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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Great topic... Must admit an area of tech I've never got into, but maybe I should. There have been various posts in the past in the pics section around art, computer illustration and that sort of thing - maybe you could get the odd screen grab as you come across them and share for us? As an example, here is one post you could add to, or just create a new one...
  2. Thank you so much @Sophie - I'm so, so pleased that you like it. To be honest, I wasn't expecting too much widespread reaction - I don't mean that in a negative way, just neutral. I guess that the fiction section is a bit of a niche area(?) just like in real life - when we want to learn a new skill these days we perhaps look in a specialist magazine or search a clip on YouTube, but how often do we walk into a library to borrow a specialist book. Similarly when we want entertainment, generally we may watch TV, or a movie, or play a video game, or browse a magazine - but how many people n
  3. Hello @Gnome - welcome to a great community. I know exactly what it's like to compartment this part of life behind closed doors. But lots of support here.
  4. It's one of those threads that a few people know about and will subscribe to. I'm sure lots more play is taking place. (And I got all excited too when I saw a new post listed...)
  5. Firstly thanks for posting - and on this forum there will be no judging - this is a safe, friendly and supportive place. I think I probably would have done exactly the same thing in your position, I love the picture in my imagination of you doing it too. The fact that he suspected everyone probably tells him there are plenty of people he has upset over the years, not just you. Thank you for sharing. Your secret is safe with us.
  6. Welcome to the site - it's a great community! I know you mention PMs, but there's lots more interaction in all the various posts, questions, experiences, stories, pictures and links to videos. Enjoy browsing and contributing.
  7. Great introduction - is that you? Love the pic either way- look forward to more.
  8. Welcome to the community - it's a great place, especially when you input and share. Look forward to your posts.
  9. [A fictional tale of two ladies with a bit of desperation, toilet peeing and outdoor wetting. Based on two real life people with names changed to protect the would-be guilty.] The door banged back with a clatter, but that was the least of my worries. At least there had been a cubicle free. I don’t know what I’d have done if there wasn’t. Anyway I was too busy frantically hoisting my black pencil skirt up around my waist with one hand and ripping down my comfortable pink cotton briefs with the other. A powerful gush of urine jetted out of my peehole before I’d even ma
  10. With bike seats like that one in the bottom right of the picture it wouldn't be too unpleasant. On my bike though padded shorts are a definite necessity - not enough padding on either the bike's seat or my seat.
  11. Now @Malika - Hopefully you'll begin to experience more of the great supportive community that exists here - people enjoying each others experiences and giving positivity back. People respectfully moving on without feeling judgemental if something doesn't suit their opinion. For that matter, people not stating personal opinions as fact. Time to see how great this forum is!
  12. And here's my suggestion - aimed directly at a bunch of guys who I imagine will never browse to this lonely corner of the forum and so will remain in the dark... When a new member does appear, and introduces themselves, and posts their first comment or post, and it becomes obvious that they are <gasp> a nice sounding lady member - lets all not bombard them with questions, interrogation, attempts to hit on them, personal messages, etc etc. Fine comment on their post and move on. It's not pretty and it's not attractive. If anything there's a good chance of just scaring those people
  13. Just browsing back through the forum and going to give this topic a bump.... So we're now a good chunk of the way into 2020 - in a way nobody saw coming. Did you have any pee-related New Year resolutions, have you achieved them? Do you have any pee-related post-Cvid resolutions now? Let's hear from you? What are your thoughts?
  14. I'm going to stick my head in here and voice a personal opinion. It is very much personal and it is opinion, by which I mean that what I say is true for me, but perhaps others will think exactly the opposite. So what am I on about - I've seen the word 'disgusting' used far too many time on this thread for my liking. Maybe everyone else is ok with it, in which case you have your opinion and I have mine. This forum though is a community built on mutual respect for each other's views. Telling me that something is disgusting - I guess what you mean is that in your personal opinion, that
  15. In which case @Admin have already reacted to the message I've just sent. Disappointing when a new member is doing their best to be friendly and responsive to questions but is getting bombarded by more and more specific multiple questions. Of course we could all be talking of different posts and members here 😉
  16. Hi @Cupcake - thanks for the intro, great to get to know you. Apart from individually messaging, the forum of course is a great place to chat openly so everyone can share the stimulation. Don’t be shy even if chat seems quiet - post away!
  17. No exaggeration at all, those four or five sentences and the two posts that followed were definitely the most stimulating thing I've seen on the forum for days, maybe even weeks. I'll take in photos, videos and fiction of course - but just wow to the imagery those sentences conjured up. Just like when anyone shares here, thank you!
  18. As I understand it, the dot and the bold title just mean that a particular post is unread by you - once you have read it then the dot disappears along with the bold text. So it makes sense that the story you post will show as read to you, but unread (bold & dot) to everyone else. Never noticed before that some posts have dots and others have stars....
  19. That description is amazing - so hot! That tiny sentence too "it honestly feels amazing" in four words summons up so much of what I love about (willing) female desperation - that moment of euphoria you get to experience at the moment when all the self-inflicted discomfort literally washes away.
  20. Love it @puddyls - love the fact you're so willing to share with us. A very beautiful view too. Must admit I logged on this morning not really feeling in the mood... I am now! Thanks.
  21. My second home - perhaps I should organise a little get together.... for a select few
  22. Thanks @Alfresco - Sometimes a scenario just blossoms into some wild and wacky scenario, often a vivid picture like this one. Glad you liked it.
  23. I had a similar thing in NY, a guy with his son trying to pedal me his son's music cd. Kept going on about it and didn't believe I had literally no bills on me, I was only there on a stopover before flying home.
  24. Please do - and no need to share that. Keep that pleasure entirely for yourself. Have a great rest of your day.
  25. Was amazing sharing in that with you.... good times.
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