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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2022 in all areas

  1. So this just happened and was too good not to share. So I’ve been seeing a girl I’ll refer to as M for a little while. Since I had promised myself I would be true to what I like and not hide that I’m turned on by what all of us here are I was honest and told her when she asked. Instead of being disgusted or angry, she was curious about it. The last several times we’ve had alone time together she’s been getting more and more into it. At first I suggested she start by trying intimacy on a full bladder. She thanked me for being right that intimacy on a full bladder feels better for women. And I
    12 points
  2. Finally after hiking and camping for my entire life I've had some lucky sightings this year. The first was at a busy group campsite where one of the toilets got clogged, leaving only one. A lot of hikers were drinking that night and there was a long line that night. I was on my way back to my tent when a girl in line quickly left and headed off in my path into the darkness. Not too much further I saw her silhouette dash behind a small tree, and pulled her pants down as she squatted. She must have really had to go because I could hear a thick stream hitting the ground. I just kept on my wa
    5 points
  3. I couldn't find a topic that felt appropriate for this anecdote so I made my own. Here's a fun game involving sex that I learned during college: 1. One person plays a video game (usually a platformer like Mario, Sonic, Crash, or Celeste if you're hardcore) while the other person gives the player oral. 2. If the player loses a life, the roles switch, the other person plays while the first gives oral. 3. First to cum or first to lose a certain amount of lives (3-5 usually) has to do a punishment of the other's choosing (usually chores) 4. (Optional Bonus Rule) The loser must
    4 points
  4. I would finish this poll but some of the questions on here make me a bit uncomfortable. I don't consider myself as someone who has a racial or ethnic group preference when it comes to attraction and on the whole it feels odd and perhaps in poor taste to include that question alongside the other categories. (Also the term "Mongoloid" is outdated and broadly considered a slur. I didn't want to report it directly but please change that, for future reference)
    4 points
  5. Moderator's Message: @kitty and mimi - You will see that multiple people have commented that they find this poll sexist, racist, ageist and otherwise inappropriate. The ONLY REASON I have not removed this thread is because of the volume of positive discussions taking place in the thread. Before posting anything else I urge you to read site rules and comply with them. Personally I expect you to answer my question as to what your purpose is of these multiple poles you are creating. All - When you see a post that makes you feel uncomfortable, whether it is racially ex
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. That poll is sexist, racist and the "age preference" is borderline inappropriate. The only time I was attracted to women under the age of 24 was when I was under 24 myself. Also, please get this: some females take pride in our ability to shoot a stream from our urethras, just as men do. Not all women squat or sit. I've repeatedly made that clear.
    3 points
  8. Here in America if you get caught peeing in public you get slapped with a sex offense and are put on the sex offender registry, right next to people who such horrible things to other people.
    3 points
  9. Question 1: Any Question 2: Any Question 3: Any Question 4: Any Question 5: Any Question 6: Any Think that about covers my preferences. For future reference, I'd suggest stop trying to pin down and pigeon-hole everything. Some of us just love pee because we do. I'm not sure exactly what the purpose of all these polls are? They're really not going to provide valid scientific samples, and not sure what else you'd want them for.
    3 points
  10. There were absolutely no fucks given - either drunk enough to not realise or just a great attitude. She could have so easily crouched down and pulled panties aside, but instead it was a proper baring of her backside to the world before squatting. And the young guys calling dirty for it are probably the same ones that piss against drainpipes or doorways they happen to be passing. Talk about double standards.
    3 points
  11. You could say this was pretty much hot off the press - I wanted to write it whilst I had it fresh in my mind. I don't often get chance to go for a late night city wander about, but over the last couple of days I've been taking in that chance. I'm currently living right in the centre of Liverpool and working / socialising at some odd hours - and after finishing off the night at 2-3am I've been able to go for a night stroll in the city. Close to my current student apartment is the Ropeworks / Bold St corner, a fairly vibrant late night entertainment spot. The previous evening I'd bee
    2 points
  12. This started as a short-form story in the style of @rann's usual brand of troublemaking, then I kinda got carried away. If folks want more of this character, maybe this'll be a thing, who knows? Disclaimer: Story contains public peeing, piss vandalism, and revenge peeing Naomi hobbled down the sidewalk of the busy street, hopping from one leg to the next while trying to keep the pressure she had built up at bay. A garish red car zoomed past Naomi at dangerous speed, bellowing up her thin black and white circle skirt and startling her enough that she immediately started shouting exple
    2 points
  13. this is the first poll I make that ask questions from men's point of view.(other polls that I made so far,only ask women) this poll is about how female urination became attractive from male point of view.
    2 points
  14. The most daring and naughty place I have pissed was in the building where my doctor at the time had his office. The professional office building had converted from an old nineteenth industrial building build around 1895. It was six stories in height and the doctor had an office down in the remodeled basement level. The entrance off the back parking led into a small foyer where you could choose to use the stairs by going through one fire safety door or go through another door down which was the elevators and a hallway leading into the first floor. Naturally most people elected to use the elevat
    2 points
  15. I dont believe in Omegaverse to begin with, but I definitely don't see how you equate what kind of "female" you are by how you pee 🤣🤣
    2 points
  16. Not white either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We'll get em' next time, gals
    2 points
  17. UK seems to be somewhere in the middle with regards to peeing in public. On the one hand, I've seen newspaper reports of women getting taken to court after being caught peeing on camera. Yet on the other, I have walked down a crowded street in one of England's major cities and seen two men pissing through a gate, grinning sexily and mischievously as they did it, whilst an on duty policeman stood with his back to them, paying them no attention. Mixed bag, certainly. Also, the idea that men get in trouble for ot and women do not is untrue. Anyone can get in trouble for, or get away with, a
    2 points
  18. I'm white passing - though technically mixed race, only my dad is white. However, if it's any consolation at all, most folks here wouldn't be attracted to me either because I'd be too old (early 30s!). 😉
    2 points
  19. This is how I had to find out that, by the answers of the poll, most people here would not be attracted to me while i pee because I am not white 🤣🤣
    2 points
  20. I forgot about the wine! We only drink it as a treat on special occasions. We have a Kosher red wine for the Jewish holidays Passover, Rosh Hashanah and Chanukah. For the Christian holidays Christmas and Easter, we like a nice Eastern European white. Usually German, but my piano teacher introduced me to a very specific Hungarian white that's the finest I've ever drank. It's expensive, though so we only drink it on New Year's Day.
    2 points
  21. I feel like Eastern Europe is more relaxed in terms of public peeing. Men urinating in public is not an unusual view here. In my country you can only get a small fine (or maybe nothing at all if you're a female) for such actions unless you try to put a show. Especially in rural areas people tend to have a very chill attitude to peeing in public, sometimes even in front of each other. Obviously, all the people do not have the same view on it, but seeing someone relieve themselves without a particularly great hide isn't a shock to most of them. I might digress a little but I've alway
    2 points
  22. I'm going to make a suggestion here... that I be the last male to contribute to this thread. I've just received ANOTHER complaint from a lady of the forum. As we all know our lady friends are a relatively small part of the membership, we'd like to boost their numbers rather than driving them away. So many times now I've emphasised and re-emphasised that the ladies of this community are repeatedly getting p&&&ed off with mansplaining as to how they pee, what they should do, why they should change a lifetime's experience. You're technically probably not breaking si
    2 points
  23. I am from NY and here ladies pee freely and openly behind cars, bushes, alleys and even peeing in the subway is overlooked after late hours. Across US I regularly see ladies squatting on highways and parking lots next to their cars fully exposed, however depending on which state you are in the law can be very tough and unfair on peeing men who can be charged with public indecency and put on sexual offenders list but this is ignored at large gatherings etc.
    2 points
  24. I guess most men have some preference as to which girls they are attracted to based on her physical appearance. And the race of an individual largely affects their physical appearance. So I think that's an okay question, even though some may find it a bit sensitive. I think most visitors to this forum prefer to see white girls peeing, and second in order are Asian girls. I guess by the frequency of photos of girls of different races that appear on this forum. But it may be influenced by cultural differences and the fact that girls in some parts of the world don't get photographed peeing
    2 points
  25. Stay calm Harry! If she can't run tomorrow, work out your pace for the time you want to aim for and start off at that pace. There's always a tendency to go off too quickly, so be ruthless about not doing that. Then after a mile or two check in with your body and see how you're feeling. That way you've got time to adjust the pace - down if you're feeling like it's a struggle, or keep to it if you're feeling OK. For me, it always takes a mile or two to settle into a rhythm so not worth panicking until then! In any event, doing the run at all, at any pace, is an achievement - good luck!
    2 points
  26. I think friends of the same gender peeing together is obviously fairly common, and not a big deal. I've had a few instances where I've either peed with or near friends of the opposite gender. For example, I (male) have a close (female) friend "M". One time M and I were talking on the phone and from the other end I heard a flush. I asked her "Did you just pee?" And she said "Yep!". I've peed while on the phone with her too. Another female friend of mine ("S") and I used to pee outside with each other at college parties. I'd keep watch for her and she'd keep watch for me. It was
    2 points
  27. One of my best friends is pregnant and she overshares everything about it, and a lot of it has been how much she's had to pee. For example saying how she has to fill her bladder before ultrasounds and nearly bursts on the table, or how she has to wake up several times a night to pee and how sometimes she hardly makes it to the toilet. We also work together so during the day she will say to me "I need to pee so bad" and rush to the bathroom. We've also been on the phone and she will take a piss in the toilet while we're talking and I hear it to my delight. I've heard enough that when she pees,
    1 point
  28. Joined Fetlife today to follow someone sexy and with the hopes of finding some piss fetishists on the site. However, despite being such a fetish friendly and open website I am astonished at how few piss kink folks I could find. I had hoped to find a few girls, even inactive ones, who had a pee kink and would pee on their floor instead of the toilet all the time. I found a couple, but not very many. plus, the videos are unwatchable if you don’t pay the site $5. And the pictures cannot be downloaded. So my takeaway is that the site is a NSFW version of Flickr, kind of a waste of time.
    1 point
  29. Do you ever have a dream about pissing? Like your pissing in your dream and then you feel like your actually pissing as well but your really not.
    1 point
  30. Being a man (I know for a fact, 'cause I looked between my legs this morning), my reaction to this poll is...well, I feel very uncomfortable answering some of those questions. To quote Eliminature, "That poll is sexist, racist and the "age preference" is borderline inappropriate"...question #2 as to age "under 24" Under 24 goes all the way to below "Legal Age of 18". End of story...time for an outdoor piss.
    1 point
  31. Well that's okay cause I like girls, men, and everything in between, and I don't really have a preference for skin color/body type/age (okay, maybe I prefer older people lol), and I like you. So.....wyd tomorrow night Nikki 🤔
    1 point
  32. Swiped from Twitter - a rare example of the once ubiquitous trough urinal at Roker Park in Sunderland.
    1 point
  33. This was such a wonderfully written story! Thank you for sharing it.
    1 point
  34. That fine literary work could have been lost, right up to the point you've bumped back up. (Form your own opinion whether I'm thanking you genuinely or rolling my eyes sarcastically lol)
    1 point
  35. I love how hot this is. Using the air freshener to wipe herself is definitely creative.
    1 point
  36. It's sad if this has to be a parallel universe to stand a chance of happening - but after this weekend's experience: I'd like peeing in public still to be fairly taboo so it keeps it's mystique, but for people just to live and let live - not to call out and shout at the lady in question caught in the act. The same guys shouting at her for being a 'dirty cow' when they'll probably be pissing on a wall somewhere ten minutes later. Live and let live and all that.
    1 point
  37. Spot on Goose. Steve, you're a great guy with the right instincts. Your humanity shines through.
    1 point
  38. If the first rule of fight club is don't talk about fight club, then I think the first way to be non-creepy is exactly as you've done here Steve - and reflected on how your comments come across. Maybe the recipients of the comments are too busy dealing with all the REALLY creepy comments they're getting from people far less of a gentleman than you.
    1 point
  39. #1 would obviously be marrying a female that's also into peeing Following that I would love to have a spare bedroom just for naughty pissing. cheap resale shop furniture to use as toilets, cheap carpet etc... and maybe some generic hooptie car to use as a toilet whenever and wherever need be.
    1 point
  40. Indeed, we have all kind of gotten used to summer weather lasting well into September. But in latitudes as far north as the UK, by September, the intense heat waves of July or early August well into the 30s C are unlikely. Low to mid 20s C is about the hottest we might get. By the second half of the month the hottest it might get is no more than high teens or low 20s. Though I do remember a few years back spending October 1st on the beach as temperatures locally reached 20 C, the hottest October day on record locally
    1 point
  41. Always have a large water bottle with me at work. At home it's usually Sprechers root beer/ cherry cola, arizona watermelon juice, and coca cola. Never had any alcohol.
    1 point
  42. All I drink is water and a sugar-free healthy soda brand.
    1 point
  43. In my parallel world, this PeeFans site would be an actually site where we could all visit and pee freely. There would be carpet on all footpaths, toilets out in the open, people would be wetting themsel es as they walk down the street. All the gutters/drains would collect the pee and pipe it to the town center where there would be a large fountain the flowed with the pee from the drains. There would be special bench for people to sit who wanted a golden showers and anyone passing by could willing give them one. Free water for everyone so we could keep our bladders topped up.
    1 point
  44. I stumbled upon this a few years ago on Twitter, I think…
    1 point
  45. I’m officially up for the day with 2 more stories and some videos to share! So I woke up at 4am absolutely desperate. Once I was out the bedroom door, I had to hold between my legs to try to stop the flow. I didn’t have time to think or plan anything, I just ran over to the grass, pulled down my panties and squatted down to relieve myself. My stream was fast and hard, and it felt great to empty my bladder when I was that desperate. I shook off and pulled my panties back up before heading inside. I took a video here: https://www.erome.com/a/rwqQHbKX I woke up again at 6am
    1 point
  46. Also please note that in January 2022, @Admin introduced a clarification around extreme pee vandalism. This policy doesn't affect the vast majority of our content or members, but does affect those situations where peeing action causes physical damage / loss / distress to non-consenting people. It was introduced because certain content was creating a division within our normal happy, caring and friendly site. The policy can be found Here.
    1 point
  47. Yeah. Most of the time when I dream I'm peeing I get real horny in my sleep, which shouldn't be a surprise. I've been know to orgasm in my sleep sometimes 🤭 wake up a hot, sticky mess and wonder why and when I remember it all makes sense lol. Just the other night I had a dream about a girl peeing in a library I think, but that time I actually woke up and made a conscious decision to log into the site and get off. It was a good decision. I was happy for the rest of the day.
    1 point
  48. Hi and a somewhat belated welcome. I hope you have a good time here.
    1 point
  49. The third sighting of the night happened a little later on. I had gotten myself some food and had sat and eaten it on the door steps in the churchyard. I spotted a young couple walking down the road, the girl was walking quite slowly and kept stopping. Her bf/husband was walking ahead of her and stopped to let her catch up. When she did catch up he took her hand and she started walking faster with quick paced little steps and eventually they made it to the shop on the corner of the street. The guy went to the ATM and as he did the girl started dancing on the spot. At first it was hard to tell
    1 point
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