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  1. I'm Lucy, a thick, brunette with large tits and a hairy pussy. I am a complete slut who loves teasing her bladder. My ultimate fantasy is to walk around naked in public and pee in front of whoever I find attractive. I'm bi and even though I prefer watching women pee, I prefer to be watched by men. So many guys just don't get my fetish.
    9 points
  2. I have finally got some time away on my own which means chance to go out looking for some sightings. I travelled on Friday evening with the opportunity to stop for a couple of hours in a town in the North West of England. It wasn’t as good as I was hoping because although there were a good number of people about, there were also a lot of bars open with no queues and no door staff, so anyone who needed a pee could just go inside and use the toilets. However, the one place that looked like it had promise was a small dimly lit car park near a fast food takeaway. It had a single width entr
    7 points
  3. My girlfriend and I did do some topless sunbathing at a beach recently though!
    7 points
  4. I want, more and more, to be caught by a urophile scouting for sightings somewhere. It gets a bit boring performing without an audience.
    5 points
  5. This evening, as a fun prelude to sex, K and I peed in a bucket in the kitchen! We’ve done it before and it was great fun, so why not! It was another opportunity to cross streams, and for K to practice her standing wee technique. Bucket positioned, and both of us stripped off (it’s been a warm afternoon here), we stood facing each other and she started. Even pulling upwards on her labia it always starts with a trickle that runs down her legs before she hits her stride and can push the pee out with enough force that it shoots forward. With a bent-knee position, she can readily get the stre
    5 points
  6. I am currently away as I am clearing my Dad’s house. I am staying there on my own, but my sister is spending time here so we work together on stuff. When she is here I have used the toilet, but otherwise I have always found other opportunities. I can’t be too adventurous as I can’t leave wet patches that she will find and I can’t afford for it to smell as we will be trying to sell the house, but with those things in mind, I have still had a bit of fun and will do over the next couple of weeks. I will post a few of them, but here is one for a starter. The only bathroom is upstairs, so
    5 points
  7. At wine festivals ladies are always peeing in the vineyard regularly. Within hours one can observe ladies leaving their tables as they go into the field between the grapevines. From what I understand, it's a common and accepted activity, one that's basically ignored by the organizers. Many a time I have come across a group of ladies squatted and releasing their fluids. The best part is that none feel threatened and nonchalantly go about their business before they join the tables. The facilities are usually far off and always few in numbers so the urgency prevails. The best sighting was a
    5 points
  8. Now that the weather is somewhat warmer, I was drinking at an outdoor beer garden at a "farm" microbrew with friends. The large table next to us that had about 10 women having a bachelorette/hen party. After they all had a couple pints, about 8 of them walked to a long quene at the only restroom, a single-user type. I didn't think much of it. After a few minutes in the slow moving queue, 4 of the young ladies left the queue and walked across the beer garden and around behind a storage building. This raised my interest, because there is only one reason non-employees would go behind this st
    5 points
  9. Ive been holding more and more recently, and i finally decided to give in to temtation and let it all flow out onto my carpet!! This was risky since my family is in the next room over, i hope they didnt hear me. I was already peeing in my panties as i walked over to my place of choice. My pussy was throbbing and i was so releived to let my piss flow! I had a good time playing with my little clit and fingering my piss covered cunt afterward. I decided to film for the first time and i love this video! My phone camera isnt the best but i'll add the link in case anyone wants to watch 😅 https://www
    4 points
  10. Hi everyone! Those who know me know that I have an extensive collection of water bottles, including a smart water bottle and several other normal ones. However, I added a new one to my collection: a GIANT water bottle! It's one of those motivational water bottles that have times on the side to keep you going, and it holds a whopping 64 oz! Yesterday was my first successful day in drinking it all, and boy I paid the price for it. Especially in the evening when I chugged the last 14 oz or so in about an hour. It only took twenty minutes or so before my bladder was so full and I peed fo
    4 points
  11. We have arrived to the bedroom pulling the clothes of each other and started to have a nice sex session. I've cum pretty fast for the first time and we went to take a shower. My GF knows about my pee fetish, so I was looking forward for some fun, but she wasn't able to pee at that time. No matter what, after few minutes of making out in the shower, we went straight back to the bed. I've started to tease her with my fingers and she started to moan. When she came, she wanted me to lick her clean which I happily did and after that she decided that she wants to blow me when I lick her. I cheated a
    3 points
  12. So I personally like this idea of having a lady tell me when and where to go, as I love being challenged in a naughty way. I've even looked for videos like that but the ones I did find were too dominant in nature for my taste. I don't like being "humiliated" so much as I like the idea of having a mutual interest in naughty pees. I'd personally love it if a woman in a naughty mood would ask me to pee somewhere for her pleasure, just for the sake of both enjoying it. How do you feel about that? Have you ever experienced something like that? For me it would increase the overall naughtiness of tak
    3 points
  13. I too am a bisexual girl that leans more toward women for her fetish 😜 welcome! Lots and lots of supportive people here to indulge us haha. You will have fun here.
    3 points
  14. This is a daytime photo of the location from Streetview. Arrow shows where she was squatting.
    3 points
  15. Thank you for the compliment @Alfresco! I'll be honest, the reason I hadn't written a fictional pee story up until now is because I couldn't be bothered. It seemed like too much of a chore. Though recently, @gldenwetgoose's short story about a pair of female presenters desperate to pee and using the urinals inspired me! It's strange, I was discussing with Mr Eliminature, if this was true to life and I really did travel back to 1968 to meet the Stones and Jim, at the age I am now, I would actually be the eldest there! With the possible exception of Bill Wyman, who would have been 32 at th
    3 points
  16. The meeting was lengthy, so I had to pee in the toilets during the break, but also topped up with another tea. At the end of the meeting my colleagues went to the toilet, but I didn't. I was quite full, but I left the site anyway and drove off. I stopped at a car park which had partly outdoor and partly multi storey car parking and was a bit run down. I parked in the outdoor bit and walked into the multi storey, where I entered the stairwell with the idea of peeing there. I found that other people had previously had the same idea as the smell of pee was strong and there were stains an
    3 points
  17. This story contains naughty pissing, sex, kissing, and a slightly long start. Chapter 1 A knock on the bedroom door woke her from her sleep. Cracking open her eyes, she took in the mess that was her room. Half the draws on the dresser hung open, clothes lay in piles around her room, her sheets in the course of the night had been thrown off the bed and now lay on the floor in a crumpled heap. A young girl laid sprawled on the bed taking in all this mess. “I really need to clean my room,” she thought. Her groggy mind, barely able to make sense of anything else
    2 points
  18. Recent convert and now devotee of peeing and golden showers, happy to have found such a great forum
    2 points
  19. I feel one of the most difficult things about talking so someone about this, is that I can never seem to express the magnitude of how much I enjoy pee. I find that time and time again people act like they are open minded about sexual fetishes, but when it becomes more than a "sex thing" they become turned off. Pee play for me isn't just something I use to get off. For me, it's a lifestyle choice. It's Something that I enjoy all the time and in so many ways. It's difficult to find people to understand this. What makes it even more difficult is that people will play a little then quit
    2 points
  20. anyone else gone to bed drunk with their girl and woke up covered in their pee?? best way to start the day
    2 points
  21. I had a girlfriend who would call me during the day, and let me hear her pee. They would generally be very long and desperate pees... so hot to hear
    2 points
  22. I want to cross streams! I've been fingering myself to this and I'm about to do it again.
    2 points
  23. Some of us never get bored with your delightful offerings. 😁
    2 points
  24. Haha - yes - there was a strong temptation to pee elsewhere, but K is a focused completer-finisher, and I am a gentleman 😉
    2 points
  25. I’m not quite sure how I missed that post from @puddyls there from mid-Feb…. But what a beautiful bit of mischief to find now. Love it !!!
    2 points
  26. I had an ex who did this and it was amazing. I recounted this in another thread but its appropriate here. She liked to take a dominant but loving role sometimes so I would play along with that and ask her for permission to pee. This would often happen when we were out partying and she would direct me to a specific place to go as if I was a child. I remember one time we are in a big city and walking back from a bar. I said I have to pee and asked her if it was ok if I stopped to pee. We stopped walking, she paused for moment to think about it and make me wait for an answer. She then told me yes
    2 points
  27. I have a fantasy about taking a vacation involving a long cross country road trip, and a challenge to never pee in a toilet. During the trip, rather than stopping at gas station restrooms, we would stop at a hotel and I would simply go in and use a hallway as my toilet. And of course, when we stayed in our destination hotel, I would pee behind the couch or bed on the carpet the entirety of the time. The other day, I got to act out part of this fantasy. Wearing a short black dress with no undies, I went to a hotel in a nearby town. It was about 9:30am and people were busy downstairs ea
    2 points
  28. Very arousing idea indeed! While in a bdsm-relationships I've played out such a 'game' and it was an absolutely thrilling experience. I still think about it sometimes while this was many years ago! Definitely go ahead with it, I'd say! Enjoy!
    2 points
  29. Your first story, @Eliminature. With writing like that, why have you left it so long? Absolutely fantastic. Brilliant concept, includes people who I know you admire greatly, has a lot of content and is extremely well written. I am sure you got wet writing it and would absolutely love for it to really happen. Let’s hope that the time travel app is available soon!
    2 points
  30. I plan to continue writing, but I didn't have the time for this. I think I will have the next part in the following week though 😉
    2 points
  31. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm an attractive woman in my early 40s. I think I still look pretty good for my age.... Yes, that's me.... When very young I used to envy the way males could just pee against walls and suchlike, whilst I had to squat down. Well as I grew up this kind of morphed into sexual fantasies about ladies peeing against walls, and of doing it myself. But I am a respectable woman who was married with kids, though the husband has left recently following an acrimonious divorce. Same old story. Affair with his secretary. Still have the kids but they are teenagers
    2 points
  32. Just had my morning pee... in the bath tub!! I played with myself a little before i started pissing, and massaged my peehole mid flow! I regularly use this bathtub in place of my toilet! Ive been more comfortable on camera lately and i managed to film it too... currently letting spurts of pee off the edge of my bed... https://www.erome.com/a/P6w5a4mL
    2 points
  33. I think girls who dress with intent to pee have it the easiest. If she's gone commando in a dress or skirt she can pee anywhere without worrying about indecent exposure. If caught she can claim it was an accident, and claim pregnancy for extra sympathies. If she peed in a container, she's literally committed no crime, but even if it's on the floor I don't think any charges would be laid for a "bladder accident". As a man I have to take out my private organ, and could be arrested for that alone.
    2 points
  34. When you say ‘we should be able to drop a general message’ the short answer is ‘maybe - but not on this site’. It’s a topic that was discussed in another thread only this week. The site rules around it and the solid reasons for it are explained in the responses at: https://peefans.com/topic/20676-indianapolis-piss/?do=findComment&comment=282183 Of course, if you were talking about there being some other generic site for that sort of thing, then I don’t disagree - it’s just that Peefans isn’t it.
    2 points
  35. Been holding all day and started getting desperate. Nearing the end of my work day and all alone in the office I decided to not let this hold go to waste and have some fun. No one will be back in until Monday so plenty of time for things to dry. I found a spot in the back and move some stuff out of the way so I could cover it back up when I’m done. I pulled my pants down and got into a low squat. Started letting it out slow and it felt so good to get some relief in such a naughty way. I started feeling good and got a little daring so I started letting it go faster until I realized th
    1 point
  36. Dear Wet Carpet I work as an escort. I am an attractive blonde in my mid 20s. I am aware that looks tend to fade with age so am making as much as I can whilst I still have them. I hope to be able to set up and run my own agency later in life. Anyway, most clients are reasonably well off men who know how to be gentlemen, usually wanting a bit of company though sex is also a part of the deal most of the time. But that's ok. It kind of goes with the territory in this line of work. For the majority it is all pretty standard stuff sexually, though you do need a degree of intelligence and
    1 point
  37. What did I do to get called to the principals office? They even did it over the loud speaker. ................ Well that was unexpectedly pleasant, she just wanted me to pee in her coffee pot since her secretary was out. Still not sure why she randomly chose me....
    1 point
  38. Here are the photos and more complete write up of the pee on the carpet in the flats that I mentioned in the previous post. Also, a link to the video. I had been out late on my own, which is a rare opportunity. I knew this area which has quite a number of small blocks of flats with their own entrance halls and they all have carpet just inside the doors. Interestingly, the carpet gives way to tiled floors away from the doors, so the carpets are almost like a very large door mat and probably designed to catch water general debris off people's shoes before trailing to other parts of th
    1 point
  39. I have had plenty of relationships where my person didn’t know. It was fine, but I was never fulfilled (quite literally, not once) and always hated that I was into pee. I tried to tell an ex-girlfriend but got a hard red light so I didn’t actually tell her. Now, 7 years into marriage - my (soul mate) husband and I do pee stuff almost daily, and it’s fucking fantastic. He wasn’t into it more than just to make me happy when I first told him (I eased him into it) but he’s gradually come to seriously enjoy it himself, and now it turns him on as much as (or maybe more than) it does for me 🙂 I’d sa
    1 point
  40. Thanks for appreciating my story. You would have been welcome my friend. I attach a simple drawing to describe better the situation. We peed in the short planter on the right :-)
    1 point
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