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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Nonetheless, almost any activity that exercises the body and freshens the mind is valid. It’s not about any competition- it’s about doing something- so great effort.
  2. Without actually having access to a real Sorting Hat, is there a way to decide...? or does one just pick one according to preferences? If it's personal choice I'm guessing there'd be an awful lot of Gryfindors and Slytherins, but not many of the other two houses.
  3. It's usually sink for me too - and for example today peeing as quietly as possible into a measuring jug during a Skype team meeting - not a video call boringly.
  4. I wonder if the laugh was a sort of '...and none of these folks know they're bathing in my piss now' reaction with her friend, thinking they had the upper hand. If only they'd known what a connoisseur was in their midst...
  5. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - lots of very likeminded people here too - hope you're feeling right at home. Just shout up with any questions.
  6. Brilliant inspiration - well done. Not only as said above are the first steps the hardest, but I do think that the hardest obstacle is our own minds. That's a brilliant amount of work you've done, and a very hard amount of work too. Well done for sticking with it. I think that's the part that gets forgotten - the weight loss, or in other people's cases whatever changes they make - ceasing smoking, drinking, training or whatever - the mental commitment involved is huge. Well done.
  7. Don't look, but.... Totally agree and totally hot @thisismywildside69 - you're totally spoiling us but please don't feel we're complaining. Love it.
  8. I'll see what golden words of charm and wit I can come up with next time.
  9. I'd forgotten all about posting this.... great bumping @Kupar
  10. Totally agree - we're not animals. Yes I'm a guy that has a thing for ladies peeing or pretty much anything related, and including discussions on the subject. So being friends with a lady who is open and chatty or physical... Well that friendship is worth a lot more than my base instincts. I'm not going to deny I may harbour some fantasies, but I'm not going to betray a friendship and trust.
  11. My most expensive isn't very exciting I'm afraid... A few years ago I was photographing a weekend event in Cornwall UK which needed almost every bit of equipment I own. Studio lighting, green screen backdrop, on-site event photo printer - a van load in fact. Hence I found myself driving over the Tamar Bridge on the outskirts of Plymouth in a brand new hired van - with only the 200 miles on it since I'd picked it up from the hire company that morning. Also driving with a bursting bladder - partly intentionally holding, but also not so intentional that traffic had ground to a crawl and m
  12. Sounds like there was a pretty strong counter-argument - 'well if only you'd said on the way home how desperate you were, then we could have done something about it....' I'm never quick enough or brave enough to say any of these things though.
  13. We're getting a bit off your own topic now... The house will never be empty too long, in the days when pubs were a thing (and hopefully in the future again) at night my wife would most probably be in bed or if it's during the day she'd be out at work. I'm not inclined to leave wet carpets and the like so that's not a likely option. The downstairs bathroom sink may be the closest, or perhaps if there's laundry to go in the machine then it may get a prewash. Similarly if for example I'd been cycling and were about to get in the shower and wash my kit. There's one spot near the back door
  14. it very much depends on mood, whether I'm coming home to an empty house - that sort of thing. In the case of a couple of beers it's never a long hold lol.
  15. It was an option - but to be honest I was quite happy to hold, for a bit of a 'make it home' challenge.
  16. Not me, but I have a very good buddy - a drinking mate who does have a fairly relaxed attitude to where he pees. Not aware that he's got an outdoors pee fetish at all, I think it's just a matter of not caring. Before now he's quite openly broken off a conversation to pee against a hedge or in bushes, that sort of thing. The most obvious though was last time I went out drinking with him - at the time during lesser Covid restrictions which meant one of the three pubs in our village was open albeit for shorter hours. At closing time, 10:30pm we walked back - only about 300 yards/metre
  17. It is every good local pub, on the corner of every local street where locals meet to socialise, build friendships, share their woes, celebrate the positives in life and search out sympathy and understanding for lifes harder aspects.
  18. Hi and welcome - hope you find yourself right at home.
  19. Hi and welcome to the community- hopefully you've been finding your way around. In terms of chatting, the site has an active membership - or at least an active core. You've possibly already realised the site isn't so much built on one-to-one chatting, but more on posts and comments and discussion on posts across the range of topics. It's a quick way to reach a wide audience. There's also the hatbox which can be vibrant at some times and quieter at others - all sorts of subjects and not just pee. Gold membership offers quite a number of benefits - primarily a big collection of pee vi
  20. Hell - that was great - definitely look forward to reading more!
  21. That depends where you're looking... If it's an image you've saved to a hard drive then your windows explorer or similar should let you see the file type as well as the name of the image. If you're looking at a picture in a web browser - and you're seeing only that picture without any border or webpage - then if you click the browser address, look for the .jpg or similar in the address... (see on the right it has .jpg) Now if you're seeing .html or .htm that's the webpage and not the picture, or if it's a video it's most likely not going to be the right ty
  22. Why thank you sir - very kind of you. It's weird, mostly self perception I think but I always tend to 'downgrade' myself when thinking of what I see in the mirror compared to what I see in others. I'm probably doing myself a disservice.
  23. At the bottom of the 'post' window where I'm typing now is the box to attach images - either by dragging from a window or by clicking on choose files. If you're on a phone browser it may give slightly different options, like take a picture etc. Either way there are only certain types of image files which can be uploaded to the site - still pictures which at JPEG format (name ending .jpeg .jpg or .jpe) or also .png and then .gif motion clips. So if you tried to attach any other types, like .mp4 or .mov or perhaps .pdf you'd get those kind of errors.
  24. In the words of Prefab Sprout... Cars and Girls
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