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  1. Hey I’m new ahaha, so I’m a girl hi, I was reading through real encounters on here, I’d never done anything except pee in the bath. So as I was reading I was very turned on, thought about how cheeky it’d be to pee on my friends shirt she left at mine, but I’d never thought to actually do something. Anyway I finished my scrolling and realised I needed a wee, I was about to get up from my bed when I saw my little cushion I never use (it’s small), it’s cute and it has tiny kittens on it. Anyway, the thought struck me, what if I peed, just a little, into it? Just to see what it was like. My
    7 points
  2. Over the weekend I attended a concert, so of course I was on the lookout for any girls peeing as concerts are usually prime spots for sightings. On my drive there my GPS took me a way where I had to turn left at stop sign right by the venue. I was not happy about that when I pulled up. I had been sitting there a few minutes when I saw a girl walk past my car and into the grass not 20 yards from me. She looked to be in her mid 20's and was a pretty big girl but it turned me on nonetheless seeing a girl pop a squat so close to me. My heart started racing when she stopped where I could still
    6 points
  3. You could say this was pretty much hot off the press - I wanted to write it whilst I had it fresh in my mind. I don't often get chance to go for a late night city wander about, but over the last couple of days I've been taking in that chance. I'm currently living right in the centre of Liverpool and working / socialising at some odd hours - and after finishing off the night at 2-3am I've been able to go for a night stroll in the city. Close to my current student apartment is the Ropeworks / Bold St corner, a fairly vibrant late night entertainment spot. The previous evening I'd bee
    4 points
  4. The city I live in is crowded with new students at the moment. As the college year starts in september, they now have a introduction period with a lot of activities in the city. At the start of the evening many students go to the banks of the river to chill and party. As there are no toilets there, it is a perfect spot for pee sightings. Today I was there for half an hour, and I saw three girls and eight men pissing. As I was older than most of the people there, I did not stay longer because I did not want to get caught. Tomorrow I will go back!
    4 points
  5. She is just nonchalantly taking a break from work. I think I want to work there.
    4 points
  6. To get the ball rolling - my experience in this area in real life (other than porn) is only with one person, my ex. The first time she did it was in a swimming pool. We were having sex in the water. We'd been drinking a lot of beer. She told me she had to pee. Not really wanting to stop, I said "just go." She had a bit of a hard time getting started, but as long as I held still (my penis was still inside), she was able to go. She had to push hard to start. She did a few "spurts," then was able to establish a stream of sorts. It was mostly dark out, so I couldn't see anything, but I could
    3 points
  7. I was holding this for a few hours after a few redbulls magic comes out
    2 points
  8. There would be carpet all around the rest of the pub for people who like peeing on carpets. I was just thinking you could pee at the bar while ordering your next round
    2 points
  9. Beauregard would never! He's a respectable and kind bear, and a great cushion for my computer chair (took his snout out from under my crotch for this pic)
    2 points
  10. There were absolutely no fucks given - either drunk enough to not realise or just a great attitude. She could have so easily crouched down and pulled panties aside, but instead it was a proper baring of her backside to the world before squatting. And the young guys calling dirty for it are probably the same ones that piss against drainpipes or doorways they happen to be passing. Talk about double standards.
    2 points
  11. I have had sex with a full bladder while my husband didn't know before. I'm telling you right now it would have been easy for me to pee on him lol. It was a circus level balancing act of holding, enjoying the sex, and not letting him know i was holding, so I dont think I'll do it again unless a miracle happens and I get the chance to have sex with someone who is into it. I know when I have my period and I use my cup sometimes it presses against my urethra from the inside and it both makes it difficult to pee and makes me feel like I have to pee real bad all the time. Maybe when you are i
    2 points
  12. I did wait a minute or so and grab a quick puddle photo - she was facing this way, so bum to the road and red box on her left. No tissues were used 😃
    2 points
  13. Have you really stayed in a hotel room if you actually use the toilet to piss in? 👀 I much prefer just going all up the wall and let it soak into the carpet..
    2 points
  14. I was on a music festival in Greece some time ago when I had to go for a pee. I went towards some bushes and trees a bit away from the scene. Two women came running for the bush as well. One of them squatted and the other woman was standing up on a rock with her butt hanging out over some bushes. I was pretty close to both of them and I could clearly see the woman on the rock and her pee streem over the bush. When they were finished I went to the bush and said I am going to water the bush as well and the women laughed. I could see her pee dripping from the leafs. I took my dick out of my pants
    2 points
  15. What's the best part of checking in a hotel?? Finally getting up to the room and getting to pick out the first place to do this! This is my favorite spot... where is yours?
    1 point
  16. Hi everyone I’m a half Japanese/Chinese girl who is 21 and lives with her rich parents and have many pee experience to tell I hope we can be the good friends as we share our pee experiences
    1 point
  17. Hey all! I'm new here but by a wonderful recommendation from a fellow pee content creator, I figured I'd start sharing my stuff here as well! I'm open to chatting with individuals (I am straight but am okay making new friends) and hearing feedback on how I can improve, or suggestions for future videos and content ❤️ Enjoy! Pissing on myself in the tub: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph62e75f46546e4 Hands-free pissing out in the rain: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph62e8661684718
    1 point
  18. I prefer tea to coffee and I do drink water in between to keep hydrated. I do really like a few pints of beer, London Pride is one of my favourites. Also white wine, French or German wine is my choice, but not red wine as I find iit gives me a bad head. I have the occasional coffee but not that much.
    1 point
  19. “That’s for all that shit you left in the woods!”
    1 point
  20. I've had to tell my fair share of folks (women included) that their fly was down. One of them happened to be cute, and good thing too because I could see through their fly that they were commando and had quite the bush on em'. Both of my other experiences were at waterparks. Once was on an outdoor waterslide and the person who went after me (think they had brown hair, they were super pasty) was quite rambunctious. When they came down I was still just getting out of the landing pool and I saw them fly down, boobs clearly visible, and their bikini top around their neck. I thought they were
    1 point
  21. Last summer the wife, kids, and I took a day trip to a local state park for some hiking and a picnic. After hiking all morning we had our picnic by the side of a pristine lake, adjacent to the beach area. The beach has sand, and is well groomed. It was a hot day, so there were hundreds of beachgoers and swimmers. We were all the way on one end, pretty far from where the bathrooms were. Near us was a couple lounging in the sand. They were probably about 40-ish. The woman was attractive, in an "average 40yo woman" kind of way - thin, shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, and sort of ang
    1 point
  22. I sometimes pee in pits that I’ve already use, because hey, I was gonna wash them anyway, so might as well!
    1 point
  23. Oh, briefs, as opposed to boxers? I see. A slip is an underskirt in British English - a ladies' undergarment, though they aren't worn as much nowadays. I just wear plain briefs and hold up/thigh high stockings. I can't be bothered with a bra, though I occasionally wear a camisole. I haven't worn a bra since my school days and even then I only wore them because of peer pressure.
    1 point
  24. Sunday afternoon on my afternoon stroll, stopped to pee, and found a "gift" someone left me, a blue something or other. Of course I had to mark it to show I appreciated it by pissing on it.
    1 point
  25. They do, every toilet in Britain looks exactly like that. When you lift the lid the national anthem plays.
    1 point
  26. A little more fun! https://www.erome.com/a/iOlVCmEo
    1 point
  27. Hi @Alpian, thanks for reading and thank you for your kind words! Naughty peeing is a mainstay of my stories and them being fiction allows me to add in a number of other aspects such as vandalism, public lewdness, and countless other misbehaviors that stimulate the imagination. Even within the subset of "naughty peeing," this being a fetish website, numerous readers have numerous other fetishes that overlap with mere peeing. As much as I would love it that everyone would love every single aspect of every story I've written, everyone has their own preferences. I understand that sometime
    1 point
  28. Almost always a urinal if one's available. Prefer open air above all though -- outside, against a tree, bush, lamp post, or just on the ground. If I'm biking on a trail, there's usually one spot where others pee and I'll go there as its kinkier and sometimes a pair of panties will appear and I enjoy hosing those down.
    1 point
  29. This to me is a daily thought. I would give anything to be surrounded by my peefans people 😭
    1 point
  30. The time at the train station Here’s a recount from another pure luck sighting. This took place on a Wednesday night, around 11pm. I’m at a CBD underground train station (similar to New York’s subway or Londons tube stations). I’m seated at the back half of the platform which has only maybe 15 other people on it at the moment. It’s a middle-of-the-week night so all the other people on the platform are business type people going home from work. All of which have headphones in and are consumed by whatever they’re doing on their phones or laptops. I too am sitting there pla
    1 point
  31. I played softball in high school and I peed myself several times. As with any sport, you have to be hydrating, especially if you play outdoors. The uniform sucked too. Spandex, a belt, pants, and a tucked in shirt all delayed my pees. I normally tried to hold it because the porta potties were disgusting, but many times my urge was too great to ignore. One time I was in the infield, which being in the field already sucks for a desperate bladder since you obviously can’t just run off the field and pee, but also because you have your legs slightly wider than shoulder width and are bent over, whic
    1 point
  32. Why do I keep going on these dungeon hunts? I never find any good loot. My level's not high enough to kill anything... See look, ANOTHER empty chest. Fine if there is no gold coins for me, someone is going to find Liquid Gold next time!
    1 point
  33. So I had to pee on the floor
    1 point
  34. Got a great friend who knows all about my Piss fetish and he has one too. One day during a visit at my house he told me that he had to pee. I suggested it would be cool to watch him pee on my bathroom floor (Why Not? I do it all the time) He said he didn't care. I snapped this picture just before he let go. I love the toilet in the background and it's quite obvious he's not going to use the Potty. Made a few more pictures but then I had to stop and grab some towels LOL
    1 point
  35. Wish I had a friend with a pee fetish who would pop over when he was in the neighborhood.
    1 point
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