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  1. I had a great experience a few years ago. I was hesitant to post this earlier out concern for the party involved. But, I think enough time has passed that this can now be seen as an anonymous encounter. I was on vacation overseas and booked a day-long trip into the jungle. It was my good fortune the only other passenger in my truck was a woman in her early-mid 40s and who spoke English fluently. We struck up a conversation almost immediately and, as the day wore on, got to learn almost as much about each other as we did the local flora and fauna. Being the rainy season, the dirt
    6 points
  2. I went for a bike ride today after work. I needed to pee when I got home but as I was getting changed out of my work clothes I had an idea, why sit on the toilet when I could pee while out on the ride? I wasn't desperate and could easily find somewhere to go. I squeezed myself into my cycling shorts and top, changed my shoes, put on my helmet and left the house with my bladder still moderately full. I got lost in my own little world and time seemed to fly by. It was dark and I was nearing home and I still hadn't had a wee! I would have been able to make it home but that would spoil my pla
    4 points
  3. Thank you so much guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    4 points
  4. I too have the impression that dating sites are marketing sites. What actually did work for me (unexpectedly I must say, but A and myself are a couple now) was to find like minded people on an amateur porn site. I was surprised to find that there were actually quite a few women who enjoyed my little videos just as much as I enjoyed theirs. Some wanted to chat a little, maybe exchange videos more privately, and as it turned out, with some of these the chemistry worked as well. Most lived thousands of miles away, of course, but A lived in my little town, and she was the nicest of them all ❤
    4 points
  5. How my Bedwetting started My first experience with purposely peeing in bed was on vacation with my family. It was in the morning, I felt that I had to gush alot. But I heard Dad was in the shower and so i was waiting. After a few minutes, I asked Mom how long it would take.Then She asked me what's going on. I told her that I have to pee urgently and can't hold it much longer. Mom: Just let it go in bed. I asked if I could really do that. Mom: Don't worry, it's just a little pee. So I stay in bed lying on my stomach and start pissing. You could hear the hiss (which I've c
    3 points
  6. I'm glad to find a place where I can learn other people experiences and ideas etc. I don't think of pee as a fetish, it's just really nice. I've been lucky to have had a group of 3 female friends who found out that I love pee. One of them checked out my porn collection about 20 years ago. They all had experience peeing for guys and were really nice but it took me time to stop freaking out that they knew, they though that was hilarious. They were already mentors to me if I had questions about sex. I had to wait for two of them to become single to play though. One finds it difficult to do, the o
    3 points
  7. This story includes female desperation, pee in car This is the first story that I wrote and English isn't my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes you might find. Characters: KYLE: male, 20 AMY: female, 19 POV: Kyle My friend Amy, a slim petite blonde, and I were returning from an out of town concert that we went to together. We've been on the road for almost two hours. Amy fell asleep about an hour ago, so it was really quiet in the car since I couldn't even listen to music because my radio was broken, but I didn't mind. I just reach the
    3 points
  8. Wise words. I'd like to think I've always been discrete and respectful. I don't believe I've ever shown any sign of interest without first receiving confirmation that my actions were well-received. I will, though, let others know that I consider pee to be a normal function and there shouldn't be any reason to be embarrassed by a very basic need. In fact, I see my role as being one that make others more comfortable with what is so often an awkward situation. It's only when others express that they see this as fun that I am willing to join in.
    3 points
  9. It is a good point that the more we speak and share with like minded people here, the more normal our 'interest' is - because everyone thinks the same as us. But in the 'other' world, taking the hikers as an example, pee is a necessary bodily function. They understand the need to be hydrated when exercising, they understand that fluid in means fluid out. They know what the opposite gender's tackle looks like and in all probability they're just conducting a bodily function, just like eating a sandwich or drinking a coffee. They're close enough friends and respectful enough to not be shy
    3 points
  10. I was going to suggest you have an open and honest conversation about it and see what maybe you could do together to satisfy your need without her having to feel uncomfortable. Maybe he watching you pe, or you watching her, or her holding you while you pee, or peeing in the shower etc could all be little pieces she could agree to give you so you feel satisfied enough. However seeing your comment about things not being good generally and you feeling you could be shamed looks like maybe you need to work in the getting in a better place first. Maybe this need will then go as other things will be
    3 points
  11. Sex Bizarre One I hope that I have chosen the right area to review one of the best vintage publications produced that depicts the art of urolagnia. My intention is to review each available issue of Sex Bizarre and post the cover and where available the dust cover produced to cover the explicit photograph on the first page. I have located scanned issues on the internet and reconstructed the magazines digitally adding personal commentary to the pages. The issues are then converted to PDF's. I hope you enjoy my reviews and do feel free to comment with feedback on my endeavours. In the l
    2 points
  12. In Australia, in the days before everyone owned a VCR, sex shops often sold illegal, hardcore porn mags like Sex Bizzarre. Shops were regularly raided by the police (our tax dollars being put to good use, lol), but it didn't stop them selling hardcore stuff - the fines were probably fairly miniscule, compared to the money that could be made. I guess the sales of magazines would have declined as more and more people got VCRs. I can remember buying a couple of watersports VHS tapes, but I can also remember buying a tape in which a scene of a woman peeing on a guy had been edited out. Sex Bi
    2 points
  13. ShyPeeMan, this can be a very slippery slope you're treading on. I may have a little different take than most, as I've seen this from another side. I've hiked with several women who had boyfriends, husbands or partners. Many times, we'd pee in front of one another, often because it was actually less awkward than running into the woods to hide, but usually because we found it fun. It was always more of a playful act than anything else. In fact, it often was a great release for any sexual tension there may have been between us. But, at some point, I knew there was a line I couldn't
    2 points
  14. A bladder massage can be very helpful, Depending on where you apply pressure and the intensity of touch, it can calm an overactive one or relieve a blockage, It's something you can do yourself, although it seems to be more effective with a partner. If I give you one, Bacardi, it won't be my neck that's super stiff. 🤣
    1 point
  15. Very hot first story @AshR, and your English is very good. I hope you write more stories!
    1 point
  16. Not at all, any comments help contextualise my project. Holland had/has a very relaxed view on censorship and vice, although I have heard that they are trying to 'clean-up', in much the same way New York, (in and around Times Square) did in the 1990's. The problem with the UK, as I understand it was the re-selling of counterfeit Danish magazines, using the covers to produce tame soft-core images. You're right about Soho.
    1 point
  17. You shouldn't be reluctant!! You could even start each sex session with pee! You could even offer her a small treat for it (a gift or a dinner out etc)! Gradually, when she gets used to showing her pee to you, you could ask her to squat, hover or even pee standing for you in the shower. It just needs time! It seems that she finds no enthusiasm for that, but you can explain her that it is very important for you! As for cleaning up with your tongue.... it was gross the moment you told her!! Such things happen gradually, one at a time, not altogether! Before reaching this level, you could ask her
    1 point
  18. Amsterdam was, at the time a very safe place to walk around as the shops, cinemas and girls relied on tourists for their trade so their pimps made sure there was no crime. Last time I went, which was a few years ago, I felt very unsafe due to the huge number of imigrants roaming the streets. Soho seemed the complete opposite, in fact I am amazed Soho survived at all, it was such an unwelcoming place. Apologies, I have diverted you off slightly off topic.
    1 point
  19. Very good points raised there @ShyPeeMan & @mrfox Of course the site provides the ability to send what are termed 'Messages' from one member to others. Think of that as email in the way it's written, given a title and posted. It appears in your message inbox. (I have mentioned before that an envelope icon on the top line of the site rather than chat bubble would be more accurate). Then there is the Live Chat facility which everyone can take part in, with the Live Chat window on the homepage, the Live Chat page itself and depending on your theme with the Chatbox tab on the botto
    1 point
  20. Not at all! These women have been either friends or those I ran across in hiking/outdoor clubs. Given that their chosen activities would take them away from toilet facilities, most all had no problem with peeing outside. The more time we spent on the trail, the more comfortable we became with one another. I found that most women I hiked with were at least pee-curious. A good number seemed to find pleasure in the act of urination, sometimes their own, but usually those of the male gender. After a few hikes, I learned which ones liked to watch, those who enjoyed a tease by showing off and t
    1 point
  21. That's really cool that your parents encouraged this and are cool with you still doing it. Sounds like u had a pretty awesome vacation. Thanks for sharing this story with us.
    1 point
  22. My head is filled with fantasy images also. Thank You!!!!!! ☺️☺️🍆
    1 point
  23. Looks like she’s scored with @Kupar’s balls, anyway (hauled off stage)
    1 point
  24. Thanks @Alfresco - this for me is right up there and reinforcing the experience that some of the worst people I've met have been the pious church going types and the nicest and genuine have been on the fringes of accepted society. I'm talking of course about the 'outraged' homeowners and the cheap hitting headline writers here. Yes ok, it may have been a surprise that a postal worker or delivery driver chose a spot to pee within the boundary of your property - well away from your front door, but at least somewhere they felt safe. Or a delivery driver left a small puddle of largely
    1 point
  25. Perfect. Just perfect.
    1 point
  26. Absolutely wonderful @Sophie! Bet you can't keep a smile off your face this evening 😉 Thanks for taking the time to tell us about it ❤️
    1 point
  27. The girls have a day out with Bryony wearing their leather skirts, and bryony stays over again. Part 25 Mum woke us in the morning. It was not too early, but I still felt a bit groggy. I sat up and so did Erica, quickly followed by Bryony. Mum handed me two cups of tea and I passed one to Bryony. Bryony sounded a bit agitated. "I can't drink tea, I need to pee first." Straight away I started to pee as loudly as possible, and Erica peed loudly too. Bryony looked from side to side, obviously hearing us pee and not knowing what to say with mum in the room. M
    1 point
  28. Yes. I did, few days ago. I pissed in the sauna, pool and the steam room of the spa. My favorite one was the sauna, I was standing and pissing freely all around the floor and it would just dry very quickly.
    1 point
  29. One of my favourites is sitting in the pub chatting, and just letting my pee go through my skirt in to the seat. It is so nice to be doing it when no one around you realises you are doing it.
    1 point
  30. Merry Christmas all. Long time no see. My so called 'Long Covid' was playing up and I just got completely overwhelmed with e-mails ans social media. For the last several months I've rarely even switched my computer on. I've been messing about with my 'Raspberry Pie' instead - playing about with emulators. I'm due my booster jab in the next week or two so that should take some of the anxiety away. Here's hoping that 2022 will be better than the last 2 years. Found an old arcade game called 'Guzzler' - it's kind of pac-man style - you basically fill up with water by eating ice and th
    1 point
  31. Thank you for being so welcoming! You wanna see me pee?? 😬
    1 point
  32. Id love to piss in front of you or on a vid for you that shit turns me on!!
    1 point
  33. I stayed at a holiday park a few years ago that has couples steam rooms, go in, get muddy, steam in a small sauna then the showers come on. Me and my then boyfriend tried it out. It was fun getting caked in mud then sitting like a statue as the steam was turned on. After 15 minutes the operator came back, they dont go in the steam room, they just work valves from outside and shout. As soon as the steam was off and i heard the door close my boyfriend was in front of me naked, covered in mud and asking for sex. I told him to just watch and pulled my bikini bottoms aside and peed the mud of
    1 point
  34. Yeah, I almost never have (properly) used a toilet in a club. I’ve straddled one while standing and peed but only some got into the bowl, the rest on the seat. It’s also been where I’ve waited in line and go in and see the the room is so messy and I’ve just pissed on the floor, it didn’t make a difference. When it’s dark and loud enough I would go into a corner of the club room and piss myself while standing. I’ve also relieved myself on couches and chairs in clubs, especially when they’re more plush - they’re not the cleanest so I’m sure I wasn’t the only one lol. There’s one sofa I would pee
    1 point
  35. Chapter 11. Revelations The next morning, Kyle and Courtney sat in her living room, by her invitation. She shared a story. “When I was thirteen years old, Jenny slept over. We talked late into the night, mostly about boys. But at one point I left to change my diaper, and when I returned, she asked, ‘Have you ever tried the toilet instead?’ I told her, ‘Here or there in an emergency—never on purpose,’ and with a gleam in her eye, she proposed, ‘We should try it!’ So we made a pact that the next day we’d attempt to pee only on the toilet and never in our diapers.” “I always wonde
    1 point
  36. When u are chill at your pc and you are so full ! i'm so lazy that i didn't want to get up to go to the bathroom. In the end I was going to get it in my boxers, luckily I had a towel with me
    1 point
  37. I find it is easier to pee in the pub before going to the club, and no need to leave the club to pee, there is always somewhere in a dark club where you can get away with peeing.
    1 point
  38. When I came home, I realized that I would have to go outdoor a few more times today. It's hard to come up with something new every time, and parking is a bad permanent place. There is a park near my house. I decided not to pee at all during the day. I'll save up and pee in the park in the evening. For the next few hours, I worked at the computer as usual, sipping tea. In the evening it is already hard to continue this. I dressed like in the morning, only put on a hoodie on top, did not put on panties and went to the park. In the evening there were quite a lot of people, and t
    1 point
  39. Day 0 (don't know why 0, not 1) Wake up. In the morning, as always, by inertia I go to the bathroom. I stop myself. Small stupor. Where should I go then? Bathroom! This is what I have done before. I go to the bathroom, take off my panties and sit on the edge of the bath. Urine flood out in a powerful yellow stream and hits the edge of the tub. Cool. I look at the bath on which the bright yellow urine is spreading and feel the smell. I'll leave it that way. I dry myself and throw the paper down the toilet. Nice start to the day! Next I have breakfast with macaroni and che
    1 point
  40. There are a problem to be a girl. In other seasons I like to wear dark short skirt without pantyhose and pee without care and wiping (or just wiping with panties) but not when there are snow at the street and I need to wear jeans
    1 point
  41. this story is about a naughty girl named Julia and her perverted night trashing a Airbnb , it includes pee vandalism and destruction , golden showers , and intercourse Butterfly’s filled Julia’s stomach as they were getting closer to the AirBnb she and this hot guy had rented for the night. Both had no intentions of sleeping there and had rented it under fake names. Julia had always been a perverted naughty girl obsessed with sex and especially peeing. Her silk shorts clenched her big round ass cheeks and her crop top allowed her perky nipples to be seen under the clothe. She clenched he
    1 point
  42. "Nicole" Part 3. An Intimate Tale of a Beautiful Woman. Shared Secrets. Urgency and Privacy. By Dr.P Summary: We eat our dinner and share our very first kiss, ever, in the parking lot of the coffee shop. When we arrive at her home, she has a sudden, urgent need to pee, and asks for my help getting her jeans down, so she doesn't wet herself. She pulls me into the bathroom with her, so I can help her, then allows me to watch her pee, both normally, and silently, spraying directly on the porcelain. She shares intimate, erotic secrets with me, as she continues to pee, on the toilet.
    1 point
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