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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2018 in Posts

  1. no real reason. it’s just been a few days and i felt like i needed to rub myself to climax. 🤪😇
    7 points
  2. Me feeling quite pleased to meet you!xx
    2 points
  3. Felt like being a bit naughty
    2 points
  4. That’s every reason. Hang on... why does anyone need a reason anyway?
    2 points
  5. I love this photo. I have it as my desktop background now. I hope you like it too.
    2 points
  6. Sorry to put you on here puddyls,but your recent photoset today was irresistible!!!!!They tick 99% of pee pic boxes!😊 Like this one,just saucily yanking down your panties,is a 6/10 alone!
    2 points
  7. Hi everyone, sorry I haven't made much of an appearance on this site lately, but I have a fun story to share! Last night I went to a Halloween party with my boyfriend at his friends house. He and I have been experimenting with pee play more and more lately so I was eager to find an opportunity to pee somewhere unique sometime during the night. Naturally, there was plenty of drinking going on so before long, my bladder was filling and my inhibition was lowering. My first couple of pees were just regular boring ol' toilet pees, but once I got pretty drunk and had to pee again, I grabbed my
    1 point
  8. It's November now, and summer's long past (at least for those of us in the northern half of the world), which means for most people, swimming season is over. But that makes now a great time to look back and see what everyone did during it! Before I say anything else, I just gotta point it out: Swimming pools are a special sort of thing to pee in. Within the sorta niche of naughty peeing, they're both really normal and yet extremely thrilling to use. On one hand, all kinds of people do their business while swimming, merely out of convenience, yet on the other, where else can you pee and gu
    1 point
  9. When everyone finally met together in the main area of Kirby’s, they decided to move to one of the large booths in the back corner. Tommy was on the left inside nearest the wall, with Susan next to him, then Tammy, and Janice on the outside. Across from Tommy, also near the wall, was Cheryl, followed by Tara, Kiki, and then Danielle on the end. It didn’t take long for all of them to fess up and share what just happened. They were all a bit surprised by how they weren’t hesitant, but it all just came spilling out. “I can’t believe we met you all,” Susan said. “These three just got me
    1 point
  10. so, i won't be able to get my guy to participate in a golden shower, and it's been awhile since i have done any myself, plus not really enjoying it, anyway, i'll have to do a story about it. ( @Sophie) so this came about while chatting with one of my fans in a PM, and i was actually so enamored by it that i asked if i could adapt it for here: casually chatting, he drops a bomb. it's not a big secret, but definitely not something we have talked about before in depth, or even that he has witnessed, save for a few occasions hiking when i've squatted near by. "I love the idea of pee all
    1 point
  11. I guess I COULD have gone in and used the toilet but what's the fun in that?! Accidentally got a little on the car 😬 Anybody up for a road trip? I don't make many stops!
    1 point
  12. What are your most moving or stirring quotes,made by anyone from History?Please can we keep this to REAL characters or situations only,start a movie one of your own by all means....i like tons of movie quotes myself.... You can give it word for word,or kind of paraphrase it,for brevity.There are obviously hundreds,if not thousands. One of mankinds most stirringly defiant must be that of Churchill,to the Empire just after Dunkirk. In it,he basically is kind of goading Hitler to try invade."Hitler knows he must break us in this island-or lose the war"..then ends with,"even if the
    1 point
  13. Did you get off anyway?What did you think of?
    1 point
  14. Nicely done puddyls!Myself 2 in 36 hours!😊
    1 point
  15. Haha!! Well I would bet that you aren't alone in your opinion! Many members probably read this story and thought "Okay fuck this guy, I'm outta here" but never forget that your harsh judgement here is the same thing society would say about all of us for having any variant of a pee fetish, including yours. They would say "Yuk and disgusting" at you for simply being here. His enjoyment of pee doesn't have to match yours. Seat licking is a popular niche of the fetish. As far as knowing if it's true, how would we know that anything posted here by anyone is true? It's easy to make up a fa
    1 point
  16. I drink a lot so it probably would be!
    1 point
  17. Hey Fannywatcher. This is a great topic. There have been so many throughout history. It's hard to decide which ones are most prolific. I'd have to say that my top two are: "There's a sucker born every minute!" - P.T. Barnum "All religion is bunk!" - Thomas Edison
    1 point
  18. You make a valid point ... other questions might be: "Are you looking for somewhere unusual?" or "Do you prefer public or private?" or "I have an idea ... do you like being naughty?"
    1 point
  19. i love the autumn..
    1 point
  20. This was today's outfit for me😂😂 I know it's like super late at night but better post it than never😂😂 I forwent panties and a shirt😂😂 The outfit was: Black leggings A warm fuzzy jacket A black sports bra
    1 point
  21. That photo is beautiful! thank you for sharing!!
    1 point
  22. Take heed of pauly’s words: drink lots of water. It’s the single easiest way to keep it from smelling. You may also want to drink water, then alcohol, specifically beer. Part of why we get dehydrated as we get intoxicated is that our bodies will pee at an accelerated rate, and it’s usually mostly dumping very watered down pee, so you’ll be pretty odorless.
    1 point
  23. Love your pics - thanks very much for continuing to post them 🙂
    1 point
  24. Your link is slightly wrong, it should be /album not /editAlbum Also see that you have added even more videos to it, nice! Keep sharing your adventures 👍
    1 point
  25. It has bugged me for ages why i like this fetish,i feel better kind of understanding.
    1 point
  26. https://peefans.com/topic/7910-site-rules/?do=findComment&comment=116533 5. Please consider and respect the views of others - for example, if several members request you remove your avatar for a reasonable reason (e.g. extreme content). As I can remember it was Admin's request not to use cocks, cunts etc. as avatars
    1 point
  27. Haha.. i guess we can call it destroyed. There is a bit of pee on the floor but from what I observed, it seems like it dripped from the side of the bowl. Like even the under seat is wet, which i will not lick. I heard her a few time pee from the other wall which was quite obvious and I noticed she doesn't even was her hands. I don't if she's a germ freak or just plain doesn't care. Once I spoke to the evening guy and he told me once he arrived to unlock the front doors to the building and she with 2 others but only her peeing down a set of 3 stair on the side exit because it had some cove
    1 point
  28. It's true! I am a man. It's occurring to me that I might've wanted to explicitly say so in the opening post, although hopefully the reference to my swimming trunks will prevent any straight guys from getting a mistaken boner about it. 😋 I've heard it often said that in England, you get something like one week of proper sunshine in the summer and then it's right back to the gloomy gray usual. I feel like that would encourage people to swim indoors a lot more, which also means they might swim in public pools more. Here in America, outdoor backyard pools are pretty much a way of life, but be
    1 point
  29. Oh yes it has certainly been a lovely warm summer here in England this year, which encourages much more swimming of course. I visit indoor pools when the weather isn't good (which is all too often here!) but there's nothing to beat an open-air pool in the sunshine. Either way I can't imagine taking a swim without peeing in the pool. I always plan ahead before a pool visit, not peeing ahead of time so I'll be in urgent need when I get to the pool. Having changed quickly I'll get right into the pool, then enjoying the relief as I let it all go through my swimsuit and into the water. Int
    1 point
  30. I was mowing the lawn and needed a quick low profile pee , I must admit it felt nice and before you know it !!
    1 point
  31. You're certainly not alone, many of my friends as well as myself walk over to the pool and relieve ourselves while sitting on the edge. I myself rarely swim when I take the boys to the pool, yet I always relieve myself there. Ironically, my boys spend the whole day in the water, but get out and run into the dressing area as they won't pass up an opportunity to relieve themselves indiscriminately.
    1 point
    1 point
  33. Sorry for the late reply. Your wish is granted😂😂
    1 point
  34. I went to the hairdresser’s this morning, nothing unusual in that, I go frequently, for colour more than anything. It’s small talk, weather, holiday’s etc. Flicking through the problem pages of women’s magazine’s, I alight on some poor thing writing with concern about why she was unable to ejaculate during orgasm, because; “My Boyfriend says, that other girl’s can do it”. My turn, the girl’s in the Salon I shall call X (Redhead) Y (Tall and Lean), Z (Puppy Fat). I feel the cold porcelain on the back of my neck as Z sprays my hair with luke warm water, before foaming the palms of her hand with
    1 point
  35. I didn't know what category to put this under but last night I was hanging out with a few friends and something super embarrassing happened. I pulled out my phone to fact check one of my friends claims and apparently I forgot to close out of peefans because when I opened it up I gazed in horror at my phone and close that tab faster than I ever have before 😂😂 we both looked at each other and I tried to just carry on with normal conversation but I could tell he knew what he saw. Everything was like normal like we continued having fun and whatever but I'm super worried now. Like will he think I'm
    1 point
  36. If it makes you feel any better, I think I caught myself in time, but I could have had it worse. Background: since some of the best girls peeing videos have a habit of disappearing, when I find one I want to watch again, I use a Flash Video Download extension to download it as an MP4, then upload it to a cloud storage I use. Well, I guess I forgot to upload the last batch. I had an offsite meeting and took my personal computer rather than my clunky work laptop. I downloaded a PowerPoint somebody mentioned, then went into my downloads folder to open it when I realized "Oh, shit! I forgot t
    1 point
  37. To be honest he probably didn’t see anything at all on your phone - and it’d be a bit rude to be looking anyway. He’s probably more intrigued by your reaction than what it actually was.
    1 point
  38. I'd have to say that it must be very common in the mens room, especially for boys in school. I've 3 boys and I'd overhear the 2 elder boys speak of doing so at school and at the time I was concerned they'd get into trouble for doing so, but it wasn't until I took my youngest there for swim lessons that I understood it's normal. Moms were in the boys room helping their preschool boys to change when the lady coaches walked through trying to hurry us along. A little boy was telling his mom "I have to go" and she caught the elder coach and asked where the toilets where. She replied, "oh, they're w
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I rules out peeing on a wall since I am at a disadvantage. However i do find the sound is different when peeing in a jug, just like I did in the tent, peeing on leaves and on a hard ground. I can actually feel the vibrations in my feet. Its different than peeing in a toilet for sure.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. I had a friend do the same thing once after we had been out drinking. Wish I had taken pictures haha
    1 point
  43. They never notice I guess because they are too polite to look. They know of course that I do it and just think it is funny - I guess that is the British way. They were all a little shocked at first i think, but fully accepting right from the start as soon as they knew. PP
    1 point
  44. I hate the way in which certain TV shows become like the kind of "bread and circuses" of the masses,like all the soaps,strictly come dancing,in which characters from the show,somehow get into some of the papers.Even on BBC news programmes.Soaps now seem to be the litmus paper of culture.They now promote "social issues" instead of being everyday tales of life,each episode now seems to promote gay rights,refugee problems.Things that most people in working life dont really think about.
    1 point
  45. Sprinklers Often times her clients preferred the use of receptacles, the clean-up was easier and allowed for relief in any room. Pauline usually liked to be a bit coy. Since she had a very good control over her evacuation, she would miss on purpose. "Can you hold the cup for me?" Pauline would say sheepishly. "I don't mind." "Ok, my stream can get a bit 'unpredictable.'" Pauline would start by shooting full force, next she would stop entirely and just dribble, that way they thought it was stable. After a couple of seconds, full force again, and then she would finish with just her norma
    1 point
  46. Growing up with only her father as a role model Pauline gained an affinity for helping people. Her father Pauly was a plumber by trade and would often take her on jobs when she was not in school. She learned the finer points of customer service and the benefits of working for others, especially in the town where they lived. Pauly had a good job, "Pauly Plumbs," he was a freelance plumber with a very faithful clientele. He made enough money to support his wife and young daughter and soon to be second on the way. However life took a bit of a turn when shortly after Nora was born, Noreen took i
    1 point
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