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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2023 in Posts

  1. So the definition most commonly use is “The act of holding ones urine for an extended period of time and the forcing it out at a high speed and velocity” I don’t really need to hold my pee as much since I have strong pelvic muscles and a big bladder a shorter urethra and a small urethra opening I can shoot my pee like a race horse. My personal record is 15 ft forward and and 8 ft up. Power pissing can be used for measuring distance contest or cleaning walls and toilets.
    6 points
  2. My favorite pee kink is close tie between nonchalantly peeing and power pissing I partake in both kinks if I have to make a list here’s what it would look like. 10 being my least favorite to 1 being my favorite. 10. Diaper 9. wetting (Clothes) 8. Catheter 7. Voyeurism 6. Holding/ Desperation 5. Bed wetting 4. Golden showers 3. Public peeing 2. Nonchalant pee 1. Power pissing
    5 points
  3. We're all about peeing during sex - sometimes as its own act, sometimes incorporated into another act, for example she might start peeing while he's going down on her ,which is among his top 3 favorite things to do pretty much ever, and high on the list for her as well. We also enjoy nonchalant peeing, either as a sort of second choice when the situation isn't appropriate for sex, and also sometimes just because it feels intimate to us. For him, a great morning is one where he gets a peek at her peeing casually while standing in front of the mirror getting ready. Doesn't happen a lot but
    4 points
  4. Peeing a full bladder under the table at restaurants. Also peeing a full bladder while talking to someone close by but they can't see what you're doing... such as at the order window at a restaurant or in front of a counter when the other person is behind it.
    3 points
  5. It was a female lifeguard. She was not on the tall chair though, she had been walking around and sort of patrolling the pool area and carrying a flutterboard clipboard. She stopped and sat at the edge of the pool with her legs in the water for a minute or so and placed the flutterboard on her lap and looked at a piece of laminated paper that was clipped to it and circled things on it a couple of times. When she stood up, I saw that the crotch area of her swimsuit between her legs was darkened. It was barely noticeable though, as it was dark navy blue. And once she was walking away, the darker
    3 points
  6. Very happily married 15 years to a wonderful woman who does not share my kink. We have a decent, mostly satisfactory sex life. She's not a very sexual person, and usually could take it or leave it. She does not have any kinks. She used to kink shame me about pee, but really doesn't anymore. As far as pee stuff, she allows me to pee inside her during PIV if I want to. I do this when I feel like it, but not every time we have sex. She regularly pees in the shower, and once in a while she'll allow me to watch. I don't always ask, because this is when she sometimes kink shames, for exa
    2 points
  7. Naughty peeing on the carpet and golden showers are my top two, with naughty peeing being my number one. Also mildly into wetting and consuming it in small quantities as long as the person it's coming from/I'm wetting for is a close friend. It's not something I enjoy doing alone.
    2 points
  8. No he doesn't. I don't think he has any kinks at all. We've been together for 8 years, own a home together and have kids. We are happy and I have no plans on leaving him anytime soon (and hopefully he feels the same 🤣). It doesn't bother me that he is not into pee. I'm perfectly happy doing pee stuff on my own. It's how I explored the kink when I first found out I had it at such a young age, so it's no big deal to do it now.
    2 points
  9. There are a couple of parks near me that have bathrooms that have been closed for ages. One In particular in In a location that has bushes behind it. I like to watch from a distance as people make their way over to them and see what they do when they realise it’s closed. A lot of the time they sneak off round behind them. A lot of times the mums take their kids behind them to pee, either against the wall or in the bushes. It’s common to see used tissues on the ground in these bushes.
    2 points
  10. Hey there! Mind if we ask what are these fantasies of yours, about which you believe you'll never find a woman who'd want to play them out? I know that's a heck of a thing for a stranger like me to ask, but after all, we are here in this community full of people who love peeing, of all things, and besides, in all likelihood neither we nor anyone here on Peefans will ever know your real-life identity anyway (unless you choose to tell them), so really what have you got to lose? Besides, you might just find that it's a relief to put them out there, even if all that means is that you anonymou
    2 points
  11. In my experience, naturists do not pee openly. For example, on a nude hike, people go off the trail several feet and discreetly pee, just like they would do if clothed. In many visits to naturists festivals I've never seen anyone pee, except very rarely outdoors in the dark. It's still possible to stealth pee with others around, for example while sitting on the grass. Card-carrying naturists (it's sometimes mysterious where they carry the card!) also believe that sex does not belong on nude beaches. Many clothing optional beaches have closed because open sexual behavior outraged people a
    2 points
  12. Is "indifferent" the same thing as "nonchalant" when it comes to peeing? Seems like they might be close but not exactly the same. To me, "indifferent" means basically "I don't give a shit," whereas "nonchalant" means "It's no big deal." Anyways, she does a fair amount of nonchalant peeing. Particularly during our piss-fueled hotel romps, where our main rule is "no peeing in the toilet" (really just applies to her, since thats our particular taste). During these excapades, if circumstances are such that its not a good time to use it for intimacy, then she will usually just relieve h
    2 points
  13. I have peed while charging, while sitting on the curb wearing a skirt. My car blocked the view from any other car.
    2 points
  14. In all seriousness, this song describes me better. I have been through a lot in my life, particularly in my teens and more recently, the last 12 months, but I have always bounced back.
    2 points
  15. I have, both in house parties and in clubs. Cant really help it when the bladders are full and the lines are long lol.
    2 points
  16. I recently got a Tesla model S plaid I use for Lyft and uber pick ups after I was done working at 3 am so I when to this charging station in I arrive to it there’s no one not even a fly so go smoke my weed pen mean while I wait my 30 minutes. I sit on side walks next my car. I lower my jeans and thong down and begin pissing and smoking while my car charged
    2 points
  17. At my university, there used to be a fraternity that threw a famous erotic party. The whole university would go, with everyone provocatively and scantly clad. There was a midwestern girl who had been in my dorm the previous year who I was pretty sure had a pee fetish. She often talked about pee and people would say that she would often blatantly “pop a squat” and instigate others to join her when walking around campus to/from parties and events. She had flirted with me before and I should have dated her but I had a girlfriend when I first met her. Anyway, the next year we ran into her at
    2 points
  18. K just came out of the bath and wanted to share her boobs with you guys.
    1 point
  19. After months of writer's block, half finished stories, and general frustration, I've finally got a new short story to share. It's pretty similar to stuff I've already posted here but I hope you enjoy regardless. This story contains female outdoor urination and is told from a man's point of view. ... This story takes place at the beginning of January this past year when I was teaching senior year math at a Seattle high school. After a long period of characteristically rainy and mild Pacific Northwest winter weather, King County had finally been hit by substantial snowfall and the
    1 point
  20. One of his more unusual types of fantasies involves going about daily life while secretly engaged in some innocuous but naughty pee-related activity. For example, could be he's got a water bottle that nobody else knows is filled with her pee. Or maybe, if she's wearing a skirt at a restaurant (and it's possible to do this discretely, which would admittedly be unlikely in most situations) then she takes care of his refills for him under the table, if you catch my drift. Another one we've talked about doing involves going out together (to a bar, club, or something) wearing clothes that she's pee
    1 point
  21. Hello and welcome to this wonderful group of pee friendly people.
    1 point
  22. Day 14 of peeing my yoga pants. Holding my morning pee, I got dressed wearing my yoga pants (no panties) a bra that makes me look like I kind of have tits and a black v neck women's t-shirt and head for the golf course driving range. While there an older gentleman (maybe 65) started a conversion with me about what I was wearing. He asked many questions about all the things I liked to do and noticed I was getting hard. Let me tell you It is hard to concentrate on your golf swing with a hard on. the subject turned to water sports and he affirmed he always was interest but never found anyone that
    1 point
  23. I like the idea of ranking them. Here are my top five: 5. Female peeing outside, such as next to the hot tub, pool, etc., or during camping. 4. Female peeing in the shower. My wife does this every day, and occasionally lets me watch. 3. Female nonchalant peeing. Especially "just go" moments. 2. Male peeing during sex (PIV). I do this fairly often with my wife (at least once/month). 1. Female peeing during sex (PIV). Did this a few times with my ex, 15+ years ago, but don't really remember too much about it, unfortunately.
    1 point
  24. Had some more basement fun tonight, left a few puddles in various spots! Really had to pee tonight
    1 point
  25. As a kid, I loved peeing in long trough urinals in sports stadiums. They still exist at Wrigley Field in Chicago. I never heard of a bar urinal before. On a few occasions I have peed from my seat at the bar, out the leg hole of shorts, onto a wood or tile floor. Had to make sure there was no one behind me who could see it.
    1 point
  26. I am like this. I used to hold my pee all day at school and work (8-10 hours) and would only go when I got home. I'm still capable of it, I just try to go more frequently at work because I don't want to cause bladder issues.
    1 point
  27. I peed on the floor at a house party when I was around 19 or 20. In my defense, I was very desperate and it was the middle of winter so outside was not an option. There was a line for the bathroom so I slipped into an empty room instead (it looked to be a home office, so no one had claimed it to hook up). I closed the door behind me and squatted down on the carpet. It felt fantastic and much needed.
    1 point
  28. Hey those are hot, and inside a building so your piss won't be washed away by rainfall. Soon there'll be a smell of stale urine for others to 'enjoy'. Nice work!
    1 point
  29. Lol my big ass
    1 point
  30. Ill be back one day. For now I'm still enjoying what i do and filming most of it so when i do come back there will be more videos and some crazier than before trust me on that 😘
    1 point
  31. Peeing in parkings is getting less private as the number of camera-equiped vehicles increases...
    1 point
  32. Hi ! I'm back after my small break and decided to share a short tale of desperation which was pretty much my own doing. Oh well.. Last month, my friends and I went on a pub crawl, for my birthday. I was dressed all fancy in white co-ords and sparkles, feeling quite modelesque I must say. Anyway, we checked into a pub at 7 and by half 9, I was aware of my growing need to pee. I ignored it, thinking that I can always use the loo at our next pub, since we were on our way out anyway. Now me being the silly Sally that I am, didn't even go to the bathroom at our next pub, you know WH
    1 point
  33. It's not so much pee, but peefans has definitely contributed to the incline in my mental health over the last few months. I probably hit my lowest low after I was hit by a drunk driver, and without getting too detailed here I saw the end. I was so depressed, struggling with my family and in so much pain that the American Healthcare system didn't seem willing to help me get better. I couldn't work, couldn't walk, couldn't cook, aka all the stuff I really enjoyed doing, and i didn't think my life would ever go back to normal. But where my real life friends and family fell flat for me, my p
    1 point
  34. Maybe we should start a thread for speculative evolution of peeing. That could be interesting.
    1 point
  35. I voted 15 min cause it was the shortest amount of time. I think if you're bursting and get stuck somewhere, know you can't hold it, you should pee. I mean if the options i had in an elevator were wet my pants or pee in the corner and i only had 15 minutes or less to decide, I'd pee in the corner lol.
    1 point
  36. Julie 6 London After the weird experience of wetting myself in broad daylight in the centre of my home town and being seen by literally hundreds of people I was on the one hand very fearful and shaken and on the other so turned on that I had to have another fix, and soon. (See Julie 3 our public hold it contest) One day a few months later the opportunity presented itself and this is how it happened. Julie had to make a presentation to a posh client in London and I took a day off and arranged to meet her afterwards so that we could see some sights. We were to travel up on different t
    1 point
  37. I love to pee anywhere I can see the puddle! I do prefer privacy but if it’s late at night and no one’s around, I’ll definitely squat on the sidewalk or in a parking lot.
    1 point
  38. I was at the Bar a couple weeks ago in Mexico and I bit drunk and I asked the female bartender where the restroom where to pee the bar was a poor like the floor was dusty and it was small. She said they didn’t have any thats what the bar drains where for. I shrugged and pulled my big penis and started peeing again the metal sheet covering the wood. Her eyes went wide with shock she said “la tienes muy grande y no pensaba que tenías los huevos para ace eso” translated to English by me it means “Wow you have a big one and I didn’t think you would have the balls to do that”. Well I didn’t want to
    1 point
  39. My favorite stories of us peeing outside are when we are working in the garden and doing things that require a squatting position (weeding, digging root veggies, planting, etc.). Often we are on opposite sides of the same row facing each other, so our pussies are essentially aimed at each other. When one of us needs to pee, we just pee...no warning, hairy pussies on full display 🙂 Neither of us usually wipe, so our pussy hair will drip for a short period of time afterward
    1 point
  40. Nursing: As I mentioned earlier, my husband nurses about every 2 hours at home. This means he will come latch while I am cooking, cleaning, etc. Also, if we are watching TV as a family, his mouth is always firmly attached to my nipple. Lastly, every night before we go to sleep, and every morning when we wake up, he nurses. Mostly every time he latches and sucks, I release my bladder. It feels so good to have him nursing while I pee. The best feeling is when we are all 3 cuddled up on the couch and he nurses me...it is such a great bonding experience. Floor pee: I think I ment
    1 point
  41. Went for a walk in the park this morning...it was too crowded to pull my yoga pants down without being caught, so I ducked into the bathroom and used the floor 🙂
    1 point
  42. Oh yeah. The vast majority of the time I could make it to the toilet. Sometimes I even leave the apartment without peeing just so I can urinate in public...but: Why should I make myself uncomfortable? Men don't always seem to wait, so why should I? I like it.
    1 point
  43. I just think peeing outside is natural ... it's how nature takes care of business. Peeing in a flushable bucket indoors is just weird. 😛
    1 point
  44. If it's rather deserted benches or walkways, I find the vegetation a boring target but don't wanna mess up anything close to kids areas.
    1 point
  45. Growing up in 80s was fun and unlike current times when "privacy" is major concern , people were a bit relaxed back then . Road trips were a common thing for me on weekends and my young eyes got opportunity to grasp more than the brain could decode. Road trips on every weekend meant maximum exposure to activities on roads. I have many experiences to choose from which I want to share here one by one. Been to several road trips with my mom who had severe OCD and would dread using public loos, so she gave zero fucks about peeing in public. I have seen men ogling at he
    1 point
  46. Peobably the most naughty place I peed was in a washer at the local Laundromat. I had some sleeping bags to wash that were too big for our washer at home. I took them to the Laundromat to wash them in one of the big washers. I had drank two cups of coffee at home before going to the laundramat. After a while I really had to pee as the coffee had gont through me. There is no ladies room at the Laundromat so I had to find a place to pee. There wasn't anybody else there so I went by the top loader washers and got my jeans and panties to my knees. I hopped up on the washer and peed a gallo
    1 point
  47. Oh yes Geepee, I did the same with other mums at my local pool when my kids were very young. A group of us were in the smaller 'trainer' pool (next to the main pool) and I needed to pee so I squatted down and did it into the water through my swimsuit. Before I'd finished one of the other mums said "that's a good idea" and also squatted - with the others soon doing the same. I think the lifeguard had guessed why we were all squatted as he had a devilish smile on his face as he watched! :whistling:
    1 point
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