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  1. We continued meeting on this basis for about 2-3 months in total. The last time we had this type of meeting, we decided to drive around a little bit. We had found an area with a lot of nature, where we could walk around for a little bit. We decided to drive there by using backroads and have a picknick along the way. We brought a lot of food and drinks and set off. After about 2 hours of driving, we decided to pull over for a picknick. We ate and drank and after about half an hour decided to drive on. After another 1.5 hours of driving, we reached the area we wanted to walk through. By this poi
    5 points
  2. I love reading BB's and Alfresco's sightings! I fantasise about being caught watering down a wall or tree by a friendly urophile. It would be great if I was walking around this town/city (no idea where this is, by the way) looking for somewhere to release the beer I had drunk. Heading for the steps/subway that you talk about (I don't think I'd want to pee in the churchyard), lifting my black skirt/dress and positioning myself into the corner whilst BB was wandering around, looking for sightings. He catches sight of me - distinctive because I always wear black - and immediately becomes ar
    4 points
  3. Hi everyone! This is a new story, perhaps a new multi-part story. It's about the fantasy of, basically, being a rich guy who can do whatever he wants. So just a warning - everything is consensual, but there is a big imbalance of power between the characters, which might not be to everyone's taste. The story also contains nonchalent peeing, sex, and exhibitionism. ############################ It was a gorgeous day in early June, and Cohnfaise House and its grounds glowed prettily in the afternoon light. The drive that wound towards the house was swept clean, the grass was freshly mown
    3 points
  4. This is a wonderful discussion and both @Alfresco and @Big Bear have brought up some fabulous points. I'll attempt to add to that a bit. I think the key to finding sightings is to just put yourself in a position to get lucky. A few years ago on a different site I posted something about the 5 different phases of sighting likelihood. It did not get much traction but maybe would do better here if I repost it. Anyway, part of getting lucky is repetition. The more you look, the more you will be able to recognize the signs of ladies that need to pee and when they are likely to throw caution to
    3 points
  5. I can't speak for the other staff, but on a personal (and slightly uncharacteristically blunt for me) level, what you wrote has me far to aroused to do any deleting. Hopefully I still count as one of the 'mature' attitude guys, in which case I'd be more than happy to keep guard for you in your moment of need (if Mr E doesn't mind). Same thing applies for definite in the pub toilets. And 'as you were' may take a few minutes.
    3 points
  6. I can only speak for myself, but I do it. I don't sit to pee, except if I have to. Yes, I am a clitoris owner. A biological female. Like most boys, I would imagine, I learned outside to begin with before doing it in the loo. Though these days, I tend to use the sink to save water.
    3 points
  7. Ok. I'd thought I'd give a short experience of what I saw. Flashback to 2012, I turned old enough to drink legally (in Canada it's 19). I was at a festival that was held at a nightclub backyard parking lot. I drank and smoked a lot at the festival (away from my family and with my friends). The bathrooms had a long line for the women, and the line was made worse because 2 of the 3 toilets we're broken. So the owner and manager said it was ok for the ladies to use the men's room. A little bit later, I had to pee so bad (4 beers, 3 mixed drinks, some water and 1 weed filled cigar went
    3 points
  8. I do the same. Especially with sightings. Always hard not to because, as you say, its a split second decision and afterwards I always think of what I should have done or should have said in the moment but with everything happening so quick you just do what feels natural at the time. Definitely gets easier with experience to know when to do things and when not to. I agree on this too, for people who only get a small number of sightings it can be much easier to remember and make them more special. I usually make little notes when I get sightings but even with those notes there are sighting
    3 points
  9. A few of us had gone out after work for drinks and had been to a few bars before we ended up at the karaoke bar. With it being Thursday and student night the drinks were cheap and the karaoke was fun so we decided just to stay there. We ended up there longer than expected and were shocked when the bouncer came round asking us to drink up and start heading out as it was closing time. We finished our drinks and made our way outside and whilst a few people set off to walk home the rest of our group headed down the street a little way to the taxi office. When we got there two of my friends or
    3 points
  10. i was in the park with my nieces today getting some fresh air, and there was a group of young girls probably my age (late teens early 20s), and for context this park is only tiny so there’s no bathrooms there, just a playground and some tables to eat at i was watching them out of the corner of my eye while i was there and eventually two of the girls got up and went over into the bushes for a few minutes before coming back giggling so i can only guess what they had been up to behind the bushes theres a bench right near the bushes so i might have to sit there in the future to see if i
    2 points
  11. All Along the Watchtower. Got to be done from time to time.
    2 points
  12. *blushes* That's quite funny! Laughing with you, not at you. ☺
    2 points
  13. http://www.dumpaday.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/funny-urinals1.jpg I have legit seen these irl before. It was still in the mens room tho.
    2 points
  14. Yes, totally. I don't see sightings very often - because I don't have the opportunity to get out on my own, but that is my doing, not because the sightings are not there to be had. Yes, there is a big element of luck as in whether you find yourself in the right place at the right time, but you can influence that luck significantly by looking for the signs of previous peeing, finding areas where there are large numbers of people outside where there are no toilets; nightclub queues, bus stops, fast food outlets are likely candidates. One thing you absolutely have to accept is that you won't
    2 points
  15. I'd say that there are a good few clues in the story that the daughters Lisa and Chiara are definitely adult - certainly aspects of their behaviour point towards that (and we've no reason to think @737DK737 is writing about underage children. If so then we have a bigger problem with this story). I imagine most people drew that conclusion too - in general though most people are happy to stroll on past anything which doesn't attract them without the need for comment.
    2 points
  16. It has been a little bit silent in my topic, but that doesn't mean I don't have any more peeing to tell about! Corona is unfortunately an ongoing thing, so for the time after the meeting I described in my last post, we kept meeting on the same basis. We didn't sleep over at one another's place anymore, we just met up somewhere outside, did a lot of walking and would return home in the evening. Luckily, there was no curfew in our country during the first corona wave last year, so we could make these evening as long as we wanted. Ofcourse, we didn't like the basis on which we had to see eac
    2 points
  17. 1 point
  18. Have you considered installing a waterless urinal in your home?
    1 point
  19. Note to admins: please don't delete the comment!
    1 point
  20. Peeing on my door and threshold like a dog marking its territory, would love to see you marking yours https://www.erome.com/i/okrksXBv
    1 point
  21. Stumbled across this while scrolling... I've always been pretty dominant even when it relates to piss, usually preferring to control a woman's hold and make her pee wherever I pick out, but this for some reason is awakening a whole different side of me. It surprises me to admit, but I'd LOVE if a woman or two vandalized my property with their piss and whatever else they felt like doing. It's just so... hot. Hell, I'm considering finding someone to do that for me irl haha.
    1 point
  22. Warte mal... können Sie deutsch sprechen?
    1 point
  23. Someone I know very well once told me, she tried as a very small child... Well she saw her younger brother make the step from pure potty pee to standing in front of the toilet. And if he could, then surely she at one year older than him could stand too. Not above but in front of the toilet. Apparently her parents found it amusing and didn't punish her when they were cleaning up the mess.
    1 point
  24. Fun fact: the Cubs stadium legit used to have Ivy growing in their urinals
    1 point
  25. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6yxGyjnj0zg/TV_a4sloa8I/AAAAAAAAAI0/OBPJBHdLO7U/s1600/urinals.jpg
    1 point
  26. I’d say they are 18-25 and you can choose whatever you think fits them best.
    1 point
  27. People who claim that that outdoor peeing never happened live in a well literally. I have seen it all over the world and not just today but for long. The degree of maturity and confidence level has gone up today as compared to the past and ladies are not concerned with privacy of their genitals as long as they are not being leered at by jerks. Also today you see far more ladies who have managed to wet themselves but thats probably due to sociological changes as in the early days if a woman managed to wet herself outdoors for some reasons she would make an effort to leave the venue whereas toda
    1 point
  28. Good too see you back Eli and thanks for the latest photos. We are just starting to get out and about ourselves and including a few outdoor pees.
    1 point
  29. When I first joined this website, my girlfriend had suggested that one time I could pee on her pussy to see how it felt. It took her some time to become comfortable with the idea of actually telling me but I'm so glad she did. I joined the site and got exploring and I found so many different ways that I enjoyed pee - especially watching self pee or panty peeing videos. But when I mentioned it to my gf, she avoided discussing it. Fast forward a year and we finally opened up very recently about the extent of the fetish. The other day, we change things up a bit and we do this fun exibition s
    1 point
  30. Hi from Texas too! Wouldn’t happen to be around the Houston area would you?
    1 point
  31. Uh oh! Eliminature is annoyed. Apologies, but I need to vent my spleen a bit. I'm freshly back from a hiatus (again, I'm sorry for that, but because of lockdown and cold winter, my mental wellbeing and libido was on the floor) and one of the first things that I find is what appears to be a recurring theme. A male newbie who expresses a preference for what I am known for - women peeing standing - all well and good. However, he then proceeds to give me a list of his predilections and tell me that I "definitely have to" try them, that he wants to see live action videos and asking me am I rea
    1 point
  32. Well, has it really been two and a half years? Where has the time gone? I am really sorry that I didn't get back to you guys and let you know about the rest of that weekend with Charlotte. To be honest it is all a bit hazy now, but I do remember that we went for a couple of walks and peed in the great outdoors a few times. Anyway, back to the subject of this update. I have been missing holidays and adventures - especially with Covid putting a stop on any further possibilities of cruising for a while. You can imagine that I was very pleased when the lockdowns started to lift a
    1 point
  33. I very definitely always replay things in my mind - not only for pee sightings, but in other aspects of life. I just wonder how else things could turn out. The biggest problem with pee sightings is that you don't have time to consider the options you make a split second reaction and have to go with it. Although I constantly wonder what could have been improved, as my Dad always said, the most useless sentiments in life are "If only". It is too late, you can't change it. But with a bit of luck, you might use the experience to change your approach for the better next time. Well, I
    1 point
  34. I often think about the sightings after the event and wonder if I should have reacted differently in order to improve the experience for myself and also to put the girl being spotted more at ease. I certainly don't want to upset the girls or make them feel violated. For example, Sighting 6, I kicked myself afterwards for missing the opportunity to offer her a tissue. I am sure she would have accepted and it would have improved the sighting. Sighting 7, I maybe should have said something when she called me a pervert - just pointed out gently that I was only walking past and that I was so
    1 point
  35. Dear Wet Carpet My girlfriend and I were having a few drinks in her living room when, after a while, I began to notice her squirming and getting a bit fidgety. I could tell she needed a pee and said so. Probably because I was a bit tipsy I joked that she looked rather sexy in her desperation, She just jokingly called me a perv but there was a glint in her eye. She smiled at me in a rather lascivious way and laughed, "All right you perv I can't put it off any longer. I'm gonna have to go upstairs to the bathroom and pee". Then with a naughty grin she issued an invite, "You wanna come up an
    1 point
  36. When I came home, I realized that I would have to go outdoor a few more times today. It's hard to come up with something new every time, and parking is a bad permanent place. There is a park near my house. I decided not to pee at all during the day. I'll save up and pee in the park in the evening. For the next few hours, I worked at the computer as usual, sipping tea. In the evening it is already hard to continue this. I dressed like in the morning, only put on a hoodie on top, did not put on panties and went to the park. In the evening there were quite a lot of people, and t
    1 point
  37. Welcome to the site look for to reading your posts.
    1 point
  38. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
    1 point
  39. welcome thanks for joining! 🙂
    1 point
  40. I was stood by one of the ATM's on the street of bars talking to a group of older guys who had gotten in line and we were having a bit of banter when three girls came and joined the queue behind them. They were all looking good in some very short and revealing dresses. They ended up joining in our conversation as one of the girls had a sash around her that said "Happy 21'st Birthday" and one of the guys commented on it and wished her happy birthday. We all did the same and then they just ended up talking with us and after a few minutes they suggested going to the other ATM on the corner of the
    1 point
  41. At home, Colette had taken to having a wee over her bedroom carpet if she awoke in the night needing the toilet. The need in her bladder would wonderfully diminish as she sprayed her bedroom floor with the hot fountain of piss leaving her pussy lips whilst she listened in the darkness to the sound her pee made as it splattered over the carpet. In the morning all trace of her piss puddle would have vanished and it was such a wonderful way to have a wee that Colette had been even more adventurous one night, sneaking downstairs to squat in the corner by the sofa before spreading her legs and allo
    1 point
  42. It was while I was still in school. Hearing girls talking about needing to go just starting sending images through my head which made me tingle inside and really made me curious to watch. Then when I got my first home desktop a few years later I started looking up images and found it really turned me on. Not a really interesting story but there you go.
    1 point
  43. It was 5th grade for me. Little Lacie had to pee real bad, so she asked the teacher if she could use the bathroom to which ms. O’rourke said no. She began to rock back and forth in her chair with desperation. She even had her hand in between her legs. She was so desperate she looked like she was starting to cry. Lacie said “ms o rourke I don’t know if I can hold it, please let me go or I’ll just get up myself and leave!” When the teacher finally relented, Lacie ran out and slammed the stall door in the bathroom so hard down the hall you could hear it echo. Then when she returned she looked hap
    1 point
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