and me were all in the pool. while his mom was sitting in a chair next to it. i wouldn’t have peed in the pool because not really the time and place for my fetish, but then one of the kids was announcing to everyone he was peeing in the pool 😂 and then was saying how his mom said it’s okay for everyone to do it in the pool and i should too. his mom listeninf chimed in and a little embarrassed at her child’s honesty but was like yeah, dont bother getting out, i
    2 points
  23. Includes male and female watersports and nonchalant nudity/urination/sex. The protagonist is a man. The Future I Saw, Part 3 "Hey, you. I'm back." Adrana's voice, quiet, rousing me from the deep nap I was in. Blearily, I lifted my head off the pillow to see her slender, backlit silhouette against the warm light of the hallway outside, poking in from the doorframe. I couldn't quite make out the details of her body, but her hair and the rings of her irises gave off a visible blue hue. Anxiously, as though she had caught me doing something I wasn't supposed to, I pushed myse
    2 points
  24. Really love this video of two guys stopping for a piss in some sort of indoor mall. Naturally they don't look around for bathrooms, but just hose down a storefront. I love when men exercise their right to whip it out and go wherever they want! https://thisvid.com/videos/guys-caught-pissing-on-store-display/
    2 points
  25. So first post for me as I am a lurker! I had IVF for all of my children. This included 4 embryo transfers over a period of 6 years. For this you need a full bladder, they then keep you waiting forever while they’re running late. You go into the room, undress, get on the bed and your legs go up on the stirrups. They then put a speculum in, press hard down on your bladder to check they can see. Then while they are pressing the probe on your bladder, they pass a catheter containing your embryo through your cervix to transplant the embryo onto your uterus lining. This is all done wit
    2 points
  26. Parking lots and parking garages. Off the autobahn in Germany. On the sides of buildings in urban areas. In ruins of old castles. In parks. Basically anywhere that reminds me of peeing freely when I was young.
    2 points
  27. This story contains extreme vandalism which may not be for everyone's taste, all fictional events with piss vandalism and hard sex. In the wealthy neighborhood of Beverly Hills lived Amelia, a spoiled entitled girl who's stepdad was worth billions of dollars. Being the stepdaughter of a billionaire meant that Amelia could get anything she wanted, and lived in a beautiful mansion worth over 100 million dollars. The home was filled with expensive artwork, finishings, and prestigious items. But Amelia had a naughty desire, she loved nothing more then piss porn, and watched it everyday ru
    1 point
  28. So after lurking on these forums for sometime I thought I would share some experiences with you, mainly from the various nights out with work friends and personal experiences after late finishes in hospitality x I’d you like these I can continue as a I have soooo many stories to share, usually after a Sunday finish we’ll all go out for the night and these are when most of these occur. Let’s start off with the most recent and most entertaining Sunday. So last Sunday we had finished closing and had all decided to go out, it was a fairly big group of us, some r
    1 point
  29. You know all too well that ‘neatly in the pan’ is my least favourite way of pissing, @Maggie_555! 😉
    1 point
  30. Not neatly into the pan, that would be a missed opportunity! 😉
    1 point
  31. Wondering was it found it a lockup in Peckham.🤣
    1 point
  32. I enjoyed multiple pees outside as usual over the weekend, but one deserves a mention here: My wife and I went to a beach on Saturday evening, purchased fish and chips and took our two seat folding chair (very comfy, two people can sit side by side) and set it up on the beach to each the chips and of course wash it down with a drink. It was a warm evening and there were quite a lot of people around - some fishing, some with paddle boards, some swimming, some just sitting. At a point after about 2 hours there, I said to my wife that I was going to have to go to check if the toilets
    1 point
  33. https://dolmods.net/watersports/ I been searching the web for mobile games that included peeing fun if you guys can find some add them here.
    1 point
  34. Nice job spreading your pee all over the room! You gave that ironing board a good hosing down 😉
    1 point
  35. Just imagine that she drank two litres of water just before you tied her up. It's now two hours later, and she can't hold it past another half hour ....
    1 point
  36. Yes love this I been peeing everywhere
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. teehee 🤭 omg! waiting in line like everything's normal. cat's (litterally) out of the bag. it had to be obvious by now that, except for my shoes, the entire bottom half of my outfit was missing.
    1 point
  39. Most women aren't as offended by this as we're led to believe. Maybe a moment of surprise, but I think that many women find it to be rather impressive when men are that bold and unapologetic especially these days when men have become so very timid and fearful. When a woman stops and makes conversation rather than rushing off, she's obviously intrigued by the fact you're bold enough to do so.
    1 point
  40. Thanks for sharing! Too bad you didn’t get the opportunity to show him how much him peeing on the side of the road turned you on
    1 point
  41. I had a girlfriend who knew my interests and describe peeing on a bathroom floor. She said she and her two girlfriends had gone to a hot club and the bathroom line was long. When they got inside one of the stalls was massive so they all went in the stall. One of her friends took the toilet first. But instead of waiting for their turns she and her friend just squatted on the floor in the large extra space in the stall. She said there was a drain but they still flooded the floor. She also told her friends that I would have loved to be there to see this. She described this whole incident to me wh
    1 point
  42. Carpets and on other people are my favorite places to piss. I also love being fully naked and just casually letting go wherever I am.
    1 point
  43. The whole world is one big urinal!
    1 point
  44. Seeing that string gave me an instant hard-on. Mmmmm I just wonder how you would taste especially when you pee.
    1 point
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