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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. When a short gif is nowhere near enough... Delicious
  2. Don't know what you mean. Before you answer - remember Moderators have powers...
  3. Continuing the story of Lisa the Wedding Belle and her wedding photographer. Some three weeks had passed since the test shoot with Lisa. I’d been through my normal workflow - filtering hundreds of images down to about a quarter, making some very minor tweaks. Colour temperature, highlights, a bit of contrast pop. Then I’d uploaded and sent Mark & Lisa a link to access the images. Our next planned meeting was to be the wedding rehearsal itself which would be in the week leading to the big day, but then I had a slightly cryptic text from Lisa asking if I could help her with some
  4. And on a less 'slit only' and more general Christmas Beauty theme - lots more at
  5. Look what I found under the tree...
  6. I'm glad you picked up on that lol. You'll be pleased to know I've started on the next instalment, although it seems to be getting to the action even more slowly 🙄
  7. Ok - a couple of related questions from me... If you were to travel anywhere in the world and you could choose any method of travel, where would you go, what would be your choice of transport and why? I know the world is a big place - so how about a semi-feasible realistic answer and then a money-no-object fantasy answer?
  8. Not a helpful comment - the answers above make it perfectly clear it's an individual thing.
  9. So glad you did summon up the courage, not just to write but to choose to join us and share with us. Welcome aboard.
  10. Not while I’m “appreciating“ these pictures... 😉🤣
  11. I have a mental image now of the pressure building inside a sealed champagne bottle, to the point of popping the cork. I can just imagine the surprise on the mortician’s face.
  12. I’ve just driven past a post office with a queue of people outside. I smiled a little bit.
  13. I was amazed myself.... It's got a few flaws around the tiny size of the lens, the sun flare at the wrong angles... but yes - it is amazingly good. Also it captures still images in RAW (so I can edit more forgivingly in post production) and amazing detail in the higher resolution video capture. I'm very, very impressed.
  14. Amy Williams... Just seen her featured on an old re-run of Top Gear. Gets my vote...
  15. Well, I'm obviously not your husband, but I say it sounds like you've got a good enough grasp of the priorities 🤣😂😉
  16. I love that simple and natural thing, just like (as I've said before) the openness and everyday conversation thing about needing a wee, squirming and the like. Great little anecdote.
  17. I think @Eliminature that's true up to a point - and as I understand it the prostate is the valve which prevents pee with an erection. With age though the prostate can introduce a few issues, like the reduced peak flow, urgent need and the uncontrolled dribble. That's my understanding anyway - non urologist too.
  18. That's me trying to think back to my works of fiction now then. Definitely guilty as charged as the guy writing the masturbatory fantasy. Although I like to think my writings have some feminine appeal too, from a certain audience. My proof reader seems to make the right sounds anyway. One think totally agreed though, as I hope the vast majority of us are, is about the lack of appeal around a medical episode. When the experience isn't enjoyable for you, then what sort of person would get aroused by it?
  19. Yes - privacy laws remain fully in force, so I'd still be likely to be getting a knock on the door if I'd been hovering over a naked sunbathing neighbour or the open air ladies's toilets (although maybe there is an argument I wasn't directly above...). The main CAA consideration in relaxing the restrictions is around the energy a 250g item would impart if it fell on your head. Not flying over crowds is an exposure-to-risk thing, flying over individuals is down to the risk of actually hitting them and the force imparted if so.
  20. Well - you certainly inspired me... first load in the machine too, nicely pre-washed.
  21. Keeping on the photography theme.... and perhaps with people thinking about treating themselves to a Christmas present... Drones Yes those maybe annoying aerial toy things - except that today's technology has made them very viable as more than a toy. High resolution photos and 4k video, stabilised and easy to control. Plus - and this is the interesting part - new regulations come into force in the UK from the start of 2021 - which IF you buy the right drone can dramatically extend how you can use it. Now here's a pretty picture.... If you're interested in the geeky UK regu
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