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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Welcome to the community - it's a great place!
  2. Hi Carlos - welcome to the community.
  3. There are plenty who live to see girls squirming, squatting and sometimes wetting. Maybe some may see the convenience of the she-wee as stealing that away. To my mind anything in the media like this article which raises the profile of peeing (other than in a toilet) is promoting the notion that girls don't have to live their lives around access to a toilet, don't have to dehydrate themselves dangerously and that pee happens. Let's face it, we all (I guess) want pee to be just a 'normal' thing. Once upon a time fast food had a stigma around it - a meal should be prepared and a householder
  4. I think this is a great idea - I mean, you ladies are a relative minority on the site and it must get so wearying to have a huge majority of guys always imagining (and getting it wrong) what you feel, what you want and what really works for you. ps - Do wish I could be a fly on the wall listening to some of the pee related conversations though. pps - Please keep posting on the open forum too - us guys need 'educating' somehow.
  5. Welcome to the community. All sorts of people, all sorts of interests here - but you'll fit in fine. I'll almost guarantee there won't be any issues with your dislike list - certainly you'll be treated with respect and dignity. There's plenty that do like piss drinking (apparently) but it's optional lol. Certainly no abuse or bullying here.
  6. I'm not sure if I'm remembering this, or just having a pure fantasy... But I seem to remember maybe a year or two back someone had posted about being at a music festival or in a packed arena gig, standing in a huge crowd and bursting for a piss. Rather than leave their spot they'd stood immediately behind their partner and had peed down the back of their bare legs under a skirt. Their hot pee just flowing down their girlfriend's legs and into the grass. If I am imagining it, it's a very nice fantasy.
  7. Firstly, big high five to you - sounds a great date, so well done. Sounds a really nice guy too. Everyone is saying 'lucky guy' and of course he is, having your company on a date - but huge congratulations to you @Audrey81, he sounds like the perfect combination of fun date, cute, uninhibited yet perfect gentleman. He could have confessed to needing a pee and found some cover, but the fact he peed into the river and then the fact he recognised and respected your need to pee too makes me think he'd definitely be open to some playing. Perhaps if the same situation repeated itself
  8. My psychology qualifications are limited to taking the advice of a certain Dr. Google, so no guarantee of validity here... But I've just done a quick look online in response to tackling phobias and fears - there seems to be two main approaches (before we get down the paths of alternative medicine, hypnotherapy and the likes). Either avoidance / distance therapy where you spend your life working on the basis there's some danger or risk that can be mitigated by distancing from the source. I'll freely admit that's the solution I take when thinking about poisonous spiders, snakes and ju
  9. Hi and welcome to the community firstly, When you say that you're scared you'll freeze up - is that a case of being scared that you might... or a case of scared because it has happened? I must admit I'm a bit 'old' and sort of have an opinion that there's two approaches. Either avoid exposure to the situation, but then you've said you're getting fed up with that. So the alternative is just do it. Try it. What's the worst that can happen... It takes a while to get started? Worse case you mutter to yourself "oh well, guess I didn't need to go after all" and come back later.
  10. Buon Giorno @Ma. Uro62 - That is most of the Italian I can speak, like most of your other new friends here. If you are able to speak (or use Google translate) to post in English it will be much better understood. Ciao ciao
  11. If you were a random stranger out of the blue @steve25805 then that could be sleazy or pervy - but where there's mutual respect and trust (like I know there is between you) then no, not sleazy at all. I'm saying that to justify my own thought processes too of course,
  12. Great diary - thanks for sharing - and glad it went well!
  13. I can totally relate to the, we probably all can - apart from the total overconfident exhibitionists. And the total introverts probably wouldn't be there anyway.
  14. Am I over simplifying when I say that everyone has a choice to pee at that trough, or not. If I was walking through a park and considering whether to piss on a tree, and a well endowed girl walked up then I would change my plans - I wouldn't want to embarrass her, and wouldn't want to get arrested for exposure either. But if I'm in the gents and she appears next to me, then she has chosen to enter the room and put herself in that situation - her choice and her placement. She has accepted it's the male toilets and therefore males will also be using that trough. I believe I can proceed wi
  15. Thank you so much @Specter - really kind of you to say so. My day job does involve writing technical documents, summarising evidence and justifications etc, so I guess that's an element. I have written a few fictional stories on here although nothing too recent. You'd probably enjoy them - here's the two most recent, there are more but might take a bit of a search.
  16. Just posted an account of mine in the Men's section:
  17. Here's a bit of an account of something that happened over the weekend - maybe not too exciting, but hope you like it. Over the weekend I had my car in for a service in our local city - only about 8 miles from home and since it was a nice day I decided to cycle home, then back to collect it later. We live in a village and there's great cycling roads that let me make the journey more interesting. Whilst I was at home waiting, I'd had coffee and then a can of coke with my lunch. My bladder was just starting to show the signs of being full and I started browsing online here. It turned
  18. Welcome to the community!
  19. I do love the phrase 'happy ending' - so subtle and innocent, yet so naughty and powerful.
  20. And on a Mac.... for us strange people.... its Control + Command (⌘) + Space I just had to Google that. Something new learned every day.
  21. That clarifies a bit! I guess geographically around the world there will be areas that match the location categories more than others - in the UK for example I live in a village, but I guess it roughly falls into the small town as the nearest description. I know a lot of people in the village - it's the sort of place where many generations all live here, growing up together. I'm a 'blow in' so to some I'll never be accepted (even though it's now 20 years) but my best mate drinking buddy is a full on local so I know a lot of people through him. I've never seen anyone I know peeing in th
  22. When the keyboard on your ageing laptop fails, well actually only one key stops working.... I need a ‘p’
  23. You have our every encouragement to do so.... and not wholly sure it has to be a post CoVID thing, it sounds like something you could do already. It's just a case of finding a spot and the right moment. Then once you've done it once I guess it'll be something you do more and more.
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