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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2022 in Posts

  1. Okay, here goes: I was visiting this weekend. I was in the living room on the couch; she was in the kitchen doing some small chores (washing dishes, putting the laundry on, etc.). From her laundry room, I hear her ask if I would like to pee in the laundry before she throws it in the machine. I decline saying that I have spurted on the floor and couch recently, and did not have the urge. I was getting really horny sitting on the now damp sofa cushion and thinking about the events of the day....I had spurted a little bit of pee frequently in front of my mom without warning instead of a ful
    7 points
  2. I've gone through periods of time where I felt the same; especially after I confessed to my ex and he shamed the pants off of me. For what it's worth, I am wired to be into pee too and it's been that way since my age was in the single digits. I also grew up very conservative Christian (which teetered on cult levels, so I am talking VERY conservative) which looked down on anything that wasn't missionary sex between married couples. I was taught that sex and my body parts were dirty, that pee was dirty, so I always thought this one part of me was something to be ashamed about. One thing th
    6 points
  3. Most of the time if I’m peeing outside it’s out of some sense of need, even if I could technically wait. Usually it’s at a point where I’m getting uncomfortable and am genuinely wondering if I’d make it to a toilet so I’ll go somewhere when I find a place that’s suitable even before it’s actual bursting need. That way I know I can go somewhat privately and won’t be bursting with nowhere reasonable to go. However, about two years ago I was leaving a friend’s house to walk home after having a few glasses of wine. I knew I wanted to pee outside that night so I didn’t use my friend’s bathroom
    6 points
  4. Today I decided to go to a beach that’s on a lake. It’s been a bit since I’ve been to a beach, and the last time I went to one I wasn’t really able to pee in the water because I felt a sort of mental block (I think the reverse water pressure had something to do with it). This time I tried to relax as much as possible since I really needed to pee at one point but didn’t want to leave the water. I was finally able to pee, and damn, you guys weren’t lying at all, it feels AMAZING to pee in the water. I ended up peeing twice more in the water and it was so fun knowing I was peeing into my bikini w
    5 points
  5. Hello all! I haven’t posted on or visited this site in years. There is no real reason, maybe because I used to work a lot, and maybe I didn’t really have much to say on the subject of peeing. But I am back because I feel like I need to address something I am having issues with: being ashamed of this fetish. To start, I have been into watching girls pee since I was in 6th grade and I am 34 this July. I just feel like there is not many more things as intimate and arousing as watching something that can be very private and intimate, along with the relief that comes with it. There are gi
    4 points
  6. hello! i’ve been looking for a website just to talk about pee, and i think i’ve found the one for me. i love naughty pissing, posing on others, others pissing on me, and wettings.
    4 points
  7. the naughtiest place i’ve peed was a public shower floor, but i’d LOVE to pee in other naughty places
    4 points
  8. I will be posting some pissing pictures/videos here every now and then. Today I I was driving to work and felt the need to pee so I pulled over to a rest area and pissed on a tree:
    3 points
  9. It's been a few years since I published a story. This draft has been kicking around awhile... I like for my stories to land around 2000 words but this is about half that. The chapter after this is underway and should land around there, but this one will just be shorter than the others. (Although I consider this a work in progress and may revise or expand it later. Any feedback is welcome!) Contains naughty peeing and pee vandalism. fter brunch. the girls made another stop at the beach to get one final dose of sun and relaxation before heading home. While searching for
    3 points
  10. Last night I decided I felt like having some fun, so I sat outside with lots of wine and water and let myself get filled up so I could pee outside. Unfortunately, it was raining a bit last night so I couldn’t get any good pics but I’m hoping to change that tonight! For now I thought I’d maybe share the story of my manufactured desperation. 😅 The place I’m staying at right now has a pretty large backyard, most of it grassy, so it’s often excellent to have an outdoor pee in when I’m under circumstances where I don’t want others to know. Sometimes this will happen if I’m sitting out back wit
    3 points
  11. Nothing to be ashamed of. I used to be shy about it but I learned that a closed mouth doesn’t get fed. When I put my pee fetish out there I learned that women piss in public and even naughty places out of convenience or emergency. Those naughty places were store fitting rooms. I got two women admit to it. I even had a girl I was seeing tell me she liked peeing on people after I told her about my fetish. I love when women piss. I too am American. Most women have peed on the ground I have learned and they don’t know they enjoy peeing on you or for you until you introduce them to it. Yo
    3 points
  12. When I was in London about three weeks ago, I saw two incredibly public urinals in the middle of the day. They are both in the Hoxton area of London near Old Street Station. They are the sort of urinals that often get put out for festivals or even in towns for late night revellers, but these were on the street and they were there in the morning on a Wednesday, so I presume they are left there all the time. The first was right next to a fire station on a busy road and can be clearly seen by the passing traffic. It surprises me that it is put in such a public place as even on a Friday
    3 points
  13. UPDATE I have made a step in the direction of masturbating in front of my mom...would anyone like to hear? (Admin please delete if not allowed..I was previously encouraged, and would like to give an update)
    3 points
  14. This may seem a long winded start but it is the background of how it all began, many years ago Carol One I am 21 living at home Studying for midterm engineering exams on a Saturday morning when My Mum knocks and comes in and asks me to take her to the shops. Dad has gone to work, and she wants to go to the bigger centre further away. Pull up in the carpark and talk to a workmate for a few moments. Catch up with Mum inside, taking to a neighbour, who lived next door for a few months, Mum still keeps in touch. Turns out it is their daughter’s 18th tonight. By the
    2 points
  15. I, too was raised to believe that anything sexual was a sin and very dirty and peeing was a very personal and very private thing. As I got older and more exposed to worldly things I began to realize that everyone has some kind of fetish, and peeing is a very mild and safe one in comparison to others which are far more dangerous. So I began to tell partners about my fetish about watching girls pee, some were willing some were not. I am happy to say that I am in a relationship where we can be open and honest with each other and she lets me see her pee often. So, you're not a pervert. Everyo
    2 points
  16. Too nice a day to not get my cock out and pee in the sun
    2 points
  17. Has someone helpfully written “piss here” on it? 🙂
    2 points
  18. No worries! I have only just discovered it - and it's wonderful! And I am thinking ahead to how the Prince will later check who is the mystery girl of his dreams - I sort of hope it might involve tasting, but it's your story!
    2 points
  19. I'm quite happy to see it bumped, but I now feel guilty because I still haven't finished it!
    2 points
  20. As @gldenwetgoose said elsewhere: To quote something I saw on maybe Pinterest or tumblr, anxiety/insecurity is like believing conspiracy theories about yourself, and “maybe despite it seeming to satisfy my gf my dick’s too small & everyone’s lying to me about it” def qualifies
    2 points
  21. I usually pee through my suit...in and out of the pool. It's so easy when you're already dripping water to just let it flow.
    2 points
  22. Welcome, hope you enjoy it here!
    2 points
  23. Hope the mods and @Alfresco will forgive me for bumping this masterpiece again, but I know we have some new members who maybe haven't read it yet. Creative and hot!
    2 points
  24. And me mid-stream, watering the grass 😉 I’d never tried pissing out of the side of my shorts before, but it certainly adds a degree of subtlety to the matter, and now certainly opens up a lot more doors in my mind for places/situations to be able to get away with peeing outdoors!
    2 points
  25. A couple more. I just wish she would thin out that hairy bush a little. I prefer neatly trimmed or shaved. I think she's always made an intentional effort to not show her honey pot. But she's still perfect. :)
    2 points
  26. I posted this in another topic but its valid here: In my 20s I used to party alot in LA. I dated a really attractive girl who was a minor actress. When we were out partying, she often peed outside clubs, in parking lots, garages or at house parties in yards, sinks, showers etc. We were once at a house party with an amazing mid-century modern house in the Hollywood hills that was very indoor/outdoor. The master bathroom was very large with a sunken tub the size of a hot tub and an indoor terrarium of rocks and plants next to it. Many people were in the bathroom waiting for the toilet and t
    2 points
  27. This is Anna S from Met Art. She may well be perfect. Except no pee scenes.
    2 points
  28. Here's mine 🤭😋
    2 points
  29. White-enamelled bronze sculptures, made by plaster-casting piss holes in the snow, currently being exhibited near Edinburgh, UK. https://www.jupiterartland.org/art/helen-chadwick-piss-flowers/
    2 points
  30. Quite. I always feel strangely empty in my bladder when I exit the cinema.
    2 points
  31. Still, it's fun to pee in new places. Just peed a lot in the new boyfriend's car. He let me ride while he's at work. I went shopping, I hate public toilets. After a long day and loads of shopping, I put my things in the trunk and sat in the driver's seat. I haven't gone to the bathroom since morning. I was wearing translucent panties and a burgundy summer short dress. In one of the stores, I let a trickle down my legs when it was hard to endure, but continued to hold back. Today I wanted to test myself. As I got behind the wheel, I turned on the ignition and just let the stream fr
    1 point
  32. I've just completed an experiment to make fertilizer from urine! I basically peed in a bowl and added a bit of cider (because it was a can of cider it had nitrates in it not to mention yeast) anyway after a few days there was white life forms growing on top of it. After about a month it had started to evaporate and ferment! I'm now left with a thick tar like syrup which can be diluted and basically used like 'Baby Bio'. How to test it I'm not sure but I'm thinking of trying to grow an avocado stone! Anyway its's proof of concept if nothing else - I wouldn't know where to start to industri
    1 point
  33. I love to pee on sand or soil because I can dig a hole with my stream 😁
    1 point
  34. https://www.erome.com/a/XPO6wrIh Pee wash and taste...MMM...🤗🍌💦💛💦💛💦👅👄😋
    1 point
  35. You may be aware already - the whole site had an 'error 500 / 504' sort of downtime for about 20 minutes this morning 7:45AM UK. Seems to be back again now and fine 🤞
    1 point
  36. Never understood why they even bother to install urinals in men's rooms, drains work just as well.
    1 point
  37. Welcome @Haley_piss hope you find what your looking for and have a great time 😊
    1 point
  38. I dont swim in one pieces any more, but when I did I either peed through them or I pulled the crotch to the side. I think as time went on I just peed through it so I could avoid washing my hands when I was done, and now I don't even go to the bathroom at all. I'll just pee on myself wherever I am at the pool. It's no big deal.
    1 point
  39. As far as I can tell, this is true for a lot of girls. I personally love watching & hearing a girl making herself come after fucking her 🥰 and if she did that by humping the bed and making a big wet patch of her cum and mine mixed together, well 🔥
    1 point
  40. This makes me so happy to hear!! I am so glad you both enjoyed! I love that you did it at the breakfast table...very naughty ❤️
    1 point
  41. My daughters had a dentist appointment today so I had to drive them into town. As I was going around a roundabout (say that 10 ten times fast) I noticed a group of young walkers on the grass along the edge, nothing unusual there. But what really caught my attention was two girls holding a large purple towel stretched between them with another girl stood behind it. I just managed to see her crouch behind it before I had to turn off. I am almost certain that she was peeing but I am astonished at where, it wasn't a quiet place in the slightest!
    1 point
  42. After the sightings mentioned above, I returned to the ship and there was a small beach near the ship with about ten people on it. One of the girls was wearing a very skimpy bikini and sunning herself with another girl in a a bikini. At one point she got up, walked down the beach and squatted for about a minute then walked back to her towel. I couldn’t see any pee, but I think it is fairly obvious what she was doing. I was quite enjoying the view in the first place but when she went to squat I was very happy. This was the view from where I was sitting.
    1 point
  43. includes: pee vandalism, naughty peeing Mia walks through the economy isle all the way to first class as some stare while some do not care. Mia observed the plane planning on some naught actions later. Mia was a 25 year old girl with a stunning figure. Her silky black hair and her perky tits were eye catching. Her outfit was also stunning, with her cute blouse and medium length skirt she looked so sweet and innocent, but that’s what she wanted them to think. She sat in a pod as she waited for the flight to begin. She was watching the boring tape they play before the flight begins.
    1 point
  44. I love to piss on my feet in the bathtube, or on my ........i love it, i love to feel it and to smell it on my body.
    1 point
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