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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2019 in Posts

  1. I didn't do it.. I don't know why I didn't. Whether it was a fear of what I would do to people here or a fear of the other side. I don't know Part of me feels like a coward. Like I wasn't brave enough to do it. I'm currently laying in the grass in the park just staring at the sky. There's a light breeze flowing through my hair and a smell of freshly mowed grass. I'm listening to the song wait for it from Hamilton. Part of me is glad that I'm able to experience this, while the other feels like this is stolen time that I don't deserve. I'm sorry I dragged everyone into this
    10 points
  2. After spending years on other forums, glad I stumbled here
    5 points
  3. Very glad that you have reached this conclusion Raven. We are all here for you, and hopefully the flood of messages in such a short time shows just how much everyone does care about you. You are loved here and please don't ever think otherwise. I know it's impossible to see right now, but the feelings you were having are temporary, so please please do talk to someone who can fully help you through this. Also, a sincerely huge thank you for everyone's kindness in this thread. It is yet another reminder that this is not just a pee site, but a community of incredible people. ❤️
    5 points
  4. @Riley I hope you are still there reading replies. What you believe about yourself is WRONG. I've had problems with believing myself to be a burden to people as well and I realized that it was my own negative mind. Whatever hell you are going through right now is temporary. It will pass. The people around you that are making you feel this way are not seeing what a gift you are. Listen to everyone here. You are an intelligent and wonderful person and the beauty of who you are shines when you post here. You are the kind of woman that most men want to love, but can't find. You can overcome your i
    5 points
  5. There are alot of ppl here who care about you greatly, even if you dont believe it... it's TRUE. No one likes you becuase of anything other than who you are.
    5 points
  6. Raven, PLEASE DON"T EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING!! Please be sharply aware of how much we all love you here, you have been an exciting inspiration to us all in so many ways and having you with us FOR EVER is so, so important. Knowing you as we do I'm sure you have other beautiful friends around you too. If I were alongside you now I would give you all the support you need to lift your spirits, and to keep you on the straight path through life, in the important company of loved ones, of which you have so many here. The messages of support here just confirm that to you, beyond any doubt. Lift yo
    4 points
  7. Part of that beauty is having you in it. It would be less beautiful without you. And my life would be sadder (which isn't something I need right now).
    4 points
  8. Riley, seeing you still here brightened my evening just now. I was thinking about you. I sent you a pm earlier and hope we can talk more. And I hope you'll stick around and let us all help you see in yourself what we see in you.
    4 points
  9. Please don’t go Raven - at least take time to think about leaving. You have people here you can talk to.
    4 points
  10. @Riley - ok, so I'm about 18 hours late - but going to contribute anyway. We DO deserve to deal with the issues that you, or any other member may be experiencing - it comes with being part of this community. We look out for each other. In your earlier post you mentioned pretending to be happy for the sake of the community - you don't have to do that, and to your honesty of telling us you're hurting is more valued than any false smile. All the people who have commented care deeply, even though we cannot claim to know you closely. You bring an amazing contribution to the forum which
    3 points
  11. I think my first was when I was in Junior high school. I took the bus home from school, then had to walk about 10 minutes to my house. I always had to pee by the time I got home. On this particular day, I arrived home and saw my mother's car wasn't in the driveway. She usually visited family members or ran errands while I was at school, but most times made it home before me. Of course the doors were locked and I didn't have a key. I sat down on the stairs and started homework. I remember the urgency growing pretty quickly. I waited a long time, but knew I couldn't last much longer. I s
    3 points
  12. Raven please don't do go. I know it seems like the hell you're going through will not end, it will believe me. There are many many people here that care for you, they will talk to you if you need them to. I've never felt the way to do so I can't say I know the feeling. I do know that talking to someone will help, whether people here or other loved ones in your life. Please reach out to someone
    3 points
  13. Please don't do it.
    3 points
  14. You wander the darkness Trying to find a light Searching along the horizon Being encountered by everlasting night You wander the great haze Trying to grasp the world While it slows you down And drops you to your knees You feel the dirt between your feet The cold across your face But questions burns through you Ones that you struggle to erase Will I be remembered? Will I die with no story? Am I but a blink in history? You run around the world running out of time Clawing at every corner
    3 points
  15. @Riley Thank you for this One of your greatest creation (maybe the highest) and one of the best things I ever read Life is a place we all are strangers to, as we cannot speak its Language, and every Language seems hard and every land hostile, until you learn to speak properly Pain is a Language, and when you learn how to speak it, you're not a stranger anymore in life, and everything becomes clear, and marvellous...
    3 points
  16. It was my first day at the university and the butterflies were dancing in my stomach as the coach pulled up outside the tall imposing building of the main university campus building. I followed the other girls out of the bus to be greeted by an elderly lady smartly dressed. She introduced herself as Mrs Dowding and proceeded to shepherd us inside where a group of smiling girls were waiting for us. Mrs Dowding then went out to read out a register, calling out our names at which stage a girl from the crowd would come forward to claim us as their new roommate. My turn came at last and I was intro
    2 points
  17. @Riley I’m not qualified in any way to help, but I can tell you as someone who’s been there....don’t give in. Don’t. Checking out is not the answer. I’ll follow suit and offer an ear in any platform you’d like if you need a listener. I’m sure I’m not the only one here who’s been there and fought that evil back. You can, too. You already have. Continue to fight and KNOW that you don’t have to do it alone. I’d be willing to bet that on this site alone, there would be people available to listen around the clock. I’m not sure where you are, but I’m up almost every night all night
    2 points
  18. Riley you are not a coward it just means that you are NOT broken enough and isin't that good? If we didin't care for you do you think we would even try to save you then? Go get help now❤
    2 points
  19. Raven Blackinksoul30 REALLY does care about you the the other people and me on this site do aswell and please don't do it if you want to talk about feel free to PM i'll listen 🤗
    2 points
  20. Well there's your problem, you have piss in the carburetor hahahhahahahahahaha.
    2 points
  21. Raven don't do it please. Just lisstnen to me it's all in your head YOU ARE LOVED. i know you suffer from anxiety and that makes you believe those things i prommise you that you are a loved person. Sure you might not be the most popular girl at school but shes problaby a bitch anyway YOU ARE NOT. What do you think your mom would do if you killed yourself? Do you have a pet? Are you going to just leave it all alone then?. Look i've been on your path i know it feels like everyone hates you sometimes and that you are just in the way but believe me it's all in your head. Just put the damn knife aw
    2 points
  22. Just those evening you were mentioned in the cuddle a forum member thread by @Pissdrinker people do care Raven xx
    2 points
  23. Raven, you don't "plague" this forum you make it better by being here, and there are lots of people here who care, if you're really feeling that low you really need to be with someone, maybe one of your friends, and maybe get some help? Mike
    2 points
  24. Today and it was to a members pic they had taken, super hot! I bet I’m not the only one who has done this either. I absolutely love this forum.
    2 points
  25. @Riley Wow this is really incredible, what a masterpiece. So true, so true, and so straight in your face.. I love it.
    2 points
  26. Ouch… something tingled down THERE... WOW...
    2 points
  27. My lovely friend, your words are a light in the darkness Thank you for these words I would love to award her with a ticket for this but my hands are tied to the correctedness of Challenges… but be sure that my heart is lingering around her words Never felt so much sensibility and pain… marvellous...
    2 points
  28. If it was up to me i would actually give you a gold ticket for that. If you use your pain the right way it can get you far see what a masterpiece you just wrote out of pain?. Emotions are tools you just have to use them the right way for the right thing and you can build anything.
    2 points
  29. Oh she’s LOVELY, the way she’s looking at the camera like she’s deliberately sharing the experience of peeing in the waves with us. The sensibility, the vibe behind it is a lot like @Audrey81‘s posts (but A. would have shown us a thicker, stronger pee stream!)
    2 points
  30. Ok - so I'll grant you there isn't actually any peeing immediately going on in this picture... but all the signs are there, right? Who's going to produce the biggest puddle?
    2 points
  31. "Toilet Girl" This is one of my favorite examples of erotic art, featuring a woman peeing. Her wanton facial expression, very open peeing style, separating her lips with her fingers, clothing, and its arrangement, all indicate that she is enjoying herself, and showing off her sexuality, which is intimately connected with her peeing. Although it is a black and white hand drawing, it shows plenty of erotic detail, including her stream splitting into two streams, above the seat, and some pee dribbles on her left thigh, above her stocking top. So the artist is quite skilled, and the picture i
    2 points
  32. Wow thanks for the replies you have all proved once again what lovely people you are and the reason I post. I feel much better for putting it out there and reading your replies. I don't think my husbands attitude has changed that much he does show support and sympathy as long as he is not effected and this is the issue. Yes his comment to my little man was underhand and hopefully a one off. THANK YOU XX
    2 points
  33. I usually pick the quote portions but this post deserved to be quoted in its entirety I cannot say anything else than thank you: it is such an Amazing comment And I absolutely agree with EVERY SINGLE WORD YOU WROTE Greetings!!!
    2 points
  34. Has anyone heard women peeing in porta potty or outhouse? myself I have 2 times heard in porta potty. I was on going to take a dump on porta potty. Then I heard door opening and closing. Opening the lid and taking off jeans. Then starts dribble hitting the bowl tank. Then starts gush hiss hitting the bowl with dribble sound. It was very nice sound that I don’t have heard before. the another was. When one girl entered on side porta potty. Her stream started directly with hissing noise. It was very loud, I did got instant erection after that. share
    1 point
  35. I'm sure there has been a thread with many examples of how urolagnia and art 'meet'. But let's mark out some definitions, perhaps we need to identify and separate the 'erotic' from the 'porn' Is the example I give art or porn? I would argue that it is both, look at the lighting for instance, that is a decision the photographer has made, how the light 'sculpts' along the sensuous line of the female body. The way the pubic area is lit, a natural blonde? Then there's the vessel, glass, it also alludes to some kind of chemistry equipment, or even medical. If it is pornography, then it is in the ve
    1 point
  36. Ok so one summerday me and a few friends decided to hang out. I had drank tons of water because of the heat and it was about a 30min subway ride to the meeting point. Anyway i already had to go when i got there but it wasn't that bad but one of my friends suggested " hey why don't we get something to drink and just chill on a bench somewhere" i wanted a drink sure so i had a large redbull about 500ml ( bad fucking idea) anyway the urge got much stronger and we were hanging out for about 4h until we said goodbye. and on the way to the subway i was looking for a alley or something but didin't fi
    1 point
  37. It was indoors, and quite nice carpet with a pattern so nothing showed. It was quite fun to be emptying my bladder completely, and twice, while sitting right opposite my boss. The food was spicy hot so I had to drink a lot of cola.
    1 point
  38. Allow me to speak in Brutus favour as I am afraid your mentioning with the @function missed to work, it must be blue like @oliver2 to be working Brutus is the most calm and smart person around here, sometimes he can be STERN but is Always reasoned And it is true that Blackie saw anything as invasive. To me is not a reason to decrease the enormous esteem I have of her, what the fuck, I had worse shit in me until I changed, we all are crooked for some reasons (or it means we are shallow superficial useless creatures) so I absolutely do not judge Blackie's demons as all important
    1 point
  39. Welcome, @naughts. Always nice to read about peeing at the beach or the lake. Part of the attraction is the suspicion that many people are doing this, and who would know? (Though someone who never goes to the public toilets has got to be doing it somewhere...)
    1 point
  40. Found one more for ya
    1 point
  41. Since there is an overwhelming male presence on peefans I thought it would be nice to have a girls only area. I really like this idea and I think some female members on here would appreciate it. I think it would bring the female members closer together as a form of unity and women empowerment and help self esteem. A lot of time girls make posts that do not become 'popular' they get buried in general chat. To have a 'regular' separate thread for just girls i think would be awesome! And help other girls feel like they are equally represented and encouraged to be here.
    1 point
  42. Showed the wife this post. She would be totally game for this. She said drinks would be mandatory before hand. She said she would pee for you however you would like. Lol money talks with her hahaha
    1 point
  43. Here are some really good porta potty hidden cam captures. https://xhamster.com/videos/porta-potty-hidden-cam-8628835 https://xhamster.com/videos/blackcat-wc12-11207704#mlrelated https://xhamster.com/videos/pee-surprise-public-porta-potty-9823250 https://xhamster.com/videos/voyeur-spy-cam-wc-toilet-7-10091668 https://www.xvideos.com/video41610699/porta_potty_voyeur https://xhamster.com/videos/nightvision-portopotty-peeing-adventures-action-packed-9036831?utm_campaign=embed&utm_content=9036831&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=pornado.co%2Fvideo%3Fid%3D1_9
    1 point
  44. Oh if I had money I'd make a few suggestive offers too. @Sophie could earn a few grand just by christening my kitchen floor or living room carpet. I make a genuine offer but she would know there was no pressure whether she was up for it or not. Tis a good moment to have a lady piss on the living room carpet cos I need a new one anyway.
    1 point
  45. I won a lucky dip! Absolutely 🙂
    1 point
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