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  1. Having fun with another member who made me hold for so long I couldn't even stand up straight. When he finally let me pee I didn't even think I would make it the two steps to the toilet because it took EVERYTHING to hold onto all that pee 😫😫 eventually I made it to the toilet, got my pants down, and peed so much. 40+ seconds if im remembering correctly! I was so exhausted after that too.
    6 points
  2. another big piss after getting home from dinner. i drank a lot of tea again and i was desperate and leaking a bit in my pants on my way home. i started pissing as soon as i got out of the car i could hear that my neighbors were outside but i don’t think they saw me.
    5 points
  3. I had a driving one just recently that was in some ways very similar to that of @gldenwetgoose above, although it didn't involve a caravan. To be honest, I should have known better than to have got into that situation in the first place, but..... So, Mrs A and I had an afternoon tea in a posh hotel - something that was purchased as a gift for us. Not a problem in itself. I also had two pots of tea. Maybe that is my Northern background coming out, but to me, if I have paid (or even someone else has paid for me) to have something with free refills, then I'm going to have free refil
    4 points
  4. So last night my friend andI decided to have a few (many) drinks in the house. At one point we both went to pee but I only have one toilet, so she hopped in the bath and just went for it. We were both chatting and laughing, she hopped out and wiped off, poking the tissue between my legs into the toilet. When i finished up i noticed how wet the bath was and that it hadn't been rinsed. I dipped my fingers in every little puddle and sucked them clean. Still warm, clear and with a very light salty taste. I couldn;t stop thinking about it for the rest of the night 💗
    3 points
  5. So.... they say every picture must have a story behind it... But I'm giraffed if I know what I was doing here. Well obviously I was taking a potty break. But no idea why I was doing it in the work closet and not in the restroom. But still, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do right? and better out than in. But man, I was rough this morning.... I remember us starting our work Christmas party in the shop, we always have it in the quiet spell in January. I remember a few glasses of wine, and I remember Shannon getting the tequila out... Not quite sure what happened from there on.
    3 points
  6. I can think of two very similar situations, and both are ones where a little bit of anxiety plays a big role in the urgency involved. Both involve driving, both involve towing our caravan and both involve my wife sitting alongside me in the passenger seat (I can get away with joking that all three factors can cause anxiety). The caravan isn't massive, but it is an extra 6.5m / 22ft and 1300kg hitched onto the back of the car. Driving with it does require some concentration, passing vehicles, taking a different line at roundabouts and junctions, that sort of thing. Both times have b
    3 points
  7. I needed a piss so I figured why not on this matt 😉
    2 points
  8. i drank 3 big cups of iced tea with my dinner tonight and whenever i drink tea or coffee it always makes me desperate really quickly. by the time i got home i already had to piss pretty badly and i wanted to do it outside so i walked over to the side of my apartment building, unzipped my pants and let go against the wall. it felt so good i went inside and masturbated. after i was starting to feel the need to go again so i drank more water so i would fill up faster. only about an hour after my first piss i was already starting to feel desperate to go again so i walked back to the sam
    2 points
  9. Back in 2020 I was on several large group bike rides in NYC. They weren't the best managed and bathroom breaks were rare if available at all and at the time park bathrooms were closed due to pandemic concerns. Led to a lot of sneaky and no do sneaky pees or 8+ hour holds. Which combined with the need for hydration I'm surprised I last that long. This particular ride was running later into the evening and I knew I wasn't going to make it. I had someone watch my bike as I was squeezing my cock trying to find an open restaurant that would let me use the bathroom. I basically barged in hold
    2 points
  10. Blizzard here this morning. The swimgset is only about 20 feet from the house! There is a work shop out there somewhere lol
    2 points
  11. I really LOVE this - and that's why panties are absolutely useless
    2 points
  12. ❤️ And that is why this exile wants to come home Me too 🙁
    2 points
  13. Ok, so not actually wet myself and maybe not ‘playing sports’ but this afternoon I braved the cold and greyness to get out on my bike. It’s the first time in nearly five months, but felt good. I set off with a pretty full bladder after hydrating up and knew I was most likely going to need to pee. Whilst cycling I had the weird thing where the immediate desperation feel is hidden and instead I can just feel the heaviness of my bladder. Eventually on the home leg I decided to have a quick stop - so standing on an empty county lane I pulled the waist band of my Lycra shorts down and r
    2 points
  14. https://thisvid.com/videos/peeing-at-the-shoe-store/
    2 points
  15. I took it myself 🙂 but would love to have a fellow pee girl friend with me next time. on this pic I just realized I had to go as I walked back to my towel. Well then I just peed as I walked back.
    2 points
  16. Happy Birthday - Today's the day - another year older for @WessSK & @Ms. Tito
    2 points
  17. Colin returns. Part 27 Mum woke us with tea. Before I sat up I stretched and opened my legs wide and peed as hard as I could making the most of taking up a lot of room in the bed. I felt my pee spraying as far as my knees and a few drops making it all the way to my ankles. I kept going until I was empty and then sat up and took my tea from mum. Erica took longer to wake, but she had a similar idea but she raised her knees a little and I saw her move her hips so she could properly spray her feet with her pee as she hissed loudly under the covers. I even felt a few drops
    2 points
  18. If you have a potted plant, you can water it with your own pee...
    2 points
  19. How my Bedwetting started My first experience with purposely peeing in bed was on vacation with my family. It was in the morning, I felt that I had to gush alot. But I heard Dad was in the shower and so i was waiting. After a few minutes, I asked Mom how long it would take.Then She asked me what's going on. I told her that I have to pee urgently and can't hold it much longer. Mom: Just let it go in bed. I asked if I could really do that. Mom: Don't worry, it's just a little pee. So I stay in bed lying on my stomach and start pissing. You could hear the hiss (which I've c
    1 point
  20. I've always been a bit of a power pisser. No matter what I try, when I attempt to pee into a toilet, a good portion of it just splashes back out, creating a total mess. At home, I tend to wee into the sink, but in public bathrooms, that's not really an option, so I go into a stall and have a tinkle onto the floor or walls; that's the cleanest option for everybody who has to use it after me.... and the most fun ofc 😜 Recently, I've been out in a park and felt my bladder fill up. I could have easily held it till I was home, but didn't see any point in it. Despite it raining, there were
    1 point
  21. Decided to take some bedroom pics 😊 😘
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Figured I would revive this thread More of my cumshots
    1 point
  24. Idk, the male body is quite equally exquisite in my opinion And don't even get me STARTED on androgynous peeps. Ughhhh they make me weak.
    1 point
  25. I just tried a measure. I did 650ml in 33 seconds, which is a tad less than 20ml/s average although I suspect it would have been higher towards the start, but certainly nothing like 40ml/s. As an aside, this was into a plastic measuring jug and I noticed drops falling to the floor almost as soon as I started peeing. I thought I couldn't possibly have missed the target - could I? Ah well, continue peeing, more drops hitting the floor. When the jug was full, I put it on the kitchen side to see the level properly. I then emptied it down the kitchen sink and saw a small puddle on the
    1 point
  26. I've never had any unwanted messages from anyone here either. Everyone here is polite and respectful to one another, just one of many reasons why this place is so awesome🙂
    1 point
  27. I suspect the group of guys there on that Amsterdam clip may all know each already - Amsterdam is famous as an 'adult' citybreak, so entirely possible they were a group of mates on a stag weekend or just a guys trip to the red light district. It doesn't detract though from the fact that they were all pissing in broad daylight in public, without being challenged or arrested. And that of course is the point. From my part of Europe (and I still see the UK as that) we are perhaps halfway between that and the American reservedness. As Beachmom has touched on, there are factors which wil
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. I'm 54 now so 'when I was younger' refers to the late1970s onwards for naughty peeing.
    1 point
  30. A few years ago I got myself reasonably fit cycling, up to pandemic - nothing too speedy but 60 mile sort of capability. Then a bit of a medical concern and lockdown sort of led to it slipping. Now I’m back to square one - but not giving up.
    1 point
  31. Never had any problems and all messages have been welcome- agree with others that women have more of an issue on the internet ☹️ i have always found this site very respectful, friendly and inclusive
    1 point
  32. Thanks for posting this. I truly enjoyed it.
    1 point
  33. I can’t do distance, just the fact I always beat him in time and it always sounded a lot faster and harder from me. Maybe he was a lazy pee-er. Lol
    1 point
  34. Shouldn't this be a place for any aspect and any sort of our pee enjoyment? Shouldn't we treat each other with respect and openness and let anyone contribute with ideas and let them blend in? It's not about a scientific experiment for me, it's more about the astonishment and amazement to what some people are able to achieve. I think it's hard enough that our topic is taboo on most other platforms and in daily life. If one isn't comfortable with, he or she doesn't have to answer, I'm perfectly fine with that. I don't think it's that difficult to know when a cup is, let's say, half full, ev
    1 point
  35. Have a great day @beergut64 @peebus10 @TheArizonaSolution @Quirky 🎂 🥂 🎉
    1 point
  36. when the light breeze gradually becomes random gusts, and your skirt, basically, turns into a sail. 😳
    1 point
  37. Hi everyone! I’m new to this sight but an old hand at finding and watching girls out peeing in public. Let me share some of my tales… So let me set the scene, often on Friday & Saturday nights I will park my car in a carpark that is next to the only nightclub in the area and to the other side is the train station platform. From my car I can see the entire carpark to my left, the nightclub lineup which is often 20-30 people deep, a staircase that leads down from a busy street, the common “pee spot” which is directly ahead of me and to my right the train station platform which, at that
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. I really enjoy this lifestyle. Pissing whenever I need to wherever I am
    1 point
  40. Thanks for sharing very lovely pics. ❤️
    1 point
  41. I love all of your pics, incredibly sexy. Thank you for posting.
    1 point
  42. Very nice bum and pussy, thanks for sharing
    1 point
  43. Messy Mary At Rills and Turner law firm, Bret was two months into his job as one of the cleaning staff. Long-ago divorced, middle-aged, weathered from life and having an admiration of women peeing, he especially enjoyed tending to the women's restrooms on the first and second floors. He would often service them during the busiest hours of the day, which allowed for an excuse to be in or around the women's and listen as they relieved themselves. Even when not inside one, the vents at the bottom of the restrooms' doors combined with the usual quietness of the halls allowed for easy l
    1 point
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