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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again here... Before reaching this community I'd had a growing pee fetish (along with a near obsession with the female body) for a long time. Like many young men I couldn't get enough, whether it be as a young teen browsing the lingerie section of a Kays catalogue or later discovering porn. The thing was (a) it was always a guilty secret and (b) it always felt very one sided. Guiltily I felt very much that I was some sort of predator (in thought anyway, not physically) in some male dominated way. Porn models being controlled and forced to do degradin
  2. Right... time for thinking caps on... Not yet another lockdown post you cry - but more of a looking forwards question. It's a bit of a weird time at the moment, lots of plans on hold, lots of uncertainty. A time for taking each day at a time. The last five months have really taught me the value of seizing the day, pursue your dreams, make them happen before they slip away. So my question for you to answer is: What one thing would you like to do (pee / sex related) before the year is out? Just to bound the question, I don't mean your wildest fantasy - let's be realistic. So
  3. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, I just wanted to write to tell you about a situation I'm going through, in the hope it will help other women like me. My name is Cassie and I'm a single mum in my late twenties. You could say life hasn't always been a bed of roses for me - I grew up in the wrong end of town, most of my childhood memories were of mum and dad yelling at each other, or both yelling at me. I think that's what brought on the bed-wetting as a kid. In my teenage years I ran away, did some stuff I'm really not proud of and would rather not talk about. Then there was the pregnancy -
  4. Completely understand what you mean about your career - no matter how boldly we talk the talk behind the shelter of the forum, it's a different matter when we're in the real world. You're absolutely not alone there. I agree it would be near impossible to strike up a pee related conversation at that moment. But, she has made eye contact and smiled at least. Perhaps if you walk past each other in the corridor, perhaps just after the next time coincidence leads her to open the door on you, perhaps an inoffensive friendly comment "We've got to stop bumping into each other" or "Twice in one
  5. Hi @beachmom - Interesting question... I think possibly the legal penalties for indecently peeing in the street on city nights out have become more prevalent possibly. I can't say I've really noticed anything changing much between decades in the way you have. What I have seen, is there seems to be a generation of twenty-something and maybe into early thirties who seem a lot more crass and loutish than older generations(?). I know every society has it's classes, some people more highly educated and 'refined' than others, privileged perhaps? What I mean are the subtleties, of walk
  6. I'm going to be greedy and ask two questions, a clean and a pee related one... - First of all, in all walks of life, who inspires you most, who's your biggest role model and what aspects of their life inspire you? Now I think Craggles has asked pretty much the same question as me on the pee front, so I'll change the slant on mine - I can completely understand in your answer the fears of being caught, the potential humiliation and social impacts. Consequently the negative pressure we put ourselves under, the shyness. So, I'd like you to try and put all the 'real world' constra
  7. My first thought was learn to fly a light aircraft, I've been lucky enough to try it a couple of times and think I want to every time - but I could do that for myself if I put my mind to it. So instead, the thing I'll probably never manage is to play an instrument - my son plays guitar and on the rare occasions I've tried, my fingers just aren't flexible enough to fit the chord patterns, and I'd never remember all of the possible chords either. I've photographed loads of local bands and am a bit in awe of musicians who can just launch into anything. Drums would be the other thing - I've
  8. Cool, thank you. Glad you liked it! You must have a lot in common with the special friend I wrote a lot of it around.
  9. [This is the story of an entirely fictional event, but played out in the character of a real life dear friend who is a member of this forum. Contains a brief tame male pee, but mainly increasingly desperate female holding, pain, wetting and for good measure a bit of intercourse] PART ONE “Have you got a semi on there mister?” I laughed as I glanced down to my side at the unmistakable sight of a single high pressure jet of urine drilling its way into the toilet bowl, bubbling deep into the clear water below. “If you’d waited two minutes you could have had the bathr
  10. I've so missed reading these sort of accounts from you. So good to be able to do so again.
  11. *BREAKING NEWS* THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE LIFTING RESTRICTIONS IN PARKS AND BEACHES DURING THE EASTER BREAK. The Government has announced today that, for the Easter break, certain groups are allowed to go to parks and Beaches and invite friends round for BBQ’s. IMPORTANT- PLEASE READ While the majority of the population will remain in lockdown the following groups will be allowed to gather together at parks, beaches and visit each other’s houses. Assholes Shit heads Imbeciles Half wits Morons Troglodytes I
  12. Mmmm..... Loving the ideas submitted so far. Imagination is at work - you could say the juices are flowing.
  13. Ok folks, so I'm finding myself with more time on my hands than usual, which does have its bonuses. I need to keep my brain working, and I think we may just be able to help each other and have a bit of fun... You may notice I've posted a few stories in the fiction section lately - for example 'Sibling Rivalry', which was born from a real scenario in chatbox the other day. So - if you've got a particular scenario you'd like me to write into a short story or just a Wet Carpet Magazine about, hit me with your ideas. Don't just give me a one liner though, tell me as much as you can a
  14. Can relate to that as well, one person has a down period, the other gives a bit of space and then both think the other is backing away...
  15. Ha ha @wetwulf - I hear a little whisper that Pippa has written a letter to Wet Carpet Magazine. Do check it out...
  16. Welcome - looking forward to getting to know you too. Any questions just shout.
  17. Hi and welcome to the forum.... There's pretty much everything you could imagine here, have fun browsing around. The more you participate the better it gets too - there's a great community of people to get to know. Just shout with any questions.
  18. ... And you never have the right change exactly when you need it....
  19. A mate of mine has posted on FB a version of Police 'Don't stand so close to me' - it's great
  20. Ok, so one flicker of interest at least 😉 So to recap, I'd been out earlier in the week for my bike ride - it was about when two years ago I started riding to try and get fit, and a mate had suggested riding up the same hill each time I went out - a nearby long straight gradient. Initially it seemed impossible but now I find it quite manageable. So earlier this week I turned my attention to a new challenge - a short but stupidly steep climb up the side of a hill (20% gradient at one point) followed by a long straight road along the ridge. At the start of this week I'd run out of steam
  21. I hope that guy hires her again, or she perhaps gains a few more clients with similar interests. Would love to hear more...
  22. This may have been covered lots - but I don't remember it recently. Can you pinpoint one particular event, or narrow down one period in your life where your fascination with pee arose...
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