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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. If it was my office then you'd be welcome to use my chair of course.
  2. Do you maybe have a cup, say like a vending machine cup that you could scoot forward in your chair - or any other place for that matter, fill the cup and then dribble it around? Say on the carpet under desks, into any plants. Anywhere really where next week you'll know you left your mark? And of course if you drink the same in liquids as you expel then you'll be full again soon.
  3. Yeah, can see how awesome it would feel to sit in the boss' chair and just relax - but maybe a bit too risky lol.
  4. I'm really thinking that iy you're planning to last into the evening then letting out spurts is great (and very hot!) - but you could afford to let more out, it'll soon get replaced. So where have you always thought about taking a naughty pee if you had the chance in the office?
  5. Seems to me whilst it's so quiet something a bit more than 'gently' rubbing could be in order... perhaps enough to release a bit of current tension whilst not completely satisfying you. Or would that be likely to lead to an almighty flood?
  6. Ooh, the million dollar question..... and lots of other questions... Do you think your pad can carry on soaking up much more wetness before you end up with a delicious wet circle on your chair? If there's no-one coming back for the afternoon then perhaps that doesn't matter. Perhaps time to give the pad a break - but where instead? Office potted plant? Waste bin? corner of the carpet? Under your least favourite colleague's desk?
  7. Sounds delicious @peegirl99 - that's what Friday afternoons are for. Are you having trouble trying to hide the wicked grin? Fully behind your plan... if you need any encouragement just shout.
  8. Difficult times for a lot of people - although I don't mean to sound dismissive or suggest the issues you're facing are in any way not a big challenge for you. Similarly I've got no interest in prying and of course the issues may well be personal to you. All of that said, there are a lot of (well at least a few) genuine people here willing to listen. Even if it's not anything that anyone can change, it may help just to talk it over?
  9. Was their mission not “to boldly go where no man has gone before” In which case perhaps they used the ladies bathroom ? 🤣
  10. I was definitely thinking of the delight that @Oneshygirl19 would get from the peeing, just like Pauly has also touched on. I'm just thinking that a husband lay in bed saying 'whatever gets you going' is one thing, but then suddenly wetting in front of him could (a) take a lot of courage and (b) doing it in front of him could catch him completely unaware, unprepared and totally in the wrong frame of mind. Instead creating a fairly lighthearted 'Oops, silly me, come and look what I've done' could bridge that gap and sympathy can very quickly turn into a mutual bedroom (or just bathroo
  11. That's a very good point there... Even as a kid I had a problem with why aliens on Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr. Who or whatever were almost always bipeds so similar to earth mammals - yet supposed to evolve entirely independently in galaxies far, far away. So why do Luke, Han, Leia have such earth person like mannerisms - why do they smile when happy? Why do they do everything in a humanlike way, why do they wear what we think of as masculine and feminine clothes? And taking that line onwards they'd inherited the whole same culture towards nudity, sex and peeing as the movie writers and dir
  12. Just my thoughts for what it's worth.... As a first steps, and noting what you've said about shyness, how about a situation which could occur in everyday life - and that way there's less risk of him being suddenly startled, less risk of him reacting badly despite what he's said so far, and less daunting for you. What I mean is perhaps staging a real life scenario. I'm going to borrow an idea here from another member on the forum... For example, if you've been out and about for a couple of hours (on the way home from work, shopping, meeting friends or whatever) and arrive home despera
  13. Looking through the list there were several options, so I've gone for what I'm drinking right now... only soft drinks I'm afraid. As it stands this afternoon I've just finished the day's work from home, a washing machine ready to switch on and a pair of jeans on - nearly ready for washing. I'm not in too much of a rush though, so since lunchtime's last toilet (well, sink) visit I've been sipping away on a pint or two of cordial (squash). Otherwise, if it were an evening and I had the luxury of a night to myself then I'd be more likely to be on a beer - maybe a light coloured blond
  14. I'd happily settle for 2 metres away.... 😉
  15. Plenty of UK wetters about - well, UK based Peefans in general. I would encourage you to share in the open chat on the homepage and to participate in the posts around the site - a much wider audience and easier to get to know people than messaging. A huge welcome to the forum though...
  16. I know I'm in danger of opening a generally concluded issue back up here, and there's a risk I could come across as 'preaching' which I really don't mean to do... One of the best things about this community I believe is the open and frank discussions that occur in the general posts section, whether it be the sharing of pictures, links to particular video topics or discussions in general on all manner of subjects. Any member can post, and reply, can click to react to posts. That gives members a chance to get to know each other, to follow what interests they have both pee and non-pee relat
  17. Maybe I should abuse my moderation privileges by amending 'hay' to read 'straw' in my original post and deleting the comments of those kind enough to educate me. No - I appreciate the education 😉
  18. Interesting that it's all us guys talking about being in the mood or not in the mood. Yet when thinking in huge cliches and stereotypes we tend to think of ladies being affected on a monthly cyclic basis of rising and falling appetites and of course the stereotype of guys being constantly like a dog on heat. Less than a week ago the same topic was on my mind when I posted this >
  19. I think 100% you'd find every single person has to be in the right mood to really enjoy a naughty pee. So yes, totally agree with you. I'm drawing a bit of a line there in the 'really enjoy' - if I'm out and about in the countryside for example I've got no qualms whatsoever about peeing outdoors, but that's not always the same as being in a really naughty mood about peeing somewhere.
  20. Hi and a huge welcome to the site - as you can see we're a huge community and a great attitude. Just in case it trips you up later I'll explain in advance - a lot of people get flummoxed on how to post video - photos and gifs can be loaded directly to the site, but for videos they need to be hosted elsewhere and then a link pasted here. So if you've got videos on Erome, Pornhub etc it's easy - just paste the link. Enjoy and just shout with any questions...
  21. It's not so much about how massive an event, or how risky an event - it's about the feeling you get from it that counts. Great post!
  22. Opinion time people.... Anyone disagree that @puddyls has won the internet for today? Anyone disagree...? Anyone? 😉
  23. Hi and a big welcome to the forum. Looking forward to hearing more of your exploits.
  24. I must confess to having a huge fascination as to what goes on in stables.... I take your point about the clean hay, but I guess if you're in a stable about to muck out all the hay the horse has already wet and dumped in then it's no issue. Jodhpurs combined with the muscle tone of a girl who rides regularly, compared with the thought of wriggling them down to pee in the hay really do get me every time. (Sorry - got off topic for a minute there)
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