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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. From time to time yes... although not something I do (or get chance to do) too often. Given the opportunity of an empty house and laundry ready to be done then I may be tempted to take the opportunity, or coming home from cycling when I know my shorts are going straight into the wash. All of that said, it really is ladies that interest me, so as and when I do I'm usually fantasising about a female scenario.
  2. Recently I seem to have been drawn to the compilation videos of girls peeing outdoors at carnivals - 30 minutes or so of non-stop outdoor action from girls and a few guys in the background obviously in need. I do have a few qualms about the voyeur aspect in that these girls haven't given their consent to be recorded and put on the internet... but they have consented to pee in a public place with lots of people seeing them at first hand. I never profess to be a saint. There's no posing for the camera, spreading and just letting out a tiny dribble. No squeezing breasts or slapping the
  3. Nobody's going to object to you posting it, whether it be pictures or narrative of your experiences. In the case of visual imagery, as long as you don't object to people other than gay men appreciating it, then go for it (my apologies for using the gay men label - as far as I'm concerned there's no distinction, we're all fellow community members). Narrative similarly, it doesn't have to be to everybody's personal taste - but that's their issue and not for you to worry about.
  4. Another one just a couple of minutes earlier...
  5. No problem - glad you like them. They looked pretty photoshopped on screen but the only thing I did was take a white balance reference photo of a white paper on a sign and then increased the shadows to show a it more ground detail and dropped the highlights to keep the detail in the sky. No messing with colour saturation or anything else.
  6. You guys - Really??? Check out the dates - this girl was last online a MONTH ago and you're all falling over yourselves.....
  7. I always wonder how many people 'enjoy' an aspect of pee without every considering that as a fetish. What I mean is that if nobody ever told you it was a fetish to (for example pee outdoors), would it just be something you enjoyed for yourself and did because it made you feel good. So of the thousand females, there may be a good number who don't even consider it a fetish and hence would never be on a site like this.... But they are still out there, all around us.
  8. There's a thread somewhere 'if you had a time machine'... But then perhaps life would have turned out very different in lots of other ways, maybe not completely the best. Who knows whether you took the right path then or not, but a great formative memory to have.
  9. Photographs from last night's sunset - five minutes walk from my front door.
  10. Welcome Adam - to a great community. Hope you find yourself at home quickly. Have a good browse around and enjoy!
  11. Well at least she smirked at you and obviously she wasn't as mortified as you were. Welcome to the site, it's a great community as hopefully you're already discovering.
  12. Rather than messaging to individuals, why not create a post in the Men Pissing section and then anyone can appreciate them whenever? (I was out cycling last week and spotted a lady supermarket delivery van driver squatting and peeing in the grass - fantastic sight).
  13. Thats incredibly kind of you to say that @arg08. Don't know if you read my previous story 'Sealing the Deal' - it's even longer and a bit of a slow burn, but think you'll like it. It was written around the same real life lady as Faye - albeit in a different role. She's a member here who has become a good friend through chatting, so the character traits are pretty true to her, and it are those traits which lead to the situation she finds herself in.
  14. It's not crazy.... Martami has given a perfectly logical explanation for it. The mind of a teenager is a very impressionable thing, wanting to be grown up, but still thinking like a child sometimes. Trying to deal with massive changes, puberty, hormones etc. without the benefit of hindsight and experience. it's just a perfectly valid example of how we can gradually change our behaviours based on past events and then how those behaviours become normal to us. It's only the same as someone who once accidentally wet themselves now taking the opportunity to pee when they pass a bathroom, o
  15. It's probably about 50/50 for me - if I'm aiming properly, like at a urinal or where I don't want to miss then I'll definitely hold and steer. Otherwise hands free. Also if I jump into the shower bursting I'll sometimes hold myself with a cupped hand and let go, enjoying the warmth down my legs (a bit of pussy envy!).
  16. Loving reading these 'younger years' tales. Of course they took place at a time of sexual innocence, just the simple fulfilling of a need which then led to equally innocent enjoyment again and again. So, loving the fact that you've each come to enjoy the moment, ultimately ending up here to share with us. Thanks again for posting.
  17. Don't worry @pisslover64 - I'm with you, nothing creepy (depending on our approach of course). Admin also agree with us, and let's just say we shouldn't have any more 'opinion' from that particular individual.
  18. First of all - thank you for sharing. You have explained your feelings to us and they are very private to you. I offer my respect back to you. We all have our own situations which have led us here. Nobody can say that they have a better reason or a worse reason for being here. I can see that back at that time your friend laughing at you did hurt you, but now you are amongst friends who will not laugh at you. It's wonderful that you can now enjoy being full and pissing. We all like different things and there are many, many people who also don't like the idea of a man peeing on them
  19. Good on you @Bill Thane - always great to try something new, and @Sophie - who doesn't love a sexy little secret
  20. Very possibly @oliver2 - although apart from parking the van and nipping into a local pub whilst passing, there aren't too many public conveniences out in the rural countryside. Perhaps it's a regular occurrence and I just happened to pass by...
  21. For many of you seasoned voyeurs this is going to seem very tame, but worth a mention for me anyway. This afternoon I took the opportunity for a bike ride after the new pleasure of working from home all day. It's been glorious here and I needed the brain-reset. Plus I have the absolute privilege to live on the edge of some great countryside, rolling hills and near deserted country lanes - especially at the moment. Cycling up one of these lanes this afternoon, literally not more than two hours ago, I was enjoying clear skies, no breeze, warm sunshine and the views of the fells. It
  22. Finding it hilarious how many guys have strong opinions yes or no, especially when they conflict with some of the ladies - if anyone should know....
  23. Do you find that sort of approach works well @Lou Wrench - walking up to a girl mid pee and asking can I f&&& you?
  24. I’m curious as to how the current pandemic has affected your pee fetish, or for that matter sexual habits in general. Have you found yourself with more time on your hands, have you tried anything new, or at least been tempted? Have you found more opportunities to pee in the great outdoors if that’s your thing or to experiment behind closed doors? If you’re a newer member have changes in your lifestyle prompted you into joining this community? On the other hand maybe you’ve found yourself feeling anxious and less in the mood to play than normal? We’re here for you! (I kno
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