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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Make the most of this - it could be a one off... Over the last few days I’ve been reading a few of the ladies’ posts, the “wish lists” of what you like to see. So - a few pictures of moi for you. A bit of foreskin play (ballooning) as I guess some may never have seen an uncut man. A bit of ‘nearly made it’ and some hands-free. Have to say it was quite a buzz too.
  2. Good effort! Positions 3, 5 & 8 look pretty manageable too for a bit of variety.
  3. I used the dunes about 200 yards behind you - small world lol
  4. Hi and welcome to the community. It’s a friendly place so just be yourself, have a good browse around and shout up with any questions. I’ve used the word community deliberately - maybe that’s no different to what you expected. We’re definitely not a dating site, really just a whole bunch of people all all genders, all ages, backgrounds and relationship statuses. We’ve members from almost every continent who share different flavours of a common interest. You’ll find girls - and more guys - happy to chat. One suggestion is that you’ll find a wider audience by contributing to posts on
  5. Can completely understand you feeling down, yours is a different situation to an awful lot of us. But that doesn’t place you alone or unusual; like I’ve said many times before - I’m sure many many people are in exactly the same place as you are and share the same frustrations, angst and dark times. As always.... ‘hugs’ which doesn’t feel like it helps much. ps - Great to see you back.
  6. A thought occurred to me yesterday... I was standing to pee at the urinal at work. Normally there's a line of four separate urinals and between each is a porcelain shield that projects about a foot out from the wall. Anyway as I was standing at the urinal and just enjoying the feel of my stream starting to flow, I realised my hands were acting as a natural shield either side of my penis. I had my left hand holding my fly open and pulling down the waistband of my boxer shorts just inside my casual black jeans. My right hand was gently supporting my penis ready to shake off when I'd fi
  7. Very often if I'm out cycling then I'll 'arrange' to have to stop for a bit of roadside relief. Any excuse for a breather and to feel the fresh breeze.
  8. I'm in the north-west, I've declared my location as Manchester as I grew up just on the outskirts and haven't moved too far away.
  9. I think of this site very much like a pub... one of those warm inviting ones. When you walk in for the first time it takes a little while to find your bearings, but there's generally a few or maybe more than a few regulars and other drinkers in there already. They're friendly and happy to include you in their conversations, or happy to let you just sit at the bar and enjoy your surroundings. Around the sides are the room are tables and booths, sometimes people sitting there quietly having a drink. Now - fine, you may like the look of a person sitting having a quiet drink - but is
  10. "Encouraged" in that if you choose to do it, it would definitely get appreciated - but not encouraged in the sense of putting any pressure on you to do something you're uncomfortable with. It's a fine line and one to stay on the safe and comfortable side of.
  11. I've posted many times that as an obsessed guy, it's ladies that I'm obsessed with - and very much exclusively ladies enjoying the experience. I have this possibly unrealistic imagination of the long held release and relief always being 'peegasmic' - a myth supported by many of the staged videos and a few more natural candid ones too.
  12. For many, many years I've been in that routine of commuting to the office five days a week. Often as I'm driving along or cycling, I'd see ladies out walking dogs, jogging, walking kids to school and generally going about their lives. There've been times where my mind has wandered and I've found myself wondering what happens behind the closed doors. How much naughty 'me' time these ladies enjoy before telling their husbands how busy their chores have kept them. Now with the pandemic roles have changed somewhat. My wife works in a role which has kept her commuting to the office throughou
  13. Welcome to the site, we're very friendly - please just shout up with any questions
  14. Hi @Anthony 123 - Personal Chat already is a thing... albeit it is one of the additional features bundled in with Gold Membership. You get the ability to have unlimited private conversations which can include groups, unlimited inbox space & image attachments. Also live one-to-one chats like the group chatbox. I know at this point you may be thinking it's just a rip off that you have to buy Gold - but the point of Gold is that it goes some way to funding the significant costs of keeping the site online. Having some additional premium features is a key way to keep Gold attractive an
  15. I have this perception that ladies are more sociable in the bathroom (whether that extends to outdoor weeing, well this example suggests it does). With us guys we just stand and stare straight ahead - scared to death of making eye contact, let alone talking. Unless alcohol is involved, in which case there's always one extrovert keen to tell everyone his life story.
  16. Welcome - you've certainly found a good bunch of like minded individuals. Great to have you on board.
  17. I can definitely relate @Dreadnought101 to the stepping away from the commonplace. I find myself feeling far more aroused at a girl peeing in an unusual stance - so many images all look the same with the low squat, knees apart. So sitting, standing, lay down, doggy style, whatever other positions captivate me. Perhaps in your case, most people would consider the peeing through knickers as unpleasant. Imagining it’s going to later feel cold and icky, imagining an unpleasant smell, damp patches on clothes. So finding a girl who willingly does it - sticks two fingers up at convention
  18. I've seen a couple of posts over the last week or two regarding the Indian sub-continent which referred to the 'good olden days' and suggested that sightings are less common. I'm curious as to what you think may have changed? Is it perhaps that men's attitudes and respect has changed so that women don't feel as safe as they once did? Do women now think that men are more likely to sexually assault them, or at least show more unwanted attention if they expose themselves and pee in the open? Have there been changes in the law resulting in the risk of penalties - or has perhaps rel
  19. Can I vote for both? If it's a case of a girl enjoying it, then I really don't mind if it's premeditated and done purely for kicks or whether it's a fun accidental miscalculation. As long as it's fun then I'm more than happy to witness or be given an account of either.
  20. Hopefully only taking a pass from that particular submission?
  21. Looking at those last three clips, the amateur psychologist in me wonders if the shape of the advertising cylinder triggered some subconscious thought that it was ok to pee on a 20ft high erect penis... Maybe we should create a social experiment with a similar shaped object in a few busy city side streets? All in the interests of research of course.
  22. Well, last thing any of us want is people getting banned, so good on you for checking first. Hopefully you've already read the site rules. Within Rule 2, it is stated "References to events/memories whilst you were a minor may be acceptable if they are not sexual. For example, recalling that you first noticed your interest in pee around age 15 is acceptable, a story involving two minors peeing on each other is not." It's not an absolute black and white area, and there is some margin for discussing things that happened as a child. Many of us can trace our interest back to some trigge
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