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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Welcome @Tigerlily - You'll already have a very good idea what to find here, so we can do away with the basics. Great that you've signed up though, can't wait to hear more from you. Any questions or concerns just give the staff a shout.
  2. Simple - just walk into one of the little eye exam rooms and piss on the carpet - if anyone challenges you just say "sorry, I should have gone to Specsavers.... oh, hang on...." 😂
  3. The question wasn't so much about partners taking part in pee... it was about us trying their things as a fair exchange. So what have you dabbled in or tried at their request?
  4. I have to say guys those are some incredible times there - two minutes plus! Last week I challenged myself to a desperate drive home and then a further period of hold, the result was a full pint glass and a half too so about 750ml. I know my capacity isn't huge and my flow rate is probably average - certainly not as powerful a stream as it was when I was younger. I didn't time my pee, but realistically I can't see it being more than 60 seconds, maybe even closer to 45 sec. From that if I could pee for nearly three minutes at the same rate, I'd be looking at well over two litres lol
  5. Hi there and welcome to a great community!
  6. Hi @seducepee and a huge welcome to the site - it's great to have you along, and even better to come with a recommendation. I noticed that you'd tried to post a couple of your videos - what I should explain is that the site does not have the facility (or space) to host videos directly so instead it's a case of posting the web address to the place where the videos live. So for content creators it's a case of a link to their site. If you go back to your post you should see a little 'edit' button and then you can add the link. There are a couple of our site rules which at the moment loo
  7. Amazing - you lucky, lucky man! Love tales like this. As a mere youth of 18 or so I had a vaguely similar experience - a lady five or so years older and a lot more experienced who took it upon herself to turn me into a man - don’t know why but I’ve never looked back. I hadn’t worked out then that I had this fetish, didn’t really know it back then and it certainly wasn’t developed like it is now, and I don’t think to be fair she was hooked on pee either. Somehow though one afternoon of pillowtalk got onto the subject of her peeing - think it may have been a response to my wanderin
  8. There's something I saw a couple of weeks ago - very tame, but it's kept popping back into my imagination so I'll share it here. During lockdown and the resulting 'new normal' I've gone from being a five-day-a-week office cubicle dweller to working a couple of half days in the office and the rest working from home. I'm finding myself freed from work by mid-afternoon most days and as a consequence when the weather suits, have been trying to get out for a bike ride. One such afternoon a couple of weeks ago I was taking advantage of some nice weather in the afternoon and was out in the
  9. That's something I've definitely found in the couple of years I've been cycling - sitting on a hard road bike seat definitely changes and dulls the bursting feeling (and I think in my case the 'got to pee now before I have a genuine accident' feeling is largely psychological). Consequently I do seem to be able to hold for much longer and feel it in a different way. Here's an experience from earlier this autumn.
  10. Welcome Pup - hope we're the lamp post in the darkness you're looking for lol. You should feel right at home here. Any questions though of course shout right up.
  11. I'll admit I haven't directly looked - but I'd be pretty confident there already are quite a few experiences quoted - have you had a hunt, perhaps starting with the Men Peeing section (it seems to be quite a male thing recently) and also in the Pee Experiences section too? I know I've seen pictures of wet beds recently.
  12. I'm going to swerve very slightly off topic... to when other people are in their car and I'm sat at home enjoying the peace. When someone is sat in their car, in the street, beyond my front garden and I'm sat inside behind double glazing - yet I can still hear a booming male voice from their stereo or hands free kit. It could be a talk radio type station but equally could be a phone call. There seems to be a certain frequency that must encourage a resonance and just seems to transmit straight through all the car's sound dampening material and straight through the solid structure of my
  13. That's good to hear. I think the most important message for him is that you aren't going to laugh or belittle him, and that it's ok. In time you can jointly discuss and understand what aspects of the kink appeal to him. Sometimes just pillow talk around discussing fantasies can be as hot as actually participating in them.
  14. To be a bit more specific - the typical things that people here enjoy broadly fall into enjoying an experience themselves, or enjoying other people's experience. The other people could be opposite sex or could be same sex - not necessarily related to a sexual preference though. In terms of 'the experience' it could be peeing in an unusual place - sometimes with a 'naughtiness' factor, it could be holding on for as long as possible before peeing - perhaps leading to an enhanced moment of relief. It for some people could be wetting themselves, perhaps invoking childhood memories. Some peo
  15. Hi and welcome to the forum. It sounds a really unique situation and I hope we can satisfy your curiosity and concerns. The main thing to say is as has been said already, we all have very subtly (or wider) differing interests. You will see things her that may shock you - but that doesn't necessarily mean they are aspects of this fetish that your husband is into. Obviously I can't speak for your husband - but I can genuinely understand his being truthful when he has trouble explaining his motivation. In my case it was a gradual fascination that has grown from (I think) a childhood
  16. Welcome! As you've been lurking hopefully you've already got a good feel of what to expect - so enjoy!
  17. Saw this on Twitter literally this morning - can I have your autograph?
  18. Yes - iMovie if you're on the Mac should allow video clip brightness to be changed. Possibly if its recorded on your phone you can also do quite a lot of tweaks on there before uploading with the 'edit' button. (I'm a professional photographer and can do most of the common edit fixes on my phone exactly the same as on my workstation).
  19. I'm always amazed how contagious masturbation is... you read a few comments and find yourself doing it. Then I saw that picture and next thing you know.... (back in five).
  20. If I had a pound - or a Canadian dollar - for every time I've not had the balls, or not been quick enough to say something smart or risky I'd be a rich man. Then again I'd possibly be a much different man to who I am today. I am who I am, shaped by the experiences I have had - and those I haven't are irrelevant. So all in all no regrets.
  21. No.... I was just teasing - excuse my sense of humour!
  22. Well, I'm no medical expert... So I've just done a bit of a Google on the subject. Bottom line seems to be that any claimed health benefits are a bit flakey. There are some downsides - that the urine you drink contains traces of chemicals and minerals that the kidneys weren't able to process, and your own kidneys will now try and process (using your body's own water content, hence the comment on dehydration). And there are certain bacteria eg Salmonella which could be present in the urine of an affected person - but let's ignore that as you've asked about drinking a healthy person
  23. Those definitely count - and a picture paints a thousand words! I have an aspiration for being dominated a little... Mostly it feels like I've been the one leading in my limited experience, although an older girlfriend in my younger days was certainly a lot more experienced than me her approach was 'educational' but not dominant as such. I'd like to experience a little of the other side.
  24. A thought that's just occurred to me... One of the frequent discussion points is around how natural and normal we find our kink, whereas for many people it's completely unfathomable. I find myself mildly envious those members in the amazing position of having a partner equally willing to share the passion, and we often read of those whose partners have being willing to give it a go. So my question to you - have you ever found yourself 'trading' by trying out a kink that seemed completely alien to you but a partner wanted you to experience? Perhaps it only seemed fair to try something,
  25. Hi and welcome - reading that bio sounds like you'll fit in entirely. Enjoy browsing and contributing - never worry your content isn't good enough, look forward to reading it.
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