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  1. Because who’s going to get out of the bath to go pee? (Inspired to post this by @PrincessP, who also went pee in her bath and made a gif of it)
    6 points
  2. So after trying out all kinds of pee play by myself for the last few days, I confessed to my wife about the kink today. Cause at some point she probably would have caught me anyway, right? While she was super weirded out at first, we had a nice long talk about the kink and what it involves, and my fantasies. Thankfully I'm married to the most amazing woman, and she was super understanding after all the cards were on the table. She totally isn't into it herself, but is completely fine with me indulging in the end. What surprised me when at the end of our talk, she asked if I really wanted
    5 points
  3. I suppressed it for years after being shamed about it by an ex. But, luckily the sex positive movement ran through the internet a few years after that and I was able to see that it's a safe, sane, and consensual way to enjoy myself. Now I embrace it, and even though I embrace it by myself I have the forums to help me explore aspects of my fetish in a healthy way!
    4 points
  4. I most definitely choose to pee outside when I know I could make it to a toilet. In fact I often bypass a toilet in order to pee outside. If I am out on my own And need to pee, I will always find somewhere to pee that is not a toilet. One of my favourites recently was on a long car journey at night. I had been passed several motorway service areas but I didn’t stop at those. I waited until I turned off the motorway - about 40 mins from the end of my journey and I stopped in a lay-by. It was a still., quiet and clear night with no moon and a fair distance from any towns so it was pre
    4 points
  5. Yeah I just love the freedom to just pee where ever I like desperate or not. Mostly cos I feel naughty in wanting to mark somewhere where people will see it. But just love the feeling of the breeze hitting your downstairs, watching your pee flow on ground or wall. I just find it very relaxing.
    4 points
  6. https://www.erome.com/a/kPPaJXGX Well, I needed to go!
    3 points
  7. I am into being degraded, especially with pee. As I get closer to people on here and their interests mesh with mine I find that being covered in piss and then being made to sit in wet clothes is something that I love. I am not so much into wetting, but having a man force me onto my knees and pee all over me, then make me sit in those same wet clothes just to humiliate me is definitely my thing. Id smell like him and his pee. Definitely gets me going lol.
    3 points
  8. Yes same for me!
    3 points
  9. Totally agree, and my wetting usually ends up with me masturbating too. For me the pee thing is a sexual thing so the two are usually combined 😉
    3 points
  10. Yes I do! The warmth feels amazing and it usually turns me on a lot.
    3 points
  11. Doing a 2nd day in a row hold- just leaked filling up my water bottle! This never happens to me! 😀
    3 points
  12. [Mods - please move if there's another thread this should be in - I couldn't immediately find one] [Done @Kupar 😃] The most recent episode of the BBC comedy / drama Inside Number Nine (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05p650r) featured the wonderful and sexy Diane Morgan peeing off the side of a pedalo, pulling her wetlook trousers down her fabulous legs, and instructing the three male occupants of the boat to look away. We heard the splashing of her pee (apparently) into the lake. The whole programme was fantastic of course - it's long been one of my favourite 30 minute TV shows
    3 points
  13. Yeh! I sit at a large corner desk with partitions up so we can only really see each other’s heads. I sit with my hand in my pocket while reading some work on my screen and scrolling the mouse around occasionally lol. Even if someone walked past I doubt they realised.
    3 points
  14. As the owner of an uncut penis with a large foreskin, I sometimes pull back for neatness in the stream. However when peeing free I go for it without retracting.
    3 points
  15. “And would you like extra salt in the soup?”
    3 points
  16. ^^^. Sounds like she was very good at catering for her clients needs. 😉
    3 points
  17. Curious that you should mention that, because I did meet an escort on line who was into it. She made a point of telling all her customers that if they wanted pee play she would not charge it as an extra, but included it in her standard rate because it excited her. On our first booking, I had just arrived and was talking to her about eating her pussy, when she raised the subject with me like this: She said "sometimes I squirt when I come, is that OK?" Naturally I answered "Oh yes. I would love that." With that encouragement from me, she went on to ask "so, do you like golden show
    3 points
  18. Unfortunately i did not get chance to pee in front if sister 😒but there is always next time😄
    3 points
  19. https://www.redgifs.com/watch/fuzzysociableurial
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. 3 points
  22. You weren't really asking me, but I'll answer anyway. :) In the water keeps the warm pee around my body for a few seconds, and I love that feeling. OTOH, if you're on shore, your pee isn't being harmlessly washed away. You're leaving a puddle somewhere, and I like the naughtiness of that. :)
    3 points
  23. I’ll answer this a little differently. I don’t pee outside that much but I do hover/squat over the toilet almost every time. Even if it’s super clean. I haven’t peed without making at least a little mess in forever.
    3 points
  24. Honestly, I most often pee outside out of practicality rather than necessity. I prefer peeing outside, as it avoids having to aim into a bowl (I like the flushable bucket (TM) idea 😉 ). Also, there is a lot less splatter when peeing into the plants or moss compared to hard ceramic or metal. And if I aim a meter or so in front of me, there is less of a chance that any comes back at me - can't reasonably try that at home in the bathroom. So really, I'm peeing outside because I like it, but I'm shy about being seen, so I do it out of sight. Well, and it saves water, so it is totally eco-friendly
    3 points
  25. I used to clean kennels at a local veterinary hospital when I was in middle/high school (approx. 15 years ago, so early in my fetish realization). There was a large trashcan in the kennel area for soiled newspaper, etc. I would regularly pee in the trashcan or in the soiled laundry rather than walk to the bathrooms. I also frequently wore wind pants with mesh lining when I knew I was going to be there alone. I would let small spurts of pee out occasionally while I was working, so that was fun!
    3 points
  26. Quite a few people here mention peeing outside as pleasant in itself, so I was wondering how many of you pee outside when it’s not really needed because you could also easily make it to a toilet/urinal on time. And for those who do; what do you like most about it? (e.g. the ‘free’ feeling of it, feeling naughty, marking, etc.) 😊 Edit: right after I posted this here I realized that it doesn’t apply to men only of course. I even like it myself to dribble in public with a skirt and no panties on 🤦‍♀️ So anyway; feel free to answer no matter what gender you are!
    2 points
  27. Hi there! I once again took some time to write and draw a new story for you all. The artstyle is a bit different from my previous stories because I wanted to try something new. I'm not particularly happy with how it looks, so if any of you have tips on how I could improve the art I'd apreciate it a lot. For now enjoy the first part of the story and let me know what you think 🙂 ------- “Bye Mommy!”, chanted Ian (7) and Olive (4) as their mother, Elisabeth, or Liza as everyone called her, left the house dressed in a fancy red dress to spend the night out with friends. Liza bl
    2 points
  28. A friendship that begins with accidental wetting escalates to girl/guy peeing together and then sex. Read Part 1 first It was nearly the end of the day and Jacob had been thinking about Emma a lot. He was expecting her to get in touch to return the skirt she had borrowed, but he was also hoping to get to know her better. Of course he found it attractive how smart she had seemed in the interview, and of course she was physically attractive too, but mostly it was the way she had stripped off her pants in front of him after accidentally wetting had given him an insta-crush and he couldn
    2 points
  29. I'm enjoying more and this site is helping that like the online forums that helped you. I just daren't admit it to my partner incase I get kink shamed
    2 points
  30. Embrace it. Definitely. That way one can control it so it doesn't get out of hand-becoming an obsession and overtaking one's healthy mindset. Personally I do not want this fetish taking up too much of my sex life, in that a more or less healthy balance can be maintained. In my experience, if you try to suppress it completely, it will come back to become an unhealthy obsession. Please don't take my word for it though, this is just my personal experience and therefore humble 2 cents! 😉
    2 points
  31. Lots of people enjoy setting on here, I just don’t think they shout it as loud as the naughty pee-ers. I enjoy wetting occasionally.
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. Just another pee into a compost bin It was a nice day the other day and I was at home, so I thought I would pee into the compost bin and add a little nitrogenous material to the mix - good for the plants of course. A little bit of hands-free peeing for those that like that sort of thing. More of a convenience pee that an erotic one - just peeing in the garden because it's a nice thing to do, and recording it for you lovely people. https://www.erome.com/a/evoL7TJK
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Actually, about an hour ago, I had a nice long pee outside - it was at the storage area where the model railroad club I'm in rents a storage unit where our club layout is located. Today, starting a midday we had an 'operations session', where we run trains according to a timetable, have to pick up and drop off freight wagons at specific locations. Because it was warm, I was drinking lots of water, and when we finished, I walked back to my car, put my box of trains in the back seat, and realized I needed to pee. I could have driven down to the site office and used their toilet - but I decide
    2 points
  36. I am totally planning on doing the same some time soon! 😊 Or.. actually today was my first attempt 🙈but I had to pick up a parcel and some groceries in the city center on my way first so I half-what chickened out and went for a pee before I left. Figuring the two glasses of wine and the amount of water (plus some more for on the go) I drank before I left would make for a perfect timing. And of course it didn’t. I was still a bit hesitant to walk too far from the city so I just wandered around for a bit like a random tourist. Chilling on some park benches, pretending to take pictures
    2 points
  37. Woah, thanks for all the answers everyone! I feel like we slightly swayed offtopic here and there but that doesn’t matter 😊 Or maybe my question was to vague to begin with. @gldenwetgoose, your reply is what I mostly meant to ask about; like the example you mention about being able to get to your workplace and use their toilets, but going for the carpark instead. Also I realized that I didn’t even answer my own question myself :’) I think I’ve mentioned this before in another topic but thanks to my lovely *ahem* parents I developed quite severe anxiety for being in (urgent) need of
    2 points
  38. It's difficult to nail down. I think that's because there are multiple reasons. There's a primeval connection with the earth to pee outside. That's probably almost not recognised, but is important at a fundamental level. Then there's the naughtiness aspect. We're so conditioned to peeing in a toilet that anything that isn't a toilet feels a little rebellious - and who doesn't like that? And there's the purely physical: outside you are more exposed to the elements - the warmth of the sun, the cooling breeze, the invigorating frost (lol) and all your senses are heightened. And finally, perhaps t
    2 points
  39. I love the feeling of just peeing wherever I happen to be when I want to pee. Not just outside of course, I love the freedom to just pee if I can get away with it.
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. At my last job I was often in the office alone and had quite a few naughty pees during my work days. I peed a couple times in the alley between our building and the one next door. Peed into a floor drain in the repair shop. Peed on a floor mat. At one point the roof was leaking so I peed on the floor and let it mix with the rain water. Would also wet at my desk into a heavy feminine pad in my pants. Slowly spurts. After these pee sessions I’d rub myself at my desk to completion. Never got caught.
    2 points
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