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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I don't mean to misdirect the thread... But is there a particular carpet anywhere in the world you'd really love to pee on? Maybe the oval office? Buckingham Palace? anywhere else?
  2. The guy's going to need a step ladder for that gloryhole.
  3. Amazing - thanks for sharing! Paints a very hot picture. To answer your question from a male perspective, and only really speaking for myself, but YES. By no means every day, and not in the case of a normal pee, but in the case of a naughty pee experience I’ve generally got myself excited about the prospect, then enjoyed the moment - and all that excitement has to be channeled somewhere.
  4. Hi and a huge welcome to our friendly community - it's a great place. Hopefully you'll have no problems finding your way around, but just shout if you need anything. Also worth a browse over our site rules and there's a help section here too.
  5. Just googled and found these, as I remember them.
  6. Well they may as well be unisex - just a room with a seated toilet and a sink. The only difference was the ones on the left had a lady’s sign on the door and gents on the right. Before then the gents was the usual room with urinals, stalls and sinks.
  7. Disappointing news... Close to my home is a large garden centre - quite an establishment, it’s grown from just plants to being quite a prestigious gift shop, outdoor clothing, cook shop, restaurant and farm food store. When the place opened it gained quite widespread interest for its garden themed urinals in the gents - six brightly coloured porcelain urinals each shaped realistically like a given flower. Today I was driving past and happened to need a pee - the perfect opportunity to ‘pay a visit’ and ‘water the flowers’. So, I parked up, donned my mask, had my phone camera
  8. Thank you both of you @speedy3471 & @Sophie. Looking at the small images here, the stars are too small to stand out and so the pictures just look like black rectangles. It's only when enlarged that you start to see any detail. Hence when I exported them from Lightroom I kept the image file sizes at original sized, the full camera resolution. I'm sure Speedy you'll see much better sights in your own backyard - we're a tiny island and so there's always someone else's light pollution in the way as you can see reflecting off the clouds. One day I will see the Aurora...
  9. Definitely a dream to be lived - I will put aside any twinge of jealously and say a whole-hearted welcome to an amazing community. Not sure if you have browsed around too much, but we are unlike many other forums in so many other ways. Not judgemental, respectful and encouraging always I hope. It's the sort of community where openly chatting is encouraged (more so than some people realise as they ask to PM other members) and the more you put in, definitely the more people you'll meet and get to know. So welcome - please just shout with any questions as you find your way about.
  10. I think the ancient people had various ways of trying to predict momentous events, like looking at the alignment of the stars and the planets. Today we rationalise and explain everything with science - yet last night seems to have been entirely without planning or coordination. Just three people all 'in the mood' to hold with relatively full bladders and a small number of enthusiastic supporters. Who knows whether it'll happen again tonight, next week or ever in our lifetimes lol.
  11. As a not-so-innocent bystander in all the action - three people at least all holding together I think it was - I'd say one of the most amazing moments I've seen on here for a long, long time. I absolutely adore being a part to things like this - and feel incredibly privileged that people feel safe enough and willing to share in these experiences. There is one person you've missed in the credits though @Sophie in terms of your husband who could easily be uncomfortable with all of us vying for your attention. We all owe him a big thank you too (I'm not being chauvinistic enough to suggest
  12. For one day at least I have a favourite place...
  13. Hi @navesink01 - welcome to the forum. I almost thought I was reading a statement of my own interests there, totally agree on the link between pleasure and enjoyment. Glad to have you on board.
  14. Would it not be worth posting them in the Men Peeing section? (It may just be me - I don't quite get the idea of talking to a couple of people one-one when instead you can communicate and receive back the positivity of the whole forum).
  15. Just now... just by the tree on the right lol. Dropped son off for an appointment in a town an hour from home, no parking on site but there is a park just next to it. This was the ‘alternative’ option given the toilets being locked. I had already checked where he needed to be using Google maps - an office building on a small business park. I'd figured that whilst I was waiting I could visit the park rather than just sitting outside an office for half an hour. As it was when we arrived at the building, the actual gates to the business area were closed with a sign th
  16. I don't mean to flood the site by posting the same thing in multiple topics.... so just this: https://peefans.com/topic/2620-boys-or-girlswhich-3-famous-celebrities-would-you-like-to-watch-pee/?do=findComment&comment=241791
  17. I know I've replied in the distant past... but I've got a substitution to make to my previous three... if that's allowed? Or perhaps even nominate one celebrity to watch three times? Helena Bonham Carter Last night we sat and watched the movie Enola Holmes, where she plays Enola's brilliant suffragette mother - singly educating her in a totally unconventional way (which I'm sure would have included how to pee without the need for a chamber pot). But my favourite go-to fantasy is of course her best known recent character Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Potter series. I
  18. Oh no @Bacardi - how horrendous for you, and guess your child suddenly became aware Mommy had an accident. One of those laugh, cry or just bawl at them moments. For me, also never intentionally as an adult. A couple of years back I'd been out drinking with my normal buddy on a midweek night and perhaps had one pint more than normal. I knew I was on the wrong side of drunk as I staggered and weaved home. Normally I'd stick with a cutoff point to stop drinking, but that night I'd stumbled over that line. Somehow I think I managed to get to bed without crashing about enough to
  19. Funny how a thread can suddenly shoot off at an angle like that... Personally anywhere outdoors is fine for me. Most places indoors too come to think of it. But somehow feeling a fresh breeze around my normally hidden away equipment just adds to the overall experience, and hearing my pee splatter onto maybe autumn leaves or grass.
  20. Not sure I'm an expert... What I would suggest is that practise may well make perfect. So, pick a bathroom that's not too chaotic or rowdy, maybe in a shop or somewhere rather than anywhere where you may feel insecure like a busy train station or dodgy car park. Maybe try and time it so you're full enough that you'd choose to go at home, but not so full that you're panicking about making it. Then hopefully you'll be able to just think of it as just like home, just relax and let go. It doesn't matter if it takes a few seconds or even minutes to start the flow - nobody else is taki
  21. Hi @Mermaid - welcome to the community. I think there are a lot of us here who have partners who do not enjoy our interest. It sounds like your boyfriend at least enjoys wet fun with you, so that is wonderful. Please don't feel bad about wanting to enjoy your own interests - personally I don't think it is betrayal but I understand what you mean. I think there is a place in your life for both sharing what your boyfriend and you enjoy and at other times enjoying your own special time too. I guess the key is upon doing it in a way that leaves no mark or damage - the same as many
  22. Welcome to the site - hope you enjoy it. Please just shout if you have any questions.
  23. I'm not sure I have a favourite place... maybe just any port in a storm, or rather anywhere convenient when in need? Maybe a whole city can count? Before this whole lockdown thing I used to do quite a lot of work for a major corporate client of mine (and a network of related work) in a city an hour's drive from me. Usually by the time I'm pulling off the motorway onto the roads into the city I'm at the comfortably full stage and it's generally good to walk in and start work without asking to use the bathroom first every time. Hence I have a network of spots - outdoor car parks in
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