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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2022 in Posts

  1. K wet her jeans for me this evening! She’s never done this before. She’d told me before that they were going in the wash this evening anyway, so I thought “seems a shame to waste the opportunity if she’s up for it” … and she was! She didn’t wee for about 4 hours during the afternoon, during which time she was filling up with water from her bottle and an afternoon mug of tea and by half past five she was really ready to go – not desperate, but as much as she ever allows herself to be. K didn’t want any mess, even though I’d offered to do any cleaning up that was required, so she said she’d
    6 points
  2. So I was chilling on my couch watching tv. I needed to go, so I pulled my panties down and pissed on the floor. I feel a lot better and now I'm snuggled under a throw blanket.
    6 points
  3. Welcome to St. Agatha's School for Chaste Girls. I'll be your tour guide. First we have the sports fields. All activities you can participate in are outlined in the class guide. If you are out here practicing, you can usually take a pee break under the bleachers. Ah, see there are a couple of girls now. Here we have the cafeteria. Breakfast is served quite early and if you are late, there will be none left. I suggest you rush straight here after your alarms go off. If you miss your morning bathroom visit, the garbage cans are low enough to relieve yourself standing forward or backwar
    4 points
  4. Part one can be found here - https://peefans.com/topic/22152-trying-new-underwear/ A couple of days ago I was wearing another of those multipack briefs and I really wanted to wet them. I was wearing a white tennis skirt and a black t-shirt with some sky blue briefs underneath. Once I had settled down for the evening I started filling up, with no intention of taking off the briefs until they were soaked. Fast forward a few hours and I was utterly bursting to pee. It was suggested that I play a game of snap by @gldenwetgoose but we elected for blackjack instead. I couldn't stand still at al
    3 points
  5. It turned me on so much that I grabbed my vibrator to use. Still haven't mopped up lol
    3 points
  6. A little too cold for an outdoor wetting but you have given me an idea, thank you. Watch this space!
    3 points
  7. Wanted to comment here again. I was in the hot tub tonight with a friend who shares some enjoyment for this. Knowing my personal feeling about the tub, she sat over the edge to pee outside. It was very sexy and I enjoyed watching quite a bit. Likewise, I stood up and pissed outside the tub, she enjoyed the angle there as well. Good times to be had not peeing in the tub, while in it.
    3 points
  8. so today my sister reminded me of a time we went to this beach and there was a camping area in the middle of the beach island thing there were bathrooms of corse buut one time i was in my swimmers my sister and i were walking a from one beach to another using a short cut via the grassy picnic area/ camp sight then i had to do a wee wee being so open with my fam i just go whereever i would want normaly there were lots of people on the beach and camp ground there were about 5-7 familys near us some having a pick nick and i pull my bikini bottoms to the side and i go potty my stream shots in fron
    2 points
  9. Wonderful description, got me very aroused. Possibly not the time of year for an outdoor wetting but a friend of mine needed a wee when she was shopping, she went to a park bench and wet herself through it. She told me what she had done and took me to the bench which was very public. Maybe that could be a consideration for you.
    2 points
  10. Sex Bizarre One I hope that I have chosen the right area to review one of the best vintage publications produced that depicts the art of urolagnia. My intention is to review each available issue of Sex Bizarre and post the cover and where available the dust cover produced to cover the explicit photograph on the first page. I have located scanned issues on the internet and reconstructed the magazines digitally adding personal commentary to the pages. The issues are then converted to PDF's. I hope you enjoy my reviews and do feel free to comment with feedback on my endeavours. In the l
    1 point
  11. Hii, all I am Sunitha from Bangalore, India. I have a fetish for guys who are out in the open to pee, and I also have the urge towards exhibitionism. If anyone of you would like to chat with me, you could message me personally.
    1 point
  12. The hunt on Netflix No genitals but you see a women unbuckle and squat no pee steam but you can hear it
    1 point
  13. I'm curious to understand how you would do that within the site rules - which as you know prohibit asking for off site contact details. Largely of course that is aimed at the risk that anyone (including serial axe murderers) could sign up and claim to be a sweet innocent young Peefan looking to meet likeminded people. Literally yesterday I was looking at a post where a young member had quoted their age, five years younger than the age in their profile - an innocent mistake, or a red flag that one or the other is untrue. Are they really who they claim? It is accepted that real an
    1 point
  14. Amazing! Lucky lucky man! 😮
    1 point
  15. Hello as the title says I’m a beginner and I’ve got a few questions and looking for tips an advice. So a few questions I had are: when getting wet do I have to worry about rashes. I seen someone say that it depends on how clear your pee is and how hydrated you are. how do I avoid rashes. Is it safe to drink pee. How do I get use to the taste With naught pee how do you avoid being caught. what advice do you have for peeing in public. Advice on peeing you’re pants in public. if you have any other tips or advice or something you wish you knew when you fi
    1 point
  16. I second what @sophia said - you're one lucky, lucky bastard... I am so envious. Great story, great photos. I hope there are more episodes (e-pee-sodes?) to come
    1 point
  17. https://imgur.com/a/8ClUvFi Last one for now 😈😈😈
    1 point
  18. Just a quickie! My husband was in the bathroom with me helping me sort some of the cupboards and after a little while I needed to pee. Without even saying anything I pulled down my leggings and thong and sat on the toilet, smiling at Mark. Moments later a gentle tinkle rang out as I started peeing "Sorry, I couldn't wait" He leaned over and kissed my forehead "You never need to apologise beautiful" I sat with my hands at my knees and nonchalantly talked with him while I had my wee, enjoying the company. I peed for roughly 15 seconds and as I reached for some toilet paper I was greeted by
    1 point
  19. Eve Muirhead - team GB curling skip
    1 point
  20. I was outside with an ice fishing buddy drinking beers in his back yard. Eventually my bladder was full of beer needing recycling, and I didn't want to track into his house and take my boots off to piss. There was a row of yew bushes in his back yard. (If you don't know, they are a type of evergreen bush with short, soft needles). I went over to a row of yew bushes, faced against them closely, and pulled my cock out. I pissed directly ahead into an opening in the bush, hard and a long time, but it was nearly silent and no puddle developed. The yew bushes were a great urinal - Blocked the
    1 point
  21. Looks like you were trying to draw a picture 😀great photos
    1 point
  22. i just stood at the edge of the pool and did a wee wee into it it was so good and i feel great now
    1 point
  23. this is so our family it was either the pool or change room floor even on the drive back if we needed a wee wee we would be to to go in the car or in the garden when we got home. it was so great when we go over to my grandmas pool shee has a wooden deck and wenever anyone has to pee we tell everyone and pee on the deck sometimes we will direct our stream into the pool to that is always funny
    1 point
  24. the first time my family and i went to a water park we were in the change rooms and i had to pee i did not have my bikini bottoms on yet and my mum told me to just go on the floor not knowing my bikini bottoms were not on so i stood in the middle of the change room and peed right were i was standing other people were there and looked but we didnt care, while i was waiting for the rest of my family i had to pee again so i i peed throiuogh my bikini bottoms onto the floor
    1 point
  25. another time was... we was very close with our neighours they had a kid 1ry older than me and one 3yrs older. i was at there pool one time and i was on there pool deck i said i accidentaly peed a it on there pool deck whitch i did then my friend nextdoor said well you have aleady peed a bit just finnish so i did i spent the rest of that summer everytime i needed to pee and did not want to go in the pool i would either squat or tell someone most times they knew cause i would pull my bikini bottoms to the side sometimes i forgot it was not my pool and i would stand from the edge and pee in.
    1 point
  26. when i was young my family was very open, also i was not dry through the day or night so i was still in dipers and pull ups, one morning my mum had taken off pull up and had realsed there were none left so my dad went to the store to get some in the mean time i was running around naked my older siblings were on the trampoline so i went and joined them my mum came down to watch us all then i had to pee bad (i was 6 at the time) my mum knew i would not make it back to the house as we had a big backyard so she told me to go pee in the pool as that was close. i ran to the pool and stood on the fir
    1 point
  27. I'd love to sit and tinkle in your potty. Both of us sit on different ones and try it together? Watching each other.
    1 point
  28. Thanks for all the nice comments, folks! I had a feeling you horndogs would particularly enjoy this one. 😉
    1 point
  29. All sounds like the perfect end to the perfect night to me - other than the risk of suddenly peeing on the top of the mirror rather than the sink below in response to seeing and hearing the tinkle or gush of pee from the toilet.
    1 point
  30. More soaking of a bath matt
    1 point
  31. And now, as your holiday draws to a close you'll need to think about returning to the UK England. I'm assuming your travel to England will be after 11th February 2022 (in which case it got easier) and also assuming you're double-jabbed - because as above that's what I know. - Before arriving in England you'll need to complete a UK Government Travel Locator Form which you can do on the website https://www.gov.uk/provide-journey-contact-details-before-travel-uk Similar to Spain, the form can only be completed within 48 hours of arriving - so you may well need to do it on y
    1 point
  32. So let's start things off as a double vaccinated UK citizen travelling to Mainland Spain: Hola Benidorm, Fuengirola, Barcelona, Seville and all those other wonderful places... Here we go! For the entry into Spain there's a couple of things you'll need to do as well as digging out the passport and packing the bikini. - First thing to do is use the UK NHS website or the NHS app to get a COVID PASS. There are two versions and you need the one for travel. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-pass/ The result is an NHS document with details and a QR
    1 point
  33. Male Smooth after years of being natural. Epilate with Barenuts cream.
    1 point
  34. I too have the impression that dating sites are marketing sites. What actually did work for me (unexpectedly I must say, but A and myself are a couple now) was to find like minded people on an amateur porn site. I was surprised to find that there were actually quite a few women who enjoyed my little videos just as much as I enjoyed theirs. Some wanted to chat a little, maybe exchange videos more privately, and as it turned out, with some of these the chemistry worked as well. Most lived thousands of miles away, of course, but A lived in my little town, and she was the nicest of them all ❤
    1 point
  35. Hello all! I saw a post where we can see diferent shapes and sizes of the female vulva, and even some members contributed by showing the shape they are rocking down there, i feel this needs a balance, so in this thread i hope us guys get to show their penises so the ladies can get a treat on different shapes and sizes. I will start, i have pictures of my penis both flacid and aroused, i think mine fits on the small size ADM: if the thread is in the wrong place feel free to move without warning please.
    1 point
  36. Here is my contribution
    1 point
  37. On a serious note, why isn't this a thing already? And is there somewhere to put toilet paper, or is everyone going to have to just drip / air dry? 🤔
    1 point
  38. When out cycling I'll very often make sure I'm hydrated enough for a roadside pee somewhere on a country lane. As a guy it's fairly easy, just a case of pulling the tight lycra shorts waistband down enough. The only thing is, as a guy I tend to find that when exercising my body diverts blood to muscles and combined with the effects of the cold, if anyone were to catch a passing glimpse I think they'd be a little underwhelmed... On occasions when I know I'm coming home to an empty house I'll save my roadside pee... arrive home desperate, lock away my bike, not really caring if I hav
    1 point
  39. Last morning I woke up in the middle of the night and I really had to pee. I peed into a measuring cup and it showed 1.8 liters of pee. I am really hoping I can measure more than 2 liters one day.
    1 point
  40. I have let my hair grow again for spiritual reasons, but I will likely shave it anew soon Pussy is delicious
    1 point
  41. Oh I love that description "the teachings"!! 😃 Of course, as Spectacle says, it's best for parents not to get into unnecessary family battles. When my kids were young I encouraged them to pee in pools, as my parents did with me, and they've always been happy to do it. With a little encouragement they'd hold before a swim, then peeing discreetly into the water after getting into the pool. Similarly I encouraged them to try to pee again, discreetly, before getting out at the end of a swim. Of course it did pollute the pool water a little, but it was easier than using toilet facilities and th
    1 point
  42. While it's quite obvious the boys are pissing in the cabin and occasionally a boys mom is a bit uneasy about them doing so, we've all come to tolerate them doing so, because after all at least they're not peeing in the pool. On the other hand the ladies much prefer the discretion of the pool, even if it's nastier to pee in the pool. I'm sure the boys decision has nothing to do with being merciful to the other swimmers, but rather they're taking advantage of an opportunity to let loose on the floor, something they know makes their moms very uneasy and would never tolerate in any other circumst
    1 point
  43. Last weekend the weather was so great, my boyfriend and I decided to go for a drive into the mountains about two hours away. We ended up in this big state park with a large man-made lake and a dam. We arrived at the visitor’s center and discovered it wasn’t open for the season yet. There were restrooms, but they weren’t open either. The nearest facilities were miles away. About a dozen or so people; couples and families with children were walking along the walkway overlooking the lake and dam. Some people were sitting on benches or at picnic tables. My boyfriend needed to pee, so he we
    1 point
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