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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Just to build on what @Sophie said - it may be something on the Instagram side, to stop people posting their content on weird sites like ours. That's sort of how the message in the black bar reads anyway. But as Sophie said, worth a try anyway - it it doesn't work we can always delete the post for you if needed. BTW - In my late teens I was involved with a girl a few years older who educated me in lots of ways that school never did... including pee. Midori was her favourite drink, so seeing your username brought back lots of happy memories.
  2. If anyone had really felt the need to ask 'that' question, I'd be doing some rolling of eyes and biting my tongue to keep the sarcasm in check.
  3. Indeed - and it's at the 'real end game' desperation where the one-or-other situation arises. The catch-22 situation is that when feeling reasonably full I can really enjoy the fullness and the horniness, and if I allow myself the will power, prolonged masturbation. However as soon as I've cum, all the sexiness of the hold vanishes in a flash and it's just a 'need a wee'. But if I hold to the point of desperation where leakage or wetting is a risk (perhaps with it's own danger thrill factor) then the ability to be hard vanishes until afterwards.
  4. There have been quite a few articles over the years - for example this is a lot more balanced: Then there were also these, both posted on the site in the past: https://peefans.com/topic/2995-pee-in-the-shower-official/?do=findComment&comment=30406 https://summit.news/2019/10/17/norwegians-told-to-pee-in-the-shower-to-save-water/ and probably lots more too
  5. I think perhaps your shyness is the only reason the guy kept his job.... Depending whether you or your friend wrote a strongly worded letter to his boss with dry cleaning receipts attached and the suggestion of going to the press...
  6. I have a few issues with that article lol... It strikes me as written in the same was as many 'vlogs' - written because words can be written, rather than with any passion, argument, evidence or real discussion. Why can it not be talked about? What are the issues - the pro's the con's? Clearly the author is anti-peeing in the shower. A click-bait headline that promises so much, but then repeatedly puts down the whole idea... Such a shame.
  7. For me it seems to be very much one or the other.... Generally if I'm full and thoughts of hard-ons are in my mind it's because I'm in the sort of mood where I want to enjoy being full and naughty, perhaps looking at my favourite pee porn, gently and slowly masturbating whilst enjoying the thought of myself in that scenario (if I were suitable opposite-gendered). The problem is though that's ok at the point of fullness of 'yeah, I could go and pee now' but beyond that when it gets to the real desperation - pacing about, holding etc. then no way on earth will my body let me keep an er
  8. Excellent - perfect build up of the tension and a great read. Let's hope it's the first of many.
  9. With all the benefits of internet shopping at my fingertips I'll see what I can get airdropped in.... 🤣😀
  10. Sorry guys, must have overlooked the notification - and you're right, it definitely is a tough one. So, like any technical problem, first step was trying to break down into simple elements, and I think you may have given me a couple of gaps in the key information: Totally alone vs Commune of 30 nice, chilled, free-peeing, sexy men and women Internet vs No internet No videocalling vs No comms of any form some unspecified food & drink vs adequate supplies of food and drink (including southern French red wine and single malt whisky) Is
  11. And very pleased to meet you too @MidoriLemonade85 - a huge welcome to the community. Any questions please do just shout up.
  12. Very cool @Scot_Lover - sorts of puts it into perspective seeing the keyboard next to it, like 'The Borrower's' computer lol. And kudos on your man-cave. I can very nearly touch every wall if I stand in the centre of mine, and think I've got more junk crammed in it.
  13. No problem @Rider028, and the memory reads fine without the extra details. If you haven't found them already, the guidance is within the site rules (link at the top of each page).
  14. Continuing the tale of Sally and Tricia, with more of the same sort of content as previously. Tricia grabbed a bath towel out of the laundry, throwing it on the floor beneath where she’d sat, beneath where Sally’s desperate pee had pooled in her lap before splattering onto the tiles. As she did so, a multitude of thoughts flooded into her mind. Most of them definitely pleasant thoughts. Standing opposite was her best friend, swaying slightly, although certainly less than before. The friend she’d just shared a passionate kiss with, the friend who’d just unleashed her desperate
  15. Key thing is being able to do the Rectangular to Polar change. There are some standalone apps too - Theta+ is one. I worked it out because my drone has an automatic mode to create a sphere panoramic, but when export it just shows as a standard pano. You can play tunes too creating ellipses, or if you miss out the step to rotate the image you can get a 'stuck down the well' look too.
  16. Time for a techie update - a technique that anyone with Photoshop can have a go at. It may well be possible with other photo editing packages too. I'll admit it isn't my own invention, but it is too cool not to share... - First, open a panoramic photo in the desktop computer version of Photoshop. Ideally it should be a full 360 degree image, but most phones only do three-quarter panormaics. Just whatever you have. - Click Image > Image Size. Then make sure you click to unlink the Width and Height dimensions. - Change the height to be the same as t
  17. Similarly, I'm happy to be called pretty - although I would recommend Specsavers. More seriously though, I absolutely love comments like that @Eliminature and from any of the ladies. Growing up I not only felt like some kind of weird pervert, but also made me feel my desire to see naked female flesh (especially peeing) made me some sort of guy preying on ladies. To understand now that actually it's not all one sided, and a proportion of ladies enjoy the spectacle as much as I do is wonderful.
  18. Carpet tiles too tend to be very wiry and hard wearing, with no real pile for pee to soak into. The roll end idea is a good one, pick a section of a nice deep soft carpet and there you go!
  19. Glad you made it without humiliation.... but hope you got some pleasure from what must have been an amazing feeling of relief.
  20. A very good friend of mine once told me that as a very small child she saw her brother standing in front of the toilet, pants pulled down to mid-thigh as young kids do, peeing into the water. Being one year older, if he could then obviously she could too. Apparently her parents found it too funny to tell her off too much for flooding her clothes and the bathroom floor the next time she tried to pee just like he had. So possibly yes, having spent months being taught to pee on the potty and toilet seat, perhaps it does need some guidance as to what will work and what won't.
  21. I think you're right there... If men do talk about anything pee related it's generally in very macho terms, like perhaps talking about Russian prostitutes peeing on someone. Talk in real terms though, and I'm sure a lot of men wouldn't know how to deal with it. And if the conversation were to cross over onto menstrual matters.... that's a whole new fenced off minefield.
  22. Fabulous account - beautifully recounted... You two are so lucky to have each other. (I am a little surprised he ever managed to pee after that sight and the feeling of a naked @Sophie cuddled up close) Thank you so much for sharing.
  23. In the world of jogging / cycling (etc) it's said 'it doesn't matter how little you do, you're still beating anyone sat on the sofa'. I'm sure the same applies here - it doesn't matter whether you play all the time or never... I'm still in awe of anyone with any musical skills and talent. I firmly don't fall into that camp. I'm sadly well and truly on the sofa. I have lots of musical friends, professional and part time musicians and teachers... and whilst I know some of the theory I'm definitely in awe. A couple of years ago I was photographing a weekend music event for a friend and
  24. Please note that site rules have changed since the original topic was created.... Rule 8 has been clarified regarding using this site to promote off-site communications. For that reason any future discussions will be removed.
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