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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. My first thought when reading the original post was that I really hope it's not arising from a particular instance on this site. I picked up on someone last week referring in a response to my Curvilicious post to 'curvy girls and normal girls' - I'm also 100% in the 'don't say it if it's not helpful' category. As such I'm totally with Steve's summary of the site position and pleased that he's clarified it here. I'm not going to be hypocritical enough to start voicing disagreement with the above arguments - although you can probably pretty easily work out where I stand.
  2. I'm loving those details that you're delving into there too Maggie.... much more interesting than boring science.
  3. I know what you mean @Dr.P - but on this one I'm happy to leave it dormant... for the foreseeable at least. We were very close friends all the way through the innocent days of primary school, and when high school came about were in different classes - I wasn't one of the cool kids, socially inept and in those teenage years (with the pressure not to associate with uncool kids) we didn't have much contact. We still knew each other of course through school and college but didn't interact at all. Now with the passage of time and growing into adulthood the uncool kids have become (apparently
  4. Hi and welcome to the community.
  5. I’ve just posted something very similar elsewhere on the forum so forgive any duplication. But @Maggie_555 I think this whole thread has triggered a suppressed childhood memory. I’ve posted about an early (age 5) vivid memory of a school friend peeing on her toilet with the door wide open, the first time I’d seen a girl pee. This thread has reminded me of the same girl, a couple of years later telling me how much she enjoyed weeing whilst swimming along and having a yellow stream trailing behind and fading into the water. I’m sure it was nothing more than naughty fun, breaking the
  6. At first reading of that last account I wondered if perhaps kneeling and drinking may have shocked her to the point of freaking her out? I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d just pee’d with you standing next to her or perhaps just pee’d and your hand or leg instead whether she’d have been more receptive. That said, you’ve said that wasn’t the last time - so who knows. Great memory to hold anyway.
  7. Great topic and pictures. I only have one observation - somehow ’mature’ doesn’t seem so far away as it did once (long ago).
  8. I’ve posted before about a childhood memory, I must have been five years old but remember it really clearly. I must have been in reception class or first year of infants and was at my ‘girlfriend’s house after school playing. She disappeared and I went to find her, which I did very quickly - sitting on the toilet with her legs dangling below her. There was of course nothing sexual and still isn’t about the memory of that moment, but when I’ve analysed where my fascination with girls peeing cane from I think that must have been key. However, just recently there’ve been a few threads her
  9. Agreed. There's an old saying 'if you haven't got anything good to say, don't say anything at all'. That especially applies if someone is posting something that differs slightly from our perspective. Just because I like girls holding and someone else likes boys wetting (for example), I'll just walk on by and let them enjoy their thing. If they were out of line with site rules or similar, that's a matter for site admin and moderators. I'll confess I have sometimes got a little enthused by a post and added a 'yes, something similar happened to me...' and I'll try to reign in my e
  10. Well @Sophie - you already know my reaction to this (very much as per all of your naughty exploits) - so I'm not going to comment at length. Just WOW.
  11. Yes - impromptu masturbation is contagious.... one glimpse at that last picture was enough to push me over the edge, especially with the pictures of the dribbles under that same bench posted the other day. (Back in ten...)
  12. Sounds great.... I have zero talent to offer other than encouragement. There are a few examples of recent CGI in the photos area - you might be able to hook up with a creator, or at least get some tips on software content creation tools.
  13. There's no single one for me.... at night if people are in bed then it's definitely against the side (and if I've got out of bed and haven't bothered putting the light on I'll sit down to ensure I don't miss). Other times, I'll probably just aim for the water. UK toilets have a lower water level than some, so it doesn't splatter too much.
  14. Know what you mean. And so often the plot just skirts (no pun intended) the issue.... Ok, you've both been locked in this storeroom for 18 hours but don't worry, you didn't feel the slightest need to pee let alone mention it in the script. But if you're pretty and hiding somewhere scary, and you see a mouse, it's ok to flood a puddle from your hiding place 'cos you're a girl. A macho hero guy would never wet himself of course. (Then again I am thinking scenarios from 70's and 80's movies that were already dated in my youth days - hopefully things are changing.)
  15. And I wonder how plausible it is to remotely switch the electrical supply to deactivate the frosting from time to time.... Reminds me of a moment on TV a little while ago, the presenter was boasting of his new apartment with full length glass panels in the bathroom - special glass to see out but not in. They were complaining that one panel was frosted though - the other presenter pointed out the builders had installed it the wrong way and everyone outside could see in.
  16. Don’t know what the statistics actually are, but you’re right, there is a huge membership of male vs female. However there is that old thing about quality over quantity. You’ll see the site shows around 25k members, but that’s total life and not all are still around. Also there’s a huge number who choose to enjoy everything here without any input, which of course is fine. Also the site does seem to attract people with particular interests in waves - maybe it’s where ads pop up or where people recommend each other. Just recently it’s been a lot of men into wetting themselves - it’s
  17. You may have a point there - I don't know.... I guess the volume argument still stands of one litre or so diluted in several thousand litres of pool? If only we had a chemistry teacher in the community. 😉
  18. I know what you mean @jeanswettingfan - I read your post as you being an 'innocent' third party bystander, observing their desperate squirming or perhaps even their passed out drunk wetting. My view on that is that you probably have nothing you need to feel guilty about. At least in my mind my arousal (and hence any guilt) is related to how the girl reacts, in that a humiliating traumatic experience would not be fun or thrilling for me but a girl who can laugh it off is a different matter. In the case of girls at a party, I guess there is a first time for ever drunkenly wetting and
  19. I've just been reading another debate on whether it's right or wrong to pee in the pool, whether it messes up the chemical balance.... Being an engineer type I've done a few sums and (forgive the maths....) - For a typical pool, maybe 10m x 4m and 1.5m average depth, since a 10cm cube of water is 1 litre then that pool contains 6000 litres of water. - Having one person pee in the pool, would (for sake of round numbers) add 600 millilitres of golden nectar, which increases the amount of liquid in that example sized pool by 0.0001 times or 0.01% - A pool would generally be ke
  20. Speaking as one of those guys, it's you ladies and your contributions to the community which make the whole place where I want to be. The fact just that you are members here, you make me realise that I'm not some twisted male freak with an obsession over women peeing - you make me feel like my preferences are not so unnatural after all. Maybe I'm a rarity but of course this place has to be a safe place for you to feel welcome. Of course there are occasionally some jerks with brains the size of their dicks, but hopefully they're a rarity. But any time you need an online hug, any time yo
  21. There's a handful of people who I've originally got to know from Peefans, who I now share much more personal information with. My real name, a closer definition of my location, family details, all those things which when corresponding and posting to an audience of 20K strangers isn't too wise to spread. Those people I would be happy to meet with, and to offer hospitality with. But I don't really count them as people from Peefans any more... they're people I've corresponded with for a year or more. Everyone else - well there's as much risk of me being the axe murderer as them, so
  22. I know we're getting a bit off topic here so I suggest closing off the discussion on floppy bits here. But to be honest, I don't find a problem with bits flopping about. Obviously all men's bits vary in size and shape and I would never claim to be any greater than averagely gifted - if that. For a guy to walk around naked, or for that matter to run or play volleyball on a naturist beach, or to hump anything, yes things flop about but in no means a painful way. I guess for a guy suffering a hernia then the effects of gravity could be uncomfortable, needing a bit of additional support -
  23. I tend to think it's just a case of seeing what you want to see.... and I speak for myself there, I'm a huge fan of deliberate female desperation, release and/or wetting. So naturally the video clips I see are of women generally at maximum capacity. So often though their desperation isn't really borne out in gallons of pee - could it be that many of those videos are staged, with a girl knowing she's playing to an audience who want to see her apparently on the last throes of desperation? Tied in with that the social taboo that a guy can just pull his dick out an piss against any ol
  24. Great memory - my thing is definitely not around humiliation, but in this case all’s well that ends well. I’ve got a lot of friends in bands (I’m a photographer specialising in working with a local live music venue) and do a lot of work with my best mate’s band. Roadie duties too. The girl and the guy sound absolutely typical - wannabee rock stars with an ego sometimes bigger than their talents and girls attracted to the whole scene (or just wanting to shag someone in the band). As you’ll know, a lot of musicians are very focussed from the point of arriving, loading in, setting u
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