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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2022 in Posts

  1. So for those of you who've been following me, I'm a 57 year old married mom of three now grown boys. As you may know I'm quite open-minded about where I pee and also I've always been quite suggestive to my boys, who've become very bold about peeing anywhere. My husband however has never really been very interested in peeing wherever. Now with that said, he's quite reasonable when we're outdoors, hiking, boating, ect, but not at all naughty. A couple years ago he and I along with my mother were driving halfway across the country for a family event. I can't drive for long, so my husband drives a
    17 points
  2. It was really the best anniversary ever for me. My husband's always been so shy about even peeing in places like locker rooms and group showers where everyone pees, so for him to do so in a nice hotel room was certain never expected. We both looked at one another and asked each other if we understood her right, she was telling us it's alright to pee in the room, just don't soak the mattress or chairs. Before we left to go out I peed from the bed into the carpet and my husband sprayed it randomly around the sitting room. Again when we arrived back that evening I backed up to a wall mirror and w
    6 points
  3. Hi everyone, Sorry for the long silence, work was horrible and I had no time to write here. But, now that I have a little time for myself… In my last year of studies, (technically, it was work, but I was really a paid student by my government), I had to move to another city. I did not have that much money, so I had to find a landlord that would be willing to accept me. And that’s why I ended up, for a year, in a really tough neighborhood. My building was full of big families, single workers and many single parents. Of which was D., who lived down the hall on my floor an
    6 points
  4. I originally wrote this up for another forum, but thought y'all might enjoy it too! I finally got to try a long-time wetting fantasy of mine Saturday! And man, was it worth the wait. After a truly hellish Christmas with family, my husband (29, kinda looks like David Tennant) and I (27, blonde, slim, AFAB nonbinary) ended up returning to our home Friday instead of Sunday as originally planned. We decided to spend Saturday aggressively relaxing. To help achieve that goal, we each took a weed gummy. I'm very much a weed lightweight — didn't try it til last year, when we moved to
    4 points
  5. There is some fun in the library and on the bus, and and the girls take Collette shopping and drink coffee. I suspect that @WetMart and @Ms. Tito might like this episode. Part 22 As usual mum woke us up with our cups of tea. I just started to pee where I was laying and recapped how many times Colin had serviced me. "Two." I said. Erica said. "Two." as well. At least we had been treated evenly. Mum must have realised what I was doing. "Hurry up and finish peeing, I can't stand here all day holding your tea." I lifted the duvet and was almost overcome by the
    3 points
  6. My date and I were at this trendy club, dancing and having a few drinks. Now, as explained in Part 1, I was wearing a see-through lace dress and no underwear. It was getting late and we decided to call it a night. My date called the limousine to pick us up. As we were leaving and walking to the limo, it was quite chilly and I was cold, having left my coat in the car so I didn’t have to deal with it at the club. It must have been a combination of the drinks, the cold air and the almost nothing dress I was wearing. We no sooner left the club when I whispered to my date, I had to pee. He
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  7. Im new and a little embarrassed about my new found kink. im into wetting, sexual or not, not so much anything else though. excited to meet like minded people
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  8. So late last night I decided I was gonna masturbate and I didn't think I was going to squirt because I've been struggling with it lately so when I masturbated last night I didn't put a towel down, (I usually put a towel on my floor) so when I started masturbating within two minutes I squirted/peed on my carpet 😅
    2 points
  9. I guess I have a little different take on this than most. While conceding that some appearances are more attractive to me than others, I think what is far more important is one's health and how well the body functions. Perhaps one can heed the mantra of architects and designers, "form follows function." I find that when I can do something well, I feel and usually look better. I put much of the blame for our poor self-image on society, with its unrelenting advertising and marketing messages. They're always trying to sell something - a product, a pill, a course or perhaps some costly t
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  10. Last night I went to a house party which, having many guests and only one bathroom, led to inevitable peeing outside from both male and female guests including myself. I stepped outside when nobody was around and peed at the side of the house, quickly readjusted my clothing and went back inside. At the end of the party in the early hours I got the train home, a journey of around 20 minutes. I noticed another guest from the party got on the train and came to sit opposite me. We were the only people in the carriage and we got talking about the night. He was an attractive guy, a little youn
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  11. Oh memories, i would bet my whole months salary on that every guy who is born before 1990 s have eyeballing those post sell catalogues and those women nickers pages specially in their teens. Nowadays internet has took that joy out of us.haha😅
    2 points
  12. I agree completely, if you think the world in a perspective of a young female it can be harsh. I think it is much much easier to us mens accept to our bodys and i think it is more socially acceptable to be a little out of shape, but there is so much pressure towards young females what should they look like. Actually that was the reason why i did this post in a first place, as i have heard it from so very different womens mouth. Basically they speak often how they should atleast lose a little bit of weight or they think their but is too big, legs too thick and so on. All of them are beauti
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  13. I have a couple more episodes planned.
    2 points
  14. I went for a long walk on a beach today because it was very low tide and a there was unusually much to see. On the way back toward the parking lot, I saw a woman climbing some "dune cliffs" and immediately suspected what she might be up to. What I mean is slopes above the beach (on the opposite side from the ocean) that are as high as low cliffs and quite steep, yet rather than being solid rock or eroded sandstone like regular cliffs, they are covered with sand and beach grass like dunes. Due to being so steep, it would not have been a good place to sit down, and there were paths farther up/do
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  15. Always good to know someone is peeing, even if you can’t see much. There is actually something wonderful bout a girl hiding in plain sight - I.e you can see her, she knows you can see her, but she is hiding sufficiently to pee anyway. I seriously wouldn’t worry about other people noticing you investigating the puddle. Maybe the lady herself might be suspicious, but nobody else would even link the two events - even if they noticed you at all. Even the lady who peed would probably not consider that the reason you climbed the dune was to investigate her damp patch unless you did it i
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  16. That's what is so great about this site - everyone is accepting, encouraging. No matter what it is you think you would like to try, someone here has probably done it, and will encourage you. My suggestion - be yourself, don't worry what anyone will think - we will support you and make you feel accepted. And nothing, I repeat, nothing is lame
    2 points
  17. youre gonna make me blush haha it seems much less lame now surrounded by everyone
    2 points
  18. I play local football (couple of groups of mates, 5-a-side sort of stuff on local parks). No toilets on the parks so I just wet myself whenever I need to go. This is usually during slight breaks in the play when some of us are sitting down for a quick rest, but if it's raining I'll pee any time as you're wet anyway so no-one notices. Walking home I'll slowly finish off any pee, undressing from the dirty football kit in the back garden (avoiding dripping pee in the house!) before heading into the shower. Also do some leisure cycling (mostly roads / surfaced trails). If others are around I'
    1 point
  19. Well I peed in the boot (trunk, for our American friends xx) of a Rolls Royce today. Made a lovely puddle of which you will see the pictures when I get home from work...... does peeing in/ on expensive things gain any cudos? I don't really know, but I do know it made me very horny 😁
    1 point
  20. Hi Just a quick anecdote from the past weekend. I went to small town nearby the city i live to go the xmas market and see xmas light switch on. I was needing the toilets so I went to the public loo in the town centre. I however did not realise they were redesigning. The toilets are in a gap between and behind two shops so they are not full visible from the main square. It is in it own mini square behind two shops. I realised they had redesigned the front and the entrances to both mens and women had changed and been relocated. However the insides have yet to be actually refurbished
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  21. I've browsed a few videos on there this morning and it seems about 50/50 whether they load or whether I get a white screen with an error that the site is down. It's definitely not happy.
    1 point
  22. Indeed I did...and I did 😉
    1 point
  23. Welcome here and to you discovery of your love for peeing. I think we have all stumbled into it in one way or another. The slight taboo element adds to the attraction...
    1 point
  24. Splendid, you must of wanted to cum after?
    1 point
  25. That’s fantastic. Maybe people do pee as much as she said but I doubt most cleaning staff are so accepting of it.
    1 point
  26. Delighted that you enjoyed it! Just writing it up turned me on all over again.
    1 point
  27. It's a tough one, @willinglywet. But I think there are movements that are perhaps gathering pace that try and counter the stereotypical 'beautiful body' concept, and promote acceptance of what we look like. The generic "Body Positivity" movement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_positivity is one; the specific Body Freedom International movement https://bodyfreedominternational.com/ is another (though the latter is pretty much focused on using nudity as a way to accept bodies for what they are: diverse and beautiful. (And at this point I should explain that as a part-time, fair weather naturi
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  28. A rare female urinal
    1 point
  29. First time that I've seen this site, perhaps fellow enthusiasts have posted links from and to it before, but it's new to me and seems to cover all angles of the scene. http://videos.apornstories.com/piss/
    1 point
  30. I used to sail, I raced a 23 foot yacht that my father and I owned when I was back in Sydney, Australia. One day - in winter - we had a race, I was sailing single handed, it was a cold, wet day, and by the time I was halfway through, I needed to pee. Normally, I would just unzip, and pee of the back of the boat, but since I was the only one on board, I couldn't let go of the tiller. I was getting more and more desperate, but I though I had my wet weather sailing pants on... so I just let go in them... the relief, and the warm feeling was so good.
    1 point
  31. Wow - what an amazing and closely run awards... Firstly I'd like to say a huge, huge thank you for the awards of Best Forum Contributor and also Fiction Award. I must admit when the awards were announced, I did allow more than a little wee to leak out. The benefits of a black dinner suit of course. That wasn't the only thing that gave me a warm feeling. Looking at the nominations, it's great to see lots of new names in there from year to year. I'm still a relative newcomer compared to a lot, but new names coming in shows just how alive the site is, and growing. As @Sophie touched on -
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  32. The first award is for the best forum contributor. Who has contributed the best to PeeFans this year? It doesn't necessarily have to be quantity, quality is good too. There has been so many amazing posts over the last twelve months so I think this will be interesting. The nominees are - YellowKitten, Kupar, Bacardi, Gldenwetgoose and Pop-A-Squat and the winner is... @gldenwetgoose ! Congratulations! You have made some excellent contributions to the site both in posts and moderation, please come collect your award.
    1 point
  33. I'm originally from a small village in Eastern Europe where it was quite common for everyone, especially the guys to pee outside as there were no public or roadside restrooms anywhere. After moving to the states and having children I took the boys back where I grew up for a few months in the summers, starting when they were around 7 or 8 years. Even at that age they were quite surprised to see the cousins, uncles and grandfather just stepping out onto the porch for a pee, doing so along the roadside or into the streets in town. Of course in time they noticed everyone did so and no one seemed t
    1 point
  34. I am away from home for a couple of weeks in a small town. I went out on Friday night and hoped to find some sightings. I got a couple of actual sightings, one very near miss and saw evidence of a few more female outdoor pees. The first sighting was excellent, but overall the night was not as good as I had hoped. i started by driving through the town I am based in, but it was really quiet so I drove on to the next town about 20 mins away. Here My hopes got raised as I had an excellent sighting of a girl peeing in a narrow street at 10:45 (details in next post) and I hoped that would se
    1 point
  35. Following my wet jogging experience (see my-morning-run) I decided to go out early immediately after I had dropped the boys off at school in order to avoid the two old ladies and further embarrassment. Thankfully although I did have to squat in the bushes again I did not encounter them (or any stray dogs). During the week a comment from (@Alfresco) got me thinking and maybe for the first time in my life I could turn an accident into a pleasurable experience. I decided to take his advice and nip into the bushes once I was sure I had been spotted. Reverting to
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  36. A few pics taken pre-run - hope u all like them.
    1 point
  37. I've done this when I lived in Alabama years ago. She was quite the catch and such a beautiful woman, the whole package intellectually and physically. I contacted her and chatted a little over a week. I told her I was a little shy and have never been with an escort. She was quite nice and accommodating! She asked what kind of experience I was looking for during our time together. It took some beating around the bush, but I finally told her about my love for watersports. I provided some detail about what I like and she was quite receptive! I told her about my love for satin, jeans/le
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  38. Just in case you've been away, let me fill you in. I am a stay-at-home housewife because my husband's income is well enough that I don't need to work. I could work, but when we married he encouraged me to just stay home, enjoy my quiet time alone, and keep the house tidy. I know this may sound like a stereotype to a lot of women, but I love it. Especially now. I recently found out that my 21 year old daughter enjoys wetting herself and had even wet her carpet in her bedroom a few times. I offered to allow her to continue, as long as she kept it from her father and brother. She shyly encourag
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  39. It happened only minutes ago! I went out in my garden for my usual Good Night Pee. I hadn't peed since I had supper four hours ago. I had a large can of beer to my meal (which was Pasta alla Carbonara, my speciality). I spent a nice evening, mostly reading. I opened a bottle of red wine, which I totally emptied, why I opened another, of which I consumed about half. It was a very pleasant evening, and I really enjoyed being all alone with a good book and red wine. When I stood up to prepare for bed going, I realized that I was pretty tipsy. But it felt good! I went out in the garden, and sta
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  40. Similar experience walking down the emergency stairs in London tube station to the lower platforms, as I went down the winding iron stairs I saw just below me a middle aged but not unattractive woman squatting to pee, skirt up round her waist, knickers down, showing me her bare bum. As I walked past she was just starting her pee. She looked up at me a bit guilty, and said, sorry. I said don't apologise. I was so turned on I quickly stopped in front of her a couple of steps down and squatted down between her legs to watch. To my complete surprise she was not fazed at all, and carried on peeing,
    1 point
  41. I had a very interesting night out. Since I have a habit of sometimes going into too much detail, I’ll post it in two parts. My date invited me to his house for a romantic dinner. He told me to wear the sexiest outfit I had. Since I knew this night out would lead to more than just dinner, I chose a dress that I hadn’t worn since my days as a stripper/exotic dancer. It was an ivory, see-through lace minidress, that I would never wear in public for fear of being arrested for indecent exposure. I had a matching thong, which I decided to not wear, but put in my purse “just in case”. I pic
    1 point
  42. I'd enjoy reading those stories as well. I agree, there may be roots in childhood although whether its "nature" or "nurture" is an open question. I remember being told as a kid that it was OK to pee through my swimsuit when I was in the water (including swimming pools) and remember my mother sometimes peeing outside when it wouldn't have been too inconvenient to make it to a toilet, and being allowed to do so as well.
    1 point
  43. OK here's a short story based on a true sighting of sorts in Scotland some years ago. I was driving on a 'B' road which for non UK readers is a single track road, often without much room for two cars to pass in places. For this reason Passing Places are provided where possible. These are small grassed cut outs at the side of the road you can just pull in to to let another car pass - I'm sure you know what I mean. Anyway I needed a pee - was at the point of holding myself through my trousers. Then I saw a Passing Place. I pulled in and switched off the engine. It was a deserted road, and th
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  44. A few years ago,i was out on my own having a little country walk,when 2 very fit sexy girls on a run or something ran past me,and onwards.About 50 yards ahead they turned off to the left,and i saw them running down a track.But about 100 yards on they stopped,and began to look around as if no one else in the area,i was just strolling,but could just see them in the distance sort of thing.Anyway next thing,they both bob down out of sight,i guessed they were both having a piss.So i just leant on a fence,and waited as if not taking any notice.About 30 seconds later they reappear,and run onwards.So,
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  45. I was talking to the churchwarden at the church that I now play at about the sh** that was left at the back door to the hall, I know that men peed at the dust bins by the gate and that females peed in this door way). I was saying about why not extend the cctv to cover that door, he said it had not worked for over 15 years, (I thought that I could get to see females pee there if there was a camera put there but no). He then went on to tell me a anecdote from his past. As a young policemen, he was assisting an older officer in keep an overnight watch in a town center shop to combat recent burg
    1 point
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