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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. And would be great if we could keep to topics too - this is a post mostly for those who enjoy close-up pictures of ladies slits.
  2. Hopefully we can get back onto topic of just looking at cute slits....
  3. That's a great honest summary @Naughts - Thanks. Recently there seem to have been a few guys on the forum about what ladies should and shouldn't do regarding wiping - it really irritates me when people express their preference as though anyone else is wrong and everyone must do as they say. You've described a great balanced view of both sides though and a big hi-five at you for that. So happy wiping, or not wiping however you wish to do it. Thanks.
  4. I'm probably a bit late in saying it but 'Hi and welcome to the community'. Great to read about your naughty pees on the site, one of my favourite aspects. So - welcome (from yet another Brit).
  5. What's the point in commenting if you don't understand? I believe the point is that many couples have enough mutual respect to allow a partner to shower in privacy. The clue is there in the fact the door wasn't left open. If the door wasn't open it's generally understood that you're not welcome to go barging in there.
  6. I'd go as far as to say - 'Nobody does it better'. Amazing!
  7. You're a very lucky man there @Craggles... Next mission is to you'll to get her signed up here...
  8. Very good question, I've never thought of it before. From a guy perspective I guess it's twofold - firstly in many places we could run the risk of being accused or arrested of indecent exposure, so facing into a corner or shielded against a wall provides some protection there. Secondly, I don't know why but we just can't resist peeing against things - maybe it's an animal 'territory marking' instinct thing? From the ladies peeing point of view, no idea (maybe so they can see anyone sneaking up?) but hell - who's complaining... certainly not me.
  9. Having a 'celebrate Sabrina' kind of day...
  10. I could be wrong, but I suspect you're by no means the only one. I've often wondered, when in a busy place like a shopping centre or airport, just what hidden desires and secrets the people around have. Normal looking people walking past, just their everyday selves - but how many share our fantasies and experiences, or other fetishes too. Can completely understand you not bringing it up in real life - but don't rule it out....
  11. Wow - one of the best introductions ever. Welcome to the community, it's definitely the sort of place where the more you put in the more you get from it - so looking forward to seeing your posts around the place.
  12. I just got excited on your behalf there @Cupcake - sounds like peeing in the open on the wall may have been better than the towel anyway. Drunk piss is always fun anyway. Enjoy the next time!
  13. I've just been browsing through the new introductions as I often do... and fellow guys here, have a word with yourselves - look in a mirror, think for a moment. Yes, many of us are into ladies peeing, many of us are delighted when a new lady member joins. But guys, think for a moment. I've just now read comments on there "you can pee on me anytime"... "would love to hear and see you pee". Fine that may be what you're thinking, but would you say that to a lady in the street or in a bar, you know nothing about them or their interests. Newsflash - not every person is into exhibi
  14. Welcome to the community - enjoy browsing around, any questions just shout up... (and don't let the creepy guys put you off).
  15. Welcome to the site - definitely in the company of the likeminded. Any questions, just shout up.
  16. And I'm getting off context a bit so I'll leave it here... https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2017/09/amsterdam-pee-in-public-protest-cancelled-too-many-women-want-to-attend/
  17. A few years old and different context, but these Ukranian protestors got their message into the public eye.... https://thisvid.com/videos/public-piss-protest-against-ukranian-president/
  18. Hadn't actually thought that I've never responded, so here goes... My answers and rationale pasted in below. So just to caveat all of that lot - you've gathered it's definitely ladies' pee that floats my boat - whether it be watching, sharing, talking or whatever. The other biggie is it's got to be enjoyable, so not unpleasant or humiliating. Hope that helps... If anyone wants to educate me on raising those lower scores I'm all open to a bit of schooling...
  19. I was a member for many months enjoying the content and I totally agree with you about being overjoyed to find the site. As you'll have found yourself from chat it's far more than just a paid porn site. I never once felt any pressure that I should subscribe, it's a very recent personal choice to do so. As the guys above have said, everyone who contributes to the site makes it a better place - doesn't matter whether it's by clicking a like icon, posting a photo or comment, chatting or just being there - every aspect is valuable and you are too.
  20. Hi @Burnzie - as Steve said, welcome- it's a great community and very friendly place. Lots of different interests and great to be able to share in what makes everyone tick.
  21. Hi and welcome to the community.
  22. Yes - Guessing the site is having problems again, Members map also disappeared. Hope it's not causing @Admin too much of a headache... I closed down my own website when I chose to wind up my part time business a year ago. Whilst the site was up though, the admin back end was constantly notifying me of the hacking and malicious login attempts. I imagine this site would attract them tenfold.
  23. Forgive me repeating myself, but we're a niche community - it generally feels like we're isolated with the whole world ready to disapprove that one thing that fires us up. The last thing we need is disapproval from within our own community. That's why I totally agree @Bumperking17, @steve25805 and everyone else - the last thing we need is a disapprove icon. (For what it's worth, it's the same reason it irritates me so much when a member starts preaching their preferences as though they're gospel 'women shouldn't do this, men must do that..'.) Build the positives, uplift each other
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