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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2023 in all areas

  1. Sunday afternoon, after church, my hubby decided to take me on a drive. We went to Tim Hortons for coffee via drive thru and he was taking me maybe 30min away. It's still a bit chilly here, we had +5 Celsius though, but the wind chill made it feel colder. So he takes me by a place called midway and we went on a side road close to private property. Trees and snow for the most part, the temperature there was +1 Celsius. It was beautiful, then he placed our emergency blanket on the hood, bent me over and took me, he grabbed my chest and I arched back and kissed. I was so turned on by the spontane
    6 points
  2. Thanks for sharing @Ms. Tito - and please pass on our warmest and most genuine Peefans best wishes to them - we are here for all of our members past and present, and the door is always open for them. I'm assuming that Simpfan4 is the name used on the other forum, and here they went under the username of just Simpfan until their request to leave in November last year. It was a pleasure to share in respectably naughty posts with them many times. They have been missed in the community even before this news.
    5 points
  3. I've peed in the showers at the swimming pool through my swimsuit if that counts? I don't think I've ever peed through my bikini at a beach without going into the water, I'd be too worried about sand sticking to it in a very obvious way. I have pulled my bikini down or aside and peed on the beach many times though.
    5 points
  4. I have some troubling news regarding the user Simpfan4. They recently had been diagnosed with cancer, so they are no longer going to be active on this site. I'm sure many of you were friends with them, as am I. Hopefully they can beat this thing and join us again, but only time will tell. They reached out personally on another site asking me to let you all know. Let's hope they get well soon.
    4 points
  5. Just found this site, and I'm hoping it will be a good place to share some of the writing I've done with a new audience. I've been posting pee-themed stories on other sites for a couple years now, but it's always fun to meet new people.
    4 points
  6. i also think itd be hot for the person to be like “are you peeing?” and peeking into my diaper and it ends up spurting out when they check it
    4 points
  7. im very new into this aspect of a kink but i really like the thought of someone telling me to wet my diaper, or sitting on someones lap while wearing it and they casually feel their leg get heavier and warmer because im casually peeing!!
    4 points
  8. I had the strangest pee ever, if you can even call it that. I have my period and I always use a cup instead of traditional tampons or pads. Sometimes if you don't get it in correctly it can press against your urethra and/or your bladder which makes it more difficult for you to pee. I've experienced this before for sure, but never what just happened to me just now! I'm at my sink washing dishes when all of the sudden I was immediately hit with a dire need to pee. I'm talking, if you don't make it to the toilet in the next ten seconds you are going to pee in your pants. It was honestly
    4 points
  9. hey all! if youve been following me you know i decided i finally want to try diapers…and honestly theres no going back. i bought a 12 pack and they were gone in 48 hours….and ohhhh my god 😍 the first time i put one on and slowly leaked to get a feel for using it. i flooded quite a few times, and oh my god was it amazing!! feeling the heaviness between my legs and the diaper getting heavier as im letting go, the feeling of walking around with warm wetness all over me…the naughtiness of letting go slowly on my couch….wow 😍 even if youre not into baby play (im not) i cant suggest
    3 points
  10. i dont know im getting really close to having to make a decision!! im not too flexible i usually just prop my legs up on the wall and aim for my chest!!
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. But not nearly enough statues of women with penises.
    3 points
  13. Alright @Trevis can we please not turn this into 20 questions?
    3 points
  14. It will be hard to remember them all, but I will try:- Down my legs in a nightclub while dancing on the podium. Sitting in the VIP area of the nightclub. Sitting on the steps while adjusting my shoe in the nightclub. While standing in front of the mirror and checking my hair on the way out of the nightclub. Standing at the bar in the nightclub. Pretty much everywhere in the nightclub really. Sitting on a barstool in the pub. Sitting on banquette seating in the pub. Sitting on a lounge chair in the pub. Standing at the bar in the pub. Chatt
    3 points
  15. so, i did a thing. 🤭 and i wasn't even really turned on to begin with. yeah, i might have been seen, earlier, after i'd taken my skirt off walking to my car, but as i drove home, i felt a little dismayed at the ambiguity of those couple of possible encounters. yet, still being in my underwear did seem pretty naughty, even if i was in the car- and in the dark. then, before getting too far, i found a place to park and got out of the car. this time, as i kinda just walked a block down the sidewalk, and back, i was being a little more obvious. 😊 finally i satisfied my inner exhibitionist. or so i
    3 points
  16. We were both feeling quite horny, my g/f was going to try a butt plug for the first time later that evening and we had been watching porn together. I suggested we both go into the bathroom. She was just wearing a t-shirt and knickers, She stood on the bath mat facing away from me and I lifted up her t-shirt, pulled her knickers open a little and placed my cock inside. I told her I was going to piss in her knickers, I could see her reaction in the mirror, she smiled closed her eyes and waited. The flow pooled in her knickers by her pussy before it cascaded down her legs. The
    3 points
  17. Hello, I'm a long time lurker and felt that it was time that I finally broke my silence! I'm a straight male from the UK and as long as I can remember I have always been interested in women peeing and I particularly enjoy reading about situations where women have to pee outside. I hope to eventually contribute some fictional stories to this forum and I look forward to discussing the wonderful world of pee with you all!
    2 points
  18. I know what you mean - but for many alround here we wouldn’t need to ask, we’d just recognise the signs and give an appreciative wink and a squeeze.
    2 points
  19. After not indulging in pee play for a few weeks, I got incredibly horny in my room and wanted to cover the carpet in piss. My bladder was already prety full by the time I wanted to pee but I continued drinking more water to push the urge further. I released a few times onto the carpet making some pretty big stains when I got the desire to put an ice cube or two in my pussy which I hadn’t done since my early stages of masturbation discovery long ago. I put the ice cubes in my mouth for a second before slippingthem into my already wet pussy and the sensation made me want to pee more immediately.
    2 points
  20. I never had that fantasy before, but after reading this I have a new item for my fetish bucket list. Now, my lap is always open to any women wanting to try the other half of this scenario.
    2 points
  21. i propped my legs up and spread my lips and aimed for my chest!! most of it ended up in my hair and face though
    2 points
  22. i just finished showering after giving myself a golden shower!!
    2 points
  23. Update: I did in fact hold until I got into the pool 😈
    2 points
  24. Seeing as though I am allergic to melons, you will just have to settle for my titties 🤷🏽‍♀️ sorry to disappoint.
    2 points
  25. Yes - this is sad to read - but I very much appreciate you letting us know @Ms. Tito. And as Goose says, please pass on my warmest wishes to Simpfan.
    2 points
  26. My fucking Lawyer would get me out of trouble... I'd be absolved, after a brief private pissing session with the Judge...
    2 points
  27. Have you heard of Sleeping Hermaphroditus? Created originally to depict the god Hermaphroditus and after it's rediscovery it was quickly scooped up by a Cardinal who was considered a connoisseur of these things. 🤔 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleeping_Hermaphroditus
    2 points
  28. Not offensive at all, I agree.. but, at times, a little more consideration for the passer-by's hygiene would be appreciated!
    2 points
  29. There have of course been statues of Hermaphroditus dating back to ancient times, but agreed that is a bit of a single subject. https://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/artifact/statuette-of-standing-hermaphrodite I guess in ancient times, statues were a way of recording an celebrating beauty in a way that now has mostly been overtaken by photos, videos and other modern media. These days we seem to use statues more to recognise and remember those who've become famous for their achievements - rulers, politicians, rock stars. And agreed, unfortunately as yet we don't see too many tra
    2 points
  30. This short is cut from the collection signature soft transparent tulle for spellbinding softness. Despite its minimalist appearance, it has a unique and spicy feature, an openable zip that runs from the front around to the back.
    2 points
  31. I’m jealous, I’ve tried peeing my pants while driving and haven’t been able to! Even when I’ve really had to go, I can’t relax enough to let it out until I park. But there have been a couple of times that I get home and release the second i don’t have to focus on the road anymore. I once put a few small hand towels in my pants to soak up the mess and feel the warmth spread a little more while in my front seat, and it was very worth it. I really had to go that day and probably peed into those towels and onto my seat for almost a minute, even though my seats are cloth it still took some tim
    2 points
  32. 30 if you add up what ive already done, more if you add in my fantasies!! i hope we all get sentenced to the same cell block and can flood it together 😈
    2 points
  33. Yeah I took off the board and squatted alongside it. People have probably seen me but it hasn't been super close up. They will have known what I am doing but they wouldn't have actually seen anything if that makes sense.
    2 points
  34. currently at the mall and very desparate…
    2 points
  35. You're so brave and naughty. And we all love you for that. 😊
    2 points
  36. Just image if she was 1 of us and let herself go while wearing this...... I think I'd be in heaven watching that happen
    2 points
  37. The room! Honestly, I bet hotel room floors have had more piss on them than any other place in the world. No one’s going to judge you, it’s only temporary, and as long as you spread it out, or do a little patting down later when play time is over, no one will know and you won’t have any damage charges on your card. It’s super fun to be with someone else who loves pissing and get back to a hotel room and casually pee right in the middle of the floor, especially when the other person joins in!
    2 points
  38. Cute rear-end/bottom/ass...
    2 points
  39. Men also have bigger bladders.
    2 points
  40. Right, 10 reasons why I have penis envy: 1. You can pull your jeans down, whip it out, and you don’t even have to expose your bum! 2. You have superior aim at anything that takes your fancy…a toilet, a wall, a tree, a mouth, a pussy, a bottle, etc. 3. You can make such a divine fountain when laying down. 4. It makes such a beautiful, neat, strong stream, unlike female pee that divides and spatters. 5. Guys tend to hold more pee for long, satisfying releases. 6. It does not drip down your leg and you don’t have to wipe. 7. It can go in any direction. To be
    2 points
  41. Hey! I’ve posted a few times but still relatively new, I’m a transman just starting to explore my piss kink and I’m already quite excited about it. I enjoy carpet pissing, public pissing, and wetting the most. I’m not ashamed of having a pussy and love using it, better yet I love that nobody knows what I’m hiding in my pants. You wouldn’t be able to tell I’m trans until I take my underwear off. I’ve just been playing a lot recently and having a fun time seeing how my pee comes out of my pussy. When I’m sitting regularly on the toilet, it trickles down my big clit into a quiet stream but w
    2 points
  42. Now this is very true. Big gap in the market there.
    1 point
  43. There is something more naturally "feminine" about that position (from an anatomical perspective). Like when you see a picture of a woman on all fours in a sexy animal costume, with her bum exposed, it's easier to imagine her peeing away from her body. Or maybe into the face of an unwanted suitor sniffing around her bottom? One of hottest things about it, for me, is that men can't really pull it off without wetting our knees and legs in the process. Unless that's the desired effect, we need to use our hands to aim our streams away from our bodies. But then that throws off our balance.
    1 point
  44. https://www.erome.com/a/DumY9mtu haven’t posted for a while. I’ve still been pissing all over the place! Anyways found this great piss spot today. Will definitely revisit, it’s obviously popular
    1 point
  45. i want to try that soo bad but im scared i wont be able to stop at completely wet myself!! thats why i think i want to try diapers, i love the thought of talking with someone while peeing and they have no idea!
    1 point
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