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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Our friend 'dodges' is a recurring visitor - for very, very brief periods. He spends a while creating a VPN address, then an email address, then thinks up a new name to register on the site, spends a while typing out some vile comment. Then we click two buttons and he's banned again. I know who I consider to be the winner. All in a day's moderation...
  2. It may be flat (in fact there's no 'may' about it) but very beautiful and that makes up for it.
  3. Thanks - It was as I said an exhilarating experience. I knew I had a couple of hours before my wife was expected to finish work, and nobody else was due to walk through my house to the back garden and then into the garage - it still felt as much of a risk as peeing in the woods somewhere and I think that risk added to the rush. My personal kink revolves in a large part around a fascination and love of ladies peeing, when looking at photos or videos my mind is generally considering how it must feel for them and this sort of brought me a step closer to that. That w
  4. Well, disappointingly I've never really been into footy (soccer). At school near Manchester the local team were Bury, although they were always in the lower leagues and actually have now closed all together. I have to say I'm not a football fan at all really so there's never been a replacement. Other sports wise... I have a friend in the USA who has sort of got me following the Nashville Predators in ice hockey - last time we were there the whole town was going wild as they were fighting for the league championship. I say 'following', from this distance it's more a case of checking the
  5. And the UK too.... I posted recently I'd been in a local garden centre to check out their incredible floral urinals, to be traumatised by finding they'd been replaced by individual toilet 'rooms' each having just a standard toilet and sink. Mens and ladies' were identical, only the sign on the door marking any difference (the ladies were right opposite with doors open when unoccupied).
  6. Great that you got to experience that. When you read 'some' of the experiences people have and some of the expectations people voice, it's easy to forget that our niche is very strange and unattractive to a lot of others. The idea of 'just ask her, what's the worst that could happen' is fine when there's not too much at stake. They say to never gamble more than you can afford to lose and this sounds like the perfect level that you've bid for and a great result. So - well played my friend.
  7. Welcome to the forum - Canada seems to be quite a popular place. Hope you're finding your way around, but please shout up with any questions.
  8. Actually - this is a really difficult one. Two things is easy, but the third.... It's pretty much taken all night to think of the right words: 1). Family, which in my case is wife and son. It's easy of course after a couple of decades of marriage to get into a routine and of course it's not all roses. Together though watching our son grow from the first moments of staring into each other's eyes at 15mins old, to him now being 2yrs into his training to be an officer in the armed forces. That's been an incredible source of happiness. 2). I can't think of the word for it, but w
  9. Clearly understanding that you would never ‘demand’ photos, curiosity got the better of me this afternoon.... The results can be found at: https://peefans.com/topic/17459-role-reversal/ (Viewers of a sensitive disposition are warned there’s some male parts on show - magnifying glasses are available at all good retailers).
  10. There’s been a bit of discussion lately on a thread around role reversal - how it would feel for a guy to explore the territory a lot of ladies find themselves in... This afternoon with the prospect of an empty house and a reasonably full bladder I decided to explore the subject. Even threw in a tissue for good measure. And in summary - well, it felt more than arousing - perhaps the risk factor, perhaps the imagining a lady in that situation in my garage, who knows. Let’s just say, I’m not saying never again.
  11. Just to get rolling (sorry, bad pun) after a chat this lunchtime, I decided I really should get out for a bike ride whilst the weather was good. I'm incredibly lucky to live in fairly rural area and I've got a few favourite routes - and a bit of elevation too. Here's a couple of photos from today's outing. I'm a bit out of practice though, the distance felt fine, but every hill seemed to be a complete slog. Oh, and the photos only show the pretty bits lol. Stats are: 19.3 miles (31km) / 1hr 22min / 1220ft elevation gain / 1300 calories burned
  12. What you may ask is the PeeFans Sports Club? Well, it's just a bit of fun really and a follow-up to a bit of chat this lunchtime between a few members who were all motivating each other to go out and do a bit of exercise this afternoon. So that's it really, a topic where you can share an account of anything vaguely sporty you've been up to. Any sport goes too.... Like any club, there's a few rules - in general these are the main site rules anyway - Be positive - It doesn't matter if this is your first time round the block on a bike or whether you're a seasoned marathon runner.
  13. I must say first of all, I'm no doctor at all and hence completely unqualified to give any medical advice. I would guess though - since pee is essentially water and any traces of products the kidneys didn't filter out, then when you drink someone else's pee then the result isn't going to be much different. A solution of water and traces entering your kidneys, perhaps a little more being filtered out and then passed into your bladder. From what I understand of anatomy, the urethra is in effect a tube from bladder to the outside world and the prostate surrounds it. I know they sa
  14. Hi again and welcome this this great Community
  15. That is the best true tale I think I've read on here all year - brilliant @ukpeegirl86, love it
  16. None of my business, but hope that person does know who they are and that it's mutual. I know we all have our real lives, so for many this is our own personal getaway space closed off from the real world. Even so nice to be able to share with someone even when just confined to here.
  17. Understood - and I don't feel any pressure or demand to provide photos - I do from time to time get brave enough to capture the odd image. The fantasy is pretty good too 😁
  18. Actually - guess you may already be planning it, but would like to think of you either celebrating a new or a second term president (depending on your leanings) by turning that grey a different shade. I see your state looks pretty conclusive.
  19. I may just have to get uncharacteristically brave with a camera then 😉
  20. I'll admit that from time to time I find myself chilling out in the evening with a drink and often with the rest of the family (which just means wife at the moment) happily tucked up in bed. I'll perhaps be watching a bit of TV and/or chilling here. Generally in summer when there's still a warm breeze I'll take advantage of the fresh air for a discreet pee in the back garden. The house is overlooked both from the rear and if I go too far into the garden, by my next door neighbour's upstairs windows, but there's one spot near the wall where I can be fairly confident of not being spotted.
  21. Can't quite tell if the dark haired girl fourth from the right is just talking to her friend or trying to cop a quick glance at the guy in action.
  22. I know the question is addressed to the girls, and hence I'm not equipped to have a valid input... but since when did you know a guy to keep his nose out. Especially on a topic like this. I know every lady is different in terms of preferences, anatomy, experience and so on - so I won't presume to influence. That said a huge part of video and photo imagery of ladies peeing seems very similar. Naked, low squat with knees up and wide apart. Vulva exposed... you know the picture. Hence I find myself drawn to anything different - sitting on a chair, bench, on the grass, being in a sit
  23. Definitely yes - although of late it's generally only my wife. A good few years ago we did a weekend leaflet drop for a business venture, so my wife pulled in a few friends to help. After a long Saturday morning of walking the streets we went back to our house for lunch. A friend's daughter in her late teens was helping and had been very quiet on the way back. I was in my study just opposite the downstairs bathroom and suspicions were confirmed as, through the locked door I couldn't help hear the most powerful gushing outlet I think I've ever heard. I can only imagine it felt amazing too
  24. At your service Ma’am. Even if just to allow your hubby to concentrate on the photography.
  25. Following a member basically just means that you get notifications when they post content etc. It’s maybe different to other sites / social media where following is more limited to friend requests with people you specifically know. So there’s no real etiquette that says you should ask to do so. (In your profile you can choose whether others can follow you or not) Similarly I’ve got no issue with people messaging for such reasons - it’s really just where people feel they ‘have to’ DM in private.
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