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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2021 in Posts

  1. Note: This is my first post on this website and I intend to remain some what active, please feel free to ask me any questions 🙂 Note 2: I am intentionally being vague for the sake of this individual's privacy. This experience of mine wasn't of much significance to me at the time, however a few years later when I learned how abnormal this experience was, I decided to glue down that memory and protect it from slipping away into the mists of time. I was in my second year of french preschool and my teacher (I'm pretty sure she was in her 30s) would generally wear cords
    10 points
  2. Note: This is my second post on this site so please give me some slack if I've posted it to the wrong place If there's a video you like on Youtube, then you can generally rest assured that it will still be there the next time you want to watch it, porn on the other hand is a whole other kettle of fish. Especially within the sub-genres porn you'll find that stuff comes and goes really fast if posted by a non-verified users on many websites. I feel that as a community we have suffered immensely from events such as the recent mass-purging that comprised of the majority of the platform's vide
    3 points
  3. Here are some more photos of a little playtime with Lily. We shared some wonderfully erotic times together where we always took great fun and pleasure in pleasing each other. We always tried to do something sexually new each time we got together. One of my favorite memories with her was checking out a sex club in Florida north of Fort Lauderdale many years ago. Neither one of us had ever been to a sex club before, so we were both apprehensive and excited at the same time. We were pleasantly surprised to see how clean, comfortable and well-arranged club turned out to be. When you entered the cl
    3 points
  4. This is a long-time fave:
    3 points
  5. I would much rather pop into an alleyway, behind a building, behind parked car etc and pee there than wet myself. If there was nowhere discreet and I had no choice I'd wet myself but only releasing a little at a time so as not to leave a telltale puddle at my feet. I usually wear dark clothing anyway so it wouldn't be too noticeable. I don't like being wet though so my definite preference would be a quick wee somewhere out of sight.
    3 points
  6. It was a Saturday morning and Abby was bored out of her mind, she'd been working all week but now it got to the weekend she had nothing to do. She knew about an immaculate black Audi S5 that was kept just down the road, she went by this car every day and imagined what fun she could have with it. Abby decided that later on that night she was going to see if there was a way she could take it and have some fun with it, then put it in her garage. A few hours later dressed in a black leather top, leather skirt and black heels she went down to where to car was kept and to her surprise it was un
    2 points
  7. Yes , I did, but we were too young to know about sex, and had no idea why we thought this was interesting or even exciting somehow, other than curiosity how the other peed. We never play any games like Ill show you mine if you show me yours. On several occasions my sister who is three years younger than me would jump out of our little pool when she had to pee , squat and let go, peeing through her bathing suit. She would grin and say can you see it ? Can you see my pee coming out? I was very interested and wanted to see but with the pool water running off her it was impossible to tell wh
    2 points
  8. What a beautiful pert bottom !!
    2 points
  9. I would have loved to have had her for a teacher. I'm sure I would have learned something in school that would last a lifetime.
    2 points
  10. Last saturday night I went to a club with to friends ( girls) . When we left the club , outside was cold and raining , so we asked a friend of one of these girls that were with me to give us a ride . This guy works as a dj in the club where we went and he had to be paid by the club after performing , so he told us to wait for him in the car and gave us the keys . At one point one of the girls that was seating next to the driver seat said : “ I really have to pee, I’m going to pee myself.” So me and the other girl suggested her to open the door and just squat and pee outside the car , but
    2 points
  11. I think this thread subject is quite erotic and deserves to continue.
    2 points
  12. It's funny how some threads take off and others don't. I am a fan of wet. So I'll post a couple more pics here ... if this flies, great. If not, never mind - it's not really why we're here!
    2 points
  13. my mood and outfit at the time dictate what i would rather do. i don’t often wet pants, so if i’m wearing them, i’ll usually find somewhere to pee. but, since i tend to wear skirts and dresses more often it isn’t usually an issue. i’ll wet under those and not think twice about it. 💕😇
    2 points
  14. That's a really good question. In normal terms I'm absolutely with you that in public I'd prefer not to walk around in obviously soaked trousers for all to see and judge me on. Also in a northern England climate, what starts off as a thrilling warmth very quickly turns chilly on the legs. That's fine for a 'public' situation like a park with wooded areas or a street where there are alleyways, car parks even doorways. But of course peeing in public runs the risk of exposing myself and the social unacceptability of that. So there may be situations - perhaps standing in an airport immigr
    2 points
  15. i just love looking at women's bare bottoms
    1 point
  16. Ok this is a question I want to know and this happened to my wife. Long story short me and my family were on a road trip stopped at a Burger King/gas station my wife knows about my pee fetish. Anyway her and my daughter go into the bathroom I noticed a lady went in a few minutes before they did. I'm a good 7-8 feet from the restroom door now take note I know the sound of my wife's pee stream. So as I'm there waiting on them to come out I hear a extremely strong pee stream it was so loud it was like the restroom door and the stall door was open. So my wife and daughter come out standing next to
    1 point
  17. That is a truly beautiful bottom. Very kissable!!
    1 point
  18. "Mum, can I go to the toilet? I really need a wee." "You're supposed to be making a good impression." "Huh?" "Don't huh me. What will the Dean think if he sees you enter with bone dry pants? Now go wet yourself now before you make a bad impression" "Ok mum." *wets self*
    1 point
  19. To answer this very specific point, I can only speak from my very limited experience of having a wife who relatively recently (in the last couple of years) has been happy to indulge my desire for pee play with her. I can say that the experience was as erotic as I had hoped it would be, and more, and there was absolutely no disgust about her flow and smell. In part, perhaps, that's because we've been very open with peeing in each other's presence (not for erotic stimulation or amusement) for some 30 years before turning it into something that on occasion is sexual (let's face it, peeing isn't s
    1 point
  20. For me, I would generally much prefer a quick pee in public - even if some people could see me. I'd be far less embarrassed about someone seeing me peeing for 30 seconds than countless people seeing me in wet clothes for the rest of the day. The only exceptions would be (a) On a beach - I'd wet myself through my shorts as people wouldn't think anything of wet shorts on a beach. (b) Wearing dark trousers in a place where I thought I could get away with it and they would either not look too wet or would be dry before anyone is likely to see them. (c) Where there really isn't anywhere to g
    1 point
  21. I confess I haven't really worked out all of the details yet. The story started out as a sort of 'stream of consciousness'. I don't totally know where I am going with this.
    1 point
  22. Love to drink it to, (the taste depends on what you eat ) a good diet really helps, but once you get turned on by drinking it , youll be hooked!:)
    1 point
  23. Welcome to the site. I'm pretty much in the same boat you are. I hope you find what you are looking for
    1 point
  24. I have from time to time, from licking a finger to on occasion drinking from a glass. The big news, it never tastes the same twice - well that's not strictly true but you know what I mean. On the occasions where I've been holding overnight or for not too hydrated I wouldn't recommend it, very bitter and strong. But there have been times when perhaps I've had a few beers, browsing online a bit and have decided to fill the empty beer glass next to me. Then in a fuzzy moment have decided to sample its contents. In those well hydrated circumstances, it's not my favourite drink but not vomi
    1 point
  25. Now that she is aware of my peeing interest, I just wasn't really ashamed anymore to talk about it with my girlfriend. I sometimes ask her to pee in specific places, which she always does, but more about that later. As is already very clear, she has no inhibitions about peeing and has never had them, so I knew she peed outside frequently before she met me, even though most of her exes found it very unladylike and tried to discourage her to do it. However, she didn't care and just peed as she thinks that holding is bad for you. So knowing she had peed outside so much, I asked her what the weird
    1 point
  26. I love waking up to this woman @YellowKitten I love you.
    1 point
  27. i'd say it depends on the situation. i've purposely wet myself in public before but i was more confident with the risk and could quickly go away after. it would be different if i was stuck somewhere like a long line in the bank and not intending to wet myself although, not entirely ruling that out lol if unplanned i'd prefer to find a place lift my skirt or lower my pants and pee there. but now that i think about it, if there was nowhere to discreetly go in public i might wet myself - it looks more like an accident that way compared to taking your pants down and going on the floor
    1 point
  28. Bristol's best for peeing when the Harbourside festival is on, the temporary toilets come out all weekend including open sided urinal troughs. As the booze flows, so does the pissing.
    1 point
  29. lol. almost always. 🤭 and while i often do it on purpose knowing i’ll need relief, its also amusing that its like one of the few times peeing fun can be had and be considered acceptable.
    1 point
  30. I would rather pee in public, go in a doorway, in an alley or by some cars and piss rather than wet myself.
    1 point
  31. Definitely pee in public. If motherfuckers wanna cry that they don't wanna see me peeing, then don't fuckin look.
    1 point
  32. Good point. I was about to say that it's generally pee in public rather than wet trousers, but then I thought that I actually enjoy wetting ... but much more so when the circumstances are controlled, such as on a hot day in the garden. So back to peeing in public I think. But it's a close call.
    1 point
  33. I never had any intentions on tasting my own pee BUT only two weeks ago I tried it out. I took a massive piss into a tiny bucket after an hour of intense desperation. I was so horny afterwards that for the first time I experienced this strong urge to take the bucket and chug all the pee inside down my throat. It was a very odd feeling ... but I didn't do it, it felt like it would've been to much. What I did though was, I put my index finger into the warm pee and then I licked it off. That was the first time I ever tasted my own piss. I'm not gonna lie it didn't even remotely taste as bad
    1 point
  34. I find for women this is one of the few places where it's as acceptable for us to pee as it is for men. It's a place where every woman can do so noticeably and can slowly become more casual and bold without judgement.
    1 point
  35. My wife's Ford Fiesta comes with an almost identical looking funnel in the boot with the spare wheel. 'Apparently' it's because the car's fuel filler is one of those spring-sealed things, so the funnel allows you to fill the car from a fuel can. That's what the handbook says anyway - but I reckon they're very much multipurpose...
    1 point
  36. I also think it is very common for mothers with children to pee in swimming pools as suggested here. I too have a close female friend and on many occasions I have spent the day with her and her kids at a local pool. Most times we are there the entire day, like from 10 am to 6 or 7 pm and during that time does anyone use the bathroom. She will bring a big cooler with snacks and drinks for everyone and I usually grab some beers or coolers to throw in it as well. It didn't take either of us long to admit to eachother that we were pissing in the water every so often. We are often sipping on b
    1 point
  37. Interesting to see the results of this pool, especially now so many people have voted. A variation for me is that I'll always pee in the pool in preference to showers, locker rooms and other places. I must admit it's almost an obsession for me to use a public or hotel pool as my personal toilet - peeing into the water as much as possible during my visit. It's selfish I know, showing no concern for other swimmers, but that's exactly why I get a sexual thrill from it. Ever since I was a kid I've enjoyed the warm feeling at my crotch as I stand hip deep and begin to pee. My pee steam in
    1 point
  38. So about half a year into our relationship, we went on our first holiday together. Obviously, we had had sex loads of time at this point, were naked around each other lots of times and also peed in front of each other already. I was still ashamed to talk about my fetish to her, so she was unaware of my interests at this point, so it wasn't anything sexual related. She was just raised very open and loves to talk etc. So whenever she would come over to my place in the weekends (which is about an hours drive), she would tell me about her week and those kind of things. As the drive was long though
    1 point
  39. I have a thick strong stream, and my stream distance is really good I'm trying to break 9ft distance.
    1 point
  40. Here's one for those of you who use the rails. You don't see this at the train station everyday!
    1 point
  41. $1 million? Conditional immortality? Hyperintelligent lower lifeforms? Obviously, the only solution is to become a super-villain and train an army of sentient hedgehogs to keep the snail at bay.
    1 point
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