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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. ... and just to touch on a very small point - why would guys actually want to private message? What is it that can’t be posted on the forum? Maybe it’s a misunderstanding because other forums are all message based? Understandable, but move with the environment. Trust, safety and community are our ethos. I can’t think of too many legitimate and safe reasons - especially when you’re asking a lady to chat in private. Do you imagine if you saw them in a pub and said hello they’d jump straight in your car? I’m more than happy to be educated on this gap in my understanding of cours
  2. Absolutely lovely as always @puddyls - and now the world waits with fingers crossed - not only for the outcome of the election, but also for your own personal golden outcome.
  3. Just a bump back up to the top of something I originally posted earlier in the year. Have a read up to the first post and you'll see what it is... Why am I bumping it back up - well it seems there's a few people who could do well to have a look at themselves. In the last week a relatively new member has told me how she has blocked two different guys for the same pattern of behaviour - posting the same repetitive question, after question, after question, after question. Apart from anything else it's draining to have to wade through that - and all because someone seems to like the s
  4. As the other guys have said... In reality I'm not sure it's ever a conversation you can start - but fortunately in the normal world a lot of ladies would say things like "I'm bursting for a wee" just as easily as I'm cold or hungry. Of course if you start an interrogation on the subject then it's very quickly going to flash a huge neon sign saying 'weirdo' above your head. Instead though, I like to think that a very subtle comment which could be shrugged off as a joke could be an option. For example, if a girl said "Oh my god I'm nearly wetting myself" then you could wink and s
  5. Don't put yourself down @Kupar - nobody said anything about technology based geekiness, your branch of wizardry is more than suitable material here. I say wizardry, of course the miracle of turning water into wine (and back to a form of water again) is quite magical. Nice gadget too.
  6. Does anyone else find their horniness levels ebbing and flowing - I mean guys, I know the ladies experience changes in hormone level over the month. I find that sometimes my desires pretty much gradually fade down and can be non existent for a while. Then I'll at some point masturbate and then it's back to full horniness levels and maybe masturbating every day. For a while anyway. It sort of feels like after a dry spell, the first time is the action which 'reawakens' the desire - but it could be that the desire has just subtly crept up and that masturbation is the first noticeable sign
  7. As everyone has said - welcome Lena to the site. I hope you have found your way around, but please shout up if you have any questions. Most of all - enjoy yourself here.
  8. In my case, it wasn't so much a case of voluntarily 'telling', it was a case of my wife stumbling over a webpage I'd inadvertently left open but minimised. That was quite a number of years ago now (remember 'easyshag.com' anyone?) and it wasn't a good experience - without going into details we went through a very rocky patch, lasting some considerable time. Gradually and very slowly we came out of the other side. My wife did her best to understand, she did try to experiment briefly - but it was clear she didn't enjoy it and it didn't feel right that I should push those buttons. A lon
  9. Interesting that both of these articles make no mention at all of rock chicks delivering their finest performances. If I can add a bit to the narrative - regular readers will be sick of me mentioning live music photography - which actually came about some 12 years ago when I first photographed a friend's band. In that time I've not only photographed a small-ish network of related bands and venues, but also from time to time I give his band a hand as an inept roadie when they are gigging. We all think of bands like the Stones as mega stars, with their six figure gig fees and contract
  10. Not in the slightest to do with aim - if I have to spell it out, Eli said she would love to stand with a group of men - as a gentleman I'd of course be prepared to squeeze up slightly to make space next to me.
  11. Great to get to know you - a huge welcome!!!
  12. Maybe not during the rest of this month lol - but agreed a great account of a great night,
  13. I just thought of another part to the analogy too... When I was a youth at university, I went through a period of desperately wanting a girlfriend and at the same time was desperately shy - so if when I went into the student bars, I'd stand drinking on my own and of course spend all the evening until I left, on my own. Now I've realised there were probably many other people in just that same situation. Here on this community we see people post 'Hey, please chat with me' and often get zero response before getting frustrated. The same thing is applying here, people don't know who thi
  14. Well - no problem at all, you're in a good place - and hey, I'm chatting to you. My thing is very much around almost every aspect of female pee (only proviso is that they have to be enjoying it). So that's a start. Lots of people with the same perspective and for that matter lots of guys who enjoy wetting too. The other good tactic to get to know people is to post comments and support their posts. Big them up, if they've posted something you enjoy then tell them so, gradually people will get to know you more. Look forward to seeing you about the site.
  15. Hi @jeanswettingfan - Just to let you know, I've just made a tweak to the last line of your post - our site rules don't allow the posting of usernames and asking people to chat on other platforms, We also discourage people from thinking this is a pickup site - but it is a great place to meet a wide community of people with a common interest. But - hopefully you'll find plenty of people to chat to right here on the forum either just in replies to your posts or perhaps in messages. Just replying below is great in that everyone can see and partake. It's also worth posting the same sor
  16. Well, good news and bad news.... It's a special Halloween theme, so I'm guessing is just a short term thing, It was last year anyway. One of the benefits that Gold Subscription members have is a little 'Theme' link at the bottom of every page with a selection of different themes available as well as the standard yellow font. I can't remember if you have that link - it'd be right in the centre at the bottom of the page.
  17. I think we've already covered the greetings bit of welcoming you to the site. As someone who's at least 3000 miles away from you and never likely to meet in real life, I'm going to make a virtual-only offer and say if you're ever in a really brat face mood, you're welcome to take out your frustrations in a virtual release on the virtual me... 😉 but only in the virtual world 😄
  18. I know the question is written largely around your experiences of American society. From the other side of the ocean, and speaking solely of my experiences in the UK, I can't say I ever recall any particular 'teaching' from my parents either for or against peeing other than in a toilet. I remember as a kid playing outdoors and peeing outdoors as needed. I think in my perception I picked up a sense of peeing outdoors, or at least being caught peeing outdoors as an adult, as some form of crime. When reported in a newspaper or perhaps TV or radio news it would be voiced in a very condesce
  19. Exactly as @Sophie said. In terms of conforming to the rules, the obvious questions are ‘is it legal?’ and ‘is it likely to be unacceptable?’ Clearly there may not be a black and white answer there, so we ask for a bit of common sense. At the same time as staff we’ll also try to apply common sense - so no need to panic that you’d automatically get banned for a moment of poor judgement. In the first instance when something comes to our attention we’ll ponder over whether it is an issue or not, generally consulting between ourselves as necessary. If the content is an issue we’ll loo
  20. As a guy, I realise this thread is nothing to do with me - and I'd hate to come across the wrong way - but just saying I've never heard the term 'temple' before. However it's an adorable way to refer to something so special, sacred and wonderful.
  21. Hi and welcome to a great community. Hopefully by now you've found your way around, but just shout with any questions...
  22. Hi and welcome to the community - I hope you are finding your way around and enjoying your time here. I noticed that you posted a similar status yesterday, and didn't get much response. I think that is partly due to the way this site works as a community of people who all become friends. But to become friends, we like to know a little bit about the people we are speaking with. So my first suggestion would be to maybe write a little post in the Introductions section - maybe tell us a little about who you are, how you found us, what your interests are apart from bladder holding. Also
  23. I've said to quite a few people over my time here - you really do get out just what you put in - and I'm not just talking about the pee. Many people are happy to sit quietly and view, that in itself is absolutely fine - but if like yourself, you choose to open up and let us into what you're experiencing, people will feed into that and support you all the more. You're welcome here - and rewarding us for that welcome with every experience you share.
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