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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2022 in Posts

  1. At a recent match at my local football team Wrexham FC I usually don't pee at the game as toilets are alway busy but I had a few drinks before the kickoff and at about 20 minutes in I couldn't hold it so got up went to the women's toilet an all cubicles were in use, so I went to the gents to use the cubicle in there. I rushed in an thankfully one was empty so I went it found the lock was broke but had to go so left the door open a pulled my jeans down an sat on toilet and let it go. I looked up an saw a few men were stood watching me so I sat back an kept pissing an let them have a good view.
    12 points
  2. The Bay to Breakers event in San Francisco used to be magic for public peeing 15+ years ago before authorities started to crack down and add toilets. The event was great because it started as a marathon across the city but the people of San Francisco unofficially turned it into an all day, mobile party of costumed (or naked) runners and walkers drinking heavily and pushing alcohol floats and wagons. It's hard to describe but it had a certain combination of cultures and circumstances that make it perfect; athletic functional necessity, hippy freedom, drunken debauchery and lack of toilets that
    4 points
  3. I guess we must be part of a large community now with clothing being made available for us:- https://www.redbubble.com/shop/wetting+clothing Not sure that I would wear all of them, but some are rather fun.
    3 points
  4. A thong so I don't have to feel the wet fabric against my ass and cunt all day lol.
    3 points
  5. This evening, K and I got some unexpected time together because our daughter (who is visiting for a couple of days) was going out for the evening. K wanted to take he opportunity to get physical, and to get in the mood we we drank stiff G&Ts while catching up with a TV programme from earlier in the week. When it finished, she looked at me and said – out of the blue – “I need a wee. Do you want me to go in the toilet or …?” I looked at her. This is quite out of character (or at least, a very rare occurrence). And to be honest it took me completely by surprise – but a lovely surprise!
    2 points
  6. If you can't beat em, join em
    2 points
  7. Happy birthday 🎂 @tunga @Zeratha
    2 points
  8. I find this very sexy....
    2 points
  9. Super hot and well done you, I admire your gumption to continue and let them watch.
    2 points
  10. a few of my faves
    2 points
  11. Dear Wet Carpet, I am usually an anxious and shy person, especially when it comes to something private like peeing or sex. However, a curiosity inspired by something I witnessed at work, which I'll mention in a moment, led me to this site and these letters. After reading through a few, I knew I needed to share some things that have happened recently. First, a bit about myself (without revealing too much). I am a 37 year old brunette, definitely pudgy, but I still turn a few heads, mostly because of my DD breasts and round bottom. I work for an answering service on the sixth floor an
    2 points
  12. Hello, Wet Carpet. I need advice. So it seems that my two daughters have started down the path to openly peeing. I am unsure where they picked it up, but both are clearly enthralled by it. I will give the information I have so you can tell me the best course of action. My oldest daughter was the one I saw first. It was about two weeks ago and I was doing laundry. I had just finished folding some of her underwear and was delivering it. I slid open the door, not knowing she was in there at the time. I was shocked to see her standing naked in the middle of the room with a thick streaming
    2 points
  13. Absolutely love this topic - peeing somewhere where someone else has to clean it up and not caring in the slightest because they've got to go! These screenshots from CCTV in the back of a shop are great (full video too big) - girl has clearly asked to use the bathroom but its occupied, waits a while but decides to go and pee all over their floor - amazing
    2 points
  14. Part 2 - I left everyone on suspense for far too long. Fast forward to the fall of that year when A and I were hanging out pretty frequently, going out to bars. Note that she had been single for a little bit now so she was always ready to get loose and enjoy a night out. On this particular Saturday night we had decided that we would go downtown and have a few drinks. The night started at my apartment with a couple drinks to pregame. Her and I have a couple drinks over maybe 45 minutes with myself drinking vodka-sprite and her drinking vodka redbull. These were both tall drinks keep in min
    2 points
  15. We have a lot of posts with some very beautiful woman. So I thought I would post some guys with big dick. Enjoy ladies and some guys.
    1 point
  16. Hello again:) , this story will contain naughty peeing and females peeing on others. But after each part of the story, I will add a little spin off where people find the pee, have to live with the consequences or simply just tell their perspective. I always think this is the biggest turn on about naughty pees. So let's begin The Drive Aaah... an warm summer morning with a light breeze. Summer vacation just begun for the Simmons Siblings. Even better: The twins Dave and Trisha just graduated from high school, so both of them, together with their two older sisters Tanisha a
    1 point
  17. [Contains female peeing and MF and FF oral sex.] Part 1 is here: https://peefans.com/topic/23041-hot-wet-spanish-night-part-1/ Simon wouldn’t take no for an answer. We all followed him up the stairs, me and the other girls leaving pee-wet footprints up the tiled staircase. “That’s the other bathroom,” said Simon, waving an arm in the direction of a room at the top of the steps. “We don’t tend to pee in the toilet in that one though,” he added as he opened the door to the balcony upstairs at the back of the house. It was only when I’d sat down in the plastic garden chairs and had been
    1 point
  18. Idk how much I qualify as a man anymore, but here you go anyways (20cm btw, that probably counts as "big")
    1 point
  19. Inked ladies anyone?
    1 point
  20. Nice, i like that combination of the necessity to go for a pee and the little(or rather huge) teasing you gave those guys just along the way without any overthinking. Great! Would definitely be a nice occurence during the break of a game and, if this happened regularly, a good reason for some guys to buy more tickets and visit the stadium more often. Sadly i never encountered something similar during any stadium visits across europe. BTW...The AFC Wrexham? Good job securing first place.
    1 point
  21. Got an experience from last night I was was waiting up last night to pick my partner up from a party she had attended. She messaged to say pick me up at midnight. I had been drinking a lot of sodas and caffeine to keep myself awake ready to pick her up as well as her sister and her friend too. It is about a 15-20 minutes drive and the areas where she lives and where the party also is are quite rural and are just small villlages dotted about between fields. I left and within about 5 minutes of leaving the urge to pee just came on suddenly. Being aware of the time, I thought I should just go
    1 point
  22. Then that's all I would wear all day, just tight boxers like what you posted. I'd be sat in my kitchen or garden all day so the clean up would be easy lol.
    1 point
  23. Been in a Disney mood recently. Currently listening to Pink Elephants on Parade from Dumbo. Song still scares the shit out of me!
    1 point
  24. Lovely pussy, very sexy keep it hairy
    1 point
  25. i'll add mine. curious to hear people's thoughts
    1 point
  26. - Back in school I had already stopped using the actual toilets when I had to go and just peed on the floor or walls in the bathroom - My first (and forever last) gf always peed pretty much everywhere, and we only did proper sexual stuff after quite a while, so the first few times I saw the someone else's genitals, it was pee-related. That 'relationship', despite being something exceptionally fucked in hindsight, might have opened me up to more stuff than just pee btw, since I occasionally tried on her underwear 😼 - On long drives with my family I was never allowed to pee outside, so
    1 point
  27. I dont really like to look because I don't really have a way to look! Have never been one to take pictures of myself either lol. When learning how to use tampons and my menstrual cup I have used a mirror to figure stuff out, and I think I look pretty average. Pretty plain, IMO. I hate the word pussy! I would rather say *in my best Irish accent* cunt!
    1 point
  28. Not much to see here, just another little tinkle: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/worstothermongoose with the following result: i mean, i could have gone on the grass directly next to it... but if i cam leave a mark, i just have to 😼
    1 point
  29. One of my most fervent wishes is that there is a "look" which identifies a "Pee Pee Girl!" It would have made my lifelong search for like-minded partners SO MUCH EASIER! As gldnwetgoose points out, my experiences indicate that it is a more complicated matter, involving body language, preferred clothing, facial expressions, and conversational choices. Perceived social norms and real or imagined taboos also play significant roles. A loose attitude toward social rules seems to be one clue, again, as gldnwetgoose pointed out. Casual conversations, aided by moderate alcohol consumption, can be very
    1 point
  30. Warning, contains the usual standard male haulage toilet.....dirty! Whilst visiting a storage company as part of my job, I asked to use their facilities. I saw this urinal and was very tempted to pee in the drain as all the pipe work from the urinals went straight into it. I got my phone out ready to record the proof that I had done so but chicken out as I didn't want to get caught pissing in the drain or get caught filming myself pissing. It does look like others have pissed straight into it but I wasn't brave enough.
    1 point
  31. Huh... I had no idea it was so destructive to the paint. Welp. My ex and I spent years pissing down the sides of cars after nights out. 😛
    1 point
  32. (Part 2 - more wetting, voyeurism, sex....) Dinner at Angie’s Apartment Friday Night, November 12, 1999 It was only a five-minute walk to the Martin Place train station, and we walked arm in arm through the crowds. Friday night happy hour bar types, office workers determined to start the weekend off with a buzz. The younger ones would move on to the hipper clubs, no doubt to dance and party on until early morning. I had never been much for that scene, and I asked Angie if she was into the club and dance scene. “No, not really. I use to go with a bunch of friends,
    1 point
  33. They play it on the radio here too but it's the cleaner "forget you" version. Not as good in my opinion.
    1 point
  34. Oh gosh. I have many to choose from, unfortunately. One time I was going through an open house, when I was looking for a place to live. This is when a realtor opens up a house they're trying to sell, and let the general public walk through to see if interested in buying the house. This was a lived in house, and the homeowners were gone during this event. You can pretty much walk anywhere through the house and the realtor generally stays near the front of the house to greet people as they come in. As I was walking through, I did have a rather full bladder and was very tempted
    1 point
  35. I love the idea of girls going somewhere for privacy even if it is actually a less acceptable place to pee. One that has been a favourite of mine for some time is the one linked below. Caught on CCTV, three girls are seen moving around outside a window then come bundling into the lobby of a building. One goes off screen to the right, maybe to check no one is coming from that direction, another goes straight into a corner and pees whilst the third is already undoing her belt as she enters and then bobs around waiting for the first girl to pee as she has been landed with the first girls ha
    1 point
  36. @Alfresco I'm also fascinated by decisions between privacy vs. soiling a public property that might inconvenience others. I've known women that go both ways. Despite what you might think from my earlier post my wife almost always opts for privacy. I can remember a time after clubbing when she peed in a garage with a slanted floor between two cars and left a large stream running under the cars that was almost unavoidable for anyone getting in the cars down the whole row. I had to step over it myself. I asked her why she did not pee in front of the car and she said, "someone might see me." She'
    1 point
  37. This is definitely the case. I have many times been out in towns and cities on Friday nights and seen the girls peeing in the streets, alleys, behind bins, shop doorways etc. I know that they also pee in stairwells and I have found the puddles, but only once have I spotted the culprits and even then it was after the deed (they were coming out of the stairwell doing up their belts). These are definitely girls in the category of needing to pee and doing so out of convenience. I absolutely love seeing them and very often on a Friday night I am sitting at home thinking about all the peeing
    1 point
  38. Here is a photo of my penis in its erect state. I go commando 24/7 and have been since a young age, so my penis has never been constrained in underpants of any kind.
    1 point
  39. My girl and i was on naughty mood today and she teased me in a very public area and after that she took pic of my now semi hard cock in the toilet of a supermarket. Quite naughty i would say..
    1 point
  40. So is this considered us playing sword fight?
    1 point
  41. I don't quite stack up to the guys you posted, but here ya go:
    1 point
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