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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Note to all - Just in case it looks like pee01 has been talking to an imaginary friend, he hasn't been... for a very brief period jack9 had decided to give us the benefit of his wise (strong) views on life. However when jack9 got banned (yet again) all his posts disappeared, just leaving the ones you see above.
  2. I'm really sorry to hear that Marley and I'm going to completely echo what others have said. From my personal perspective I have a very strong view that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity, and it doesn't make any difference to me as to their sexual preferences, age, nationality, social background, pee preferences or anything else. I'm going to be civil and polite irrespective and will stand by anyone who needs a friend. Yes, I have my own sexual preferences but that doesn't matter. And from a staff perspective, the moderators are here to 'moderate' and we do that b
  3. I'm going to make a little leap of faith here (because I haven't researched so don't know if I'm right) and guess that PornHub want to be able to carry out their business activities as a legitimate business organisation. They want credit card merchants to trade with them, otherwise how do they make a profit, they want to build their audience which means being able to continue appearing in search engine results and exempt where government website content censorship is applied. The root cause as I see it in my simple mind is that all humans like to have their ego massaged. Some do this by
  4. I second @kalle2020 - It's an absolute delight to welcome in new members who are so open to sharing their fun with us, wether in written accounts, pictures or whatever - and long may that initial spark stay alive. Even if things calm down a little, you still have us all here to share with and hopefully inspire more naughtiness.
  5. Still beats everyone else sitting on their sofa...
  6. A little belated, but welcome to the community. You may have already figured it out by now, but we're a huge community of friends - where deep friendships can be formed and maybe even deeper than that... But we're not a hook up site, maybe then perhaps R U looking in the wrong place.
  7. I did have a scenario in mind for a girl in pampers - and that may happen yet, but in the interim this came to be.
  8. Bienvenido - A huge welcome to a very friendly community. It's great to have you on board here.
  9. Might be an obvious choice - but takes me back to the better moments of my youth
  10. And a very happy one right back at you!!!
  11. Cheers @lovestoseepee - in all sincerity it is very much appreciated. Everyone needs a friend to turn to now and then, and my door is always open too. I share your wish for '21 too - would be wonderful!!! Cheers
  12. I'd love to post something completely radical and off to an angle... but sorry, I'm not going to. For me the big thing is realism... I'm a huge fan of enjoyed desperation, holding, peeing, wetting and so on. I don't really mind if it's a 'real' amateur or a 'pro' model. As long as either of them are producing something convincing. In the case of the amateur we have a good idea they've filmed themselves because they enjoy it. With the professional model, there is also that chance they are doing something they love - but they could also just be acting the part. I love authentic dia
  13. Makes perfect sense, and real life snippets are always much more 'real' than made up stories anyway. You've got my vote.
  14. Two ladies find themselves in a desperate predicament at the Awards Ceremony. Female Desperation and wetting. Michelle glanced sideways into the mirror, taking in her side profile. Did her dress suit her, it wasn’t very often she got to wear evening wear and heels, she didn’t find herself completely at ease with the luxury of it. Was the colour too much? It was a very scarlet red. Could anyone tell she wasn’t wearing a bra? With that deep cut back it wasn’t like she had a choice. Was a one piece trouser suit the right outfit and most importantly, did her bum look too large? Ho
  15. I'm glad you did unlock it - there was one person missed in the closing speech, and the pedant in me can't let such an error go unchecked. YOU @Sophie - Award MC extraordinaire, the hostess with the mostest not to mention chief award researcher and compiler. Oh, and winner too. An awesome effort and just one of the touches which brightens up this little pee kingdom of ours. PS - Many thanks all for the Fiction Award - I am absolutely delighted enough just to be nominated, but stunned to have people voting for me. I'd like to dedicate it to the many people who've ins
  16. Hopefully a quick bump up the page will gain a few more responses - as a guy I'm hoping for a certain unanimous response. Not that it really makes a difference to me. I'm pretty sure my wife would agree with the preference for 'normal', she accepted me so that gives me a clue (or she's even easier pleased than that. Bless her lol). I do wonder whether, without getting to know the guy first, there's a stereotype assumption that anyone who places a high priority on their physical appearance is going to be very self-focussed, maybe shallow. On the opposite hand maybe a guy who works h
  17. Maybe there are moments that give you a particular buzz, like maybe in a shop with a cute assistant looking after you and feeling a warm wet glow which he hasn't got a clue about, or driving in your car feeling the warmth. Recycling a coffee with the girls... Just examples...
  18. The same could be said for any aspect of pee on this site - if we didn't post because 'everyone' wasn't into it then there'd be no content on the site. Tinkling in pampers is tinkling, just the same as in panties, jeans, mouths, in cars, trains, hotels, parks and beaches - so keep it flowing! If it did get too much we'd very gently let you know, but until then if anyone prefers not to see and read then they can just browse on past to other parts of the site.
  19. The last part of this year has seems to have been trying to kill off any dreams I have (and I'm now completely rewriting this an hour later because I'm not going to let it). It's easy to think that way when at every glance of social media, news and opinion I just seem to be reminded of the predicament the world faces itself in. The hypocrisy, the I-know-best attitudes at every turn. Honestly - I just want to get on with normal life. To be able to get back on aeroplanes, to travel, to have a drink with friends. Host our annual vintage festival in the open air with people able to vis
  20. Lots of like minded people. It took me a long time to finally sign up too - welcome to two-way interaction!
  21. Taking photographs of myself is a concept so alien, 12 months ago I barely imagined I'd be posting pics of myself online - but what a difference a year makes. I think I've said before - for a long time I've adored the female form, and felt like I was some sort of 'predator' for getting turned on by it. To know there's ladies out there who would like to see photos gives me something fabulous back. Hard to express... but appreciated more than words.
  22. And ironically, as you found out the other day, we specifically try to avoid being thought of as a hook up site - but it is always great to have fellow enthusiasts along.
  23. The car park doesn't have marked spaces - it's just a gateway leading off the road onto a square of tarmac with grass on two sides and old buildings on the other. I'd turned into it and parked straight ahead and where I peed was just in front of my car - there was a space between my grille and a railway sleeper type wood step onto the grass to stand on. Most of my pee splattered onto the tarmac, although I wasn't to bothered about splashes on the car and drips onto my walking boots. Next time I'll try and make it daylight - a picture tells a thousand words of course.
  24. That's awesome - Most of my mum's pregnancy was spent as a spectator at a local circuit, so I'm blaming my love of all things motorsport on having traces of hydrocarbons ingested pre-birth. My excuse anyway. Completely understand that any pictures could easily link to your 'real world' identity so you most likely wouldn't want to post any...
  25. No pictures this time - it was pretty dark, but later in the day after my tree piss, I was out at a local nature reserve type park trying to photograph a time-lapse of the sunset. After standing around for half an hour at just above freezing it was pretty chilly and the sun had set. I was just about done and decided I could manage a pee. Not desperately, but seemed a shame not to take advantage of a deserted car park. Actually I managed quite an impressive flood - more than the morning to be honest. Plenty of steam too, and shaking off after I was more than tempted to carry on with s
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