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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2022 in Posts

  1. Easy! Every single inch of a store's carpet! Omg this sounds like so much fun! I'd fill up as much as I could and pee all over the carpet, then do it all over until I get bored lol. Hopefully the people are frozen and they can't still see me. Would probably try a movie theater as well.
    7 points
  2. Hmm it’d definitely be a great way to do many of my fantasies without so much stress of being caught. I think something that would be really fun and naughty for this circumstance would be going to a furniture store, stopping time, and peeing on as much of the different furniture that I could before restarting the time.
    4 points
  3. Does this do it for anyone else? Or just me?
    3 points
  4. So, if you could stop time, freezing everyone in their place, but you could still move around and do whatever you want until you are ready to allow time to start again... where would you pee? For me, I have several fantasies about this. Not necessarily in any order: Go to a high end shopping mall. Find a nice looking couple, freeze time, and pee all over both him and her (I'd have to bring along a stool to get high enough for my stream to splatter on there chests and bodies). And then I'd hide behind a corner and restart time and watch their expressions to being suddenly and
    3 points
  5. An ad for a Belgian beer (or lager, I'm not sure which).
    3 points
  6. Another day, another few birthdays.... And some big names in Peefans circles here today. Huge Happy Birthday wishes @mickymoist @HitEmAll @Just pee @MyMouthisready @peepee @Watcher109
    3 points
  7. I have the opposite problem. There is a guy that doesn't always let me pee and instead makes me hold it until I cant hold it anymore 😝
    3 points
  8. Mr Eliminature outdoes me for height! πŸ˜„πŸ˜
    3 points
  9. Would love to really take a long slow piss in a car park staircase. Let my cock get hard, put my hands on my hips and watch my piss run down the wall and form a stream on the floor.
    2 points
  10. - on public transport, i would love to take my dick out right next to or in front of sb else (even if they wouldnt actually see it) and pee on a seat or against the wall - somewhere in public, on a guys lap, cowgirl style, pressing my clitty against him. maybe even leave a note in his pocket a la 'if you want more, come to xyz tonight' - put on some cat ears and then pee in a litterbox in a pet store - in the flats of two of my neighbours which i hate - go to a public bathroom and pee against the tips of the dicks of the guys there - go into the bundestag and pee onto
    2 points
  11. Perhaps on a rainy day, it could be interesting to freeze time then go up and down my street peeing on all my neighbours doorsteps/front lawn. Not in a destructive way, but just something they could clean up without knowing. If not that, the idea of doing it in front of someone without them knowing is also titillating.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. I think I would probably freeze time and just go about my day in town, nonchalantly peeing and wetting wherever I was, safe in the knowledge that I would not be sanctioned in any way. I wouldn't pee on people or damage property but that still leaves many, many options for experiencing the freedom to just let it go. So I could walk around a busy (if not dynamic) place with obvious pee-darkened jeans, knowing I'd not get any disapproving looks, and could restart time again when I was somewhere safe.
    2 points
  14. I don't see many women wearing long dresses or skirts at festivals. At the last one I went to I saw many wearing loose shorts, and many of those pulled their shorts and underwear aside when they went to squat in the grass, rather than pulling them down to pee.
    2 points
  15. One time my female friend "S" and I were discussing rock / music festivals, and strategies for easy peeing. Like many women, she hates port-a-johns, and avoids them if she can. Her go-to strategy is that she wears a long (ankle-length) skirt and no underwear, and flip-flops. Then, when she needs to pee, she just pees while standing, and no one's the wiser. I asked her "don't you get wet?" And she said not really. Her legs and feet get a little wet, but they dry quickly. And even if her skirt gets a little wet, it doesn't show, and dries quickly. She can do it while standing,
    2 points
  16. A nice piss and this also looks like a very good place for Mr Eliminature to relieve himself. πŸ˜‰ Hopefully inside a building so there's no chance of his pee being washed away by rainfall.
    2 points
  17. Perfect for re-cycling a pint or two. And remember: mirror - signal - manoeuvre. No pulling wee-lies.
    2 points
  18. This is the next letter from Anna. It contains peeing, wetting, public wetting, masturbation, and sex. Dear Wet Carpet, It's Anna again here to continue my story about meeting up with Shannon. I left off with the two of us about to have dinner at a steakhouse after wetting our seats and after Shannon may have successfully flirted with our server. The food was delicious, of course. Once as we were eating I saw Shannon move in her seat just a bit and then could hear the obvious hissing sound as she peed through her slacks into the booth cushion again. I smiled at her, parted my l
    2 points
  19. We are VERY close, and have been for a long time. Both of us are sexually adventurous and frequently discuss it, so swapping kinks wasn't too scary for us. And yes, we both clean up our respective messes. πŸ™‚
    2 points
  20. This area definitely excites me. I’ve had relationships where I have role played with girlfriends explicitly asking for permission to pee and situations where I have pushed boundaries by peeing in front of girls I was flirting with. In terms of asking for permission. I had an ex who knew and played along with my pee fetish. She liked to take a dominant role sometimes so I would play along with that and ask her for permission to pee. This would often happen when we were out partying and she would direct me to a specific place to go as if I was a child. I remember one time we are in a big c
    2 points
  21. So my big sis Anna throws this house party as our parents are away for this weekend. And everything was fine until now: I hold my part of the agreement and stayed in my room. But all of a sudden her friend Sarah came in my room without knocking. "You're sis asks for you. She's in the kitchen." I didn't really understand why but Sarah threw me out of the room saying "I need my privacy". Puzzled I went to hear what my sister has to say. "So didn't Sarah explain it to you? Some coward couldn't control himself and destroyed the bathroom door and our toilet. Don't worry, we already thee
    1 point
  22. Does anyone else get turned on by knowing you're allowed to openly pee in front of someone? My mom and I openly pee outside and in sinks in front of one another. I also have a friend whom I allow to pee in my house (hard surfaces only), and she allows me to do the same. Something about having permission and mutual understanding that freely peeing is okay is sooooo nice.
    1 point
  23. Went outside to do my daily public wee and found this area. Its a parking lot under a bridge surrounded by a forest. Almost noone seemed to be around, so I decided to pee against one of the supports: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/veneratednavybluebrownbutterfly Three people passed by while I was doing so 😱, but luckily none of them said anything.
    1 point
  24. Well he tells me I'm not allowed to pee until he cums, so usually it's some crotch holding, pee dancing, and when he finally gives me the go ahead I scramble to the bathroom and pee for him πŸ˜‹ usually it's between 20 and 40 seconds in length.
    1 point
  25. Do you know - I thought you might like that one! But more for the lighting and moody monochrome. Makes a bit of a change from the bright Californian sun and saturated colours we're used to seeing πŸ™‚
    1 point
  26. Oh yes it's pure fantasy, it's never going to happen in real life. 150 people are not going to travel from all over the world simply for the purpose of spending 12 days or so repeatedly peeing in the same hotel pool!! πŸ˜ƒ (For each of us to make sure we never peed anywhere else but in the pool would give limited scope for visiting tourist attractions in the area for example.) I still love the thought of it though.
    1 point
  27. It won't happen but would be fun if all us pool loving pissing lovers could get together and piss in the poll at the same time.
    1 point
  28. You are very lucky to have such a friend (but I think you already know that :P )
    1 point
  29. I wonder if the dials indicate flow rate and volume? If not, they've missed a trick.
    1 point
  30. I attended a Scottish wedding. As MC I was asked to wear a kilt . Eventually I was without underwear. Drinking more than my share of beer I peed frequently. It was so easy with the kilt squatted down and let it go. Easiest outside peeing I have done. I pee on the golf course all the time walk into the bush pull it out and good to go. I may have to try golfing in a kilt.
    1 point
  31. I have never been, but I would have thought any alley way or sheltered area near the main festivities would be a candidate. Wherever a large number of people are gathered, there will be someone peeing somewhere nearby. Look especially for areas where people stay in one place for a long time to party. The parades themselves will attract people, but there will also be party zones. Most important thing is to remember to post us some accounts of what you do manage to see. 😁
    1 point
  32. Yeah. Most of the time when I dream I'm peeing I get real horny in my sleep, which shouldn't be a surprise. I've been know to orgasm in my sleep sometimes 🀭 wake up a hot, sticky mess and wonder why and when I remember it all makes sense lol. Just the other night I had a dream about a girl peeing in a library I think, but that time I actually woke up and made a conscious decision to log into the site and get off. It was a good decision. I was happy for the rest of the day.
    1 point
  33. So here we are. Slowly I got used to the smell while I got to know more and more girls at the party. And I've seen 1, 2... 3 pussies. Tonight was the first time I saw one in person. I'm not complaining, but I wondered how everyone was so open about peeing in front of me. Probably it was the alcohol. This alcohol also fills their bladders quite fast. So it was not suprising at all that only half an hour after Sarah's and Anna's first visit in my room they came in again. This time my sister didn't care about her brother watching. She took the trash bin under my desk, pulled down her
    1 point
  34. While it is most certainly easier and less messy for guys to pee in public, they certainly can be more exposed and obvious when doing so. The thing is that society has come to accept this and the site of men pissing in public isn't a shock to anyone. I suppose women are less likely to get into trouble for doing so, but that shouldn't really stop men from doing as they always have.
    1 point
  35. Update, I woke up in the middle of the night and I pissed off the side of the bed onto the carpet and had a quick orgasm after and it made me feel really naughty
    1 point
  36. I'll probably do the floor in the corner
    1 point
  37. The second sighting came a while later, again up by McDonald's, or more specifically in the town square. At first I was gutted as I had just walked back up that way and thought I had just missed a sighting, however it worked out as it became another sighting. I was slowly wandering back up the main road and across the road was a guy and a girl. As I walked up another guy came across and went over to them. He said something and the girl responded saying "we are just waiting for those two, I'm not sure where they are". I reached the side of McDonald's and stood against the railings checkin
    1 point
  38. I do. I collect them. Take the freshly used napkins/tissue, use them to dab up some of the fresh lady piss, and secure the specimen. Also a somewhat desolate area where you often find napkins/tissue is a good sign that piss activity takes place there.
    1 point
  39. Yes. I do, definitely. Especially if I've witnessed the peeing and therefore know that it is a fresh tissue from a good looking lady. Wipes - not so keen. They are usually fragrenced, which detracts from the ladies own smell.
    1 point
  40. My ex (same person as in my original post) drank a lot of alcohol. As I mentioned above, unfortunately her alcoholism eventually led to our divorce. Although she drank some liquor, she generally preferred beer (cheap stuff, like Coors and Miller High Life). She never had fewer than 5 or 6 beers at a time. And because of that, she was ALWAYS peeing. I didn't like her drinking, but the silver lining is that she always had a full bladder, and was very open about peeing anywhere and everywhere, including occasionally during sex, as I mentioned above. Sometimes it was by accident, and sometim
    1 point
  41. Mc5Hc1klqt8 Found this video on yt. Guinness World Record? Edit:
    1 point
  42. "Is it OK to listen to your female relatives pee by standing outside the closed bathroom doors at home bathrooms?" My answer, based on a lifetime of experience, is a resounding "YES!" but with some qualifications, most of which have been noted by Peewee123, Bacardi, Tman27, and gldnwetgoose. Part 1. Early Experiences. "Looking's free," was an old cliche from my younger days, which obviously no longer applies, in today's world, but an analog, applying to listening, must still be valid, since it is mostly involuntary, and unavoidable, as has been demonstrated in many of the previo
    1 point
  43. The question I have is for OP, can you tell the difference in the sound by their parts? If we rephrase this question you're asking it could border on "Is it ok to invade my family's space and privacy?" Might they view you as that creepy uncle that no one invites to family events?
    1 point
  44. Dear Wet Carpet. This is my wife.... I think she looks good for a woman of 40. And she has a little thing she likes to do from time to time, something she has always done since before I met her. When about to go to bed sometimes, if she needs a pee she doesn't always bother going to the bathroom. She just pees right there on the carpet beside the bed. She says she enjoys doing it because it is naughty and knows I like to watch. She doesn't seem the least bit bothered about the pissy smell and I have long since gotten used to it. She has told me that she grew up t
    1 point
  45. Ok the game is pretty good so far, i need to share a few more images!
    1 point
  46. Has anyone seen the film 'Fish Tank', Directed by Andrea Arnold (2009)? There's a scene in which Mia, (played by Katy Jarvis) breaks into the home of her mother's boyfriend, and pees on the carpet, the shot lingers a bit, and you can clearly see her 'double' stream. Whether it was shot for real or not, is hard to see...but it looks very convincing.
    1 point
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