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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2022 in Posts

  1. Would anyone be interested in me starting a new thread for stories of my mom and myself? I feel as if this thread has strayed off topic a bit, and I think it would be necessary so others can find the content if they want to read. Thoughts?
    8 points
  2. If you have read some of my other posts, you have seen that I have started letting out small spurts of pee instead of emptying my bladder when I am at home or at my mom's house. That has really been fun and has allowed me to pee more frequently which is fun, especially if it is in front of someone πŸ™‚ I have now taken that and progressed to constantly dribbling a little bit of pee basically all the time. It is not enough to form a stream...just enough to form a wet spot on whatever I am sitting on or a small puddle if I am standing in one place. My husband prefers the dribbling because it means
    5 points
  3. On a late night show Jenifer Lawrence spoke about a picture of her squatted down behind her mom, who was lying on a pool lounge. She admitted that she wasn't really posing for a picture with her mom, but rather she had squatted down to pee on the pool deck behind her mom.
    4 points
  4. I know there's been some discussion on this in the past but I'm new here and want to revisit this topic from a different perspective: what's the psychology of why we enjoy what we do? I wonder if there's an aspect of sadism/masochism for those who love holding/controlling others holds for long periods of time? I wonder if we're obsessed with wetting because it's some of the same nerves in our reproductive organs? I personally love watching desperate women, and watching the relief when they let it out! I don't know why our brains enjoy it though. Any other thoughts?
    3 points
  5. so... only 15 ppl can pee at that sign at once?
    3 points
  6. As much as I enjoy pushing out a good stream mid-conversation with one of my hiking partners? 😁 Try as I might, there always seem to be a few dribbles at the end.
    3 points
  7. That is true! Older ladies don't usually wear denim booty shorts, so it may not be quite as obvious! This experience in public was great, and I will definitely do it again. However, i think it is more fun just at home. I love being mid-conversation with my husband or my mom while dribbling pee down my leg πŸ™‚
    3 points
  8. Talked? You don't even have to talk. All you have to do is hold your hand out to me and I am yours 😍 God, I'm all giddly like a celebrity just commented on my post lol.
    3 points
  9. Now I’m getting so used to it that I don’t really think about it. Off goes my clothes and I know that I can just pee whenever I need to wherever I am. Today I pissed while I was walking to the gym showers. Maybe I’m more confident about it because I’m pretty hung.
    3 points
  10. I had a slightly unusual encounter with my wife yesterday. She makes no secret of the fact that she pees in the shower and I make no secret of the fact that I like the fact that she does. She has even peed on my leg when we have both been in the shower together. However, yesterday was slightly different. My wife was stood outside the shower, naked, and about to get in but was waiting for the water to get warm. She was bouncing slightly and made the comment β€œI wish this water would hurry up and get hot”. I enquired as to β€œWhat’s the rush?” And she answered with β€œI really need a wee and
    2 points
  11. Doing what I normally do in the shower, pee and casual stroking. Lol
    2 points
  12. It fascinates me too - and I don't necessarily have any good answers. One area that fascinates me particularly is what parameters have to come into play for women to pee outside in public - i.e. how desperate do they need to be? How much cover do they need and how much does alcohol influence the decision. Some girls just don't care about being seen and will pee when the need arises whilst other girls will do anything to hold off peeing in public unless it is absolutely unavoidable. Then there is the thought pattern behind where to pee - the balance between peeing somewhere that caus
    2 points
  13. That is where gay people have the upper hand - they get to see and hear people of the same gender in their changing rooms and toilets, whilst straight people don't get that luxury. For me, I would much rather pee in the presence of interested ladies than interested men and I would much rather see ladies peeing than men, but if I were gay, I'd be over the moon I am sure!
    2 points
  14. https://www.broadwayworld.com/videoplay/VIDEO-Sabrina-Carpenter-Talks-Making-Her-Broadway-Debut-in-MEAN-GIRLS-20200303 This is a link to the interview referenced in the OP
    2 points
  15. Picked up the pissy box I posted about the other week but not before a long drink of piss. When I arrived the small talk was kept short, though she did ask where the plastic sheeting was. She had to piss! We proceed to the bedroom where she’s assisting in unfolding and laying out of the plastic while doing the pee dance in her black tights. The clear plastic is laid out over the soft, white, shag rug, I lay fully dressed on the plastic and I see her dancing and pulling the black tights and black cotton panties off in one action. She goes to straddle me while facing me. I instruct he
    2 points
  16. A partial sighting today. I had half an hour spare after dropping my wife off for an appointment. I went to a park where a few people hang around to kick a football around and such like. I didn’t have any luck, but then just as I was walking down the path to exit the park, three young women - late teens - passed me and just as they passed me, one of them, about 5’6 with said β€œI kinda need a wee, but not desperate”. That, of course, piqued my interest and rather than leaving the park, I let them walk by and then glanced over my shoulder. They had turned off the tarmac path and were heading
    2 points
  17. This one was very nonchalant but I really had to go.
    2 points
  18. I’ve finally learned not to stop pissing when someone else enters.
    2 points
  19. Now I really don’t care when I’m in the gym. I just piss on the floor when I need to. I don’t really care if there’s a drain right there... I just go.
    2 points
  20. In kind of the shame topic, I went to take a tan. I was in there and really had to go so I just thought ... what the heck. And let me at least share this with you.
    2 points
  21. No, that's not why boys and young men don't want to be naked around their female relatives, it's because they would find it embarrassing and they value their privacy. For what it's worth, I wouldn't want my dad or grandpa to see me naked, either. When I have kids, as soon as they are toilet trained and able to wipe themselves and wash themselves in the shower, I don't ever intend on seeing their private areas again, and my kids will never ever see my penis or testicles, because that's not appropriate. Save the nudity and exhibitionism for sexual partners and/or sexual websites/forums
    2 points
  22. I’ve always had a fantasy on walking naked to the showers in the locker. After showering and walking back naked I just let it go on the floor. I know it’s gross but I finally made it.
    1 point
  23. I crept by her bedroom door with my hand cupping my exposed pussy. I was aching to piss. My mother’s soft snoring echoed through the hall, but not for long. Tonight, I had a plan. A plan to get mommy to piss with me. Lightly shaking her awake, I told her I was too afraid to sleep in the dark all alone. ”Baby, it’s okay. Nothing’s there.” ”But Mommy, I can’t sleep. I’m too scared.” ”Do you want Mommy to come tuck you in?” ”Yes. Please, Mommy…” I know what you’re thinking. β€˜Isn’t she a little old for this?’ My Mommy would have to disagree. She knows her little girl.
    1 point
  24. I am always on the lookout for women talking about peeing, their own, or others, on mainstream TV, in the States. I have posted on this subject on Pee Fans, previously. It seems to me that more women are becoming bolder in talking about this subject, in the present time, in spite of the general toning down of the amount of skin, shown on TV, in the post-"Me Too" era. This is just an impression of mine, totally unscientific, with no objective, factual data. Saw a good example of this yesterday, on "Live with Kelly and Ryan," a daytime talk show, on ABC. Sabrina Carpenter, a young actr
    1 point
  25. When I was growing up I used to pee in some spots around my room. My bed had built in drawers and this little cubby with a door in the middle. I would open the door on the cubby and pee in it all over the carpet. I also enjoyed peeing in my drawers and would sometimes not take my clothes out and pee on them too. I also peed in my closet a few times.
    1 point
  26. You could give someone a foot job...
    1 point
  27. Nope. As far as I know he does not know. I've never told him and have no intention to tell him either. I enjoy my fetish on my own!
    1 point
  28. I always peep out of the corner of my eye. I love watching guys piss. Any opportunity will do!
    1 point
  29. Emma Chamberlain appeared on Jimmy Fallon's show, recently, and gave a detailed description of her visit to the Ladies' room, saying that it took so long to pee because the dresses she and the other women wore, were so hard to move around, that it took an hour to pee, and rest afterward. It was even more erotic because she was wearing a short mini, with boots, exposing her thighs just short of her panties.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Not 100% sure of the order of events but I had several experiences when I was younger. One was my sister and I used to set up a "house" in her bedroom with different areas for cooking, eating, sleeping, relaxing and even the toilet. The toilet was the gap between the end of her bed and the wall. We both used to pee on the carpet there. Another was that a mixed group of us used to go and play on a building site (before Health and Safety spoiled all that) and in the field nearby. When we were on the building site and needed to pee, we went into an unfinished house and peed in a room - bo
    1 point
  32. How does it look when it ejaculates? Here’s a pic. But I’d prefer to do it in your mouth ladies πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  33. My labia from behind πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
    1 point
  34. Hi and a huge welcome to the community!
    1 point
  35. Had this happen a few times. I'm really good at holding - I've built the skill up since I was a kid and didn't know why I liked holding so much, it was like a challenge to me to hold as long as I could. But one time I waited longer than I expected. A couple years ago I went out with a couple of friends and after dinner I had to go but I thought I could hold until I got home without a problem. I was the driver and had to drop two others off first. Of course there was a traffic jam and was delayed half an hour longer than I expected and my "sorta need" jumped to "need to go BAD" quickly. I don't
    1 point
  36. Same. I would only use the men's if the women's was otherwise out of order.
    1 point
  37. I was once an outpatient registration clerk at a hospital. Whenever I'd get a full bladder ultrasound patient, I'd register her In slow motion. Never got to see one wet, but the "I'm gonna pee my pants. I'M GONNA PEE MY PANTS!" And the squirming were wonderful. 😁 BTW there's another full bladder test called a voiding cystosomethingorother where you actually have to pee on the xray table during the test! I should have been a uroradiologist. πŸ˜†
    1 point
  38. Gotta love Belgian brewers' sense of humour. In Brussels today
    1 point
  39. I went swimming again today with my family. I was already feeling sorta horny and when I got out of the locker room I was happy to see we were the only people there! I was splashing around with my kiddo and hanging out with my husband when I decided I was gonna go for a pee. I got up and headed to the locker room but stopped short of the bathrooms. It was so empty that I decided today was the day. I was going to do pick a drain and pee over it! I went allllll the way to the back row where the lights were much dimmer and found a drain at the very back in the corner. It took a few moments
    1 point
  40. There is this racist smoke shop up the street, I've started peeing through the cracks in their door after they close. πŸ˜‹ don't consider it naughty, more like justice. 😏
    1 point
  41. Definitely the urinal - from being a kid onwards I've never considered using a stall to be honest if there's a convenient space at the urinal, unless the place is crowded. And a little bizarrely I'm actually finding in some cases the more urinals in the room the more enjoyable. Last weekend I was at a motorsport venue for a fairly big event (big enough to be televised). Between two of the races I went for a pee, and on rounding the corner found three large portacabins in a cluster, each with two doors labelled ladies and gents. Being between races lots of people had the same idea -
    1 point
  42. I see troughs mostly in some bars. And you are absolutely right how embarrassing it feels to just stand there at a trough with your dick in hand and no pee coming out. Happened many times when I was younger but I got over it.
    1 point
  43. I had a naughty pee in the men's room at work this afternoon... in the corner of the cubicle is a floor drain... the perfect aiming target...
    1 point
  44. Was a little more discrete yesterday because it was a little crowded
    1 point
  45. Discrete at the nude beach or just where you are ? I prefer the last
    1 point
  46. One more succes
    1 point
  47. Having scouted around and done some research, I think that I have found this location and I'm going to water it down myself soon!
    1 point
  48. Well here is me, not huge either
    1 point
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